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SAMSUL ALAM KHAN ADVANCED SHIPBOARD MANAGEMENT YEAR - 2016 PREPARATORY NOTES FOR ORALS (PREPARED AS PER THE ORALS SYLLABUS SHEET) ecoeeeceos FOREWARD There is a common phrase among us mariners who have attempted the MMD oral exasmination that the success probability is divided into 95% luck and 5% hard work. No matter what the notion, there is no substitute for hard work. Most candidates rely on the previous old notes and the question sets which keep circul ating for the benefit of the successive candidates and so on. ( This includes me ) While there is no harm in referring to the old notes, the main glitch in referring to them is the constant changing IMO regulations, the resolutions and circulars and so on. ‘These notes have been prepared for ASM oral examination purely on the basis of the Orals syllabus sheet which the examiner uses as a reference while conducting orals. It is not my intention to address any particular surveyor sets, although every effort was. made to include the special topics which come up in the orals besides what is given in the syllabus sheet. It is always advisable to go through the latest question sets to know the trend of questions and the topics to focus on. As this is the ASM level, it is expected for a perspective Master Mariner to know anything and everything under the sky which relates to the ship ( Sounds too much but true nonetheless !!!! ) These notes are an attempt to do good and make my sincere contribution to the ASM fraternity in particular. ( The last being in 2011 with Function 2 & 3 notes for Mates ) While | prepared these notes for my personal use, every effort was taken to make it legible, interactive and user friendly considering the intention to share it with others. (Please forgive my handwriting which has worsened in comparison to the 2011 notes ) These notes are the result of countless hours of research and referrals made to internet and books and various other sources such as IMO. Although some may feel that itis a bit too much, I did not want to miss out any topic or cover any topic in lesser detail. Unlike my previous attempt of 2011 s1otes, i visose to make this book more interactive with inclusion of pictures, sections from various resolutions, circulars and diagrams as appropriate for certain topics. | would like to thank my MASSA batchmates for their immense support and constant motivation to come up with these notes as well as the notes for written exams. (Which by the way took a hell lot of time and effort, but worth it nonetheless ) | would like to appreciate in particular the efforts of Mr. Abhijit Mohite who covered the topics in the writtens notes which | could not cover and saved me the time and effort. A special thanks to name a few - Cibeesh, Alistair, Rohan, Tanmay, Yogesh, Abhishek, Rahul, Harprit, Anupam, Aslam, and Ajit for their constant motivation. There is no end to the number of topics and the extent to which one wants to study for orals. But I sincerely hope that these notes will provide a headstart for ASM candidates. Please be cautioned that all resolutions and circulars etc which are mentioned in this book were true and valid at the time these notes were complied. Please ensure that you only refer to the latest ones in case of any doubt I would request you guys to also go through the ASM writtens notes which cover other important topics which | chose not to repeat in these notes for orals. Finally | wish all perspective Master Mariners the best of luck in their exams. ‘SAMSUL ALAM KHAN ASM, MAY 2016 BATCH MASSA, INDEX OF TOPICS Princiies of sate manning, icmoniztion of sontingosios -ATOTAZS Damage control pian PF lay of maosuving information on board information on GMOS ISMOSS equipment carriage as per SOLAS 461= 171 arious GNDSS equipments r= 176, 77 = 180) Te0= 18a, E5187. ‘408 ~ 169) 190= 194. 195 = 199. 200 = 208 ifeboat release and rotioval system ( LRAS ) 04 = 208, [Various Life saving appliances LTA, Lilajacket, Lilebouy, Liaralt 207 = 210, FAMSAR 2it= 216 216 = 217 [Actions unon receiving distress message, various search palleme, recovery lume 218 = 227, [Marie assistance service, Place of refuge 28-252 [(S) SAFETY OF NAVIGATION Suisaton torencevasseare \voidance of dangerous siluations ia Tofowng & quarioring Seas - MSC.WGwe 1225 racy and armed robbery, BMP -4, SUA convention [Stowaways and IMO quidaiines for stowaways - A874 (20) [Grounding & beaching, ground tackie. [Colision convention, Provisions in M.S Adi for colision, Duly to assist after oollsion Aberigoning ship Navigation in special areas Inouding straits and Ghannols lIce navigation & Potar code 245 ~ 253 254 ~ 257 256 = 263 264 ~ 268 287 266 ~ 2607 270~ 278. 279 ~ 288. 288 — 290 291 ~ 203 20a = 206 297 = 296 299 = 303. '303 = 306 T) POLLUTION FROM SHIPS = Reporting incidents involving dangerous goods 309 abillies for ol potion 310 ~ 512 Provision in M.S Act for ol potalon TaBay, 315 ‘T] MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. ea fHeicopter operations 314 ~ 321 Registration of ships ~ Intemational & National provisions 322 = 323. Investigation & inquires. Prefminary inquiry, Formal mvestgaton 324 = 325. OF 2011 & Lloyds standara salvage & Arbivation clauses 326 ~ 330. [CRIT in deta 351 = 398° [Maritime Labour Convention 2006 in data STOW 2070 in brie B37 = 350° 351 — 352 t (A SAFETI “ANA CEMENT —"Mamogea-t eyed Lape efrrction 9 Ay af ree the has — eee dee gee ee eH ra Pe eee 4 (action I = che Bakihoed Eee oe and Coabedl . fg B-Ab Arg oil the manager _ Bddewmicg eae a ohh, he fele oven Ah fhe Anhes. Gok... Agpocde: ty. the ESM Cdn L.taairgn chips sadudirg Aeigh Podge =. 2) OL taka, Aemyted torahe Gas PH , o 2) bla, ey and. Aeouh J Sap Gr 7 Lali, hom em 3%. Lee eee = eee oe eee or hes hap haat ade 522%, te. ra Cpected at — sat] a o. Cased dps Rda- rrmentcod _ 22 os = ee Oy) Ae thy chall fa oftaled Ly 2 Meee aed Oy hire fete tefetted Cmmyay chord fer ae aH P__Corerunetete. feck ively ng ofthe eelwstina fy Phewe duties lated ato he Sais Sale Beate heploaond Perations 7 at 4 Shokd cafablcsh frrcechuty , plat, Ase Pnebueng Chaghlsst 04. afyproprurte . for Ay SKphaoord. Openchod Salling ta Saag the .febsocahe kip i Bend... protection the ays: ronrrande Perera errr He various fasbs Should 6. Affine Quad. Cditeg reed Lo quebifeed — Parsonrel : e ke Exrengml, _ Pgpord sul listeria Qmp ong. Should (hot fg petebo emeagens ship hsad. Sifacton and vsfablse —Roidura ie reaponch te thon > Fihablist Progreccas for lille yuk, Malate Prope fer crnergins, Cations He | #3 > Sas Shoalet prota ge maceteset Coney ergaugahioa Can reped at Gayjome Ae Alege —Cavalesngg Alt SEALE aa BG tats Goal omega’, Sitiache Ss howl ¢arhacke _ prs atadnts ame tr@yaadoxs situations aha Aapartid te the —_ Raamypoas, lauesh gated ec analysed Ath the 0 Glebe. of —kemproring Spay Good. foledion __ fsctichiode. Fa? _larngteg onde, ..gatebess Pres hered The. perplecs sot of Catuctie cetime , (athedyg rettubes. (Hadad &. _fibteet Anteadaone, z Hae TG he thip nd egupesee— ee % for spay, th esldeb7al protidater te. Badeste. Pat fh y Shey as aed acins 7 fe recta 10th Li. fiousia as pA. 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Sao © fact Seng wemfotodor_s- pene And cuntantion. let om Pom Ceaty cect (alia. fib, a Qudst © Onb0 ean & cll ae erteeds (2 etethe o - tut py erbeliber fel and prplletion fatcntra oxtiva't ia Compl, dh he S48. = to Bn necgehond Crutemstamts , thd Pa erate é& wm adel bg 1 an Pheonn, 7_mrontehs Aa» Garnpong Shostd fabeodstall uoYy Whether all Chote : Lancia hens. Agate Lo- rboted Tesbs . . Grformetey.. ca the Company‘ esposstber pA che Soo te zeae pie 253 (92) ) Ea OT eee Prviclerey estoblished. by 24 Dke auclste ord posite Cannative aching Choate ths Beef Lavelved. Shout Toke. toh on Lhiflirsa bier... aud, = @ ™ in Lach if cation Conch fhe Atel staf ts etieaa tReet eects eeeeee Ss te Shep hauls operated bg 4 Grmping ahech her, bon. [itenad aysth 2 Cotuwars 6. Carmgplionte 0 20st omm Palatim Lateral 1 Corypliomte 2.690 © & ie . 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STE eee eet | ___lamag, Batre fart i I | 2 Ke aks hia | GD Opetete ath onbanst fuss figthing Bead bife Cravisey Gppleinnlir Cady cul is ty 7108 thes spmint a4 epee te be at Lon Qnd mush dnd bbevsbask alt persons ya W2.Opusale the 2710n propuliion Ard eueiliany madhissrs ; ar SET PUD EOP Muto rs a Safe dation to sxble fhe Ship to over@ow Addarhinnal Cavsidexebiocs 2 _ Lagaing A raining Kesuiyera ets. 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Wars ft ase Obs Emergency Plan(s) Hmple mentation Plow Chart Trep-uia approach w eat ay out the emerguncy plans) implementation i Sta oy Uses to be acinoved eather Moa specific procedures 16 be followed, pesnaesee 1 ines a or Oe epelep apprnuch to sept menting The plan(s) cam be set Out which Teas Pe etal and eifeciive ntepeated emergency resp: se plan “This flow ohare outines valuate the risks and hazarsls which may eosolt in different emergency sitwations ee ee nt Aiiould he whon!ifued ond their probability of wcewrranes ond Cet pee a be anddessea wo et prvorities for planning) (This stop requireh'n thopiush definition of wctions wich must be taken eee ae tion emerneneyn StKPS — ‘demily tie shipboord emergency response participants end orth “iii? totes, resourses nd communication [0c (hare is @ Lited ange nf poisniil participants in emergency response aboard Edmore! to ident them ear) oo Sooo ree gee eee ee ao ra [Make enanges neces ng plans nnd tnvegrate them in che system _ Ma or ecsuig plans pian sill reveal problems With o¥er2@PPI"E —— "Ecivitien und complicated interfaces) shoreside and ‘repare final plan(s) and o Shupboard plants) (once agreement on the integrared pam hat heen reached, a final plan should be a Sores oer eri eps ready for updating in accordance with the experiences ‘datnettunder steps 8 and 7) - 7 Eas ) ‘STEP, ‘Educate the emergency response [Establish procedures for periodic Partitpants about the faegrated ening, review and upaating of fee Eystoam ane plan(s) and ensure plants) a Rat all emorpeney responders Usmergeney responders shonld , | sre wratnoe semiheiplan one repniar basis —_— Ties important that emergency Ving defltenctes should then be Chipondere are well trained) Sebeced in the pan and the eeauees ieaining programme) r TWASSEWBLYDRESIOTA doe | | | | | ay “ape | ee Thomas * ‘s1uepRO8 I | Lesa) LS [ums | [anmnme) [|| uo sewer LE | eo ro TOE seecetbed Igo | | sxussseuTasvi | | | y#TAGON svopoe ssuods0y ;A131NOW aaaos 82 Suonoesouedsou nso ‘91 Beg zor'seunee¥ ere Lite blitdhlidbblldd blelédbled bbls | | | i oC f 5 (eyemy < i laatagon < < sary orp 400383903 ‘von ssuodsay :a1 310008 Treteg 0p ZLONSTNBAATOMSSVE yrodas fumuejees-n0N *5 | ceovseuree v PELE ELL HLELEELLEELL A 2o/Res.1072 Page 18 MODULE Vv Reporting procedures Emergency Group: Fire Fire om cnaster is obliged to report details and to inform ail interested partios abou two From emerGeNeY and the actions taken so tar by means of the fastest telecon channels available. 2. In case of a Fire the following reporting procedures are recommended: 2.1 Alert by radiocommunication ships in the vicinity: 2.2 Ifthe ship stays in or is near port refer to J coastal State contact list * port contact tist for assistance; 23, _ Notify all relevant ship interes’ contact (reference is made to ship interest con sc" list) ts who are to be advised in an emergency TKASSENBLYQORES OTE doo ae aH & Pear spaTE Contkot @ tose 2 2g Fretduta for fast tor _ pupronat Cry. the Aespretnte ff talatn tre Sasulotded Ard Phot Lhe Shyp ej... PAA Oem h____ i Rmapliant. Att Phere eebes 22 7 tebe Sprentign chale¢ wrabers GAn, boarded Gael sagpected C2. desde Bree liane _ major ¢atemratveral Canveatipas Wig= Sos. Hatha by Key — Leacthne Gat REG, Tbe M2, MLE QD Although te ¢ “ese Gad focal _2 teettat _tadicating thot fibe ___ 222. wet Lika Coase Boa, Koate. _ hen. Coonplied arith ade 1 Confess. Al | —_stete__2o tonya = gplabeh..tas, ete. ft tte ___ rabid Compleat. Bh, Stemdarda _2thess ths globe. 2) Ae lech thawte 'fecabion God Mn- Rade. ta sa _——_Suavtgass Who as, “Catretet by Athy. Flog State ___ | achive a hme hed... beplia ff Agulotion 3) Be Gta Corey scrupedout regesteng LS: pictes ____t_shy fabs abet boas, Lara fer 2108p hay A> ae Problem’ Que Aolclintialt Og Cee 2herl, _forrnels Atgulaho, hat pra Ardyeearcdacl Ak faa fz infpas tructure Cutsh fies Beep lafenative Catrol Ths pert Sete fatal frond ~ ‘Safety et” to eth Gabsbardodk 54 ps 7 e e° ® € ¢ c C Cc cll cy g Cy Den are JY _Mov's Ga Sateen — te ©, SGC EEE Er eee EEG ECE ) Lurspe and Noath, Mlonhe (SPoRIS__ paou) Asia. _C Eve pi [a “) Larobbean » 0) Atha. __ tt rent 2s am edavtinte a1enben of IZ Ying 08 mae iti aL Seentend ai Argnbine J —whelopled or S- Moverber 199200 Be a Ub riemben nathoad Berar. Smee EEE : i Gage Svetrn Loge eee oe i. Gabon Sout sdfroin. oe Ke _$Garabec. Guttien Conobie, _ fo. Che Dvn Sa Tor, 2 t Lenape PEC re Eee Z Angelo. _ aoe a as Nigerun N fee ~ © Clack om Mou eee - e, C Retannt tig Astonkel , Turhey ) o-% tradi WS Gig ad rs he ‘00D - oF Br hag 6 2 @untyies = = a oe a CO, &Garn SEER Creer Ht aa eae oe ©) Burner Fednahon _ _ c) [tat poe cH 0) thane aH - _ or Patest CLC — pL ae eel ECE ©) C1ecgebe tole tile 30-rov -Rore_). > _— Oy Mech huancan tou i i Sucratontad 2 Alexande'n, Egypt ] er ig Z __tdlapted on i= 28 = Nov- (99: as Cc) PEPE CHEe Pree eeeree ef oa OQ) &# das auatasbrn, dull hah". = — Op Aen HeEEe ere a oy Ly pras ee __- oy Pent SeeSeenaaet ce Drak ao jee clitey HE - 9) baron Siete Ee fs or Stok fo Moteceo _ - 2 Feng 1. iz # Oo Fearheey a (0 —Fabethaian aleblae ard oe Peete Ht ee FH Latest CLC :~ Chin fam foamy hor 4 Gabyy Cate Enchotek Spots Cc: C (- Sere ts belt _So-nov- ts.) __ . co iii ia Hare Zi Wit _ Padre Otuann Mow / Gareth ofa ~ Ola ect 1204 As Sgelerrter 2 wet has 19 rreraben Countries Ee iz Seaatarwt gg Tomoy folys mou af Labge 1100 OQ) "Black. dan Mov om O22 Nell ound ——> fares MOU aes + Het Atrvbhea A10V = Tokyo Mov Padloa. 8 Oban M0 L)_ Zan ee ae - Zo: Maou pee Orman > fadlton (hon _pa0w Bigedh tov ~Shonmaig

) a Gatifnte on eat fiteted Gm eleashy ¢avabet: —___§__ OF “2 ioe evel A a aul, tateenyplete. , AdP dare kbocruk = 01 __falack, rracahecred. oy La th Pico 's : juathont Oo at Sous bill ox Sf rnchurel Pe aA dip rarylies OD eh thet tg pate ad— ste tae ail Ss) Lisccleale fen the Pst. ee piel oo ; one ee 3 Aaxcpehional Sucpmint* ( D9) fafeoretion 01 _teratttoale_ Loar tite fix ew 0s nc pip familias tattt ehamtind shay bpool pected relating to cA Sick of Shea 0 Pleas ho ne esoti oad trove. nd thts, _ Gasticel aut fastens tr booed -_ Gaia ee 2) Eowdsion 4 j pres Aleats— acl fetagiest ds SATE TET 2) Dadocabion thet cheng kita) mermaid 2:05 ade te bbe te _Communstate dish ach,_ptheg ath, athe that 2 Shen Gopuart be he Subtfondond. Han cleat —cappabi - GY shy det alt lary volod Gotiftotes 3 be Z sho i Pew seus, Pha lotion of the Shp G4 dts” exuejpre dans nce Labs trrbie atthe La Adobe the ait. gr KAed Se Aa ee lead tageahinn Seg el eet 2 hie —ctellasent — Bfyorschage 25-2 Mi the kysapresste aor fotcoladuste —ovtelred stu.” ted alr tad ade te. hustled toalers the. (rs obit _ he tens 2a ttn hrol hep lack proleclures Ailesdiotes Such: a Aebewrted. fupuctibn. ty the Kilt, machinng Jertial- 0x. opuctioned Sahel tt Subd tonal, an the Tongans Yespurvrert. pntrios fhe tee 8 Dot her Con fend Oral. (th Sad. raGnargy Ley Cerin Oevirg 12 2 — pro 0 ° & 6 ~) LD The _Qhsemle gy judas OX Orb tnn Sere Boge ©, gute Lb mao ce, 2) Alen = Coonphioné. Ge Jurpon Ot Arann Bens PA. 7 Aeluat" Spetile Catton i) tha. Gnvsdioa . 2) Sahar, bel belersarchon. eee eae he Shea ts HS Stejpra ane © 2) Dads ~aaigptint 4. a ling Gt faniy 5m iafenk ah — cat nas marian 2) Gat aber” ff der fos ere °, & Slopes of, Cadpection. or 2b - fy LXGehimsed loaders tote Boker. aa 2 desde a 2 mas baie laypatren, the Oreiall Bucher af « Skye ©) (és. lathe i o oa z fon, fiche Gy fag Luljerd tra taipeation. ©) 202. Pease te tuxpemuching ton Laysrcbion the Pita howl @Q) Luelord sthe Aebavnebl. Afit.mtses 8 Oppre proto _______ ‘i sae Conk: 2h 63- a : on™ 4 P tt @ sell ate & Chap faa 4 ee eee Bee Keipottixs Cayerenaseds LAs At Mle reherte'oe pele. the 8 patdtien Phe. Shy Eo ale 2 hotumaet hasing. vedeelts the adpedvoo, Ada, 4 Bang Oxtior fabon by fhe 560 Gat Lst- a tag [aatushve 1 Cahaled be he oath “ancl [2 Comfy Gree hans ta fhe ttn fart 5; ee a feet A inced tetreg hoa feta Ship ee ee Ley unshe tearokn sts juste hho SL. fh. Masts das log Si: avd ~tasorg fae ha chewiet o Satirey. G13 By Ke Gate gia bheton , af Least an cuhnd ndbfrobor bald be mad. % fog Stale atrinnsprotin, at Sao a Pract able ~ onan’ She reefer hg Of tebe Ship's Mame ‘Ato Aer oer ao Bod he Sek sad ot Opp de I3 Bim 4 ban fon Led * Orcher - Kierra the Teteganzed cazanipapions shaw Mane |'sbecct he lew Cat fakes on Ball tte flog Llate 4. ‘ Th, partie Should also ts notrfeed soning, ——_-tebat. 4) habeontiion. Wa Ay Ph fot Sack 4 Pence tet The (Lor (Le. shote chow Grgrnadtabe facts fo authont ja ¢ fhe —__tyneers the authorities Atte part shote chowkee — §@£@_ alk the . dod. a ileg nzal gan "zahon Stlhan. Bpprye vote _ & DETANA ELE DER CLENCLES A27/Res.1052 Page 21 3 Dotainable deficiencies To assist the PSCO in the use of these Guidelines, there follows a list of deficiencies, grouped under relevant conventions andior codes, which are considered to be of such Serious nature that they may warrant the detention of the ship involved. This fist is net considered exhaustive, but fs intended to give examples of relevant items. Areas under the SOLAS Convention 1 Failure of proper operation of propulsion and other essential machinery, as well as ‘lectrical installations. 2 Insufficient cleanliness of engine-room, excess amount of oily-water mixture in bilges. insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine-room contarninated by Oil, and improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements. 3 Failure of the proper operation of emergency generator, lighting, batteries and switches. 4 Failure of proper operation of the main and auxiliary steering gear. 5 Absence, insufficient capacity or serious deterioration of personal iife-saving appliances, survival craft and launching and recovery arrangements, 6 Absence, non-compliance or substantial deterioration to the extent that it cannot Comply with its intended use of fire detection system, fire alarms, firefighting equipment, fixed fire-extinjuishing installation, ventilation valves, fire dampers, and quick-ctosing devices, 7 Absence, substantial deterioration or fallure of proper operation of the cargo deck area fire protection on ti nkers. 8 ‘Absence, non-compliance or serious deterioration of lights, shapes or sound signals. 9 Absence or failure of the proper operation of the radio equipment for distress and safety communication. 10 Absence or failure of the proper operation of navigation equipment, taking the relevant provisions of SOLAS ragulation VI18.2 into acsourt. 11 Absence of corrected navigational charts, and/or all other relevant nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage, taking Into account that electronic charts may be used as a substitute for the charts 12 Absence of non-sparking exhaust ventilation for cargo pump-rooms, 19 Serious deficiency in the operational requirements listed in appendix 7. 14 Humber. composition or cettifcation of crew not corresponding with safe manning document. 18 Non-implementation or failure to carry out the enhanced survey programme in secordance with SOLAS regulation XI-1/2 and resolution A.744(18), as amended, TRASSEMBLYG7RESTOSZ IGS DETANAGLE DEFICL ENCES A2TIRes.1052 Page 22 16 Absence or failure of a voyage data recorder (VDR), when its use is compulsery. ‘Areas under the IBC Code 1 Transport of a substance net mentioned in the Certificate of Fitness or missing cargo information. 2 Missing or damaged high-pressure safety devices. 3 Electrical installations not intrinsically safe or not corresponding to the Code requirements. Sotirces of ignition in hazardous locations. Contravention of special requirements. Exceeding of maximum allowable cargo quantity per tank. Insufficient heat protection for sensitive products. Pressure alarms for cargo tanks not operable. eo evo ae Transport of substances to be inhibited without valid inhibitor certificate. Areas under the IGC Code 1 ‘Transport of a substance not mentioned in the Certificate of Fitness or missing ‘cargo information. 2 Missing closing devices for accommodations or service spaces. 3 Bulkhead not gastight 4 Defective air locks. & Missing or defective quick-closing valves. 6 —_ Missing or defective safety valves, 7 Electrical installations not intrinsically safe or not corresponding to the Code requirements. 8 —_ Ventilators in corgo area not operable. 9 Pressure alarms for cargo tanks not operable. | 10 Gas detection plant and/or toxic gas detection plant defective. 11 Transport of substances to be inh. sited without valid inhibitor certificate. “HASSENELVETRES TOS oe , e EELS PPI PRP ° s?e DETAINMARE DBACIENCIES A27IRes.1052 Page 23 Areas under the Load Lines Convention ef 5 6 Significant areas of damage or corrosion, or pitting of plating and associated stiffening in decks and hull affecting seaworthiness or strength to take local loads, unless properly authorized temporary repairs for a voyage to a port for permanent repairs have been carried out A recognized case of insufficient stability. ‘The absence of sufficient and reliable information, in an approved form, which by rapid and simple means, enables the master to arrange for the loading and ballasting of the ship in such a way that a safe margin of stability is maintained at al stages and at varying conditions of the voyage, and that the creation of any unacceptable stresses in the ship's structure are avoided. Absence, substantial deterioration or defective closing devices, hatch closing arrangements and watertightwveathertight doors. Overloading, Absence of, or impossibility to read, draught marks and/or Load Line marks, Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex | 1 aren Absence, serious deterioration or failure of proper operation of the olly-water fitering ‘equipment, the oll discharge monitoring and control system or the 15 ppm alarm arrangements. Remaining capacity of slop and/or sludge tank insufficient for the intended voyage. Oil Record Book not availat te. Unauthorized discharge 1 ypass fitted, Failure to meet the requirements of regulation 20.4 or alternative recuirements. specified in regulation 20.7, ‘Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex I : 2 3 4 Absence of P and A Manual. Cargo is not categorized, No Cargo Record Book available, Unauthorized discharge bypass fitted. ‘Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex IV To be developed. TASSEMIBLYETRES OBZ GOS DETARABLE DEFICIENCIES A 27!Res.1052 Page 24 ‘Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex V Absence of the garbage manag2ment plan, No garbage record book availalie. Ship's personnel. not fomiliar with disposal/discharge requirements of garbage management plan. Areas under the MARPOL Convention, Annex VI 1 Absence of valid IAPP Certificate and where relevant EIAPP Certificates and Technical Files. ‘A marine diesel engine, with a power output of more than 130 KW, which is installed on board a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000, or a marine diesel engine having undergone @ major conversion on or after 1 January 2000, which does not amply with the NO, Technical Code 2008. ‘The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships exceeds the following 1+ 4.8% mimeprior to 4 January 2012; 2 3.8% mim on and afer 1 January 2274; and 3 0.8% mlm on and after 1 January 2021 ‘The sulphur content of any fuel used on board exceeds the following limits while ‘operating within a SO, emission control area: 4 41.0% m/m on and after 1 July 2010; and 2 0.1% mim on and after 1 January 2015, respectively, as per the amendments adopted by resolution MEPC. 176(58). [An incinerator installed on board the ship on or after 1 January 2000 does. nt Comply wih requirements contained In apponcix Ito the Annex, or the standard cposteatone ter shipooard nemoratore covelopod by te Organization (reschaons MEBO.TE(aO) and MEPC.99(45)) The master or crew are not familiar with essential procedutes regarding the ‘operation of air pollution prevention equipment, Areas under the STW Convention 1 Fallure of seafarers to hold a certificate, to have an appropriate certificate, to have a valid dispensation or to provide documentary proof that an application for an endorsement has been submitted to the Administration. Refer to the review provision in MARPOL regulation VI, EMBLVETRESTOSE dos eo a ® Deranasie DEFICIENCIES &> e ) Poe o amie e- ii ee pi 2 allure to comply with the applicable safe manning requirements of the — 6. ‘amiictraton, ce ‘= Failure of navigational or engineering watch arrangements to conform to the requirements specified for the ship by the Administration o ye 4 Absence in a watch of a person qualified-to operate equipment essential to safe navigation, safety radiocommunications of the prevention of marine pollution. Eee 5 Inability to provide for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for __ subsequent relieving watches persons who are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty. — Failure to provide proof of professional proficiency for the duties assigned to — ‘seafarers for the safety of the ship and the prevention of pollution, Areas which may not warrant a detention, but where, e.g. cargo operations have to be suspended — Failure of the proper operation (or maintenance) of inert gas systems, cargo telated gear or | — ‘machinery should be considered sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation. POMP PT | See eqs | eee TF F | TASSEMBLYZMRESTOBZ doc pene {eB Re | LES tapectim = Foren ALE MOURev 6 Nov. 2015 Page 27 ANNEX 6 REPORT OF INSPECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDIAN OCEAN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON FORT STATE CONTROL* Ee care ae Fons ‘Ngee non me pin yt = sgt Fig Cetin Kerala 19 stp docmeracn Ee 7 : eee feet eee “Tnisreort mont be ening on baa fo pera of ee years nd ret be a "Gone Onice at ines efor constaton by Pot Sat + Yeap pag ny te retain hn de Si a itn Riga ee ps carer age smear SESS SSE ocr anaes ner estate | ATP PP TPS. 7 STRATES 8 9 y SESS PRATT PAS MOU.Rev7 Nov. 2015 Page 28 REPORT OF INSPECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDIAN OCEAN HEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON PORT STATE CONTROL roRM. eae a ie ent Orsini apne Tieng osc a acne eee 19 Bai ecg” Shc” Acton SS pra OS nate “i ira 8 Spa oooh tener Sigeneces ° th Se s+ tate cempted nthe at dtncn set Caen nth nds ep eatin. te fre ucpnné Orin nora nr Tigges Rca en ae re tae i ote (Reverse side of Form BY Codes for ection taken Code Deficiency action codes 10 deficiency rectified 15 rectify deficiency at next port 16 rectify desiclency within 14 days 17 rectify deficiency before departure 18 rectify deficiency within 3 months. 30. detainable deficiency 49 asinthe agreed Rectification Action Plan 99 other (specify in cleartext) PSC inspection action codes (Tick as applicable) 26 competent security authority informed 27 ship expelled on security grounds. 40 next port informed 45. rectify detainable deficiency at next port 50 flag State/eonsul informed 70 recognised organisation informed 85 investigation of contravention of discharge provisions (MARPOL) 151 TLO Informed 182 seafarers organization informed 185. shipowner organization informed Annex - Government of India FORM A PORT STATE CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT . {INDIAN OCEAN MOU) ‘Reporting oftes: ‘Binerpal Ofer, Mercanile Marine Deparment Pratshina Bhavan, aK Road, Mumbat= 400 020. ‘copy to: Master ‘Tel 81-22-22090881/83/2208a081 FAX: 91 22 2013507/4571 Head Ofice Ermnall- qumbalemimd.gavin. Website: hetp://mmd-geviin PSCO Head Office: PSC/FS1 Cal. Directorate General of Shipping Aahtp a detained, copy to: Flag State Se ‘Beta Building. Kanjurranng at ‘Ciasaieation Society 1 Name of reporting authorty 3 Fiagof ahi. 5 call otgn 17 Gross tonnage. Year of Pus 10 Date of tnopection. 11 Place of inspection : 12 Classification 50019. 19 Date of release fom detention 7 14 Company ID No... 1 Particulars of ISM Company and local agent = perrarees usoaing | pate ot | Date of ‘survey Authority | "sue | Expy ‘Surveying ‘Cargo Ship Safély Construction ‘Cargo Stup Safety Equipment ‘Cargo Ship Safety Rao 10FP ~ PS @ ° OU 6:9. LALO _0 1059 a SFOSSSS SSO SES PAP POMP Moe Cony to: Master Head omnce Psco. Te ahip te detained, copy to: Flag State a Sianafieation Society ‘Tet 91 22 25782040/41/42/4; FAX: 91 22 25782020/35: E-mail: pedgsOni. Webslte: yowmdelonine ecoio T'Name of ip. ‘2 IMO number 23 Date of nspection 1 Place of mopection. Natire of defen r. He. Toguiremente | Talent Name. (duty authorized BSC of roparting authority) Signature. . 1 This inspection was not a fall survey and defctencle Ilsted may not be exhateive, inthe event of @

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