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With more than 80% of consumers reporting that social media, particularly influencer

content, has a significant impact on purchasing decisions, marketers across industries are
driving the evolution of social media marketing (SMM) from a standalone tool to a
multifaceted source of marketing intelligence on an increasingly important and growing
audience. The phenomenal growth of interactive digital channels from 2004 (when My Space
became the first social media site to achieve one million users) through 2022 catapulted
social media to heights that compete with television and radio. More than 58 per cent of the
world's population, or 4.6 billion people, used social media in the first quarter of 2022,
representing an increase of more than 10% in only one year.
Marketers are developing methods to harness the considerable competitive advantage that
engagement with this crucial audience may bring even faster and more effectively than
traditional marketing as social media usage grows. SMM uses social media and social
networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to advertise products and services,
engage with current customers, and reach out to new ones. The power of social media
marketing originates from the platform's unrivalled potential in three key areas of marketing:
connection, engagement, and consumer data. From pushing content that increases interaction
to collecting personal data that makes messaging resonate with consumers, social media
marketing has altered the way corporations may influence consumer behaviour. Because
social media is now so prevalent, businesses must employ marketing strategies that take
advantage of these channels.
Social media's unmatched potential in the three key marketing areas of connection,
engagement, and consumer data is what gives social media marketing (SMM) its tremendous
power. Social media offers an incredible variety of channels for engaging with target
audiences, from content platforms (like YouTube) and social networks (like Facebook) to
microblogging services. Not only does social media allow businesses to engage with
customers in previously inconceivable ways (like Twitter).
Jejak Tarbiah uses any kind of social media for its promotional activities. As social
networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram gained popularity, they changed not
just how people communicate with one another but also how businesses may influence
consumer behaviour. For example, they can now promote material that encourages
engagement and extract geographic, demographic, and personal data to create messages that
users will find interesting. Another tactic used by Jejak Tarbiah that relies on the audience to
produce the message is viral marketing, a sales technique that aims to accelerate the
transmission of word-of-mouth product information. When a marketing message spreads well
beyond the initial intended audience, it is termed viral—a very simple and affordable
approach to boost sales.
Businesses may also exploit Jejak Tarbiah's enhanced connectedness to develop "sticky"
content, which is a marketing term for engaging content that draws people, encourages them
to buy goods at first glance, and then makes them want to spread the information. This form
of word-of-mouth advertising not only reaches an untapped audience but also carries the
implicit support of someone the recipient knows and trusts, making the creation of shareable
content one of the most important ways that social media marketing encourages growth.
Customers can use digital media, particularly social media, to voice their grievances to
hundreds or thousands of friends or followers, as well as connect directly with brand
employees across several platforms. Because negative experiences can have a substantial
influence on the success of a product, service, or brand, marketing agents analyse how their
social media professionals handle customer support inquiries. Advertisers utilise social media
influencers, who have hundreds of millions of followers on social media platforms like
YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. Paying an influencer to promote or endorse a company
might result in instant direct sales in a specific market.
When it comes to quality, content is no exception. Jejak Tarbiah also creates an efficient
content marketing strategy. Content marketing has always been a prominent type of
marketing, and this is unlikely to change very soon. Many businesses fail to link exceptional
content with an appropriate publishing schedule and frequency of updates. All of the
aforementioned, together with high-quality SEO content, may assist you in attracting the
correct clientele at the right time. Aside from its ability to attract a natural audience, a
successful content marketing strategy is inexpensive to implement. Create a relevant hashtag
strategy in addition to your optimised and helpful content.
Yes, your content will tell the story of your brand as a whole, but instead of doing so, why
not update your audience on the current state of your business? Jejak Tarbiah also tells a story
or promotes any kind of book by going live. Facebook and Instagram, among other platforms,
have created their live streaming solutions, which are now underutilised by large companies.
Begin utilising these live features right now to compete with them before they become
popular. A great way to show your audience that you are more than just a money-making
machine is through live stories. Motivate and engage your customers. Create content that will
be shared and remembered.

Sales and Distribution Management. (n.d.). [online] Available at:
Pudvelis, S. (2020). Matter Survey Reveals Consumers Find Influencers More Helpful and
Trustworthy than Brands During the Pandemic. [online] Available
Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2019). The rise of social media. [online] Our World in Data. Available at:
Hootsuite (2018). How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 8 Easy Steps. [online]
Hootsuite Social Media Management. Available at:
Due in large part to the changes in the economy, the idea of sales management has gained
more prominence. This course addresses the significance of sales management, as well as
new and old ideas that have taken on new dimensions in the context of globalisation. The
section goes on to describe the link between sales and other environment and marketing
factors after distinguishing between sales and marketing. Personal selling, sales control, and
relationship selling are discussed, as are the diverse responsibilities of account management,
sales force, and sales manager.
It is now unavoidable to discuss the new economy. Businesses are functioning in a global
economy where marketplaces are seeing more competition than ever before. Every day,
technology evolves. Nowadays, businesses must adapt to the requirements of the client, who
has enormous purchasing power and a vast range of goods and services to pick from.
Marketing is concerned with recognising and satisfying personal and social needs. It is also
known as the art of selling goods. Because of market competitiveness, marketers are now
establishing mutually beneficial long-term partnerships with important clients, including
suppliers and distributors. The marketing mix approach includes sales management. Sales
management is concerned with meeting the demands of the seller to make a profit, whereas
marketing is concerned with meeting the needs of the consumer.
Apart from the administration of human selling, sales management includes marketing
operations such as advertising, sales promotion, marketing research, physical distribution,
pricing, merchandising, and so on. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines
sales management as "the planning, direction, and control of personal selling, including
recruiting, choosing, equipping, allocating, routing, monitoring, paying, and motivating as
these duties pertain to the personal sales force." The sales function's three main goals are
sales volume, profit contribution, and growth. Organizational goals are given to the
marketing department, which then transfers responsibility to the sales department.
Sales executives are tasked with integrating personal selling efforts with middleman
marketing initiatives. Acquiring product distribution, obtaining dealer identification,
harmonising corporate goals, and sharing promotional risks are some of the most significant
parts of this coordinating activity. To increase the possibilities of the personal-selling effort
succeeding, the salesperson must ensure that ultimate purchasers are aware of which local
retailers supply the goods. Even if the manufacturer's promotion is successful in pre-selling
the goods, there will be no sales if final customers are unable to locate stores that supply it.
The marketing strategy frequently asks for cooperation in advertising between the producer
and the intermediaries. In these circumstances, sales executives guarantee that sales
professionals provide excellent presentations to persuade dealers to participate. Sales and
pricing are insufficient for sales leaders to understand the procedures and issues associated
with the new brand they must be able to put the plans into action, implement them, and
execute the programme skillfully.
Jejak Tarbiah is a publishing and distribution company that specialises in popular scientific
and semi-scientific publications encompassing thinking, philosophy, politics, biography and
memoirs, history, religion, social, and educational topics. Jejak Tarbiah is dedicated to
building a better Malaysia; society must be empowered via access to high-quality, critical
reading materials. Jejak Tarbiah’s company is like a book café that contains a lot of books
such as religion, nature, short stories and poetry.

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