HOMEWORK 2 (Optional) : Signals & Systems

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Electrical Engineering & Information Technology

Signals & Systems

HOMEWORK 2 (optional)
EEIT-2018 Intake

Due: Wednesday, May 5th, 2021

Problem 1
Apply the Bayes classification rule (that was demonstrated with the playing tennis decision
example) to the application of your own choice. Formulate the problem by defining what are the
features, what is the decision, what is the training dataset of your choice and illustrate in details
how the Bayes classification rule is applied.

Problem 2
Suppose scores in an exam follow normal distribution with mean 80 and standard deviation 5.
What is the minimum score that you should get to be in the top 10% ?

Problem 3
( )
Prove that the mean and variance of the Geometric distribution () are given by
( )
, respectively.

Problem 4
The manager of an industrial plant is planning to buy a machine of either type A or type B. Let
be the number of repairs that machine A needs for each day's operation. Assume is a Poisson
random variable with mean 0.96. The daily cost of operating machine A is = 160 + 40  .
Similarly, for machine B, let  be the random variable indicating the number of daily repairs
required, which has mean 1.12. The daily cost of operating machine B is  = 128 + 40  .
Assume that the repairs take negligible time and each night the machine are cleaned so that they
operate like new machine at the start of each day. Which machine minimizes the expected daily

Problem 5
The number of calls coming per minute into a hotels reservation center is Poisson random
variable with mean 3.
a) Find the probability that no calls come in a given 1 minute period.
b) Assume that the number of calls arriving in two different minutes are independent. Find the
probability that at least two calls will arrive in a given two minute period.
Problem 6
Prove that for two discrete random variables and , Cov( , ) = Cov(, ).

Problem 7
Let have the following distribution
-2 -1 0 1 2
( = ) 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1

Let  =  .
a) Find Cov( , ).
b) Are the two random variables and  independent? What can you say about covariance and
independence of two random variables?

Problem 8
The cumulative distribution function of the random variable is given as

1 −  $.$%& , if  ≥ 0-
! () = "
0, if  < 0
a) Find the probability density function of .
b) Find the probability that ( ≥ 12)

Problem 9
Consider two LTI systems in parallel:

ℎ(1, 2)

3(1, 2)

Suppose that and  are jointly WSS. Find cross-correlation between the random output signals
. and /.

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