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Quitting on schools have ever- increased due to several reasons and the main one is about the high

tuition. It is believed that the government should make the education free for everyone. In my
viewpoint, I partly agree with this idea.

On the one hand, A free-of-charge education is beneficial for the poor. Firstly, it can encourage a huge
amount of people to go back to school. As you know, all parents want to make their children educated
by sending them to school but sometimes due to the lack of resources, they have to deprive their
children even from the basic education; Therefore, free tuition can set the equality of opportunities for
them to develop their abilities and also the financial problems are no more burden

On the other hand, education without fee may affect directly teachers' salary and government budget.
Firstly, a number of teachers will give up their job to find a well-paid one. It is said that , the number of
students inversely proportional to the number of teachers. For instance, a class normally has 39
students and a teacher but nowif there are 50 pupils in the class, teachers cannot make sure all their
pupils understand the lessons. Secondly, the government do not have enough money to build more
schools and universities. They have had to consider a diversity of fields such as education,
transportation , economy and so on. Therefore, it is hard for them to satisfy with people requirement of

In conclusion, free tuition is both advantageous and disadvantageous. It is the reason why the fee
should be reduced wisely and sensibly to suit the pocket of everyone.

Opinion Essays
Structure of the Opinion Essay:

Introduction - introduces the topic and state your opinion clearly

Body consists ofthree or more paragraphs each presenting a separate viewpoint supported by reasons/examples

Conclusion - summarizes/restates your opinion using different words

Useful Language

To express opinion: I believe, In my opinion, I think, In my view, I strongly believe, I see it, It seems to me (that), As
far as I am concerned, I am (not) convinced that., In my opinion/view..My opinion is that ., (firmly) believe., I
(definitely) feel/think that, I am inclined to believe that..

To list points: In the first place, first of all, to start with, Firstly, to begin with

To add more points: what is more, another major reason, also, furthermore, moreover, in addition to this/that,
besides, apart from this, not to mention the fact that

To introduce contrasting viewpoints: It is argued that, People argue that, There are people who oppose, Contrary to
what most people believe,
As opposed to the above ideas

To introduce examples: for example, for instance, such as, in particular, especially

To conclude: To sum up, All in all, All things considered, Taking everything into account.

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