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Pphi 17 dec 2021 badin by Dr Govinda Lohana 1. Diluxetin usual dose - 20 to 40mg 2. Polio incorrect feature - damage to ant. And post. Horn of spinal cord 3. Trend of occurance of communicable disease - epidemic? Endemic? Sporadic? Pandemic? 4. 35 years old trauma with basal fracture and hypophyseal portal circulation injiru suspected which hormone will be affected - prolactin 5. Vasopressin is released from - posterior pituitary gland 6. Depression structure involved - cerebrum? Cerebellum? Thalamus? Midbrain? Brain stem? 7. Passive immunization is done by all except - ats 8. All are feature innate immunity except - synthesis of antibodies 9. Which is not involved in pentavalent vaccine - tuberculosis 10. Which organism causes food poisoning - vibrio cholrae 11. Which is not the feature of parkinson disease -muscle atrophy? Voice changes? 12. Which of the following is not the antigout drug - cyclosporin 13. Which is not the Cause of secondary hypertension - coarctation of aorta? Pregnancy? 14. Cause of essential hypertension - cigarette smoking 15. Dose of salbutamol syrup in 6 to 12 years old - 2mg three times daily 16. When it is suspected/ presumptive case of tb cough lasting for - more then 2 weeks 17. Cause of clubbing - primary biliary cirrhosis 18. Permanent dilatation of bronchi and bronchioles is called - bronchietasis 19. Cause of paralytic ileus - hypokalemia 20. Crest syndrome is associated with calcinosis, raynaud phenomenon, sclerofactyly, telengiectasia and - esophageal hypomotility 21. Which is not the feature of hypercapnia - flushing of skin? Capillary pulsation? 22. Which is not included in diffrential diagnosis of obstructive jaundice - rhabdomyolysis 23. All are correct for cholestasis except - most cases are symptomatic? Urine color unchanged? ( this meq had 2 correct choices because most of the cholestasis cases are asymptomatic and urine color can be changed ) 24. Tumor arise from mesenchymal origin is called - sarcoma 25. Which is not the part of call score of covid 19 -crp 26. Which is not true regarding bmr - thyroid function test used to determine bmr? 27. Chest pain occurs with exercise for short duration and relieves on rest - angina pectoris 28. Most common infectious cause of blindness - trachoma 29. Monday disease is caused by - cotton dust 30. Which organ is not affected in hypertension - liver 31. Severe muscle wasting - marasmus Many mcqs were repeated. Read material shared in groups.

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