Practice About Prepositions

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Practice about Prepositions

Name: Yoel Franco Huachaca Argote


Prepositions of Time

Put in the correct preposition (choose in / on / at). If no preposition is

needed, put in -.

1) Lucy is arriving …in….February the 13th …on…….eight o'clock ………

choose……..the morning.

2) The weather is often terrible in London ……in…...January.

3) It's better to get taxi if you are out alone ……choose...night.

4) She got married ,,,,,,,,in,,,,,,September.

5) They usually go to the south of France …in……...the summer.

6) Columbus sailed to the Americas ……In……...the 16th century.

7) The Beatles were popular ………in……….the 1960s.

8) I graduated from university ……choose………..2001.

9) His birthday is ………in………..June.

10) I usually go to my parents' house ……in……….Christmas. We eat

turkey together …in……….Christmas Day.

11) The train leaves ………at………….tomorrow morning …at………..8:00


12) I love going skiing ……In…………..January.

13) We met at the restaurant ………At………..8pm.

14) The class is …at.…..9am……The………...Monday mornings.

15) I like to drink coffee …the………..the morning and tea ………

by……..the afternoon.

16) We went out for dinner ……in…...last Wednesday.

17) She left London ……on……...the 4th of March.

18) I had a party ……from… birthday.

19) Lucy went to New York …The………...New Year.

20) We're meeting ………the……….lunchtime …in………….next

Prepositions of Place

Put in the correct preposition (choose in / on / at). If no

preposition is needed, put in -.

1. He’s swimming __on____ the river.

2. Where’s Julie? She’s __on _the___ school.

3. The plant is __on____ the table.

4The plant is __on__ the table.

5. Please put those apples __on____ the bowl.

6. Frank is _at__from_ holiday for three weeks.

7. There are two pockets __on____ this bag.

8. I read the story __on____ the newspaper. 9.

The cat is sitting _on_____ the chair.

10. Lucy was standing ____on__ the bus stop.

11. I'll meet you _on_____ the cinema.

12. She hung a picture _in__ the wall.

13. John is ___in___ the garden.

14. There's nothing _in___ TV tonight

15. I stayed __on__ home all weekend.

16. When I called Lucy, she was ___in___ the bus.

17. There was a spider _in__ the ceiling.

18. Unfortunately, Mrs Brown is ___in___ hospital.

19. Don't sit _in___ the table, sit _in__ a chair.

20. There are four cushions _in__ the sofa. Tuesday.

Verbs and Prepositions

1 1. Stop worrying __in_____ your exam - everything will be fine.

2. I've waited ____at__ Judy for 30 minutes. I’m going home.

3. Stop talking and concentrate ____in___ your work

. 4. Don't forget to pay ___in_____ the newspaper.

5. He explained the computer program ____on___ me.

6. I don't know what we'll do at the weekend. It depends ____on__ the


7. She will arrive ____in___ Beijing at 3 p.m.

8. I like to listen _______at___ the radio when I wake up.

9. He borrowed £20 ___at___ his brother.

10. Who does this coat belong __on____?

11. She left without paying _____on__ the meal.

12. It was so hot, I couldn't concentrate ____in____ my book.

13. Mothers always worry ___at__ their children.

14. Please explain the meaning of this word ___in_____ your classmates.

15. I'm fed up with waiting __in_____ spring.

16. That car belongs ____at___ my father.

17. She listens _____at___ opera on the tube.

18. A: Which university will you go to? B: It depends __in_____ my exam


19. A lot of people borrow money ___in___ the bank.

20. When she arrived __at____ the pub, it was already closed.

Adjectives and Prepositions

Put in the correct preposition:

1. England is famous __on___ its rainy weather.

2. I'm very proud ___at____ my daughter, she worked very hard.

3. He isn't really interested __on___ getting married.

4. Luke is very pleased ___on___ his exam results.

5. Unfortunately, I'm very bad ___on___ music.

6. I've been married __in__ my husband for 10 years.

7. She's very excited ___in___ the party.

8. Julie is very different ____at__ her sister.

9. My niece is afraid ____at__ dogs.

10. A ball gown is similar _____at___ an evening dress.

11. What is your town famous ___on___?

12. It's great you got that job - you should be proud __in___ yourself.

13. I'm very excited __in___ buying a new computer.

14. That bike is similar ____at__ yours.

15. She is interested ___in__ jazz.

16. Are you pleased ___on__ your new house?

17. Lucy is extremely good ____in___ languages.

18. Who is James married __on___?

19. English cheese is very different ___at___ French cheese.

20. He isn't afraid __at____ anything.

Collocations with Prepositions Exercises

1. She paid for lunch ___at_____ advance, so we don’t need to pay now.

2. I went to the wrong house ____in____ mistake!

3. Please make sure that you’re _____at___ time for the class!

4. I was walking to the station and ____on____ chance I saw the glove I’d lost on the


5. I love eating out in London. ___on_____ instance, one of my favourite restaurants has

amazing Japanese food.

6. I think the cat is _____in______ danger on that high roof.

7. I picked up the laptop and ___on___ my surprise it fell apart in my hands.

8. I have a lot ___on______ common with my cousin. We both like many of the same things.

9. If the baby starts to cry, pick her up __at____ once.

10. Did you forget your purse ____on___ purpose so you wouldn’t have to pay?

11. It’s best to arrive ___at____ foot, because there is nowhere to park.

12. What do a whale and a dolphin have ___in____ common?

13. He added salt instead of sugar ___in____ mistake.

14. What’s your favourite thing to do? ____in____ instance, do you like sport?

15. The book was __on______ reach on a high shelf.

16. I want to go to Germany __on___ a change. I’ve never been there.

17. Please let me know __on__ advance if you can’t come to the meeting.

18. She often goes to school ____in__ foot.

19. Do you always brush your teeth before bed __in_____ fail?

20. The little girl broke the toy ____on__ purpose because she was so angry.

21. Please come ___at____ once. We have a big problem.

22. She worked very hard and __at______ last she managed to pass the exam.

23. We need to be ____on___ time or my grandmother will start to get anxious.

24. It feels like owning a house is _in_____ reach. I’ll never be able to do it.

25. We thought about it a lot and __in_____ last we decided to buy a new flat

. 26. We watched a film _at______ a change. Usually we read. 27. She was really _in__

danger for a few minutes in the rough sea, but luckily a lifeguard saw her.

28. I went to the bookshop and __on____ chance I found a really interesting book about


29. He walked into the kitchen and ___on_ his surprise there was food all over the floor.

30. She drinks a litre of water every day ___in_____ fail.

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