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University of the Philippines Visayas

College of Arts and Sciences

Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Experiment No. 5
Learning Weight Component
(Inclined Plane)

General Instructions: Online Lab

1. Go to Google Search and type See image below for your reference)

2. Click Home, then click icon for physics. (Do not log in)

3. As you click an icon for physics, find experiments under class 11 and then click experiment
Inclined Plane for your experiment 5. (see images below for your reference of an icon)

4. Click the procedure for online laboratory procedure and find an icon simulator to start your online
experiment 5. (Use an image below as your guide).

5. An additional manual was included for your online procedure and to fill in your data results. You may
click the icon for the weight component’s discussions, animation, and video for additional information
about the experiment.
6. As you fill in the data needed for your experiment, print screen the data and its results. Include this
print screen image as part of the data for your experiment 5.

Summary of General instructions click home click physics

manual data input click simulator Inclined Plane

Experiment 5: Weight components in an inclined plane

Name: __________________________ Date Performed: _________________

Yr. & Section: ____________________ Date Submitted:_____________________

1. To find the downward along an inclined plane, acting on a roller due to the gravitational pull of the
2. To study its relationship with the angle of inclination(ϴ) by plotting a graph between applied force
and sinϴ.

• An incline planed with a pulley.
• A roller
• A pan
• A weight boxes.
• Spring balance
• Spirit level
• Strong thread
• Half meter scales.

The inclined plane consists of a smooth plane hinged to a base so that it can be set at any desired
angle. Consider a heavy metal roller connected to a scale pan by a light extensible string passing
over a frictionless pulley resting on the plane as shown figure 1a below.

Figure 1. (a) (b )

Using figure 1(b), if a body of mass(m) is placed over an inclined plane, that is inclined at an angle (ϴ)
with the horizontal, its weight (mg) acts vertically downward. The component mg cos ϴ of the weight
acts normally downward on the plane balances the upward normal reaction (R) of the inclined plane.
The component mg sin ϴ of the weight acting parallel to the inclined plane downwards, produces motion
in the body. If total weight(W1) = m1g moves the body up and total weight(W2) = m2g makes the body
move down, then the downward acting on the body along the inclined plane,
!" $!% () $) )+
W= &
= " & % = 𝑚𝑔 sin 𝜃
W= 𝑚𝑔 sin 𝜃 … . . . (1)

For constant mass(m) W∝ sin 𝜃

Thus, the graph between sin 𝜃 along X-axis and W along Y-axis must be a straight line
Simulator Procedure (Note: As performed through online labs, input this data on the sheet
provided at the end of this procedure)

1. Choose the earth as the environment from the variable box to perform the experiment.
2. Select a desired angle from the slider, “angle”.
3. Increase the loading weights using the slider,” Hanging weight”.
4. Note the Total weights added when the roller just starts moving upward with uniform velocity.
5. Decrease weights little by little using the same slider and note down the total weights when the
roller just starts rolling down with uniform velocity.
7. A reset button is provided to reset the entire experiment anytime.
8. Record your data.

Data Analysis

Note: the mass of the roller is 100 g (instead of 10 g as shown in the simulator)

Mass of the roller, m = 100 g

Weight of the roller (wo) =___________ N
Observed weight of the pan (po) =____________g wt.

Table for angle of inclination and weights in pan:

No. of Angle of sin ϴ Force acting on roller Weight (N) mg sinϴ

Observations Inclination ϴ (degrees) Upward Downward (N)
(degrees) W1= m1g W2= m2g 𝑊7 + 𝑊&
(N) (N) 2
1 30
2 35
3 40
4 45
5 50
6 55
7 60


1. Do you find this method easier to use in learning component of a weight?


2. In your view, does this experiment help you understand Weight component?

3. Draw the free-body diagrams of the hanging weight and the roller.

4. From your data, are the results in column 4 comparable to the data in column 5? As it is a
simulation of real life experiment, what are the possible sources of error?



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