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University of Tripoli

College of Engineering
Materials and Metallurgy Department

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Supervised by


In order to pick materials that will not creep, creep fracture, creep relax, or creep
buckle, a design-led method is devised. This method is an extension of a successful
room temperature design method that employs performance indices and materials
selection charts. The description of a "design strength," _D, which describes a
material's response under conditions imposed by the design, is necessary to define the
extension's tension. Materials are ranked using an optimization process that combines
_D with additional characteristics (such stiffness, density, or cost) to identify the
subset that best meets the design criteria.


How are materials selected to prevent creep failure at high temperatures? mostly based
on experience. With a few exceptions, polymers should only be utilized at room
temperature and not above 100?C. The alloys with the highest creep resistance may
withstand temperatures up to 200°C, titanium alloys up to 600°C, 850°C, and so on.
However, optimal selection necessitates considerably more options, which depend on
the failure criteria (excessive deflection, fracture, relaxation of stress, buckling, etc.),
the m (tension, bending, torsion, internal pressure), and the t target (minimizing weight,
or cost, or maximizing life). It is difficult for a designer who is not an expert in creep
to determine the subset of material that will best meet his demands or to foresee the
creep ways that altering the design could affect the final decision. To put it simply,
there is no systematic method for choosing materials for usage at high temperatures.
For the purpose of mechanical design at room temperature, there is a methodical way
to choose materials. Can it be raised too high? In order to respond, let's first look at the


The method relies on the concepts of material-property space and performance indices.

A performance index is a collection of material characteristics that describe a particular

aspect of a component's performance (Crane & Charles, 1984; Ashby).

The best way to maximize this element of performance is to choose a material with the
highest value of the relevant index. The indices are created using models of the
component's function. the ideal components for a strong, lightweight tie

Those with the highest value of the specific strength are considered to be (a tensile

Equation (2.1)

While this will seem obvious, it may have been guessed, where _y is the yield
strength and density. However, it is risky to guess indices. The material with the
highest value of is the best for a light, strong beam, or a component loaded in bending
rather than tension.

Equation (2.2)
Alternatively, if the beam's height (when referred to as a panel) can be modified but
its width is set, the option with the highest value of

Equation (2.3)

These kinds of material indices are derived from models that specify function, goal, and
limitations. For instance, the formula for Equation (2.2) is as follows. A substance is
necessary for a powerful, bright beam. Figure 2a illustrates a beam with a defined length
L and a rectangular cross section b x h such that b = ah (a is also provided, keeping the
shape constant). It serves the simple purpose of supporting a bending moment. The goal
is to reduce its mass m, which is determined by

Equation (2.4)



In order to design against creep, we look for a material and a shape that can handle the
design loads successfully throughout the design life at the design temperature.
Depending on the context, "failure" has many meanings. We identify four categories of
failure, as shown in figure1.

1. Displacement-limited applications, when design is based on creep rates e or

displacement rates( 𝛿̇ ), where precise dimensions or small clearances must be

maintained (as in the discs and blades of turbines)
2. Applications that are susceptible to rupturing, where dimensional accuracy is
less crucial but fracture must be avoided (like in pressure pipes), and where the
design is based on the time-to-failure 𝑡𝑓
3. When design is based on a characteristic relaxation time .𝑡𝑡 , there are
applications known as stress-relaxation-limited applications in which an initial
tension relaxes over time (such as in the pretensioning of cables or bolts).

4. When design is based on the crucial time-to-instability 𝑡𝑏 , buckling-limited

applications, such as the upper wing skin of an airplane or an externally
pressurized tube, use thin columns or panels to sustain compressive stresses. To
address any of them, we require constitutive equations that link the stress and
temperature T that a material is exposed to to the strain rate e or time-to-failure
𝑡𝑓 for that material.


A material creeps when loaded at a temperature that is more than one-third of its
absolute melting point, Tm. The tensile creep curve's shape is depicted in Figure 4 for
constant stress, r, and temperature, T. A steady-state creep stage comes after the primary
extension, and an accelerated tertiary stage comes after that.

The time to fracture 𝑡𝑓 the steady-state creep rate 𝜖𝑠𝑠̇ and the creep ductility 𝜖𝑓 are


The time to fracture, or 𝑡𝑓, is used to describe creep when fracture rather than deflection
is the design-limiting factor. It can also be explained by a constitutive equation with the
characteristics shown in). Once more, a power law provides a sufficient description
over a constrained range 𝜎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 Τ.

A constitutive equation that includes elastic response and creep is necessary for creep
relaxation. For stress and momentary creep, it takes the form of


We want to create indices that are similar to those in 2, but for designs that experience
creep. The fact that "strength" is no longer a material attribute that is fixed with respect
to temperature and strain rate presents an immediate challenge. The following treatment
is as succinct as feasible. Additional information is available elsewhere.


First, let's look at the simple situation of a tensile member—a tie—with a minimum
weight that is intended to sustain a load F for a period of time t without deflecting
more than 6 degrees at a certain temperature. The constant strain rate cannot be used
if the knot is L in length.


Next, consider a situation where the design is constrained by fracture rather than
deflection rate. The strongest strains for a bending beam arise in the outer fibers
where the bending moment M is greatest, which is also where creep fracture begins.
Using the constitutive relation, calculate the time t before the cantilever fails.

With time, a tensile cable or bolt that was pretensioned to deliver a bearing or
clamping force F at a high temperature begins to creep. The computation is
conventional; creep strain eventually replaces elastic strain a/E. Since the ends of the
cable or bolt are immovable, the overall change in strain is zero.


Expressions for the indices M and the associated design strengths 𝜎𝐷 are summarize
The close parallel between these results and those for room temperature plasticity
suggests a selection procedure. The design temperature T and acceptable deflection
rate 𝛿̇ , or life t, or relaxation time 𝑡𝑟 are identified. Using this information, values for
the appropriate 𝜎𝐷 are calculated from a database of creep properties for materials
(it is necessary to cap the value of 𝜎𝐷 at the value 𝜎𝑌 to allow for the change of
deformation mechanism to yielding at low temperatures). These are used to construct
a chart of log ((𝜎𝐷 ) against log (p); it is the creep equivalent , but is specific to the
particular temperature, deflection rate or life required by the design since these
appear in the definition of 𝜎𝐷 . The indices M1, M2 and M3 can be plotted onto it,
allowing optimum selection for each application

The easiest way to see how all this works is through examples. Those of the next
section are deliberately simplified to avoid unnecessary digression. The method
remains the same when the complexity is restored.


The examples that follow show how to choose materials for constructions that are
loaded at high temperatures and are restricted by deflection, fracture, or stress
relaxation The decision is made based only on which method best addresses one or
both of these creep-related constraints. Resistance to oxidation, thermal shock, and
other factors are among the many factors taken into account when choosing materials
for usage at high temperatures. Here, we focus on the choice for the initial shortlist, to
which these other factors can be applied afterwards.


therefore, is tensile, and proportional (for fixed blade proportions) to the density of the
material of which the blade is made. It could, then, be anticipated that the for tensile
loading, (4.3). More detailed analyses add complexity, but confirm this appropriate
index is that for tensile loading, M1 of (2.1), with the design strength result (Able &
Ashby 1994). The turbine blade is loaded in the same way, but is hotter: designers
would like to go to 1000 ?C. Concepts for new turbines push this temperature to 1500
?C. The task is to select materials to maximize the safe angular velocity of the fan or
turbine blade, designed to operate for a life t = 1000 h without extending by more than
𝛿, which is required to be 1.0% of its length, for each of these temperatures, and at the
same time to minimize the weight
The profile and section are determined by the blade design; neither is free. The mass is
minimized by minimizing
7. Summary and conclusions

For the selection of materials to resist creep deflection, creep fracture, buckling, and
stress relaxation, a design-led process is suggested. It is an extension of a successful
method for designing for room temperature that uses performance indices and charts
for material selection to find the best subset of potential materials for a particular
design. The expansion calls for the description of a "design strength," or _𝜎𝐷 ., which
describes how a material responds to demands placed on it by the design, including
temperature and allowable creep deflection and relaxation times. In order to identify
the subset of materials that best meets the design criteria, materials are rated using an
optimization technique that combines 𝜎𝐷 .. with additional qualities (such as density,
cost, or stiffness). Examples of the method's use are provided in the paper's conclusion,
which, when an effective method of locating promising candidates for a variety of
creep-limited applications when implemented in software.


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Charles, J. A. 1984 Selection and use of engineering materials. London: Butterworths
Evans, R. W. & Wilshire, B. 1985 Creep of metals and alloys. London: The Institute of Metals. Finnie,
I. & Heller, W. R. 1959 Creep of engineering materials. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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