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Republic of Somaliland

Somaliland National Examination Board

Form 4


Paper 2 - Extended

June 2008


Plus 10 minutes for reading through the paper


This paper consists of printed pages.

Count them now. Inform the invigilator if there is any missing.

PART ONE: 20 Reading Comprehension 30 marks

PART TWO: Grammar 60 marks
PART THREE: Composition 20 marks
 Answer ALL questions in part 1 and 2
 Answer two questions in part 3
 No extra paper is allowed
Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

Use this page for rough work. It will NOT be marked.


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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

Part-1 Reading Comprehension (40 marks)

Passage -1 (20 marks)

Q1: Read the passage below and then answer questions that follow:

Hearing impairment or deafness can either be total or partial. It may be a defect the
person is born with or it may begin later in life. The problems associated with
deafness and the type of support that can be given will depend on these two variables.

People who begin to go deaf in adult life have different problems from those who are
born with a hearing impairment. They have to learn different ways of behaving and
different ways of communicating, perhaps at a time when learning is not at all easy
while the person who is born deaf will learn these things naturally and early in life.

There are a number of aids for the deaf to use and strategies that the deaf can learn.
None in themselves solve the whole problems. Those who become deaf as adults
have to learn how to use a hearing aid. However, the sound perceived by the hearing
impaired person through the hearing aid is often distorted and appears to have more
backgrounds noise than is heard by someone with normal hearing. As an alternative,
the hearing impaired have to look at the movement of the speaker’s lips in order to
understand what the speaker is saying. This is called lip-reading. Lip reading is
difficult and it demands intense concentration and an uninterrupted direct view of the
speaker’s face. No other activities can take place at the same time the person who is
lip-reader has to stop eating, stop washing, stop mending, and stop everything in
order to concentrate on ‘hearing’. This may take them appear stupid to the ignorant.
However, it is not a question of stupidity, but a way of ensuring that the lip-reader does
not misunderstand the message. It is like trying to communicate to someone in a very
noisy classroom.

A useful way of helping the hearing impaired to communicate with you is to see the
person as a foreigner and to treat him or her as if you were in a foreign country. This
means that you have to speak more clearly and raise your voice slightly. You have to
use gestures in order to make your meaning clear and also to be ready to use pencil
and paper to be absolutely certain. It is important to make sure you look at the person
and that you do not obscure your mouth with your hand or any other object.

Hearing aids may be very useful in a quite room. But try it on a busy street, in a noisy
market, or classroom and you have a really difficult problem distinguishing the speech.
So do not insist on the impaired people going to functions which are going to make
disability appear worse and thus increase their sense of failure. This doesn’t mean
that the hearing impaired should be cut off from social activities. On the contrary, you
can carefully select for them entertainment places with good sound systems. Also
choose the best seating locations so that their hearing is enhanced rather than
hindered. Making sure that the people talking are clearly seen will also help. (516

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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

1) The first paragraph specifies ‘these two variables’. What are the variables?
(2 marks)

2) According to the passage people who lose hearing ability in adult life have one
clear advantage. What is this advantage? (2 marks)

3) The passage states that those with hearing impairments can be helped with a
number of ‘aids’ or by learning certain strategies. Give an example of one aid
and one strategy. (2 marks)

4) Describe two disadvantages of using a hearing aid. (4 marks)

a. ……………………………………………………………..
b. …………………………………………………………….
5) Complete this definition of ‘Lip Reading’ (2 marks)
Lip reading means that the deaf person learns to understand the words spoken
by ……….……………………………………………………………………………
6) Describe two disadvantages of using lip reading to ‘hear’ people. (4 marks)

a. …………………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………………….
7) Describe two things you should do when you are talking to someone with
hearing impairment: (2 marks)

a. ……………………………………………………………………….
b. ………………………………………………………………………

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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

8) You should discourage the hearing impaired from attending functions that
(1 m)
a.) Will be attended by lots of people
b.) Will include listening to music or to speeches
c.) Will involve a lot noise from different sources
d.) Will not involve meeting other deaf people

9) Which of the following would be a suitable title for this passage? (1m)
a. Looking after the hearing impaired
b. Using hearing-aid
c. Communicating through lip-reading
d. Understand the hearing – impaired.

Passage 2: (20 marks)

Read this passage and answer the questions that follow.

Each day, when she returned from the farm she brought back as much wood as she
could carry. Her first son, Nwonna helped. This was to prepare for her husband’s
second funeral rites which had been fixed shortly after the new yam festival. This was
particularly convenient because at that time there would be enough yams to feed the
great number of people who would attend the ceremony.

Ihuoma was sure that many people would attend. Her husband had been a popular
young man and his many friends would want to come and pay their respects to the
friend they had lost. The prospects of having to feed many people did not frighten her.
She knew it was her duty and that the more efficiently she discharged it the more
honour she would accord her departed husband.

For his part, Nnadi, Ihuoma’s brother-in-law, concentrated on storing the dried meat.
Instead of selling animals that fell to his traps, he cut them into bits and smoked them
for storage. This would provide a nice delicacy for the huge pots of soup that would
be prepared on the day.

As for goats and chickens, Ihuoma merely had to go behind her house to find what
she needed for the ceremony. However, she hoped that the mourners would not
demand a very large goat, since this would mean slaughtering the leading breeder in
her herd- a big toad bellied she-goat. Apart from its breeding, Ihuoma had other
reasons for not wanting to lose this particular goat. She was a rather intelligent animal
and never strayed. Even during the full moon when other goats could not tell night
from day, and rounding them up was difficult, Ihuoma’s goat would trot home at the
right time leading all her young ones. Still, no sacrifice was too great in her last
homage to her husband.

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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

“You need not worry,” Nnadi said. “I shall see that the mourners do not demand
anything beyond what tradition lays down.”

“I am not worrying, Nnadi,” Ihuoma said, “but you can be sure I shall spare no pains to
honour my lord decently. I am even prepared to pawn my best wrappers; after all,
now that he is gone, for whom shall I dress? Whose admiration do I care for?”

Nnadi knew that this trend in her conversation would end in tears so he tried to steer
her out of it.

“I’ve been wondering where to build the booth for the mourners, he said. “Where do
you suggest?
“Let it form an extension to the reception hall.”
“That is a good idea. I shall start on it tomorrow. The guests will start to arrive on
Nkwo market day, which is three days ahead.”
“That is so” Ihuoma replied. “By the way, which guests are we expecting first?”
“Naturally, the old women. After them, your husband’s age mates, then the old men.”

1. Line 1, who is ‘she’? Specify her name. ………………………………. (1 m)

2. Paragraph 2. Give an alternative word or phrase that can replace the following
in the passage:
a. ‘Discharged’ .................................................................................
b. ‘Accord ........................................................... (1m)
3. Why was it convenient to hold the ceremony to have been fixed shortly after the
new yam festival? (1m)
4. What was the relationship between Nnadi and Ihouma’s husband? (1m)
5. Who says the words ‘Let’s form an extension to the reception hall.’ (1m)
6. In the last line of the passage Nnadi say, ‘Naturally’? What does this imply
about the order of guests’ arrival? .................................................................
7. Specify at least two things that were special about Ihuoma’s goat. (3 m)
a. ..................................................................
b. ..................................................................

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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

8. Summarise the preparations that Ihuoma and Nnadi are making for the
ceremony by listing the main activities. List at least four things they are doing
or will do in preparation. (8 marks)
a. .....................................................................................................................
b. ....................................................................................................................
c. ....................................................................................................................
d. ...................................................................................................................
9. Give two examples from the passage to illustrate how much Ihuoma had loved
her husband. (4 marks)
a. ..............................................................................................................................
b. ............................................................................................................................
c. .............................................................................................................................

Question 1. Word Formation (10 Marks)

Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits the spaces

Most people find that computers (1) ................................... (ABLE) them to do their
work with great (2) ................................... (EFFICIENT). For a few, the attraction of
computers lies in the many (3) ................................... (POSSIBLE) they offer for
committing crimes. Criminals can use computers to transfer large sums of money
(4)................................ (LEGAL). Amateur computer experts may also get a feeling of
(5) ........................... (EXCITE) by obtaining secret information these
(6)............................ (ACTIVE) may not always receive a lot of
(7).................................... (PUBLIC) because companies, especially financial
institutions, do not want to reveal the (8) ................................(WEAK) of their
computer system. Total computer (9)................................... (SECURE) is possible but
such a system would be expensive to build and (10)...............................
(CONVENIENT) to use. In reality companies must balance the
(11)............................... (PROTECT) of their computer system with the ease which
employees can make use of it.

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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

Question 2. General Vocabulary (10 marks)

Complete this passage by selecting a word or phrase from the box below and writing it
in the correct space in the passage.

broaden, envisaged, footsteps, universally,

founder, biography memorial, brochure
observe trends, pay tribute

The Florence Nightingale Foundation

Florence Nightingale, who is (1) ........................................... recognized as the

(2) ...................................................... of modern nursing, died in 1910 at age of 90.
The international nursing community at the time wished to
(3)........................................................... to the life and work of this great nurse, and
at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) congress held in Cologne in 1912, it was
proposed that an appropriate (4).................................................... to her should be
established. An education foundation was
(5)........................................................................... which would enable nurses to
prepare themselves to follow in Florence’s (6) .................................................

However, due to 1914 – 18 war, it was not until 1929 that the foundation was started.
Today, the Florence Nightingale Foundation operates from offices in London, offering
nurses the opportunity to (7)........................................................ their professional
development through travel to other countries to (8)......................................................
and work in their own particular areas of specialty.
It you would like to receive a copy of a short (9) …………………. about the Florence
Nightingale Foundation or an actual (10) …………………………….. of Florence
Nightingale herself, then write to:
The Florence Nightingale Foundation
199, Westminster Bridge
London SE17UT

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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

PART 3 Composition Writing (40 Marks)

Instructions: Answer one question in Question 1 and one in question 2

Question 1 Your answers should be between 200 and 250 words (20 Marks)

Either: Describe a popular Somaliland singer.

You may include following in your description:-
a) His/her appearance and clothes
b) What he or she has done or said that made him/her popular.
c) Her/His character
d) His/Her future expectation

Or: Describe plans for a party you would like to hold to celebrate the end of

Question 2 Your answers should be between 200 and 250 words (20 Marks)

Either:- Describe the effects of drought in Somaliland.

You may include:
a) When drought may start
b) What happens during this period
c) Shortage of water
d) Lack of grazing for animals
e) Shortage of dairy product
f) Steps taken by the government to alleviate the suffering
g) When drought might end

Or:- Narrate a story of car accident you witness.

You may include:
a) Where/When it happened.
b) The number of casualties.
c) Whose fault it was or what caused the accident
d) When the police arrived and what they did
e) Long term effects on those involved

Question 1

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English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

Question 2
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Somaliland National Examination Board Certificate of Secondary Education
English Paper 2, Extended Examination, 2008

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