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LANES wae A Aca AGUNG pee 35 SEWINON OF TERMS _ *) Pesowre arvana ce +The aipabilits 40 produce moe of 0 Gi 5 moe of a guen prokck ving less epagiven — Sieuce hon a femgatg enkty 2 Tr economics, A vefers. dhe ability, of a gordy fo Pedvce more oF —— 9. gee of cemite atom compe tiers while wig, We some ammara F OF resmmes. e 3) BALANCE OF POWER - a slakment of all hamaction wale between Oohbres in one comtiny and te vet of He uerld over a deyined yovid 3)_BIL_OF LADING ~ a \enal dwument loses bya cenvier Toa shipper tert details Ame type, quanbiry, and destnertien oF the goods beivte) courried 2) MANGE Gave — te qree one covery in Hers of sever comency In oT gttte OOS, Ip Ate Nalve one raion conenty WAS Ae ___wareiog OF another nation 5) EXPORTING - HE Se oy grades, and Series Im goeign cowtheg, that are sonces of wade in We hore covery: POE TRADE —s a plcy Wy which 0 queniwent das not disciminale against > a sai tio wdth_expetts buy opel) ei pes Co impart) 7 ox _sulbe dies (12 er9048)_ or _quol™s = D) cee fat (AGREEMENT on mets AND TRADE CGATT) _ 4 : op wiles qoverning rade thect wore pivst_oveeited_ in cAwee_courtvn 4a 2 Ay, 2 “es _ + TA yomaings in_poree uatil 49, whenst vos replaced Wy Ave, wos Tose Ovpyization (wo) : eoreioy eect wwesTINEM (FON) eo %) + 1S on iwésiwent jute_production_ in cout by on comeany ET bebe ected 1m amother cavmtny, either ay baying, a ny the “aged me country or by Be os rerakoe > an ens, Wines se comlry. Ba meer ow A goecnnend-impsed pode wsbviction trad limits fe nunber Of pworelowry valve OF AUES trek O courthy com import daira) a gov titer period ization fied promotes glob eonomic ily, enveurages initrwational trade, ORT AMERICAS FREE TRADE AGREEMEN (APIA) a on ooprtemen’ signed by {he _quverment of Canada, Merico , and Awe Unie sratles , cresting) 1 i loteral trade ble in Noth Americar, Me agreement cone fringe. - thee Cay Nes Pree Tide Agreement! nd cae Shroteay that charges customers dipgeren t ice lensed on who the seller IB) SPEUPIC TARIPES = 0 qped_pee loved on One wit of an imported geod js _vefprréd to o¢ o ipic taripg: “This Jaripe am Sar ancy foAne type OF Goes imported: > BAD VALOREEM ARTES = Ine ghraye to vellve”, and this typeof Jowipp_ls_ lew 2 _percenione oF Terk goods veiwe. = PPUPTERYLLR MELLEL ILLS 7 2.900% based _on_ inst tubien, vsveyi, bay fre_qneermont. This subsidy Ig typically 9iven to remove J SOwe. hype. OF. burden, ond it iS open Considered to be in the __tverall “nerest oF tre publics goon 19 prmobe 9 soeie| 9004. 18). ey NOW ATP ERPORT RESTRANT (VER) 1 A voluMany exper echoing \s i resi on on the quanti OF %G003 twat oy ey ne) comnty is cilloved jo expo fo cinother comnts: Wis Wwit 1S sete ~ Imposed by The exporting comtry- WORLE BANC - an inlevathoncll ompmization dedeakd 40 providing ivawivg,, a8vice and research +P developing, naionS fo aid ‘err ——_emowive aes s, TARIEE —Rsygom.0f Government imped daties levied om pov fed or ——— Sr7arded pods alist Bic duties, of dhe duties. themselves. Son gto when aay ace awspoed . §_‘nsewno i Ate tay that Ws levied on import — 22 9004 eF_gobds- the goverment wes is doty jovaice it, veseves, sagequard dowves ies and reguicie movement of geass TA DUMPING = ecors when a company : either lower thon the domes e Ake st OF prosection- mavtek oF o pre thafis Het cot ov less than tore dod a domestic. government tives yehiewes ave. pees below fair market valve - are Impesed 48 opset ” a4) Neate a ou. oe te obliegab ont op buyers Oe ar Tesi 2B) ASEAN = politcal and x01 oF 10 wewloer etertes in Sethe Asia, union prowoks in qoiitical , seountty, wil Hs_ members and Hecqoverméntenl Coeperorlion ond Focilifales eonowie, tar), edeertonal and soviceultwal infegrortion between countvies ‘in, Bla- Pacific - 9) SGI PRE THEE _ageA Cart) yt A drode bloc: agreement by Ye MEAN supporting Jocet! trode: and mos + — manepocturing jp all ASeRN comedic, Faciitoling econowic iMkqreion wilh -—regjonal_and international allies 'et) IMPORT Logie AND MPORT PERMIT rricial dawnent pom te goverment [hot cites a perso” eo company 1 being certain. type oF Ein COUNTERNOILING MEASURES = 1 meosives thet can be widerlaten whenewér an _iwesHomton, by che. westigeting §____ aunty op Te \wgorsting comry, has led fo the dekrminction pat the. POKES_gpads. ome, bere ting prom subsidies and. Yroxt trey rewlt in an pe ee ie Lan) CARRIER ~ © company or a person legally enbified b ‘roms port qeods ‘ ) jana eared Vsvally the za ier wovks with the Minne : 40 the other. a > H) FOR on HEE ON BOARD E , , : ae ' 2 415Ahe point Im Ae seply oben whew eller relingusles oomership, | . ne ' Grd tre bayer acepts ownership of prakets paoneued naseaph Trenscfion 22) CRNMEATE “OF ORIGIN ~ a doumert declaring) Im whith country a commodity er ojp03 was manveachred: “Kode in China” 2) CommeRCAAL _NOICE = a leap ent isveavy the seller to the Ao an Inkenational transaction avd gxvesas a contract and a POPE OF sale elven she buyer and seller = A) CONSULAR. INVOICE ~ a doument cov gying.a Shipment of goeds and Shows infoomartions ch aS consiqnor , cdeegue, and vaive of He Shipment. : es " 25) Ve WINIMIS ~ somethin is very igting or oF little importance. ywaily News $0 someting ‘so. small whener in’ dollar Jonms, impordnce, or serenity, thet THe law will not consider i _ 2)_ EMDMEGO — 4 ede _eetri adopts by a Goemment, A Spf covmbies_ ov. i mization a8 an cone mice SancAj On- They, oe designed _te qurish re semgef ed oat it chi ons, ond 40 deny ¥ fre berms bo com aut objectionable poleics 97) ER WORKS ~ a shipying_ogrcement in which a seller makes 4 pret vonlarne Gt O specleic loadton, bur He buyer hes to py the Panspoe eo: = a) CLTORT LICEPSE — mont downeat Hert auitioizes ev oymats PPrmission fo _ondvet a Specipie eager transaction: A) FEQUATED COMNIODITIES ~ goods which ove subject fo Gnport| eeporb) vealaton 94 concerted goer nirent relator oxgenci€t such as PDA, BRS, BIL, BAT, ef They Con chly be imputed or expires tly ator Searrrinay tre necessary pormits , leances licenses or any cher ctqirements, Mer to. importation O- exper tahen, as fre. case way ve: SUSAAVAAT STS TETS SIUC © FS ow-RECULAMED commovirtes * Common goods Khat doen} need any desk | approval oF ote gwemment cinstittion fo be Tm ported ov exported - 2)YARIMONIZED SYSTEM a standardizes numerical method of clissi py ng trovded qralucts . Tt ik used by echdous authorities oroend tre works 40 identi CAS when awveseing dies amd tomes oma gedttening shern'sties- _B) MOST FAVORED NATION TEERTmENT E + mavires menos yo aciors Te mat pwromoile jouipps anc) regalo __ Heater given to we po-duet oF amy ore mener ot te tive! 9 import “or cppoyt of “Mike pralucts "to all ofher membtws- 4) MEDES OF DEVRY = te Format in eich a commodity is s is approved. by, both buyer oma setter 48) RULTILATERAL TERDE AOREEHERTS r + Are commerce pecties among Yhrce ormoe notion. | NON TARIFF BYRRIER — a bade vestiction Jat counties we JO per _ rer political and ecomomle goals: Includes ~ 9e105, em rar 0, mnchiones ome leveis: gp) TACEING UST = Memines Te contents of each eookane . 4 meledes __veights, measurements ang dSedailed list oF gade jn each 47) PROTECT © TARIFFS. — JoxigyS Anak ove enacted uth the aim 0 ee ae efi) a sate eet aim to make ty . GW25 cost more than equivollent goods graded. Sone SHically, Avery ceasing, Sales. ef domestically prabycld Prakeots to A523 supptting. reo indo Shey: ; 48) GYATR = B veshichion one impo% of Comefing fo a spedple oom hy {P) TROP ECL AP ATION a porm plowed ot “he qort, providing dates aro Ne. gona twat ome. bound 40 eygort eee ci sss ®)_(MvORT PECLARATION ~ 0 stoilement perm wade ny te Thgorkr, oF ein agent quot He qe0ds rein improves ane Jefarils om fle Annpeters haw the 90035 ave being! Tanspenca amd, te 4oriee clessipicntion and Ostomy value

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