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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Review Article on Abhyanga

Dr. Madhukar BAMS, Dr. V. G Hiremath2 BAMS MD (Ayu), Dr. S. V Guddad3 BAMS MD (Ayu)

PG Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma,
Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma,
Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma,
1, 2, 3
Shri Vijaya Mahantesh Ayurvedic Medical College & PG Research Centre, Ilkal, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Madhukar |

Abhayanga is application of oil followed by massage. It is mentioned Dr. V. G Hiremath | Dr. S. V Guddad
in the Ayurvedic texts like Brihattrayi and Laghutrayi. It is the oldest "Review Article on Abhyanga"
technique for healing, preventing diseases and promoting health. It Published in
has been included in the Dinacharya and also as the treatment International Journal
of Trend in
measure for a variety of diseases. It is also a part of the pre-
Scientific Research
therapeutic procedures of Panchakarma. Abhyanga improves blood and Development
circulation (arterial as well as venous), lymphatic flow and thus (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
offers nourishment to the body cells. It not only de-stresses the whole 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49686
body but also strengthens the nervous system, improves blood Issue-3, April 2022,
circulation, removes toxins and improves the overall well-being of pp.1078-1083, URL:
the person. Besides it also acts as immune-modulator action, it
improves the quality of life thus benefitting the persons of all the
ages. Modern studies have proven that, Abhyanga has potential Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
psychogenic and physiologic benefits. It can certainly be said that International Journal of Trend in
Abhyanga, “Adds life to years” rather than “Years to life. Applied Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
aspect of Abyanga is widely accepted discussed and also practically
Open Access article
evidenced in number of studies conducted from time to time. distributed under the
Abhyanga is widely perceived as a procedure which not only gives terms of the Creative Commons
pleasantness, rejuvenation, and recreation but is also helpful in Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
treating a number of chronic diseases. (

KEYWORDS: Abyanga, Massage, Clinical Application

Ayurvedic system of medicine hasholistic approaches it will be disease free. By doing Abyanga regularly it
in a particular way to prevent and promote a healthy nourishes the dathu and increases strength and
life by following certain methods and therapies in day promotes the proper function of Vata
today activities to increase fitness and physical health.
Ayurveda shastras have mentioned one of the oldest
This is conceptual type of study. All sorts of
therapies is called Abyanga (oil massage). The word
references has been collected and relevant
Abyanga is derived from Abhi+Anjana –abyanjana,
materials is compiled from various available
Abhi means towards, in to, upon etc. Anjana means to
ayurvedic classical texts like Charaka Samhitha,
smear, rubbing with unctuous substance, smearing the
Sushrutha Samhitha, Astanga Hridaya and
body with oil1. It is one of the day today activity
Sharangadhara and available commentaries on it.
mentioned in Ayurveda as a part of dinacharya
(dailyactivities). In Astanga Hrudaya Acharaya Study materials available on internet.
Vagbata has mentioned one of the dinacharya like CONCEPTUAL STUDY
brushing the tooth, bathing, abyanga is also one of the Abyanga is defined as procedure of application of
daily activities. An axis of wheel becomes strong and Snehadravya over the body and make to and fro
resistant to wear and tear by the application of oil in movements. Abyanga means massaging the body
the same way by doing Abyanga daily, one becomes with any Sneha in the same direction of hair follicle. 2
disease free. The body is compared to tree, if the roots
are given water regularly the tree will live for long Indication
time, similarly if the body is done Abyanga daily then • Adharaniya Vega (Mutra, Purisha, Retasa,

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Nidra)3 • NidraLabhaSukha (Gets good sleep easily and
• PittajaGulma4 feels happy).
• Apasmara5 Importance of Padabhyanga
• Vatodara6 According to SushrutaAbhyangaof feethelps to,
• In Atiyoga of Vamana7 • NidraSukha (get good sleep)
• Scorpionbite8 • DehaSukha (pleasure to body)
• Vataja Hrudroga9 • Chaksusya (good for vision)
Contraindications10 (According to Sushruta) • Removes Srama (fatigue)andSupti (numbness
• Dosa associated with Ama
• Padamrudhukara (softness of feet)
• Taruna Jwara and Ajeerna (Indigestion)
• Those who have been given Vamanaor Specific site of abyanaga
Virecanaor Niruha Basti • According to Astanga Sangraha and Astanga
• If Abhyanga done in Taruna Jwara and Ajeerna it Hrudaya
causes severity or incur ability of disease Abhyangashould be done specially to Shira,
• In the diseases caused by Santarpana (over Karnaand Pada
Basic Strokes of massage
AccordingtoAstangaHrudaya11 Friction (gharshana) this is also called as
Abhyanga should be avoided in persons, connective tissue massage this can be done by
• Suffering from aggravated Kapha. thumb, fingertips. In friction massage more
• Undergone Panchakarma therapy. pressure is applied on muscular parts while gentle
• Ajeerna. pressure is given on the other body parts.
Types of Abyanaga: There are sub types of friction:
1. Shiro Abyanga 1. Pratiloma- Towards heart
2. Pada Abyanga 2. Anuloma- Away from the heart.
3. Sharira Abyanaga 3. Circular - Mainly for the big muscles on hands
Benifits of Abhyanga12 and legs.
• Jara (retards ageing), Srama (exertion) and Kneding (peedana)- Superficial kneeding also
pacifies Vata. called pinching with thumb and index finger.
• Drusti Prasada (Good for vision)
• Prapeedana (deep kneeding)-petrissage-by using
• Pusti Prasada (Nourishes the body)
palms &giving parleele deep preesureton the part
• Ayu Prasada (Increases longevity)
of the body.
• Swapna (induce good sleep)
• Good for skin (complexion and firmness) Rounding - This is very fast movement by using
• Provides good physic. both hands. The objective is to move muscles in
round direction.
Importance of Shiro Abhyanga13 (According to
Sushruta) Wringing (or)udvartana- The muscles are twisting
• Shiro Abhyangae liminates diseases of head by using both hands.
• It makes kesha grows mardhava (soft), long, Chucking: Giving supports to the partsof muscles
thick, snighdha, Krishnakesha (blackish hairs) while they are lifted slightway upwards it is
According to Charaka14 mainly for sprain and catching pain.
• By applying oil daily to head, does not get Strocking (trasana) –Finger and palms are used
Shirashula (headache), Kalithya (baldness), for this method by giving more or less pressure.
Phalithya (greying of hair), NaKesha Prapatanti
(nor there be hair fall). Percussion (prahara) - In this type, the muscles or
• BalaShiraKapalanam (Bones of skull and the body parts is stroked by using the finger the
forehead will become strong) palms of both hands it is useful for improving
• Drudhamula (Roots of the hair become strong); metabolisam.
Dhrighakasha (hairs will be long) and Vibrations (kampa or harsha ) - The vibrations
KrushnaKesha (black coloured). produced by massage are useful for activating
• Rejuvenates the Indriyas, increases the skin superficial and deep movements of the body parts.
complexion of the face.
Joint movements (sandhichalana) – In this type,

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
joints are moved and massaged also. problems, allergy excess of food and alcohol&
Touch (sparshana)- After completing all the
above type patients needs gentle touch soothing Treatment 1:
effects. To balance endocrine system, massage the middle of
the forehead, and base of the throat with two finger
Types of Abyanga According to Modern:
rotation for (10-30 sec)on each side.
1. Techniques: Stroking, Pressure, Percassion,
Vibration. Treatment 2:
To release tension in the scalp and membrane around
2. Depth of Tissue Approached: Light Massage and
the brains use stroking rotations and light pressure all
Deep Massage.
over the head working in regular lines work
3. Mean of Application of Pressure: Manual and horizontal lines on the neck shoulder and upper back
Mechanical Massage. with kneading and strong thumb rotations.
4. On the basis of nature of drug used: Dry massage, 3. Sleep disturbance:
Powder massage, Oil massage Problems with sleeping have many causes,
According To Movements including emotional distributions digestive
* Touch – Sensation which is carried through brain. problems, allergies and over stimulation for
example from watching television last night
*Stroke - Touch with movements with one or both before bed.
palms slowly.
Working through the complete massage plan twice a
*Friction - Grasp the part and move with little amount week calms and reduces stress, helping mind to
of pressure. organic information. use once a week when
*Kneading- Alternative compression of the tissue by symptoms improve.
grasping them against the Treatment 1:
underlying body surfaces. Strong thumb rotations up to the back of the neck will
help to realx the mind to relax tension across the
*Vibration-Fine vibratory or shaking movement shoulders firmly kneed the upper back and shoulder
communicated to the body through hands. follow with thumb rotations and pressure.
*Joint movements- Both assisted and resisted Treatment 2:
movements are given. Calm the mind by massaging to slow down body
Clinical Application of Massage mind and body coax your partner in to relaxed sleep
1. Headache use light rotations slowly and repetitively on the
The most common cause of headache is tension. endocrine areas.
Which after originates in the shoulders leading to 4. Depression and Anxiety:
tight muscles in the neck and scalp. Sinus Common problems including emotional problem,
problem may cause head pain across the forehead childbirth, reactions to childhood experiences and
may result from overheating. responsible to pain or stress that get out of control
Treatment 1: anxiety has a similar symptoms to depression along
For tension massage use strong scalp neck and with elementary of fearfulness.
shoulder massage the neck and all over the scalp Step one:- Relax scalp using slow, gentle stroking,
using thumb rotations on head of hand, kneading combining and light hairs pulling and over the head
pressure hair pulling. and over and over again. this will take us to deep
Treatment 2: level of relaxation
For sinus headache massage either side of the nostrils Step two:- Once your partner is deeply relaxed hold
with ur middle finger resting it under the check bones. the head with one handon the back of the neck and
apply firm pressure along the length of the finger for the other forehead and guide through the
5-10 sec. visuavilazation.
2. Migraine Paschat Karma
Migraine results from tension and physical Oil is wiped off with a soft towel. Patient is advised
stress in the membrane around the brain and muscles to take rest for at least fifteen minutes.
of the scalp causes such tension may includes stress
strain hormone imbalance Infection of neck and back

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Patient is advised to take bath with warm water or Percussion- The movements/blows administered
RasanadiChurna is applied all over the body. The in various ways with varying degrees of force.
necessary/mandatory instructions are to be given to Joint movements- both assisted and resisted
the patient to achieve the Maximum therapeutic
movements are performed.
benefits to avoid the complications.
Physiological Effects
DISCUSSION The therapeutic value of massage lies in its numerous
Mode of Action of Abhayanga and combined physiological effects and technique
AcharyaDalhana has indicated that Abhyanga should
dependent. Massage, be it manual or mechanical,
be done for specified times, also a description of the
imparts pressure and stimulates mechanically the
penetration of Sneha at various levels are given in the
various tissue approached at the time of application of
table below. Thus, a particular technique. It is the magnitude, duration,
Abhyanga should be performed for at least 5 minutes and the direction of force applied during a particular
in each position if the desired outcome is to effect technique that determines the effects, produced by
deeper tissues like Majja. [10] that technique on that body.
According to Ayurveda, oil etc. used for massage Effects on the circulatory system
does not have their actions confined to skinalone. The 1. On the venous and the lymphatic flow
drugs with which these are boiled permeate through 2. On the arterial flow
the skin and reach different tissue elements of the 3. Effects on the mobility of the soft tissue.
body. The medicated oil used for massage remain in 4. Effects on the skin.
the skin for 300 seconds (matras) and gradually and
1. Effect on the Venous And The Lymphatic Flow
consecutively permeates through different tissues Massage facilitates the forward movement of the
elements like Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, the venous blood and the lymph. So reduces the chance
medicated oil takes about 100 Matraseach to persuade of stagnation of the blood and the lymph in the tissue
and permeate through these different categories of space. The mechanical action of massage resembles
tissue elements. with that of normal muscular contraction. The
Table 1: Reaching of Taila to different Dhatus or different techniques of massage alternately compress
effect on Dhatus. and release the soft tissue. This facilitates the venous
Body Parts Penetrating Time Of Oil and lymphatic flow. Massage facilitates the drainage
Hair follicle 300 matrakala (approx 65 sec) and reduces the stagnation of fluids and speeds up the
Skin 400 matrakala (approx 133 sec) massage facilitates the drainage and reduces the
Blood tissue 500 matrakala (approx. 160 Sec) stagnation of fluids and speed up the removal of
Muscle tissue 600 matrakala (approx 190 Sec) waste products.
Fat tissue 700 matrakala (approx 228 sec) 2. Effect On The Arterial Flow
Bone tissue 800 matrakala (approx 240 sec) Massage improves the blood supply of the area being
Bone marrow 900 matrakala (approx 285 sec) massaged. A definite vasodilatation along with an
Modern Aspect of Abhyanga increase in the peripheral blood flow is usually
Abhyanga can be compared with modern science in observed after massage. This moderate consistent and
many aspects. definite increase in the arterial flow may be attributed
to the following events happening during massage.
There is different technique of massage according to 1. Release of vasodilators
their movements. 2. Activation of axon reflex
Touch – Sensation which is carried through brain. 3. Decrease of venous congestion
Stroke-Touch with movement with one/both 3. Effects on the Soft Tissue
palms slowly. Elasticity, Plasticity and Mobility of soft tissue
Friction-Grasp the part and move with little enhanced. The tissues which can be affected by
amount of pressure. massage include muscles, sheath, ligaments, tendons,
and joint capsule superficially as well as deep fascia.
Kneading-Alternative compression of the tissues
by grasping them against the underlined body 4. Effects on the Skin
surfaces. It improves the nutritive status of skin and rises the
temperature of skin. Massage facilitates the
Vibrations-Fine vibratory/shaking movements movement of skin over the subcutaneous structure. As
communicated to the body through the hands. a result, skin becomes soften and finer. After

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
prolonged massage the skin also becomes tough, [3] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
more flexible, elastic and its sensitivity is reduced. It Charaka and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda
has a soothing effect. The dead cells are removed by Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta. Edited
the constant contact of the hand over the skin. The by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya. Reprint ed.
sweat glands, hair follicles and the sebaceous glands, Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi.
thus, become free from obstruction and can function 2004; 49.
more effectively. Massage by activating the sweat [4] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
glands, increases perspiration, so that the heat
Charaka and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda
production is increased. It also facilitates the
Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta. Edited
sebaceous secretions from exocrine glands of skin
by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya. Reprint ed.
and thus improves the lubrication and appearance of
Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi.
2004; 442.
By performing Abhyanga daily, it makes the [5] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
individual healthy and strong. The medicated oils Charaka and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda
utilized during the process, nourishes the tissue, gives Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta. Edited
strength and stimulates the Agni. The tissues are by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya. Reprint ed.
nourished when the oil penetrates the seven layers of Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi.
the skin and the time duration has been mentioned in
2004; 476.
the table before. Abhyanga reduces pain and takes
away stress, it stimulates the nervous system which in [6] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
turn effects the muscular system, glands and vessels. Charaka and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda
Usually lukewarm medicated oils are used, which Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta. Edited
stimulates the swedavahasrotasthus causing dilation by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya. Reprint ed.
of the blood vessels, thereby increasing the blood Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi.
circulation, reducing pain, stiffness and contraction of 2004; 498.
vessels. The human body has 107 Marma points. At [7] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
these points, the Prana (energy) resides and by doing Charaka and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda
Abhyanga of these points, positive energy is Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta. Edited
generated. Hence protecting, rejuvenating and by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya. Reprint ed.
increasing the immunity toward external Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi.
environmental changes which makes Abhyanga very 2004; 537.
important part of daily activities.
[8] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
CONCLUSION Charaka and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda
Abhyanga is a Bahir-parimarjana Chikitsa. Abhyanga Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta. Edited
improves blood circulation (arterial as well as by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya. Reprint ed.
venous), lymphatic flow and thus offers nourishment Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi.
to the body cells. It not only de-stresses the whole 2004; 579.
body but also strengthens the nervous system,
improves blood circulation, removes toxins, and [9] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
improves the overall well-being of the person. Charaka and Dridhabala with the Ayurveda
Therefore, regular application of Abhyanga is said to Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta. Edited
have systemic effects. Adopting Abhyanga as a part by YadavjiTrikamjiAcharya. Reprint ed.
of Dina-charya renders positive effects on Shareera Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan. Varanasi.
and improves one’s lifespan. 2004; 602.
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ChaukambhaKrishnadas academy, 2009; 26.

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[12] Edited by HarishastriParadkar, [14] Agnivesha. CharakaSamhita. Revised by
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