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Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

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The effect of high oleic and linoleic fatty acid composition for quality
and economical of biodiesel from crude Calophyllum inophyllum oil
(CCIO) with microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), batchwise solvent
extraction (BSE), and combination of MAE–BSE methods

Hakun W. Aparamarta a , , Setiyo Gunawan a , Husni Husin b , Badril Azhar a ,
Hanggoro Tri Aditya a
Department of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Indonesia is very much dependent on fossil fuel for its energy source, but has recently been promoting
Received 6 April 2020 renewable energy resources capable of simultaneously balancing economic and social development
Received in revised form 19 October 2020 with environmental protection. Biodiesel is one of the renewable energies that currently been
Accepted 21 November 2020
promoted frequently uses edible oil as its feedstocks. One of the promising non-edible oil crop is crude
Available online 2 December 2020
Calophyllum inophyllum oil (CCIO). It has a high oil content, composed of mostly triglycerides (TG) that
Keywords: resulted in a higher yield of biodiesel. Previous researches were limited to its conversion into biodiesel
Batchwise solvent extraction method with desired quality and economical. In this work, the time of extraction and fatty acid composition
Biodiesel were investigated. Batchwise solvent extraction (BSE), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), and MAE–
Combination method BSE combination were applied to achieve purified CCIO in a shorter amount of time. For BSE, MAE and
Fatty acid
MAE–BSE combination, it was found free fatty acids (FFA) content was decreased from 15.07 ± 0.141
Microwave-assisted extraction method
to 1.045 ± 0.215%, 6.91% ± 0.04%, and 1.10 ± 0.141%, respectively. Moreover, TG content was
increased significantly from 67.25 ± 0.372 % to 94.95 ± 0.005%, 84.45%±0.37%, and 96.062% ± 0.035%,
respectively. The majority of fatty acid composition for the MAE and combination method is linoleic
acid with 46.36% and 45.43%, respectively. While the BSE method’s majority fatty acid composition is
oleic acid with 32.90%. All results were converted as biodiesel using the transesterification method.
The quality of biodiesel was graded using density, acid value, and cetane number as the parameters.
The various result of biodiesel was evaluated by the American society for testing materials (ASTM
D6751-2), the European Union (EN 14214-03) and SNI 7182:2015 standard procedures. Based on all
three parameters, the biodiesel resulting from the BSE purification methods fit all parameters according
to the existing standard.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction (2019a) reported that C. Inophyllum was the best alternative,

and the composition of raw materials for making biodiesel that
Indonesia is still dependent on fossil fuel for energy sources. was investigated by using Gas Chromatography (GC) and TLC
Due to the nature of fossil fuel that cannot be renewed, the analysis. This is because C. inophyllum has high oil content and
demand cannot be fulfilled using only fossil fuel shortly. To solve yield (Aparamarta et al., 2019a,b). Oil yield and oil content of a
this problem, Indonesia has been promoting the use of renew- crop became the critical factor in deciding the crop’s suitability
able energy resources capable of simultaneously balancing eco- as feedstock for biodiesel production. The reason is that oil crops
nomic and social development with environmental protection. with higher oil yield can reduce the production cost. Generally,
Biodiesel is one of the renewable energies that currently being the cost of raw materials accounts for about 70%–80% of the total
promoted frequently. One of the promising non-edible oil sources production cost of biodiesel (Gui et al., 2008). One of the main
is crude Calophyllum inophyllum oil (CCIO). Aparamarta et al. parameters for biodiesel performance is the cetane number. This
parameter is the leading indicator of diesel fuel combustibility,
∗ Corresponding author. as it shows the time of delay burning and combustion quality
E-mail addresses:, (Meher et al., 2006). A higher cetane number determines higher
(H.W. Aparamarta). power and better economic performance of the engine (Knothe,
2352-4847/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
H.W. Aparamarta, S. Gunawan, H. Husin et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

2005). Longer chains of fatty acid in esters produce higher cetane In this work, the MAE method was modified. The optimum
number values. For example, methyl esters of myristic (14:0), variable was combined with the BSE method to meet the required
palmitic (16:0), and stearic (18:0) acids have a cetane number FFA standard for biodiesel feedstock. This research focuses on
of 66.2, 74.5, and 86.9 (Folayan et al., 2019; Knothe, 2005). Most finding the effective method for C. inophyllum oil purification to
abundant fatty acid from the crude Calophyllum inophyllum oil be used as biodiesel feedstocks, resulting in high content of TG
is oleic acid, C18:1 (39.1%), followed by linoleic acid, C18:2 (31.1%), and low content of FFA with the shortest time of purification
stearic acid, C18:0 (14.3%) and palmitic acid, C16:0 (13.7%) (Crane while keeping the oleic-rich fatty acid composition to produce
et al., 2005) his major fatty acid is becoming a benefit of C. good quality biodiesel. All three purification methods results were
inophyllum became biodiesel feedstocks. Previous works stated used then converted as biodiesel using the transesterification
that the quality of biodiesel is by the presence of high monoun- method.
saturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, low poly-unsaturated
fatty acid such as linoleic acid, and optimum saturated fatty acid
2. Materials and experimental methods
(Knothe, 2009; Pinzi et al., 2009). The use of oleic acid from
Jatropha curcas as biodiesel feedstock has been done by Kusmiyati
2.1. Materials
and Agung (2010), resulting in the required quality of biodiesel
and concluded that oleic acid is very influence in biodiesel feed-
stock. Kumar and Niranjan (2018) study biodiesel from Jatropha The CCIO was obtained from Koperasi Jarak Tani Lestari (Cen-
curcas with various fatty acid compositions, concluding that J. tral Java, Indonesia). Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) aluminum
curcas oil-rich in oleic acid is suitable for biodiesel production plates (20 cm × 20 cm × 250 µm) were purchased from Merck
while J. curcas with linoleic acid as major fatty acid is suitable for (Darmstadt, Germany). All solvents and reagents were either
other industrial application. However, none of them do in CCIO. high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade or
From this study, having high oleic acid in purified CCIO is desired. analytical-grade and were obtained from commercial sources.
The biggest challenge in using CCIO as biodiesel feedstock is
a many of free fatty acids (FFA). A large amount of FFA could 2.2. Separation of TG from crude Calophyllum inophyllum oil by BSE
trigger a saponification reaction that can reduce biodiesel yields,
hinders separation of the ester from glycerin, and reduces the The separation of TG from crude CCIO was described by Apara-
biodiesel formation rate (Thiruvengadaravi et al., 2012). Atabani marta et al. (2016). This method uses the concept of nonpolar
et al. (2017) reported that oil with FFA content above 2% has and polar lipids. Polar solvent (methanol) and nonpolar solvent
to undergo esterification with acid-catalyzed first for alkaline- (petroleum ether) with boiling in the range 42–62 ◦ C were used
catalyzed transesterification. Many researchers were work to in this study. The mass ratio of crude oil to the solvent is 1:5. The
make biodiesel via transesterification with a homogeneous cat- solvent is a mixture of petroleum ether (PE) and methanol (ME)
alyst, such as H2 SO4 (Veljković et al., 2006), KOH and NaOH with a mass ratio of 3:1. Crude and solvent were put into a beaker
(Rizwanul et al., 2014), a heterogeneous catalyst such as zinc
and the mixture was stirred (300 r/min) at room temperature
stearate/SiO2 , MoO3 /ZrO2 (Atadashi et al., 2013), enzymes
for 15 min. Then, it was separated by separatory funnel and had
(Christopher et al., 2014) and microbial lipids (Li and Wang,
two layers (polar and nonpolar lipids). The nonpolar lipid was
1997). However, their pretreatment can cause equipment corro-
taken and washed by methanol until nine stages. The results were
sion, environmental problems, higher energy consumption, and
analyzed by GC (Gas Chromatography) and TLC.
economically unattractive (Atadashi et al., 2013; Busic et al.,
2018; Ogunkunle and Ahmed, 2019). Therefore, the method for
purification of TG is implied to get an optimal biodiesel yield 2.3. Separation of TG from CCIO by MAE
and overcome these problems. Aparamarta et al. (2019b) manage
to separate TG and FFA using nine stages of batchwise solvent Using the same ratio as BSE method, the extraction carried out
extraction (BSE) method, resulting in a TG content of 98.53 and into a single neck flask and used the power of 150; 300; 450; and
FFA of 0.35%. The resulting oil was mainly composed of oleic 600 W with the time of 20; 30; 45; and 60 min. The results were
acid (38.25%). This result meets the standard requirement of analyzed by GC and TLC analysis.
biodiesel production feedstock environmentally, but the extrac-
tion process requires a six-day process using a vast amount of 2.4. Separation of TG from CCIO by combination of MAE and BSE
solvent. Therefore, it needs to reduce the time of the extraction
process. Reducing the time, it makes the biodiesel production The optimum result from MAE methods was carried out into
more efficient and economical. multistage batchwise solvent extraction. The results from each
This work involved the addition of the microwave-assisted ex- stage were analyzed by GC analysis.
traction (MAE) method to the process of TG purification. The MAE
method has a green impact, such as low energy consumption, safe
2.5. Production of biodiesel using transesterification method
operation, and reduced operation input (Liu et al., 2018). This idea
was used to bring the heat in the separation process, overcoming
its time-consuming issue. The presence of microwave energy can The transesterification method for C. inophyllum was described
cause deviation of fatty acid composition in C. inophyllum oil as it by Venkanna and Reddy (2009). Purified C. inophyllum oil reacted
can cause events like cracking, hydrocracking, and dehydrogena- with methanol using the molar ratio of 1:8. KOH was used as the
tion (Beneroso et al., 2017). Aparamarta et al. (2019b) manage to catalyst with the amount of 1.25% of oil mass. The production
separate TG and FFA using a microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) conducted using the heat of 60 ◦ C for 120 min with constant stir-
method resulting in the TG content of 83.46% and FFA content ring (200 r/min). The product was a two-layer liquid. The upper
of 7.50%. This method significantly shortens the extraction time layer that contains FAME and unreacted TG and methanol sep-
by 99% and reduces the amount of solvent used, but the result arated using PE-ME solvent. The upper layer that contains FAME
still not meets the required biodiesel feedstock standard. The FFA and methanol then heated to 65 ◦ C, vaporizing the methanol. The
content still above 2%. So, it makes uneconomically. The yield of FAME then gently washed using distilled water to eliminate the
biodiesel was decreased because of the saponification reaction catalyst. Distilled water washing was continued until the drained
was occurred. water has the same pH as the initial distilled water.
H.W. Aparamarta, S. Gunawan, H. Husin et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

Fig. 1. TLC analysis of BSE method for; (a) stage one, (b) stage four, (c) stage seven, (d) stage nine.

2.6. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) analysis In this study, BSE, MAE, and combination methods were ap-
plied in the TG purification. Aparamarta et al. (2016) were ob-
TLC was applied to qualitatively analyze the sample, using served the relative polarity of each compound in CCIO. It was
authentic standards, as described by Gunawan et al. (2008). TLC found that the most nonpolar one was TG, followed by DG,
paper that has been stained by the sample was immersed in FFA, MG, and gum. The difference of relative polarity in each
a mobile phase of hexane: ethyl acetate: acetic acid (90:10:1, component can be used as the concept to purify the CCIO. Pu-
v/v/v). rification was done using two solvent of different polarity index.
The solvent used was a mixture of petroleum ether and methanol,
which resulted in high yield and high recovery (Knothe, 2009).
2.7. Gas Chromatography (GC) analysis
The content of TG and FFA was chosen as the parameter for the
effective separation of NPLF from crude Calophyllum inophyllum
GC was used to know the level of TG (triglycerides), FFA (free
seed oil.
fatty acid), DG (diacylglycerols), and MG (monoacylglycerols) as
described by Aparamarta et al. (2018). It was performed on a
3.1. Batchwise Solvent Extraction (BSE) method
Shimadzu GC-2010 gas chromatograph (made in Japan), equipped
with a flame ionization detector. Separations were carried out on
The BSE method increases the purity of TG by separating
a DB-5HT nonpolar column.
its compound with other compounds, namely polar compounds,
such as FFA and gum. This extraction method was resulting
3. Results and discussion in a two-layer product, namely nonpolar lipid fraction (NPLF)
and polar lipid fraction (PLF) (Aparamarta et al., 2019b). PLF
The content of crude C. inophyllum was analyzed using GC. was contained polar components which are not preferred in
The TG and FFA contents of CCIO in this research are 67.25% biodiesel feedstock, was removed. Furthermore, NPLF washed
TG and 15.07% FFA. While other references stated that the TG with methanol until nine stages to remove the polar fraction.
content of CCIO is in the range of 40%–73% (Atabani and Cesar, Fig. 1 shows the first stage of BSE, resulting in the separation
2014), another reference stated that the content of CCIO is 70.38% of polar and nonpolar components as the TG cannot be traced to
TG and 8.51% (Knothe, 2009). The difference in oil content was the PLF fraction. The further separation was needed. The fourth
attributed to C. inophyllum cultivar, harvesting age, and diversity and seventh stages of BSE resulting in the fading of polar com-
of agronomic factors (Aparamarta et al., 2017). ponent traces in NPLF indicating the separation was successful.
H.W. Aparamarta, S. Gunawan, H. Husin et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

Fig. 2. Result of BSE method using (a) TLC analysis and (b) GC analysis.

The separation continued until nine stages resulting in the total Table 1
disappearance of polar fraction trace in the NPLF spot. The PLF Composition of NPLF at power and time from MAE method.

showed no trace either, indicating the last stage PLF contained Power (Watt) Time (min) TG Content (%) FFA Content (%)

mostly methanol. 20 70.65% ± 1.47% 13.01% ± 0.13%

30 77.54% ± 1.83% 10.85% ± 1.10%
Quantitative analysis carried out using GC which results can 150
45 77.83% ± 2.01% 11.11% ± 0.30%
be seen in Fig. 2. TG content of NPLF in stage nine shown was 60 77.32% ± 2.35% 11.20% ± 1.28%
94.95 ± 0.005% and FFA content was 1.045 ± 0.215%.
20 81.39% ± 0.21% 8.22% ± 0.10%
300 30 81.73% ± 0.12% 7.49% ± 0.00%
3.2. Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE) method 45 83.60% ± 0.06% 7.07% ± 0.01%
60 82.18% ± 0.05% 7.34% ± 0.06%
MAE method uses the same concept of relative polarity in 20 81.34% ± 0.15% 8.07% ± 0.35%
CCIO, except it uses the microwave to increase the penetration 450 30 81.63% ± 0.03% 7.41% ± 0.15%
of solvent into the sample, decreasing the time and solvent usage 45 84.45% ± 0.37% 6.91% ± 0.04%
60 81.73% ± 0.24% 7.38% ± 0.13%
(Meher et al., 2006). Energy from the microwave was absorbed by
the solvent and converted into heat. This depends on the dissi- 20 80.93% ± 0.80% 8.00% ± 0.62%
600 30 81.65% ± 0.02% 7.65% ± 0.46%
pation factor of the solvent. Higher dissipation factor resulting in
45 82.08% ± 0.10% 7.37% ± 0.35%
higher heat energy generated (Kingston and Jassie, 1988). Product 60 79.26% ± 0.98% 9.74% ± 0.35%
of MAE method was analyzed using TLC and GC showing result
as shown in Fig. 3
The TLC result indicating the separation process was successful
as the nonpolar fraction was not traced in PLF. Nevertheless, the 45 min and separation time of two hours. This result is agreeing
NPLF still contains a certain amount of polar fraction. GC result
indicating the same result. Quantitative results of the GC analysis with the work of Aparamarta et al. (2019b), which used the time
shown in Table 1.
From Table 1, it can be seen that the content of TG increases variable of 30–90 min, but shows a more specified number for
from 67.02% to 84.45% and FFA decreases from 15.21% to 6.91% for
the variable of 450 W and 45 min. For this result, MAE only needs more variable used.
H.W. Aparamarta, S. Gunawan, H. Husin et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

Fig. 3. Result of MAE method using (a) TLC analysis and (b) GC analysis for the variable of 450 W and 45 min.

Table 2 high caused many solvents to evaporate and little solvent used
Quantitative result of combination method for each stage. to dissolve the targeted components. It can be seen where when
Stage TG content (%) FFA content (%) the power reaches 600 W, and the purity decreases because a
Crude 67.25 ± 0.37 15.07 ± 0.14 lot of solvents evaporate and left a small amount in the flask to
MAE 84.45 ± 0.19 6.88 ± 0.44 dissolve the desired component. While power that is too small
1 86.53 ± 0.08 6.69 ± 0.01
2 89.04 ± 0.23 6.13 ± 0.30
also causes the penetration of the sample to be weak seen in
3 90.53 ± 0.11 3.61 ± 0.13 the 150 W data, the purity is also low which indicates that the
4 91.50 ± 0.06 2.31 ± 0.08 optimum temperature for penetration of the component into the
5 93.82 ± 0.11 1.83 ± 0.07 solvent becomes more minimum.
6 95.34 ± 0.23 1.32 ± 0.23
7 96.06 ± 0.03 1.09 ± 0.27
8 95.79 ± 0.37 1.10 ± 0.14
3.2.2. Effect of time in MAE method
The effect of extraction time on MAE is the length of interac-
tion between solvents and targeted components at the optimum
temperature. Increasing the extraction time in the microwave
3.2.1. Effect of power in MAE method caused the contact time between solvents and components to
The power of microwaves on the MAE method causes a dif- be longer at the optimum temperature, this causes the targeted
ference in the time needed to reach the optimum temperature components to dissolve more into the solvents in the mixture.
and the number of substances that interact with the sample. The The more targeted components to dissolve into existing solvents,
temperature in the vessel will stabilize over time, where higher the results of the MAE obtained would be better.
power will require faster time to reach the temperature and However, an extended time of interaction at an optimum
smaller power will take longer to reach the temperature (Spigno temperature can cause the components in the mixture to be de-
and De Faveri, 2009). The temperature in the mixture achieved graded. Events like cracking, hydrocracking, and dehydrogenation
stability near the boiling point of the heated solvent. can occur in the microwave (Beneroso et al., 2017). It allows the
The higher the power in the microwave, the more methanol change in components in mixtures such as TG to FFA and vice
evaporates. Meanwhile, the increased temperature caused the versa. The opening of double bonds in fatty acid components
penetration of the targeted component, in this case, TG and FFA, is also possible during the MAE process, which can change the
into existing solvents to be better. Temperatures that are too composition of fatty acids in the mixture. The degradation of this
H.W. Aparamarta, S. Gunawan, H. Husin et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

Fig. 4. Effect of time for (a) TG (%), and (b) FFA (%) parameters in the MAE method.

Table 3
GC–MS result.
No Method Result
Fatty Acid Content (%)
Palmitic acid (C16:0 ) 14.59
Stearic acid (C18:0 ) Saturated 14.86
1 Microwave-Assisted extraction (450 W, 45 min variable) Arachidic acid(C20:0 ) 0.50
Oleic acid (C18:1 ) 23.69
Linoleic acid (C18:2 ) Unsaturated 46.36
Palmitic acid (C16:0 ) 14.62
Stearic acid (C18:0 ) Saturated 15.76
Arachidic acid (C20:0 ) 0.61
2 Combination
Behenic acid (C22:0 ) 0.24
Oleic acid (C18:1 ) Unsaturated 23.34
Linoleic acid (C18:2 ) 45.43
Palmitic acid (C16:0 ) Saturated 11.37
Stearic acid (C18:0 ) 16.21
Arachidic acid (C20:0 ) 6.97
3 Batchwise solvent extraction
Behenic acid (C22:0 ) 1.64
Oleic acid (C20:0 ) Unsaturated 32.90
Linoleic acid (C18:2 ) 23.61

H.W. Aparamarta, S. Gunawan, H. Husin et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

Fig. 5. Result of combination method using (a) TLC analysis and (b) GC analysis.

component can be seen when it reaches min 60, %FFA increases, Since microwave-assisted extraction has not reached the re-
and %TG decreases, which indicates that TG is degraded into other quired biodiesel feedstock content, the product undergoes further
compounds where one of them is FFA (see Fig. 4). purification with the BSE method. For each stage, the oil was
analyzed using TLC and GC. The result of the seventh stage was
3.3. Combination method shown in Fig. 5.
The result indicating the separation of PLF and NPLF was
Since microwave-assisted extraction has not reached the re- successful. The TG and FFA content on each stage of purification
quired biodiesel feedstock content, the MAE method was modi- were shown in Table 2.
fied. The optimum variable was combined with the BSE method In Table 2, triglyceride levels have increased and the FFA level
to meet the required FFA standard for biodiesel feedstock. The has decreased with the addition of stages. It is following the
combination of MAE and BSE could decrease the time of extrac- results obtained by using the BSE method. The more significant
tion and lower solvent consumption. Aparamarta et al. (2019a,b) number of stages, the higher the triglyceride content. The high-
reported that the TG and FFA content for the MAE method could est triglyceride levels were obtained after continued with the
replace two stages of the BSE method. The extraction time of BSE method as many as seven stages from the combination of
MAE can reduce significantly. To get two stages in the first stage, microwave-assisted extraction results with a variable power of
the MAE method needs only 30 min. While the BSE method 450 W and 45 min. The results showed TG levels of 96.062%.
needs 48 h. This heating process makes some force to get out of However, at the 8th stage, the triglyceride content decreased.
the TG compound from the biological matrix in a shorter time It is because triglyceride compounds are converted into other
(Patil et al., 2011). This makes MAE used in the first step of the compounds.
combination method. The second combination method was the
BSE method. This method was applied to purify the TG content 3.4. Biodiesel production
from other compounds. The use of this method meets the stan-
dard requirement of biodiesel production feedstock. It also can The purified CCIO with three methods used in this study were
environmentally friendly because the solvents can be recovered then analyzed using GC–MS to define the fatty acid component.
easily and with less sophisticated equipment (Aparamarta et al., The result is shown in Table 3.
2016). Therefore, this method makes the biodiesel production From the table, it can be seen that the BSE method has oleic
economical and environmentally. acid as the highest fatty acid, while the combination method and
H.W. Aparamarta, S. Gunawan, H. Husin et al. Energy Reports 6 (2020) 3240–3248

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