CAS Proposal Recipes and Stories

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CAS Proposal

Experience Series (X) Project ( )

Title: Recipes and Stories
Student/Team member:
Supervisor: Parent Carolina
CAS Strand: Creativity (X) Activity ( ) Service ( )
Approaches: Ongoing (X) School-based (X) Community based ( ) Individual (X)
* Service: Direct ( ) Indirect ( ) Advocacy ( ) Research ( )
Dates: 10/04/2021 - 15/07/2021

This cooking book is a part of a student’s CAS project, in which the
participants need to search the historical background of a typical dish of a chosen
nationality. Then, we have to get the ingredients and replicate this recipe at home.
Whilst learning about new cultures, their traditions, and a more global perspective, I
can learn new recipes that I haven’t tried before and prepare different meals to enjoy
with my family. Therefore, I was assigned to do a Bhutanese dish called Jasha
Maroo. After that, we will have to make our favorite dish, based on some life event
that was important for us. Also, describe a happy experience that connects with this
chosen food.

Goal & Strands:

In this experience, my creativity will be explored at all steps, because I have
many tasks that need to be done while reflecting on its purpose and applicability. For
example, I have to research the country’s cultural background as well as its culinary
history to pick a dish that suits my needs. Also, I have to recreate the recipe that I
find and possibly adapt it in order for it to be done in my house.

Personal development & Learning Outcomes:

I believe this activity will be extremely rewarding for me since I have always
been passionate about cooking; however, I have found it hard to find the right time or
associate this hobby with something more meaningful. Also, I have a big interest in
foreign cultures, and knowing about their culinary traditions is one of the most fun
and adequate ways to learn about them. This chance to cook this dish will present
some challenges for me since I have never replicated a recipe from an Asian country
and may need to learn more about the skills necessary to do it (outcome 2). Also, I
will need to research about the part of the history as well as plan and organize the
recipe and ingredients to actually cook (outcome 3). I have to spend some time
learning about culinary because I have to get acquainted with the different options I
have and commit myself to buy everything prior and continue cooking even if there
are implications (outcome 4). Lastly, I will be able to understand better a different
nation and value another country’s culture and traditions (outcome 6).
CAS Stages

1. Investigation:
- I will read and research my chosen country’s culinary traditions and also how
the culture presents itself in the dishes.
- Then I will choose one traditional dish that I like and could replicate.
- Also, I will find the recipe needed to recreate it as similar as I can.

2. Preparation:
- I am going to write a short summary of the history of the dish.
- I will buy the ingredients need to cook the dish.
- I will read the recipe carefully and understand how the dish works.

3. Action:
- I will organize the ingredients and my cooking space.
- Then, I will cook the dish that I chose.
- Finally, I will eat with my family and enjoy the food I cooked.

4. Reflection: This part will be done when the experience is completed.

5. Demonstration: This part will be done when the experience is completed.

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