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ABE 153 - AB Waste Management Engineering

Laboratory Exercise Number 2

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

I. Introduction
Air pollution is any chemical, physical, or biological substance that alters
the natural features of the atmosphere, whether it is indoors or outside. Air
pollution is caused by a variety of sources, including household combustion
devices, automobiles, industrial operations, and forest fires. Particulate matter,
carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide are all pollutants that
are harmful to human health. Air pollution, both outside and inside, causes
respiratory and other ailments, and is a significant source of morbidity and

Every year, air pollution kills an estimated seven million people around the
world. According to WHO data, almost all of the world's population (99%) breathes
air that exceeds WHO guideline limits for contaminants and contains high levels of
pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries being the most exposed. WHO
is assisting countries in their efforts to combat air pollution.

Air pollution is a huge hazard to health and the environment, from haze
hanging over cities to smoke within the home. Millions of people die prematurely
each year as a result of the combined impacts of ambient (outside) and domestic air
pollution, primarily as a result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory

The passage of the Philippine Clean Air Act (RA 8749) on June 23, 1999,
provides for a comprehensive air pollution control policy, as it outlines the
government's measures to reduce air pollution by including environmental
protection activities into its development plans.

II. Objectives
At the end of the exercise, the student should be able to:
1. Define and explain the contents of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999; and 2.
Know the Implementing Rules and Regulation of the Philippine Clean Air Act of

III. Methodology
1. Acquire a copy of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 and its Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR).
2. Read the documents and make a summary of the salient features of the law and
the IRR with emphasis on the terms that are being used, the sources and effects
of pollution, the quality of air and the updated regulations that are being
implemented to mitigate these effects.
3. Acquire a copy of ordinance/s from the barangay/municipality/city supporting
the implementation of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 or any ordinance/s
regulating the citizens’ activities related to air pollution.
4. Discuss how this ordinance is being implemented in the community.
5. Explain your suggestions, recommendations and ideas on how to further mitigate
the effects of air pollution.

IV. Results and Discussion

 Summary of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
The Act calls for the establishment of a national air pollution management
program with a primary focus on pollution avoidance, as well as the promotion of
mass media communication to raise public awareness and encourage active
participation in air quality planning and monitoring. The Department of
Environment and Natural Resources will issue a Certificate of Conformity to the
vehicle manufacturer, assembler, or importer to attest that this new vehicle or
vehicle type meets the necessary standards in terms of pollution prevention as set
forth in this Act.
The provisions of this Act apply to Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS),
which significantly deplete or otherwise modify the ozone layer, as well as
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), which are organic compounds that persist in
the environment, bioaccumulate, and resist photolytic, chemical, and biological
degradation (including, but not limited to, dioxin, furan, Polychlorinated Biphenyls
(PCBs), organochlorine pesticides such as aldrin, dieldrin, DDT,
hexachlorobenzene, lindane, toxaphene and chlordane) and other toxic or
poisonous substances potentially damaging human and animal health and the
There are a lot of terms used. The following:
o "Air pollutant"
o "Air pollution"
o "Ambient air quality guideline values"
o "Ambient air quality"
o "Certificate of Conformity"
o "Department"
o "Eco-profile"
o "Emission"
o "Greenhouse gases"
o "Hazardous substances"
o "Infectious waste"
o "Medical waste"
o "Mobile source"
o "Motor vehicle"
o "Municipal waste"
o "New vehicle"
o "Octane Rating or the Anti-Knock Index (AKI)"
o "Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)"
o "Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)"
o "Poisonous and toxic fumes"
o "Pollution control device"
o "Pollution control technology"
o "Standard of performance"
o "Stationary source"

The ordinance from the city:

 City Ordinance No. 2017-039 (Series of 2017)
 An ordinance amending further city ordinance No. 97-043 otherwise
known as “An ordinance enacting the cleanliness and environment
protection code of the city of Laoag, providing procedures for
prosecution and penalties for violations thereof (OPLAN DALUS
CODE)” as amended by city ordinance No. 2004-051 and city
ordinance No. 2005-065
 This is all about following the Oplan Dalus code and those who
violate will pe given penalties or fine in different offense.
 City Ordinance No. 97-043 (Series of 1997)
 An ordinance enacting the cleanliness and environment protection
code of the city of Laoag, providing procedures for prosecution and
penalties for violations thereof.
 This ordinance covers three main areas for consideration within the
City of Laoag. Waste Disposal, Beautification and Orderliness and
Protection of Water Bodies, Air and Atmosphere.
 Waste Disposal and Cleanliness talks about prohibition to litter in
general. This is about proper waste disposal and fines for those who
violates this ordinance.
 Beautification and Orderliness talks about no stray animals shall
be allowed in Laoag city and those who violates will be given
sanctions or fines. Its not allowed also for any person to deface any
structure public or private within the city those who violates will be
given sanctions or fines. Overall, it’s all about not destroying any
properties or cause damage and orderliness within the city.
 Protection of Water Bodies, Air and Atmosphere talks about air
quality, smoking, and water bodies. This is all about the restriction
of to release into the atmosphere any form of matter which causes

Explain your suggestions, recommendations and ideas on how to further mitigate the
effects of air pollution.

 In order to mitigate the effects of air pollution the idea of Renewable and clean
energy production. This is to move away from burning of fossil fuels. We need to
replace them with alternatives like solar, wind, geothermal and other.
 Energy Conservation and Efficiency, its very vital to produce clean energy. But its
important to reduce our consumption of energy by taking on responsible habits and
using device that is efficient.
 Eco-Friendly Transportation, electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles and
promoting shared mobility could reduce air pollution and its effects.
 Green Building aims to create environmentally responsible and structures that is
efficient in resources to reduce their carbon footprint.
V. Summary and Conclusions

The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 is very important in order to help the
environment. This act is focus in the avoidance of pollution in our country. This act will be
an eye opener to all of us that air pollution is here and we need to stop our doings that
contribute to it. This also provide for a comprehensive air pollution control policy, as it
outlines to reduce the air pollution by together with environmental protection activities.

FIGURE 1. Phillipine Clean Air of 1999 (First Page)

FIGURE 2. City Ordinance No. 2017-039 (Series of 2017)
FIGURE 2. City Ordinance No. 2017-039 (Series of 2017)

Solar Impulse Foundation. (n.d.). How to improve air quality?. Retrieved from,

Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations. (n.d.). Philippine Clean Air Act of
1999, Republic Act No. 8749. Retrieved from,

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