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EXERCISE 1: Look at the pictures. What has happened? Use the present perfect. Choose

…………She has washed her car……….

He …has closed the door………

They ……go to sleep………….

It ……is sunny ………..

He ……is bathing………….

The ………frame broke……….

EXERCISE 2 : Rewrite the sentences that have underlined verbs. Use the present perfect.

1. Lee Ming isn´t here. He went home: He has gone home…………………………………………..

2. I don´t need to call them. I wrote them a letter. … I have them a letter …………….

3. Karen´s not coming to the party. She broke her arm. …… She has her arm ……………….

4. My brother and his wife don´t live here anymore. They moved to Seattle.

…… My brother and his wife don´t live here anymore. They have to Seattle ………..

5. I made a big mistake. ……… I have a big mistake …………………………………..

6. I lost my wallet. ……… I am not have my wallet …………………………………………………………

Did you see it anywhere? ……… you have it anywhere? ………………………………….

7. Did you hear? ………I hear you………………………………………………………………………..

Mark got married. …… Mark is married …………………………………………………………….

Now rewrite these present perfect sentences in the simple past.

8. I´ve done the shopping. ……..I did the shopping ……………………………………………………….

9. Brian has taken my bike again without asking. … Brian took my bike again without asking
10. Have you told your friends the good news? … tell your friends the good news

11. We haven´t paid the electric bill. …… We do not pay the electric bill ………….

EXERCISE 3. Complete the crossword. Find at twelfth word in the puzzle.

1. …… S C I S S O R S……….. 7. ……PLIERS………………….
2. …… S C R E W ………………. 8. …CHISEL………………………
3. ……… R U L E R ………………… 9. ……… pair of ………………………..
4. …… H A M M E R …………….. 10. …… saw ………………………
5. ……… pliers ………………. 11. … SPANNER …………
6. ……KNIFE……………
EXERCISE 4. Write the answers to the puzzles. Use each item once.
Hammer pair of pliers pair of scissors saw screwdriver spanner

1. It has a handle, a shaft and a head. It turns screws. It is a ……… screwdriver

2. It has a shaft and a head. It drives in nails. It is a ……………… Hammer ………………………………..
3. It has two handles and two blades. It cuts paper. It is a ………… saw scissors ……………….
4. It has a shaft and jaws, but no blades. It tightens nuts. It is a ……… spanner ……………………
5. It has two handles, jaws and blades. It cuts wire. It is a ……… pair of pliers ……………………
6. it has a handle and a blade. It cuts wood. It is a ………………… saw ………………………………
EXERCISE 5. Use the words in the box to complete the dialogues.
Do does don´t doesn´t have has

1. A: … does.. Carlos need a spanner? 2. A: … does.. you have a hammer?

B: No, he … have …… B: No, I … doesn´t ………..
A: … Do … he need a pair of pliers? A: … Do.. you need a hammer?
B: Yes, he … has ………… B: Yes, I … have ………….
A: Does he … has … a saw? A: I don´t … have.. one. Go and ask
B: Yes, he … has … two. Pedro. He … has … one in this tool box.
EXERCISE 6: Relacione los participios pasados en el cuadro con los verbos irregulares en la lista.

1. sell …… Sold …… 2. Wear …… Worn …….

Won broken
3. break … broken ….. 4. Write …… Written ……
Worn cut
5. buy … bought … 6. Win …… Won ………. Written bought
Sung forgotten
7. give … given …. 8. Forget … forgotten … Sold given
9. cut … cut ….. 10. Sing …… Sung ……

EXERCISE 7: Complete las oraciones con las formas apropiadas del verbo have (incluyendo
negativas e interrogativas) y los participios pasados del cuadro arriba.

1. John …………HAVE…………….. Application letters for 40 jobs, but he is still unemployed.

2. The Cubs never win! In fact. They ……WE HAVE…………… the World Series for about 80 years!
3. I know that woman but I ……HAVE…………. Her name. My memory is terrible these days.
4. People ………SEVERAL…………. Down much of the tropical rainforests.
5. ………DO………….. you ……HAVE………. Your lovely new black dress yet. Mary?
6. Samantha ………IS………………. In the same choral society since 1980.
7. The Smiths can´t move because they ………ARE………….. their present house.
8. ……… DO …………… ………HAVE………….. the new record by Madonna?
9. Stop playing football in the yard! You ………GO…………..three windows this year already!
10. They have been married for 20 years and she ……IS…………….. him a present every year on
their anniversary.
EXERCISE 8: Decida por que las siguientes oraciones están en el presente perfecto.
(Usa: a, b, c, d en las repuestas)

a) Cuando no se estipula cuando ocurrió algo en el pasado:

Have you (ever) seen the Grand Canyon?
Mary hasn´t (has never) been to Paris.
( Se puede enfatizar estas ideas con las palabras ever y never, como se indica entre
b) Cuando algo empezó en el pasado y continua has el presente. Y en especial con las
palabras for y since. En español se puede emplear el presente para este uso:
They have lived in Kansas City since 1987.
How long has he worked in this company?
c) Cuando el periodo especificado sigue vigente:
I´ve been to the movies three times this week.
John hasn´t had a vacation this year.
d) Cuando el evento ocurrió recientemente, y en particular con palabras como just,
already, yet y recently. En español se puede emplear el pasado para este uso:
Have you Heard her latest song yet?
I´ve eaten there two times recently.

1. Have you eaten couscous? ( A )

2. She´s already seen that movie. ( D )
3. Bill has bought two cars this year. ( C )
4. I have stayed there every year since 1990. ( B )
5. We´re done a lot of work this morning. ( C )
6. I´ve known her for years. ( B )
EXERCISE 9: Traduzca las oraciones del ejercicio 8.
1. ……¿ has comido cuscús?…………………..
2. ………ella ya vio esta película ………………….
3. ……bill ha comprado dos autos este año………………
4. ……he estado allí todos los años desde 1990…………..
5. ……terminamos muchos trabajos esta mañana………..
6. ………la consco desde hace años ……..


Put full name: …JHON WINDER JUI PAUCAR ……….

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