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Santa Clara University – Marketing & Communications
LinkedIn Profile Marketing Major, GPA: 3.88
Personal Website Communications Minor, emphasis on Journalism, GPA: 4.0

Micro/Macro Economics Marketing & Communications Intern May 2021 - Aug 2021
Ethics in Business Produced and distributed press releases and promotional

Social Media MKTG materials for museum exhibits and programs

Financial/Managerial Accounting Created release timeline and social promotion schedule
Statistics & Data Analysis Generated online marketing content (Instagram and TikTok)
Innovation & New Product MKTG Researched and secured minority-owned business suppliers to

distribute influencer and corporate-event swag-bags

SKILLS Launched branded presence on TikTok, growing followers to

Verbal and Written

Trattore Farms Tasting Room & Winery

Graphic Arts, Photography,
Tasting Room Associate June 2021 - Sept 2021
Videography Poured and presented wine at marketing events
Social media content creation Educated clients about general wine knowledge, product

Planning, Scheduling and

specific details and the business’ mission, history, and story
Decision-Making Scheduled reservations for tastings, tours, and pairings
Microsoft 365 Office Suite (Word,
Managed customer club member relationships with excellent

PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel) customer service

Photoshop and Adobe Creative

Hospitality Hostess June 2020 - Sept 2020

HTML and Website Management Acted as primary face for Trattore, taking on the role of

Spanish (Basic Proficiency) presentation of the brand, winery offerings and experiences to

LEADERSHIP Efficient customer service: managed logistics for 100s of club

members and reservations for > 50 table assignments, creative

Peer advisor, Leavey School of

problem solving
Communicated externally with customers and internally with

Assisted new students in course

team members to guarantee customer concerns were promptly

planning, major and undergraduate

requirements, and course

Integrated e-commerce marketing channels while navigating

selections the impacts of COVID-19

Volunteer, San Jose Catholic Worker
Marketing Intern June 2019 - Sept 2019
Provided clothing, toiletries, and

Revamped the company and refined the POS system interfaces

meals and cleaned showers for the

Created unique and engaging online content through

photography, videography, and copy writing (Website,

Santa Clara Women's D1 Rowing

Instagram, Facebook)
Team Increased brand recognition in target audience through creative

Balanced a full academic course

promotions and direct marketing email campaigns sent weekly
load with competitions, practices,
Created company merchandise to further amplify the brand

and training sessions with target audience

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