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Using information in HR (UIN) assessment template

HR research project report


Word count: 3295

Reviewing Turnover Rates and Further Prevention


Discussion of the Issue…………………..............................……….2
Research aims and objectives…………………………..……………2
Proposed Methology………………….......................……………….3
Action Plan…………………………………………..….....…………...6
Research Activity and Findings…………………….....…………..7
Research Activity Summary………......…………………...…………7
Research Findings……………………………………………………..8

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0


Discussion of the issue

The organisation we will look into is a construction medium sized family

business, Kelleher Group. Kelleher is in Construction Business since 1975.
Staff turnover in Construction Businesses, according to Construction
Excellence, has risen to 3.3%, with an average of 7.7% of a company’s direct
workforce leaving the business during the year surveyed. (New Construction
KPI data released, n.d.)

The need for awareness of employee turnover and the negative

consequences of it, by using different quantitive and qualitative first-hand data
according to the CIPD viewpoint leads to the following research (CIPD, 2018)
for the investigated and observed turnover within Kelleher Group, which has
forty employees. Normally, the "healthy" retaining corresponding positions are
around two years. Later on, ideally the employees are being promoted among
the organisation. As a result, the newcomers are welcomed from the point of
view of contribution to the constantly developing and changing processes and
culture and external experience. Recently, is the observed turnover being
18% for the Q4, higher than 10%, which is accepted as normal (Gartenstein,

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Research aims and objectives

This study will focus on three main research objectives.

Research Objective 1 The first research objective will seek to unveil the
various factors that contribute towards the high employer turnover rates within
the organisation.
This will be done through the exit interviews to determine what factors lead to
the low retention rates. Emphasis will be on establishing the various
incentives that companies in this industry offer to their employees to
encourage them to stay with the organisation.
Research Objective 2 The second research objective will be to identify some
of the effective methods of retention that can be adopted by the organisation
to significantly reduce our employee turnover rates.
Research Objective 3 The final research objective will be to identify some of
the effective methods to improve the working experience within the
In this case, the turnover is viewed as a high cost, because of the leaving
costs and the investment of time to inbound someone. (Michael Armtrong ,
Stephen Taylor, 2017). The next weak points emerged the big workload,
which brings a negative impact on the employees, causing stress and inability
to have a work-life balance. And with less percentage occurred gapes for
improvement in point of understanding the whole picture in the company.
Combining these three methods for investigation gives a needed knowledge
and feedback for the company from different perspectives, as from no
voluntary leavers to voluntary, and also from the whole population of the
stream. As a company, the selected data is collected and used for the aim of
comparison through the years and the impact of the taken actions (CIPD,



The main involved direct stakeholders were the HR director, the Managing
Director, the HR Business Partner and the compensation and benefits
specialist. HR departments stand to gain a lot by tracking employee turnover.
Valuable data can be collected and deeper insights drawn to reveal the
potential source of the turnover, whether it be job dissatisfaction or other more
personal reasons. This key HR metric can help companies assess and
prioritize changes or adjustments to their culture or practices in order to
decrease attrition and ensure retention of employees in the future. Ultimately,
employee turnover can result in the wasting of resources and training, as well
as put a drain on your company’s bottom line (Lowe, 2018).
HR Director and HR Business Partner need to have all the information of exit
interviews, surveys and meetings (focus groups). They need to understand
why people are not happy in the current climate and to have a clear
understanding of the issues, so they will be able to collaborate and conduct
the relevant meetings, surveys and create and additional roles may needed.

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Compensation and Benefits Specialist needs to have the information of the
surveys, in order to receive a clear understanding of the desirable package of
benefits that the employees should be keen to receive. He needs the
information, in order to do the right planning and budgeting of the package.

Managing Director needs to have all the information of exit interviews, surveys
and meetings (focus groups) in order to understand the reasons that people
leaving, how the turnover can be improved and why we need to spend money
in Compensation or Additional Job Roles.

Proposed methodology

Information Research Justification for the Advantages of Disadvantag

needed source source the source es of the
Information Article Norma Dávila and Article sheds Lack of
about the ‘Providing Wanda Piña-Ramírez . light on the evidence as
importance the value (2019). onboarding as a conducted
of of Proving the value of a valuable measuremen
onboarding Induction’ induction. process. t with specific
and on CIPD 1. Valuable/ statistics.
measuring unique 1. No quality
the information guarantee/no
effectivenes t validated
85/induction. 2. Professional
networking 2. Needs
information computer
exchange and ICT
Understandi Book The Work-Life Balance: The positive Lack of
ng work- life Beyond the Rhetoric by J way of the consideration
balance in Kodz,H Harper, S Dench. recommendatio of problem
organisation ns and also the related to the
s. stumbling from measuremen
everyone t of well-
points of view. being and
1. Easy to setting
Secondary sources

access SMART
2. Portable
1.Quickly out
of date
2. Time
consuming to
Information Research Justification for the Advantages of Disadvantag

needed method method the method es of the


CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Analysis of Exit Fig.2 Automatic Lack of face
reasons of Interview email, which to face
leaving saves manually communicati
work. on
1. Exit 1.Employees
interviews may be
could give HR fearful of
the opportunity burning
to gain bridges,
information which may
about the mean they
reasons behind have little
employee incentive to
turnover, which be
may help to completely
reduce turnover open. The
in the future if process may
the information be a waste of
is acted upon. time and not
2. They may garner any
give insights real insights.
into problems 2. If the
in the situation
organization surrounding
that were not the
otherwise employee’s
obvious. For departure is
example, they tense, the
may highlight exit interview
problems with may be
specific tense, too. It
managers. could be
tension and
ry methods

having a
clear benefit.

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Information Satisfacti Fig. 3 The analysis The findings
about on Survey can be done of the
employees’ automatically, questionnair
satisfaction which saves e as an only
resources and method,
avoids human can’t be
mistakes. entirely
1. Can be a reliable.
way to get 1. Require
anonymous follow-up. 
feedback on 2. Take time
how to improve
and must be
2. Can be done
completely consistently
customized to
to derive the
needs benefit.

Observing the suffer from high turnover, using the quality data illustrated as a
diagram (fig.1) measures the trend in the last quarter in 2020. This statistic
helps the researcher to provide a "macro" view and from this point to depth
the reasons. This numerical, ratio data can be defined as continuous because
takes a value within a range and differs voluntary vs. no voluntary leavers and
also shows the frequency of occurrence of rejected offers. The histogram
gives a clue to the researcher and for itself is an indicator for searching the
reasons behind (Saunders,2009).

fig.1 Turnover Q4 2020

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Fig. 2 Categories

The analysis of conducted exit interviews for the relevant period has been
grouped in four main categories (fig.2). The structured interview is sent to the
HR Business Partner. The blank contains six questions - four likert scales,
one Thurston scale, one of them is an open question (Thoughtco, 2019).

Referring to Armstrong’s book, a survey has been used to confirm and enrich
the development areas showed in the previous results:

Fig. 3 Satisfaction Survey 2020

Based on the mentioned earlier observation within the stream stand out a few
highlighted areas for improvement of a large impact has not efficient on
boarding. It has major significant towards turnover, absenteeism and

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

employer brand. Hence that leads to increased expenses for recruiting
(including job posting, interviewing, etc.), training and a sharp drop in the
outcome. External researches show that one-third of newcomers are leaving
their companies in their first six months and the up to date inquiries represent
that 73% of the organizations rely on good on boarding in order to improve
employee's retention (Maren, Hogan, 2015). - Another stated reason for
leaving is related with well - being or more concrete the ability to manage
stress at the workplace and personal problems (failed work-life balance).
Since over the earliest 21 centuries have been started significant studies and
strategies which prove the correlation between health and work. As Dame
Carol Black highlighted work is a way to feel complete as an individual, boost
everyone's self-esteem and improve social life (CIPD, Health and Well being
at Work, 2018) - stands out the salary as a reason for leaving in comparison
with industries from other branches (exp. IT industry).- The communication
and understand ability related to the company strategy on a global level is the
next gap, needed amendment.

The article "Providing the value of induction" by Norma Dávila and Wanda
Piña-Ramírez posted in TD Magazine, provided by CIPD deliver an up to date
well-structured information, emphasizing the importance of on boarding and
measuring the effectiveness (CIPD, 2019).The Author uses an example from
the bank sector tracking the correlation between on boarding and the turnover
among the newcomers. I see a lack of evidence as a conducted measurement
with specific statistics. I find it very valuable the purpose efficient of on
boarding to be measured twice in order to have a base for comparison and to
be executed also for moving the position. It provokes feeling for carrying
about the employee. The tricky part could be that employees may
misunderstand the aim and feel it as an annoying task or even worst as
threatening testing. The article as a whole sheds light on the on boarding as a
valuable process, which augment the company success (George B. Bradt,
Mary Vonnegut, 2009). To be improved it must be considering it like any other
processes in the organizations, accordingly to be monitored by measuring and
taken action as a result. Doing second-hand research regarding the second
stood up a problem, I will rely on and explore the book: The Work-Life
Balance: Beyond the Rhetoric by J Kodz, H Harper, S Dench. The literature
covers reliable information and a multiplicity of areas based on a research
midst six companies (Kodz, 2002). The publisher: THE INSTITUTE FOR
EMPLOYMENT STUDIES is specialized in Human Resources area, which
adds value and talks for the expertise of the authors and referees. I found as
a strength that is exposed not only the positive way of the recommendations
but also the stumbling from everyone points of view. A few limitations I have
noticed are the lack of consideration of problem-related to the measurement
of well - being and setting SMART goals. Other observed weakness is the fact
that the research has laid out only between companies with well - developed
work-life balance policies. I find it better to be compared with the ones that
don't have ones in order to build a comparison between them linked with
employee turnover, absenteeism and stress level. Finally, the studies cover
the most important steps in the implementation of the process, but not all of
the proposals are applicable for all of the branches. For example, flexible
working time and working from home depends on the nature of work.

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Within the frame of the main topic of the research, as third secondary
research, I tracked the trends in the turnover rate over the years. The report
"Megatrends: Has job turnover slowed down? " was provided by the CIPD
(CIPD, Megatrends:Has job turnover slowed down?, 2013). The research is
not recent, but I chose it because of the prediction for nowadays, which
factually are not as the estimated ones. They supposed that by 2020 the
turnover rate would be lower considering the population ageing, but the
reports show the opposite (Workinstitute, 2018). Since this time is noticeable
an uncertainty and change ability, so one of the most reliable sources as
Official data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) The
Workplace Employment Relations Study (WERS) The CIPD’s
Employee Outlook survey provide the analysis by this time. As a limitation, I
count that the main focus is on the UK only and there are other countries also
but is not relevant for Greece. Even though I identified the most valuable the
breakdown between age, gender, length of service and sector. Likewise, the
examination of the benefit and loss of the turnover and management

Action plan

Exit interviews - According to the CIPD "Employee turnover and retention",

the confidentiality need to be sure and the aim explained carefully (CIPD,
Employee turnover and Retention, 2018). So, I state as a strength the
communication for the exit interview that comes from the HR Business
Partner, who forewarn the employee that will receive on his email such an exit
interview, which will be sent only to him and the line manager won't be able to
see the results. The exit interview has been sent automatically which saves
manually work and time also avoids logistic straits if the employee is a home
office for example. The lack of face -to - face contact is a limitation from the
other side because of the impossibility to read the body language, to notice
the emotion that the employee radiates and to encourage him by inspiring
trust. The style of the questions allows easily analysing but at the same time
can be a barrier for employee's voice.

Survey - the annual survey has been sent within the stream via emails with a
link to an external web page. Referring to CIPD; 2018 the purpose of the
satisfaction survey is by using data from current employees to prevent
potential risk of turnover. This type of qualitative first-hand self-administered
data has been filled from the employee online includes clear, well-structured
questions requiring a ranking answer. The findings of the questionnaire as an
only method can't be entirely reliable. However, the survey is suitable for
multiple sending at once. Then the analysis can be done automatically which
saves resources and avoids human mistakes (Virginia, 2006).
Focus groups: Armstrong’s book suggests that for more efficiency the surveys
should be combined with another face-to-face method (Armstrong, Taylor,
2017). I state that the focus group as a method would be useful in this case.
Focus groups are interviews concentrated on a specific topic and the size can
vary between five to ten people (b2binternational, -). A disadvantage of the

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

method is the fact that is a high resource consuming. For example, it requires
an expert in mentoring to be able to facilitate the group so that everyone will
be encouraged to share his opinion and at the same time not to talk outside of
the topic. As every qualitative data, the method is time-consuming for
analysing (Saunders, Research Methods, 2009).
The main utility of focus groups can be pointed out is diversity if opinions.
(b2binternational). This method is valuable because of the range of
applications, it could be from gaining new ideas, deeper discussion on some
problem to a method for identifying talents (Gray, Vickrey, 1993).

Task Cost Resources Time Anticipated Mitigation

(Hours) Issues
Exit No Cost HR Business Half Hour Lack of Collecting the
Interview partner in total. getting the information of
emotions exit interviews
or we can see
Online- Email
additional the gaps and
feedback. the reasons
behind the
decision to
Survey No cost HR Business 1 hour in Lack of Surveys
partner total reliability make the
feel important
Online –
part of the
Email and
as ‘their
counts’. Also
collecting the
results of the
surveys we
can see what
we need to
make in order
to improve
the working
Focus No cost HR Business 8 Hours Time Discussions
Groups Partner, HR consuming. in groups can
Specialist in result in major
Mentoring results,as
everyone can
express their
opinion and
can lead in

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

need of

Research activity and findings

Research activity summary

I have combined two types quality first-hand information among the stream
"Kelleher Group" from which I am part of, satisfaction survey from current
employee and most common reasons highlighted by analysing exit interviews.
Those sources of information provide understanding of what is behind the
observed a high "unhealthy" turnover which causes huge resources and costs
of the company.

Research findings

For evidence, you can find first hand quantitative and qualitative data,
analysed by me. I have introduced the turnover trends for the Q4 in 2020,
month per month, the most common reasons summarised after the half-
structured survey – exit interview and the results from the satisfaction survey
sent twice per year among the stream (Fig, 1, 2 and 3)


Armstrong’s book suggests for the most reliable results using a triangulation
methodology (Michael Armtrong , Stephen Taylor, 2017). As we have seen
every method primary or secondary sources of information, quantitively or
qualitative have advantages and disadvantages, so the good research
combines them to complement each other. By conducting a literature
research can find some of the best practices, studies and similar researches
which can provide a point for comparison. Textbooks, for example, gives an
extended explanation on some problem, but it could be not applicable in
practice or not up-to-date. The journals and articles as a whole give more
lately review but keeping in mind that the press should be critically revised.
The used methods in the research represent analysed data as evidence for
the observed turnover within the stream. The most common findings are
pointed out by exit interviews, but in an aim to prevent this trend is conducted
satisfaction survey, which data support the results from the previous one
(CIPD, Health and Well being at Work, 2018). The examination of the
secondary source of information provides external examples for the
highlighted problems within my organization giving the opportunity to compare
and be aware of the current trends in the employment market. To add value
this work should lead a beginning for improvements.

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0


Taking into account the employee voice and needs in order to improve the
pointed-out areas as a recommendation I suggest:

Action/ Responsibility Cost/ Resources Timescale Review Date

Conducting Human Time resource to Estimation of As a result,
additional Resources design and analyse the one week to the
research as a Director; survey. It can be free be built the employees
survey about the Provide the ( survey from will have the
employee's report ). the feeling that
desirable including Time resource to Communicati they owe the
package of investigations modify the current on expert, reward
benefits. Taking that show the benefit packages (the two weeks to process and
into consideration negative ones with the lowest be filled by appreciation
the declared impact of rating can be excluded the of their
needs the current stress, high and replaced with employees individualitie
one will be absenteeism, others) and then one s (CIPD;
modified. and other more week to 2018). Two
personal be analysed months after
problems. It is the results the initial
a part of the and date the
well- being at presented in modified
work, so I will the benefit
afford also a diagrammatic package and
project plan format in form well-being
for improving of the Human policies
the well-being Resources should be
policies and director. Such life and
practices(CIP kind of survey communicat
D; 2017) should be ed to the
conducted on employees.
a regular The results
basis -once from the
per year. In satisfaction
one month survey in Q4
after the in 2021 will
benefit measure the
package impact.
should be
updated by
n & benefit
expert with
of the human
Implementing a Kelleher Time resources are From two to On the third
new role -Training Group needed only for the six month month every
lead. managers and approval process, not due to newcomer
Director needed for the approval flow will be tested
provide a recruiting and induction and offering by

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

presentation, because there are the knowledge
including the potential performers for performer. validation.
high turnover this role.
results both
voluntary and
the high
response from
the employees
about the on
boarding and
the cost for
the company
as a result.
the idea in
front of the
key approving
parties by
presenting the
and outcome.
The accounts
include the
last quarter
cost because
of turnover.
Apart from the
cost return,
also the other
profits as
keeping the
developing the
employees by
somebody for
this role. It
turns leads to
(CIPD; 2018).
Conducting Managers and There is no cost One week for The results
regular open Directors; to because it will be approval from from the
meetings as a have once a internal initiative. all the satisfaction
good practice. month open parties, then survey in Q4
meeting, when one more in 2021 will
the guests will week to be measure the
be invited to prepared a impact.
talk about schedule for
company’s the first few
innovations, meetings,
strategies and considering
news. the schedule

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Employees of the
also will have lecturers.
opportunity to
proposals and
ideas in a
specific box
which will be

Armstrong, Taylor. (2017). Methods of collecting data.
b2binternational. (-). Retrieved from
CIPD. (2013). Megatrends:Has job turnover slowed down?
CIPD. (2018). Retrieved from CIPD:
CIPD. (2018). Retrieved from CIPD:
CIPD. (2018). Employee turnover and Retention.
CIPD. (2018). Health and Well being at Work. Retrieved from
Gartenstein, D. (2019). Retrieved from
George B. Bradt, Mary Vonnegut. (2009). How to get your New employees Up to
speed in half the time.
Gray, Vickrey. (1993). Gerontological Research. Retrieved from USE AND
Kodz, J. (2002). Work - Life Balance.
Lowe, J. (2018). Retrieved from Labor Soft:
Maren, Hogan. (2015). 9 Employee Retention Statistics that wll make you sit up and
pay attention.
Michael Armtrong , Stephen Taylor. (2017). Armstrong's Handbook of Human
Resource Management Practice.
Piña-Ramírez, Norma Dávila and Wanda. (2019). Providing the value of Induction.
Retrieved from CIPD:
Saunders, M. (2009). Research Methods. Retrieved from
Saunders, M. (2009). Research methods . Pearson Education Limited.
Thoughtco. (2019). Retrieved from
Virginia. (2006). Using Surveys for Data Collection in Continuous Improvement.
Workinstitute. (2019). Retrieved from

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

Armstrong, Taylor. (2017). Methods of collecting data.
b2binternational. (-). Retrieved from
CIPD. (2013). Megatrends:Has job turnover slowed down?
CIPD. (2018). Retrieved from CIPD:
CIPD. (2018). Retrieved from CIPD:
CIPD. (2018). Employee turnover and Retention.
CIPD. (2018). Health and Well being at Work. Retrieved from
Gartenstein, D. (2019). Retrieved from
George B. Bradt, Mary Vonnegut. (2009). How to get your New employees Up to
speed in half the time.
Gray, Vickrey. (1993). Gerontological Research. Retrieved from USE AND
Kodz, J. (2002). Work - Life Balance.
Lowe, J. (2018). Retrieved from Labor Soft:
Maren, Hogan. (2015). 9 Employee Retention Statistics that wll make you sit up and
pay attention.
Michael Armtrong , Stephen Taylor. (2017). Armstrong's Handbook of Human
Resource Management Practice.
Piña-Ramírez, Norma Dávila and Wanda. (2019). Providing the value of Induction.
Retrieved from CIPD:
Saunders, M. (2009). Research Methods. Retrieved from
Saunders, M. (2009). Research methods . Pearson Education Limited.
Thoughtco. (2019). Retrieved from
Virginia. (2006). Using Surveys for Data Collection in Continuous Improvement.
Workinstitute. (2019). Retrieved from

CIPD Level 5 HR UIN assessment template v1.0

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