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Self Study Pack for EAL Level 2 Award in Industrial Environment Awareness

Unit 1 - Understanding health and safety in an industrial environment

f j Unit 1: Knowledge check - Health & Safety - CONTINUED

9. What do the initials PPE stand for?

10. What type of fire extinguisher should NOT be used on an electrical fire?

11. If this fire extinguisher contained foam, what colour background would surround the words ‘FOAM’?

Self Study Pack for EAL Level 2 Award in industrial Environment Awareness
Unit 2 - Understanding how to communicate in an industrial environment

Unit2- Understanding how to communicate in an industria

Unit 2: Learning outcome 1:
Understand the importance of effective workplace communications

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In all of our communications we should strive to promote, understanding, goodwill and trust. When we cor
ensure we are clear and concise to ensure everybody understands the task or problem.

Assessment Criteria 2.1.2: State why good communications are important

Many people think that if they have said something then they have communicated to another. However, thi
The receiving person needs to have understood what you have said for the communication to be complete. The dictionary says th
‘impart’ - but the definition that is important for us at work is to “succeed in conveying one’s meaning to others”.

Self Study Pack for EAL Level 2 Award in Industrial Environment Awareness
Unit 2 - Understanding how to communicate in an industrial environment

Unit 2: Learning outcome 2:

Understand how to communicate effectively

Assessment Criteria 2.2.1: Identify what needs to be considered before communicating verbally with others.

To include:
(a) language
(b) pace
(c) tone
(d) timing

Oral communications
Oral communications happen every day. However, to be effective your oral communications need to be geared to the needs of the
Each of the following need to be considered before you even open your mouth!

Language — you need to use the appropriate language that the recipient will understand. Ensure you are polite but as direc
to avoid confusion.
Pace — you need to consider the speed at which you communicate. If you are trying to convey a complex subject, then mo
be needed for them to understand your meaning.
Tone — Maintain a steady tone throughout, do not show your frustration even though the task/job might be very testing.
Timing — Ensure the timing is correct and the person involved in the communication is not busy. (A good time is at the star
or the end of a break).

Self Study Pack for EAL Level 2 Award in Industrial Environment Awareness
Unit 2 - Understanding how to communicate in an industrial environment

Assessment Criteria 2.2.2: Describe why punctuation in written communications is important

Whether writing on paper or using an electronic means, communicating in writing is usually more formal.
You need to consider that the information or data needs to be read by other people. This means that your writing needs to be legit
Punctuation is used when writing to help the reader understand the text. In order to make sure that the reader gets the message t
intended to communicate you need to use the correct punctuation.


to the organisation

Any communication (either written or oral) that you make tells the recipient something about you — by the
language, tone, pace, timing, you have to broadcast what you think.
It is probable that you will communicate with different departments within the company and the way that you say things will be picke

We have just looked at internal communications within the workplace, however external communications are even more importan
customers and/or suppliers. If they get the wrong or discourteous message from you it could result in a loss of business for the c
impression that the customer gets of the whole organisation. You are in effect its ambassador.

Self Study Pack for EAL Level 2 Award in industrial Environment Awareness
Unit 2 - Understanding how to communicate in an industrial environment

Unit 2: Understanding how to communicate in an industrial environment - Summary

After reading this section you now know that communication is getting your message understood by the re
methods of communication and saw the importance of language, pace, tone and timing when trying to con
Finally we looked at the technical information that you are likely to encounter at work i.e. engineering drawings and technical date
drawings and technical data in accordance with drawing conventions in order for the information to be more easily understood.

Now have a go at the knowledge check to see if you can answer the questions. Revisit any areas where you have difficulty.

Self Study Pack for EAL Level 2 Award in Industrial Environment Awareness
Unit 2 - Understanding how to communicate in an industrial environment

f i Unit 2: Knowledge check - Communicating with others - CONTINUED

4. Why is punctuation important?

5. Why do you have to be careful when communicating outside the company?

6. Give three examples of different types of engineering drawings?


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