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Determination of a Solubility Product


Michelle Finkle
Kenna Hunter
Mr Read
April 12 2019
1.) When is a solution said to be saturated?
A solution is saturated when it reaches the point where no more solute can be
dissolved in the solution.

2.) What numbers are used for exponents for the concentration terms in a Ksp
The given equation is : Ksp = [Pb2+][I-1]2.
Therefore the only exponent used would be the 2 or squared I.

3.) What happens when the existing concentration of ions, substituted into a
Ksp expression exceeds the numerical value of the Ksp?
When the maximum Ksp expression is exceeded the solution will begin to form

4.) Why will this experiment give the Ksp for PbI2 as a range of values rather
than one value?

The reason there will be multiple ranges of values is because the amount of
concentration will vary in each test tube and this will affect the overall compound.

In this lab, solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide will be mixed into a
variety of different dilutions to record the results. Once a precipitate occurs, the
Ksp at room temperature will be stated in different range of values. All test tubes
containing a precipitate will be heated until the precipitate dissolves. This process
may determine the change in Ksp at different temperatures. The Ksp gives the
relationships between ions in the saturated solutions, which gives the maximum
possible concentration of substances without causing precipitation. The
hypothesis for this lab is that when the compounds have a higher concentration
of solution than water more precipitate will form, whereas the solutions with more
water will not form as much precipitate because it does not have as many
molecules to work with.

The objective of this lab is to prepare a number of solutions of each Pb 2+ and I-
of differing concentrations while mixing combinations of the solutions and
recording if a precipitate occurs. Also, to obtain both the Ksp of PbI2 at room
temperature and the approximate Ksp at higher than room temperature.

*Beaker size varied from recommended size in textbook
- 12 Test tubes (18 mm x 150 mm)
- 2 Test -tube racks
- 2 Graduated cylinders
- Medicine dropper beaker (400mL)
- 2 Beakers (100mL)
- Laboratory burner
- Ring stand and ring
- Wire gauze
- Thermometer
- Water soluble marker
- Lab apron
- Safety goggles
- 0.010M Pb(NO3)2
- 0.20m KI

1.) Put on lab apron and safety goggles

2.) Fill two seperate 100 mL beakers with 40 mL of each of 0.010M Pb(NO3)2
and 0.020M Kl, then label both beakers.
3.) Acquire twelve 18 mm x 150 mm test tubes and arrange them into two
racks, each one containing 6 test tubes. Label them A to F with a water
soluble marker, making sure to label near the top as each will be
submerged to water.
4.) In the first set of test tubes put 10.0 mL, 8.0 mL, 6.0 mL, 4.0 mL, 3.0 mL,
and 2.0 mL of 0.010M Pb(NO3)2. Use a 10 mL graduated cylinder, and
obtain the exact amount by adding or subtracting drops with dropper.
5.) Add an amount of water to each test tube to make the volume in each up
to 10 mL (0.0 mL, 2.0 mL, 4.0 mL, 6.0 mL, 7.0 mL, and 8.0 mL).
6.) Repeat step 4 and 5 with the test tubes in the second rack, using 0.020M
Kl instead of 0.010M Pb(NO3)2.
7.) Mix contents of test tube A from the lead nitrate with the contents of test
tube A from the potassium iodide, and replace test tube in the rack.
8.) Repeat step 7 for all of the other 5 sets of test tubes.
9.) In table 1 of your notebook, record when a precipitate occurs.
10.) Add 250 mL of water to a 400 mL beaker, then place the beaker on a wire
gauze on a ring clamp attached to a stand.
11.) Put each test tube that contains a precipitate in the beaker, and slowly
heat the lab burner.
12.) When the precipitate in each test tube dissolves, check the temperature
of the water and record it in table 1.Before leaving the lab, make sure that
your hands are washed thoroughly, as well as all equipment used is clean
and dry.



Volume of 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0

Pb(NO3)2 (mL)

Volume of 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

Water (mL)

Volume of 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0

0.020M Kl (mL)
Volume of 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Water (mL)

Precipitate or Orange Orange Orange Orange Clear Clear

no Precipitate colour, and colour, and colour, and colour, and colour, colour, small
(At room precipitate precipitate took time precipitate precipitate amount of
Temperature) did form did form for did form is already precipitate
precipitate separated at bottom
to form

Temperature at 82oC 92oC 84o.C 79oC * *

Dissolves (oC)

*Subject E and F were not tested because the precipitate was already separated and
could of been removed without heating*


Originally when the Pb and Kl were separated and the certain amount of of water
was added to the designated test tubes, both sets of six remained clear with no
changes. When the two sets of test tubes were combined a distinct change happened to
each test tube.
In test tube A: Test tube A was a bright orange and there was a distinct precipitate that
could be distinguished.
In test tube B: Test tube B was similar to A and was bright orange and had a distinct
In test tube C: Test tube C was an orange colour and unlike the other it took time for
precipitate to form
In test tube D: Similar to test tube C the colour was still orange but also took time for
solutions to combine and precipitate to form
In test tube E: When combined test tube E remained clear and precipitate can be seen
on the bottom already separated
In test tube F: Similar to test tube E the solution was clear and a small amount of
precipitate was separated on the bottom.
Next test tube A to D are placed in the beaker with water and heated, the four beakers
all changed and separated at different time and heat but all had similar changes. First
the orange would turn cloudier and after 5 to 10 minutes the test tubes would start to
separate the solution and the precipitate could be distinctly pointed out. After a longer
amount of time the precipitate will slowly disappear until the test tubes become clear
and a solution that resembles water remains.

In conclusion in this lab different solutions of Pb 2+ and I- with different
levels of concentration were combined, teste, and recorded. From that
information, the Ksp could be found at room temperature and also the changes
when it was subjected to hotter temperatures. The hypothesis was correct when
stated that lower amount of water and higher concentration solution would create
more precipitate, this is known because only test tube A to D were further tested
whereas test tube E and F had the largest amount of water, 7.0 mL and 8.0 mL
and did not produce significant amount of precipitate to be further tested.


1. For each of test tube A to F, calculate the [Pb2+] in the final mixed
solution. In using the appropriate dilution factor, remember that the
final volume in each case is the sum of the volumes of both nitrate
and the potassium iodide i.e, 20mL.
Balanced equation: [Pb2+]} Pb(NO3)2 ⇔ Pb2+ + 2NO3
2+ -3
Test tube A: Pb } 0.10M x (10.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 5.0x10 M
2+ -3
Test tube B: Pb } 0.10M x (8.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 4.0x10 M
2+ -3
Test tube C: Pb } 0.10M x (6.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 3.0x10 M
2+ -3
Test tube D: Pb } 0.10M x (4.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 2.0x10 M
2+ -3
Test tube E: Pb } 0.10M x (3.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 1.5x10 M
2+ -3
Test tube F: Pb } 0.10M x (2.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 1.0x10 M

2. Repeat for [I-] in the final mixed solution in test tubes A to F.

Balanced equation: [I-]} KI ⇔ K+ + I-
Test tube A: I-} 0.20M x ( 10.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 1.0x10-2 M
Test tube B: I-} 0.20M x ( 8.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 8.0x10-3 M
Test tube C: I-} 0.20M x ( 6.0 mL / 20.0mL) = 6.0x10-3 M
Test tube D: I-} 0.20M x ( 4.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 4.0x10-3 M
Test tube E: I-} 0.20M x ( 3.0 mL / 20.0 mL) = 3.0x10-3 M
Test tube F: I-} 0.20M x ( 2.0 mL / 20.0 mL) =2.0x10-3 M

3. Calculate the value of the trial ion product for each of test tubes A to
F (given by [Pb][I]).
* The test tubes from question 1 and 2 are now combined in this question*
Equation: Ksp = [Pb2+] [I-]2

Test tube A: Ksp}

[5.0x10-3][1.0x10-2]2 = 5.0x10-7 M

Test tube B: Ksp}

[4.0x10-3][8.0x10-3 ]2 = 2.6x10-8 M

Test tube C: Ksp}

[3.0x10-3 ][6.0x10-3 ]2 = 1.1x10-8 M

Test tube D: Ksp}

[2.0x10-3][4.0x10-3]2 = 3.2x10-9 M

Test tube E: Ksp}

[1.5x10-3 ][3.0x10-3]2 = 1.3x10-9 M

Test tube F: Ksp}

[1.0x10-3][2.0x10-3 ]2 = 4.0x10-9 M

4. State the range of values in which your experimental Ksp must lie.
(This will be between the trial ion product of the last test tube giving
a precipitate and the trial ion product of the first test tube not giving
a precipitate)

The range of value of Ksp will be between 5.0x10 -3 M and 4.0x10-9.

5. From the results of the temperature at which a precipitate dissolved,
make up a table showing the temperature, the Ksp and the solubility
in each case. (Since in each situation the [I] was twice the [Pb], the
solubility of Pbl2 is given simply by the [Pb] alone.)


Temp 82oC 92oC 84o.C 79oC N/A N/A

Ksp 5.0x10-7 3.2x10-8 1.8x10-8 8.0x10-9 5.0x10-9 2.0x10-9

Solubility LS LS LS LS S S

6. What is the trend in the solubility as the temperature is increased?

As the temperature increases the solubility will increase because the
kinetic energy that comes with higher temperatures allows the solvent
molecules to more effectively break apart the solute molecules that are
held together by intermolecular attractions.

7. Plot a graph of solubility (moles per litre) against temperature.

1.) If you were given a saturated solution of lead iodide and asked to
determine the Ksp of PbI from it, how would you proceed?
Weigh a sample of the solution until evaporation (constant mass). Subtract this to
find the mass of the water. 1 mL of water is equal to 1 g of water. Use this to get the
volume of the water in liters. Convert the moles of dry PbI 2 to moles to get the
concentration of the PbI2. The concentration of Pb2+ is the concentration of dissolved
PbI2 and the concentration of I- is two times the concentration of dissolved PbI 2.

2.) Will lead iodide be more or less soluble in solution of 0.10M kI than it
will be in pure water? Explain why?
Using past knowledge on Le Chatelier's principle, if I- ions are present, it will shift the
equilibrium to the left, preventing as much PbI2 from dissolving as would normally.

3.) After doing the experiment, a student finds that the test tubes have a
coating of yellow lead iodide on the inside which doesn’t wash off easily.
On the basis of your experimental results, suggest the best method for
removing this coating.
The best method for removing the yellow lead iodide would be rinsing with water
and using a scrub brush on the inside of the test tube. If this does not work
effectively, consult your chemistry 12 data booklet for the proper acids that may
assist in removing the lead iodide (Nitric acid).

4.) Compare your Ksp value with that obtained from a chemical handbook
or other reference book. Suggest some reason for any different.
The Ksp value for Lead (II) Iodide obtained in this experiment was shown in
different ranges, the closest being test tube D, 8.0x10 -9 . The Ksp from the
Chemistry 12 chemical handbook states that the Ksp value for Lead (II) Iodide is
8.5 x 10-9. The reasoning for this labs Ksp value differing from the handbook is
because the Lead (II) Iodide used in this lab was not completely pure and
contained distilled water.

*Added visual aid of different stages throughout experiment*

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