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v Ai An 2 eZ Definition for Gravitation Acceleration Due to Gravity Variation Of “G" With Respect to Height And Depth Escape Velocity Orbital Velocity Gravitational Potential period of a Satellite t of Satellite Binding Energy VET hye oS Kepler's Law of Planetary motion Nichol mmr ame le 1 al nenon by physical bodies attract each other. Newton focused on his attention on the motion of the moon about the earth. He declared that the laws of nature that operating between earth and the apple is same as the laws operating between earth and moon He calculated the acceleration due to gravitation (on earth) to be 9.8m/s? Newton predicted that a « By , The third law of motion, the force on a bod due to the earth must be equal to the force on aT earth due to the body. Therefore, this force should also be proportional to the mass of the earth, Thus the Force between the earth and a body is G is called the universal constant of gravitation a its value is found to be 6.67x10-11 N-m2 /kg? . >» The rotation of the earth around the sun or that of the moon around earth is explained on the basis of this » The tide are formed in ocean due to the gravitational force of attraction between earth and the moon. » The value of g can be used to predict the orbits and tif period of an satellite. Attraction Force between two bodies The Gravitation force between two masses is independet of the intervening medium. The mutual gravitational forces between two bodies are equal and opposite ie. Gravitational Forces obey MTOM UNC M EN Mol mn Telt OER The gravitational force is an conservative force. The law of gravitation holds only for point masses. The gravitational force between two point masses is ai central force. Its magnitude depends only on r and ha no angular dependence The Gravitational force between two bodies is independent of the presence of other bodies. » Consider an Elevator freely falling from North pole to South pole through the center of earth. Describe its motion?? ne) Uo | » Suppose a mass ‘m’ is situated outside the earth at distance 'r’ from it centre. The gravitational force on mass is > F= By the above equation we can say that Acceleration q to gravity is independent of mass. Determine the mass of earth using the knowledge oft G=6.6x10" and g=9.8 m/s? and r = 6.36x10° . For answer press enter... >» m=5.97x1074 Do you know ?? Cavendish was the first person the calculate the mass of earth because he was the fii person to calculate value of G. » Consider a Body placed at the point ‘p’ above the earth surface at a distance of a ae an oa a Petar Ta Tg (oe) = GM 5p Dividing (ii) by (i). We get at point m ....(ii). PAN) 2 Both the eq. (iii and iv) show that the ‘g’ decreases Li ITedn ane (or= both} CoP e sie Mo eR aM cig cor 1I aa) comparable to ‘r. Eq. iv must be used in the numerical when h< Gp. The variation of g between the poles and the equator is of Gravitational field itational field . Two bodies attract each other Wee Meer ven if they are not in direct contact. This interaction is called action Let peel eR aC ji pa Sta Pa Utes) NO eam eee M Ta ae wre Neu) Remar e tour ee Cnet ke gly Expression for Gravitational potential energy. Fem ee URGE a aur Ce tll B from Point A. W = Fdx Mm A feb fw Se m een g| H i GMm am) » Gravitational Potential » Amount of work done in bringing a body of unit mass from infini point en » Gravitational Potential = -—— aU Bera coke COMM lac) Le UCH or Co Sa Mee mae Wager Cla Tl Colol aaa | o aie Lome a mel A Ce alee mT Tei itel[ ola velocity , it will never come back . i.e. It will escape fron the gravitational pull of the earth » The minimum velocity required to do so is called esca velocity. » Consider the earth to be a sphere of mass M and radi with centre O, > If we throw a ball into air , it rises to a certain height and falls back. If we throw it with a greater velocity , it wi Tidal or cLrole mel ale Cot MM UCM VTIAMTOL rel (ale velocity , it will never come back . i.e. It will escape fron the gravitational pull of the earth. The minimum velocity required to do so is called esca velocity. Consider the earth to be a sphere of mass M and radi with centre O escape velocky: speed very ta from center #7 needed to escape an very am all Vege / object's gravitational pull i farmer tom carter: ob speed greater i Voge smalet Voc . speed om ae than Yo sumer \ {fae . large ¥ Using total energy concept we can derive the equation for esi velocity. At any point the Total e ry must be zero, We know that Kinetic energy = % mve? eT Li) ela) Mg 6-4 A KE+PE=0 » ~GMm ¥ mve*+——— _=0 R Prey OFT elt CM AVANCE CMON lect) i comes io aac DRM eur Tl Kee aE E AUR aed The air molecules have thermal velocity is greater than the escape vel and therefore air molecule TLS — lf | * Satellite is an body which continuously revolves on it ow around and a much larger body in a stable orbit. + Natural satellites : A satellite created by nature is calle reve etalon oe) (ae ole) tm + Artificial satellite : A man made satellite is called an artificial satellite. Example Chandrayaan . * World's Frist satellite was SPUTNIK-1. Baa hel) 9) CMO lm UU Laron ayo ce elle lee a with its top projecting outside the earth's atmospher + Lets throw a body horizontally from the top of the to’ with different velocities. + As we increase the velocity of horizontal projection , t body will hit the ground at point farther and farther fro! the foot of the tower. * At certain velocity the body will not hit the ground , bu always be in a state of free fall under the influence of acwiOn + Then the body will follow a stable circular orbit . And body is called satellite. Click on the video + Orbital velocity is the velocity required to put the satellite into its orbit around earth i CNN ROG foi) ae a Centripetal Force required by the satellite to k mv, (R+h)2 Uamle eV Mesias) lela y is just provided by th eWield pull of the earth. m a PEL) (R+h) (R+h)? (en | Vv Ce] en] (R+h) simplified eq is oe + Itis the time takes by a satellite to complete one revolution around the earth. It is given by + T = circumference of the orbit / orbital velocity yee eae) a fam Naa 5 ain Calm daoM Unda ee yo)no to density = p then mass wou! be = volume * density = Pua A satellite which revolves around the earth in tis equatorial plane with the same angular speed and same direction as the earth rotates about its own ax called a geostationary or synchronous satellite. It should revolve in an orbit concentric and coplan: with the equatorial plane of the earth. Its sense of rotation should be same as that of the earth , i.e From west to east. Its period of revolution around the earth should be exactly same as that of the earth about its own axis 24 hours lt should revolve at a height of exactly 35930 km. In communicating radio,T.V and telephone signals © across the world, In studying the upper regions of the atmosphere. In Forecasting weather. ami dUle\ iam ceXel gi Coon In studying solar radiation and cosmic rays. And used in GPS (Global positioning System). A satellite that revolves in a planar orbit is called a FNCU aM Mie Ua Laue Tore) cote Ccll¢ =) Uses of Polar satellite Polar satellites are used in weather and environment monitoring. Consider a satellite of mass m moving around the with velocity in an orbit of a radius r. Because of the gravitation pull of the earth, the satel are ele ld Me mM Ab tm) The negative sign shows that the satellite is bound rade The energy required by a satellite to leave its orbit around the earth and escape to infinity is called bi energy. We Pa Binding energy = + Gum Because the total energy of the satellite is - in order to escape into infinity , it must be Atria G energy so that its energy E becomes zero. - Lawof orbits (first law) : Each planet revolves arou sun in an elliptical orbit with the sun situated at the of the two foci NT Ro) Utero) a Moree LUM cle Colmre lc) from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in intervals of time i.e the areal velocity ( area covered unit time) of a planet around the sun is cons! eee a ae q constant . Me eg tT r~x PP (AA ~ = Area) =Ar~=v~ At= Law of periods (third law) : The square of the period revolution of a planet around the sun is proportiona the cube of the semi major axis of the its elliptical orbi Proof ; Suppose a planet of mass m moves around sun in a circular orbit of radius r with orbital speed v. M be the mass of the sun. The force of gravitation between the sun and the planet provides the necessa Talal el-ie-\ ce) ee Period of revolution LaLa] tc aan n eur eecetace at

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