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Part I: Introduction
The Revised School-Based Management (SBM) Assessment Tool is guided by the four principles of ACCESs (A Child-and
Community Centered Education System). The indicators of SBM practice were contextualized from the ideals of an ACCESs
school system. The unit of analysis in the school system, which may be classified as beginning, developing and advance (accredited
level). The SBM practice is ascertained by the existence of structured mechanisms, processes and practices in all indicators. A team
of practitioners and experts from the district, division, region and central office validates the self-study/assessment before a level of
SBM practice is established. The highest level- “advanced” is a candidate for accreditation after a team of external validators
confirmed the evidence of practices and procedures that satisfies quality standards.

Part II: Basic School Learning Center (LC) Information:

School/Learning Center
Name of School Head/LC Head:

Part III: Instruction to the Users:

Please indicate using a check mark the extend of SBM practice for each indicator listed below (numbered) based on the validation
team’s consensual agreements after systematic D-O-D (Document Analysis-Observation-Discussion). For indicators with no
evidence, indicate zero.
Part IV: Rating Scale:
0. No evidence
1. Evidence indicates beginning structures and mechanisms are in place to demonstrate ACCESs.
2. Evidence indicates planned practices and procedures are fully implemented and aligned to ACCESs.
3. Evidence indicates practices and procedures satisfy quality standards.

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1 2 3
A. Leadership and A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals
Governance making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments
1. In place is a Development  The development plan guided  The Development Plan is evolved  The Development Plan is enhanced
Plan developed
by the school’s vision, mission through the shared leadership of the with the community performing the
collaboratively by the
and goal (VMG) is developed school and the community leadership roles, and the school
stakeholders of the school
through the leadership of the stakeholders. providing technical support.
school and the participation of MOV- AIP MOV- Action Plan of different
some invited community organizations in support to SIP
2. The development plan (SIP)  The school leads the regular  The school and community  The community stakeholders lead the
is regularly reviewed by the
review and improvement of stakeholders working as full partners, regular review and improvement
school community to keep it
the development plan. lead the continual review and process; the school stakeholders
responsive and relevant to
improvement of the development plan. facilitate the process.
emerging needs, challenges,
MOV – mid -year review MOV – SMEA (4 quarters) MOV – catch-up or re-entry plan with
and opportunities.
(minutes/agreements; SPT signatures
attendance with pictorials)

3. The school is organized by a  The school defines  The school and community  Guided by an agreed organizational
clear structure and work
organizational structure, and collaboratively define the structure structure, the community stakeholders
arrangements that promote
the roles and responsibilities and the roles and responsibilities of lead in defining the organizational
shared leadership and
of stakeholders. stakeholders. structure and the roles and
governance and define the
MOV – SGC and/or PTA with MOV - Constitution and By-laws responsibilities; school provides
roles and responsibilities of
roles and functions technical and administrative support.
the stakeholders
 MOV – minutes of meeting on the
dissemination of the ratified By-laws
and/or rules and regulations
formulated by the community

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4. A leadership network  A network has been  The network actively provides  The network allows easy exchange and
facilitates communication
collaboratively established stakeholders information for making access to information sources beyond
between and among school
and is continuously improved decisions and solving learning and the school community.
and community leaders to
by the school community. administrative problems.
inform decision-making and
MOV- school congress/school MOV – agreements to resolve the MOV – SRC (2x a year)/school paper/
solving of school-community
summit/assembly / school issues and concerns as an output of school facebook account /website
wide learning problems
banner project with minutes level 1
and attendance
5. A long-term program that  Developing structures are in  Leaders undertake training modes that  Leaders assume responsibility for their
addresses the training and
place and analysis of the are convenient to them (on-line, off- own training and development. School
development needs of school
competency and development line, modular, group, or home-based) community leaders working
and community leaders is in
needs of leaders is conducted; and which do not disrupt their regular individually or in groups, coach and
result is used to develop a functions. Leaders monitor and mentor one another to achieve their
long-term training and evaluate their own learning progress. VMG.
development program.
MOV – Post SLAC report or MOV- IPDP implementation report
MOV- eSAT / IPDP Certificate of Participation /
(Consolidated IPDP) and Graduate School / Scholarships

B. Curriculum and Learning – The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners’ contexts and aspirations are collaboratively
developed and continuously improved.
1. The curriculum provides for  All types of learners of the school  Programs to address the needs of all types  The educational needs of all types of
the development needs of all community are identified, their of learners are fully implemented and learners are being met as shown by
types of learners in the learning curves assessed; closely monitored to address performance continuous improvement on learning
school community appropriate programs with its discrepancies, benchmark best practices, outcomes and products of learning.
support materials for each type of coach low performers, mentor potential Teachers’ as well as students’ performance
learner is developed. leaders, reward high achievement, and is motivated by intrinsic rather than
MOV – List of LSENs (IPs, ALS, maintain environment that makes learning, extrinsic rewards. The Schools’
Gifted, etc) meaningful and enjoyable. differentiated program is frequently
/PARDOs/SARDOs/ALS ; MOV – Program Accomplishment report benchmarked by other schools.
Implementation of ADM MOV – Quarterly Progress Report
/Differentiated Instruction /
Inclusive Education
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LSENs - Learners with Special B1 Level 2  B1 Level 3
educational Needs Report on Awards and
 Compilation of Test Papers
and Table of Specification Recognition
 B1 Level 1 (TOS)  Copy of Incentives and
Report on Child Awards Recognition
 Accomplishment Report
Mapping  List of Teacher and Students
on Curriculum Programs/
 Samples of Students Awardees in Different
Portfolio Projects Discipline
 Copy of Inventory  Copy of Progress  List of Awardees on Highly
Report on Physical Monitoring Report motivated Teachers and
Facilities  List of Best Practices Students
 Printed Copies Of Oral Documentation on PPAs
Reading/ Phil-IRI  Copy of Staff Development
Results Plan
 Copy of Remedial
Reading Support
 Copy of SREYA
 Copy of Portfolio
Assessment in All
Learning Areas
 Copy of Locally
Developed Reading
Materials (Brigada

2. The implemented curriculum  Local beliefs, norms, values,  The localized curriculum is implemented  Best practices in localizing the curriculum
is localized to make it more traditions, folklores, current and monitored closely to ensure that it are mainstreamed and benchmarked by
meaningful to the learners events, and existing technologies makes learning more meaningful and other schools. There is marked increase in
and applicable to life in the are documented and used to pleasurable, produces desired learning number of projects that uses the community
community develop a lasting curriculum. outcomes, and directly improves as learning laboratory, and the school as an
Localization guidelines are agreed community life. Ineffective approaches are agent of change for improvement of the
to by school community and replaced and innovative ones are community
teachers are properly oriented. developed. MOV – Contextualized /Indigenized LMs
MOV – Contextualized / MOV – Quality assured by the Division are adopted by other schools (certification)

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Indigenized Learning materials LRMDS - Quality Assured by the Region
(school- based quality assured);
localized guidelines

B2 Level 2 B2 Level 3
B2 Level 1  Certificate of Learning  Published LRs at the Portal
 Compilation of Resource submission with certificates.
Localized (School)  Filed Copy of Bench
Curriculum   Certificate of QA and marking Activity with letter
 Collection of approval of LR for School requesting permit for bench
Localized Teaching and Division Utilization marking by other Schools
Devices and (Teacher)  Logbook of visitors with
Materials  Teachers' Daily Lesson signature and attendance
 Compilation of Log Integrating the  Documentation of
History of Contextualized and benchmarking Activity
Municipalities and Localized curriculum (Photos)
Barangays  Submitted Outputs of  Comments and
 Documented Stories students in any subject Suggestions
of Local Heroes and manifest the principle of
Successful People in Contextualization and
the Community Localization
 Documented Community
Activities or Local beliefs
and Tradition

3. A representative group of  A representative team of school  Learning materials and approaches to  Materials and approaches are being
school and community and community stakeholders reinforce strengths and address used in school, in the family and in
stakeholders develop the assess content and methods used deficiencies are developed and tested community to develop critical thinking
methods and materials for in teaching creative, critical for applicability on school, family and and problem-solving skills of learners
developing creative thinking thinking and problem solving.
community. and are producing desired results.
and problem solving Assessment results are used as
MOV – Copy of validated LRs MOV – Certification from the user that
guide to develop materials.
MOV – Council of Elders the validated LRs are used

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(COE)/Consultative Advisory
Board (CAB), record showing
involvement of COE/CAB

B3 Level 3
B3 Level 1 B3 Level 2
 Copy of Organized  Copy of Contextualized  Certificate of
Monitoring and Learning Resources  Reports on Classroom
Evaluation Team/  Number and Copy of Observation
COB/Council of Developed Activity  Reports on Performance
Elders Sheets/Modules/Develope and Competencies of
 CONTEXTUALIZED d Instructional Materials/ Learners
Lesson Exemplar of Teachers in the different  Collection of Action Plan or
 Report on Classroom learning areas Research implemented with
Teaching and  Copy of Inventory of results
Learning Evaluation Instructional Materials  Photos (Classroom
( Contextualized LR Observation)
Monitoring Tool)

4. The learning systems are  School-based monitoring of  The school-based monitoring of  The monitoring system is accepted and
regularly and collaboratively
learning system is conducted learning systems generate feedback regularly used for collective decision
monitored by the community
regularly and cooperatively; that is used for making decisions that making.
using appropriate tools to
and feedback is shared with enhance the total development of MOV – SMEA conducted per quarter
ensure the holistic growth
stakeholders. learners. with Attendance Sheets, minutes and
and development of the
MOV- SMEA MOV- SMEA report with catch-up adjustment plan (per Quarter)
learners and the community
 The system uses a tool that  A committee take care of the
monitors the holistic continuous improvement of the tool.  The monitoring tool has been improved
development of learners MOV- Cluster /School M&E Team to provide both quantitative and
MOV- MEA Tools qualitative data
MOV- Enhanced SMEA Tools
5. Appropriate assessment tools  The assessment tools are  The assessment tools are reviewed by  School assessment results are used to
for teaching and learning are
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continuously reviewed and reviewed by the school and the school community and results are develop learning programs that are
improved, and assessment assessment results are shared shared with community stakeholders. suited to community and customized to
results are contextualized to with school’s stakeholders. MOV – Pre and Post test result - Phil each learners’ context, results of which
the learner and local MOV – Accomplished COT IRI, ECCD, EGRA, PRO-IPS are used for collaborative decision-
situation for the attainment and Summative Test results analyzed and presented to community making.
of relevant life skills. stakeholders (minutes and MOV – List of interventions based on
attendance) assessment results
6. Learning managers and  Stakeholders are aware of  Stakeholders begin to practice  Learning environments, methods and
facilitators (Teachers, child/learner- centered rights- resources are community driven, inclusive
child/learner-centered principles of
administrators and based, and inclusive principles of and adherent to child’s rights and protection
education in the design of support to
community members) education. requirements.
nurture values and MOV – Advocacy on the MOV – Adherence to CFSS (checklist of
MOV –Report on CFSS (checklist of
environments that are following: CFSS or Student
CFSS indicators is Outstanding)
CFSS indicators is Very Outstanding)
protective of all children and Handbook
demonstrate behaviors
Learning managers and facilitators
consistent to the  Learning managers and apply the principles in designing …
organization’s VMG. facilitators conduct activities
aimed to increase
stakeholders’ awareness and
commitment to fundamental
rights of children and the basic
principle of educating them.
MOV – Attendance Sheets
MOV- Goal 5 of CFSS – ensure MOV- Score of 8 in CFSS Goal 5
children’s high academic
performance (Gen Weighted Average:

7. Methods and resources are  Stakeholders are aware of  Stakeholders begin to practice  Learning environments, methods and
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learner and community child/learner-centered, rights- child/learner centered principles of resources are community driven,
friendly, enjoyable, safe, based, and inclusive principles education in the design of support to inclusive, and adherent to child’s rights
inclusive, accessible, and of education. education. and protection requirements.
aimed at developing self- MOV- see level 1 of No. 6 MOV- Barangay Ordinance or any MOV- Fully accomplished CFSS
directed learners. resolution to supports CFSS survey tool with a score of at least 35
Learners are equipped with SH to make School Order to adopt points
essential knowledge, skills, the ordinance
and values to assume
responsibility and
accountability for their learning.

C. Accountability and Continuous A clear, transparent, inclusive and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed
Improvement by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains
1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable  There is an active party that  The stakeholders are engaged  Shared and participatory processes
person/s and collective body/ies are clearly initiates clarification of the in clarifying and defining of determining roles,
defined and agreed upon by community roles and responsibilities in their specific roles and responsibilities, and
stakeholders. education delivery. responsibilities. accountabilities of stakeholders in
Accountable persons/groups are the following: MOV - List of organized MOV – Presence of By-laws as managing and supporting
External Stakeholders active parties (SSG/SPG, applicable / list of functions education.
 GOs, NGOs, Alumni, Civic & Social Asso., SGC, PTA, SBM Team, conformed by the concerned
DRMM, Alumni , SBAC , MOV – Accomplishment
Retirees, professionals, etc. personnel /designation
report/document showing that the
CPC , SPT, etc.)
organized party is functional -
minutes, attendance, pictorials

2. Achievement of goals is recognized based on  Performance  A community-level  A community-accepted

a collaboratively developed performance
accountability is practiced accountability system is performance accountability,
accountability system; gaps are addressed
at the school level. evolving from the school-led recognition and incentive system is
through appropriate action.
initiatives. being practiced.
MOV –Quarterly culminating
activities (program, MOV – Attendance, pictorials, MOV – Certificate of Appreciation
pictorials), AIP evaluation, terminal/completion report from any award giving body
Mid-Year and Year- End
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(Catch-up Plan) IPCR/OPCR
review (mid-year review form)
3. The accountability system that is owned by the  Community stakeholders  Community stakeholders  A community accepted
community is continuously enhanced to ensure
are invited to participate in contribute to the development accountability system effects
that management structures and mechanisms are
setting up an of an accountability system continuous improvement in the
responsive to the emerging learning needs and
accountability system for covers both school-based and management of learning
demands of the community.
school-based management community-wide Learning Management is the
An accountability system is the set of policies and
processes, structures and management of education. capacity to design pedagogic
practices that is used to measure and hold schools and
mechanisms. MOV – MOA / MOU between strategies that achieve learning
districts responsible for raising student achievement
MOV- Minutes of meeting the stakeholders and school outcomes for students.
for all students, and to prompt and support
and Attendance, letter of stating their accountability
improvement where necessary.
invitation to stakeholders system MOV- Performance Indicators
Accountability systems can do several important - Child abuse cases will be
things. lessened
Bullying Report
1)Set a clear expectation that schools must raise Decrease dropout
achievement for all of their students, not just some.
-Increase in attendance, GWA,
2)Communicate whether schools are meeting those graduation rate
expectations — both for students overall, and for each Decrease in dropout, failure
group of
students they serve.

 3)Celebrate schools that are meeting or

exceeding expectations for all groups of
students, and prompt action in those that are

4)Direct additional resources and supports to

struggling districts and schools to help them improve

systems-in-the-statesboth-opportunities-and-peril/- 060718
4. Accountability assessment criteria and tools,
feedback mechanisms, and information collection
 The school, with the  Stakeholders are engaged in the  Stakeholders continuously and
participation of stakeholders, development and operation of an collaboratively review and enhance
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and validation techniques and processes are articulates an accountability appropriate accountability accountability systems’ processes,
inclusive and collaboratively developed and assessment framework with assessment system. mechanisms and tools.
agreed upon. (PROCESS) basic components, including MOV – Minutes of meetings MOV – Mid-year review of School
implementation guidelines. M&E (SMEA processes and tools)
MOV – School M&E tool developed by the school and its
(SMEA processes and tools) stakeholders
developed by the school and
its stakeholders

5. Participatory assessment of performance is done

regularly with the community. Assessment results
 School initiated periodic  Collaborative conduct of  School-community-developed
performance assessments performance assessment informs performance assessment is practiced
and lessons learned serve as basis for feedback,
which involve participation planning, plan adjustments and and is the basis for improving,
technical assistance, recognition and plan
of stakeholders. requirements for technical monitoring and evaluation systems,
MOV- Quarterly Homeroom assistance. provision of technical assistance,
PTA meeting MOV- Minutes of meetings and recognition and refinement of plans.
catch-up plan on gaps in
performance – least learned MOV- interventions with
competencies per subject area accomplishment report
D. Management of Resources Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness, and
1. Regular resource inventory is collaboratively
undertaken by learning managers, learning
 Stakeholders are aware that a  The resource inventory is  Resource inventories are
regular resource inventory is characterized by regularity, systematically developed and
facilitators, and community stakeholders as basis
available and is used as the increased participation by stakeholders are engaged in a
for resource allocation and mobilization.
basis for resource allocation stakeholders, and communicated collaborative process to make
and mobilization. to the community as the basis for
decisions on resource allocation
MOV- 1) Updated resource allocation and
and mobilization.
Transparency Board - mobilization.
Annual Budget Allocation – MOV –1) CDR- Cash MOV – 1) School WFP
indicative budget 2) Disbursement Register, collaboratively prepared by the
Inventory records (Inventory Inventory records and financial school and stakeholders, 2) AIP
of Chairs, classrooms, statements that are certified and Project designs
learning resources per correct by the School head and
subject per grade, etc), 3) others involved in the conduct of

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Teacher needs analysis, 4) inventory or audit
Classroom needs analysis 5) 2) Document showing the
Financial statements of participation of stakeholders in
canteen, rice field, & other the inventory (Ex. Membership of
school IGPs , 6) CIBR, 7) stakeholders in committees that
Site Development Plan 6) take charge of the inventory),
Minutes of PTA meetings 3) Evidences that the financial
reflecting the dissemination statements and all other
of Financial Statement as one inventory records are disclosed
of the agenda to the stakeholders as the basis
for resource generation and
4)List of donations with
acceptance and partnership
established , (Ex. Minutes of
meeting with PTA or SGC for
this purpose)
2. There is a regular dialogue for planning and
resource programming that is accessible and
 Stakeholders are invited to  Stakeholders regularly engaged  Stakeholders collaborate to ensure
participate in the in the planning and resource timely and need-based planning and
inclusive to continuously engage stakeholders and
development of educational programming and actively resource programming and support
support the implementation of community
plan with resource participate in the implementation continuous implementation of the
education plan.
programming and participate of the educational plan. educational plan.
in the implementation. MOV – 1) Minutes of regular MOV- 1) Municipal or Barangay
MOV-1) Letter of invitation, meetings of SPT & PIT, 2) Ordinance adopting the SIP and
2) Designation of Attendance sheet during regular incorporating the same to the
stakeholders as members of meetings of SPT & PIT development plan of the
the SPT and/or PIT, Barangay/Municipality, 2) Attendance
3) Attendance sheet of sheet of representatives of SGC, PTA,
invited stakeholders (based SPG/SSG and other internal or
on the e-SIP manual) during external stakeholders during the
SIP/AIP formulation formulation of SIP/AIP
3.Request / Transmittal letter for the
adaption the SIP/AIP
3. There is in place a community-developed resource
management system that drives appropriate
 Stakeholders support  Stakeholders are engaged and  Stakeholders sustain the
judicious, appropriate, and share expertise in the implementation and improvement of a
behaviors of the stakeholders to ensure judicious,
effective use of resource. collaborative development of collaboratively developed, periodically
appropriate and effective use of resource.
MOV – 1) Attendance sheet resource management system. adjusted, and constituent focused
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Resource management is the process by which businesses on the formulation and MOV-1) Minutes of meetings resource management system.
manage their various resources effectively. Those resources reviews of SIP/AIP reflecting the participation of MOV- 1)Minutes of periodic review of
can be intangible – people and time – and tangible – Participation during stakeholders in developing a SIP/AIP, 2)Attendance sheet during
equipment, materials, and finances.
inspection resource management system- the SIP/AIP review
It involves planning so that the right resources are assigned
to the right tasks. Managing resources involves schedules the SIP
and budgets for people, projects, equipment, and supplies. 060718

4. Regular monitoring, evaluation, and  Stakeholders are invited to  Stakeholders collaboratively  Stakeholders are engaged,
reporting process of resource management
participate in the participate in the development accountable in implementing a
are collaboratively developed and jointly
development and and implementation of collaboratively developed system
implemented by the learning managers,
implementation of monitoring, evaluation, and of monitoring, evaluation and
facilitators and community stakeholders.
monitoring, evaluation, reporting processes on reporting for resource
and reporting processes on resource management. management.
resource management. MOV- 1) Attendance sheet, MOV- Documentation of
MOV- 1) Letter of during the SMEA participation of stakeholders
invitation re: attendance during the SMEA- as reporter,
to SMEA discussant, etc (EX. Program of
activities during the SMEA)
5. There is a system that manages the network  An engagement procedure  Stakeholders support a system  An established system of
and linkages that strengthen and sustain
to identify and utilize of partnership for improving partnership is managed and
partnerships for improving resource
partnerships with resource management. sustained by the stakeholders for
stakeholders for improving MOV – MOA / MOU continuous improvement of
resource management is resource management.
evident. School budget is sustained and
MOV- 1) List of Partners institutionalized by LGU and/or
community partners
MOV-List of donations


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Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Access 10%
Percentage of attendance 94.44 & below 94.5-99.44 99.45 & above
Efficiency 40%
Retention rate 94.44 & below 94.5-99.44 99.45 & above
Dropout rate 2.0 & above 0.1 – 1.99 0
Failure rate 2.0 & above 0.1 – 1.99 0
Graduation rate 94.44 & below 94.5-99.44 99.45 & above
Promotion rate 94.44 & below 94.5-99.44 99.45 & above
Quality 50%
General Weighted Average 80.44 & below 80.45-90.44 90.45 & above

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