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Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical

attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

1. It is sometimes argued that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local
residents to visit important sites and monuments. 2. I completely disagree with this

3. The argument in favour of higher prices for foreign tourists would be that cultural or
historical attractions often depend on state subsidies to keep them going, which means
that the resident population already pays money to these sites through the tax system.
4. However, I believe this to be a very shortsighted view. 5. Foreign tourists contribute
to the economy of the host country with the money they spend on a wide range of
goods and services, including food, souvenirs, accommodation and travel. 6. The
governments and inhabitants of every country should be happy to subsidise important
tourist sites and encourage people from the rest of the world to visit them.

7. If travellers realised that they would have to pay more to visit historical and cultural
attractions in a particular nation, they would perhaps decide not to go to that country on
holiday. 8. To take the UK as an example, the tourism industry and many related jobs
rely on visitors coming to the country to see places like Windsor Castle or Saint Paul’s
Cathedral. 9. These two sites charge the same price regardless of nationality, and this
helps to promote the nation’s cultural heritage. 10. If overseas tourists stopped coming
due to higher prices, there would be a risk of insuf¿cient funding for the maintenance
of these important buildings.

11. In conclusion, I believe that every effort should be made to attract tourists from
overseas, and it would be counterproductive to make them pay more than local

(269 words,11 Բ band 9)

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every
subject. Do you agree or disagree.


Nowhere in the world has the issue of female rights and interests been so much debated
as in our society. Nowadays, plenty of universities limit the number of female students
who study in some of subjects; therefore, many people think universities should accept
equal numbers of men and female study in every subject, but others have a negative

As far as I am concerned, I think men and women should gain equal educational
opportunities, but accepting equal numbers of male and female, in every subject, is
unnecessary and impossible. Therefore, I disagree with the view that universities should
accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. My argument in
support of my view is as follows. The main reason is that mode of thinking is different
between female and male. Everyone, male and female, has equal right to study in
universities, nevertheless, due to difference of in thought and views. Men and women
may represent varied study capability. A case in point is that men may possess more
talent than women in mathematics, physics and like stuff. In the study of language, on
the other hand, female shows stronger ability than male. In the history of human beings,
most scientists, especially those who research abstract theories, are male.

Another reason is that nature decides different directions of development between

men and women. Today, although female’s right is being increased, female still


Since the feminist movement, females have been enjoying increasingly equal
opportunities as males do. They account for nearly half of college student population,
some people thus demand complete equality in all subjects in terms of student number.
I am, however, strongly against this proposal.

To begin with, the enrollment of men or women in each major should be dependent
upon their respective academic performances and overall abilities, rather than some
unrealistic percentage quota. Girls usually do not do well in science and thus have little
boys studying education, for many of them just do not have the verbal skills or patience
to expect boys and girls to have separate academic pursuits.

Besides, the natural interests of both sexes should be taken into consideration when we
approach this issue. By compelling some girls to study engineering merely to increase
the female percentage, universities are forcing them to work against their natural
inclination while denying other boys the chance of pursuiting their real interests. In
general, it is as hard, for example, to persuade male students to learn embroidery as it is
to coax a girl into studying anatomy. Therefore, students should be given the freedom
as to what subjects they would like to learn.

Further, education being a preparation for their future careers, universities should mark
the fact that certain jobs are gender-specific.Take most manual work for example.
It is physically unrealistic for a woman to be a construction worker, a plumber or a
Understandably, gender differences shall be taken into consideration while students are
still in college.

It is neither realistic nor necessary to recruit the same number of male and female
students. It is not an issue of equality but a matter of choice. Given the difference in
abilities and preferences, students shall be given the right to choose for themselves
rather than be subject to certain arbitrary quotas stipulating the number of students for
each sex.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
By compelling some girls to study engineering merely to increase the female
percentage, universities are forcing them to work against their natural inclination
while denying other boys the chance of pursuiting their real interests.

᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................

Proposal n. ଢᝬὊथᝬ enrollment n. ᄆᝮὊ̡ߦ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

dependent adj. Κ᭥ᄊὊႀĀхࠀᄊ respective adj. ѬѿᄊὊՊᒭᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

quota adj. ᦡᮩὊᬍᮩ verbal adj. ԰݀ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

stipulate n. ᜻ࠀὊ௚ᆸ᜶ර pursuit n. ᤝර

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

compelling adj. ू҄ᄊὊूᤕᄊὙळ̡ inclination n. ϚபὊिజὊϚएὙϚ

ฌᄬᄊ ՔὙྖ‫ݞ‬

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools.
schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Some countries have single-sex education models, while in others both single sex and
mixed schools co-exist and it is up to the parents or the children to decide which model
is preferable.

Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex
schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages
pupils to concentrate on their studies. This is probably true to some extent. It also
allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the
school to choose subjects more freely without gender prejudice. For example, a much
higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls’ schools
than their counterparts in mixed schools do. Similarly, boys in single-sex schools are
more likely take cookery classes and to study languages, which are often thought of as
traditional subjects for girls.

On the other hand, some experts would argue that mixed schools prepare their pupils
better for their future lives. Girls and boys learn to live and work together from an early
age and are consequently not emotionally underdeveloped in their relations with the
opposite sex. They are also able to learn from each other, and to experience different
types of skill and talent than might be evident in a single gender environment.

Personally, I think that there are advantages to both systems. I went to a mixed school,
but feel that I myself missed the opportunity to specialize in science because it was
seen as the natural domain and career path for boys when I was a girl. So because of
that, I would have preferred to go to a girls’ school. But hopefully times have changed,
and both genders of student can have equal chances to study what they want to in
whichever type of school they attend.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
This is probably true to some extent.

For example, a much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when
they attend girls’ schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do.
Բࡋᄊþdoÿ௧ૉ̽Ғ᭧ᄊþstudy science to a high levelÿ.

Personally, I think that there are advantages to both systems.

ͻᏨᄰଌག௚ᝣ˞ːመ educational models/systems ᦐద͖གǍ

Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn children into
good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. To what


Discussion with regard to the chief purpose of schools has constantly aroused people’s
attention. Some are of the idea that the main responsibility of schools is to help children
to be good citizens and workers but not EHQH¿W children themselves. Personally, I tend
to oppose this idea.

It is a commonly shared convention that the main function of schools largely lies in
the quality education they could probably afford for students. Such education normally
discovered and developed via including a significant number of courses, such as
literature, mathematics, biology and chemistry so that students are granted to choose
education. In other words, students are willing to learn the courses they choose and
is evidently erroneous.

However, those who believe cultivating students to be good citizens and workers is the
principal responsibility of schools also tend to be reasonable, for the simple reason that
becoming good citizens requires students of noble moral sentiment and this should be

obtained from school education; while becoming a good worker also demands students
of a number of professional skills related to the area they are specialized in and this
would also be offered by school education. But becoming good citizens and workers
hardly reaches the conclusion that the purpose of schools is not to benefit students

My view is that fostering students to be good citizens and workers seems not mutually
exclusive with benefiting students individually; instead, the more benefits students
themselves gain from school education, the easier they become good citizens and

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
Some are of the idea that the main responsibility of schools is to help children to

However, those who believe cultivating students to be good citizens and workers
is the principal responsibility of schools also tend to be reasonable, for the simple
reason that becoming good citizens requires students of noble moral sentiment
and this should be obtained from school education;

But becoming good citizens and workers hardly reaches the conclusion that the

In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as
well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.


I fully support the assertion that to learn a language well, we should also learn about
the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.

Let’s first see how we normally define “learning a language really well”. By my
understanding, learning a language well would mean being able to speak the language
in a proper way. Here, with speaking it properly, we need to know that due to cultural
differences, many things are just so different from culture to culture. For example, the
Chinese often greet each other by asking ‘Have you taken your meal?’ which, to the
Western ears, would make an invitation to lunch or dinner. Therefore, the lack of a
knowledge of the cultures of different countries will give rise to wrong interpretations
of the message issued or received and as a result, lead to misunderstandings. In this
way, we cannot say that we are speaking the language properly and further, we cannot
say that we speak it well.

Second, the ultimate purpose for us to learn a language is to use it in our

communication with other people who speak it, mainly the native speakers. Suppose
we know nothing about the US or Britain, including its government, its people, its
tradition, and its other aspects. Do you think you can speak English properly, thus
achieving effective communication with the American or British people? I’ll say at least
I can’t.

Third, the lifestyle of the people whose language we are learning is also something
we need to know in order that we can speak their language properly. For instance,
the Chinese eat pork, but this is not the case with Muslims. Also, Muslims are very
religious people and perform rituals many times a day. If we don’t know these things,
how can we expect to communicate with them without incurring troubles? In this
logic, if we cannot make sure that we are speaking their language properly, how can
we say that we have learned their language well?

From the above discussion, we can draw the conclusion that to learn a language really
well, we also need to learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of
the people who speak it.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
I fully support the assertion that to learn a language well, we should also learn
about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.

Therefore, the lack of a knowledge of the cultures of different countries will give
rise to wrong interpretations of the message issued or received and as a result, lead
to misunderstandings.

Do you think you can speak English properly, thus achieving effective
communication with the American or British people?
ͿਇͿᑟ‫ڡ‬᥋‫ڡ‬ᝯᔮឦὊ̰ᏫˁᎿ‫ੋ̡ڎ‬ᔮ‫̡ڎ‬᣺҂ద஍ᄊ̔ืՙ ?

᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................
I fully support the assertion that… ੈ
߹Лᡂੇᤈ˔லᝓĀĀ wrong interpretations ᩲឨေᝍ

the ultimate purpose తጼᄬᄊ 0XVOLPVሾள౤

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

ritual n.adj. Чᇪ὆ᄊ὇

Ὂ߽ஔ́र὆ᄊ὇ incur vt. ᥓᒱὊळԧὊᥓԪ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

enrich the teaching method ˘ ࠝ ஔ ᐲ

multimedia teaching ܳ޵ʹஔߦ

vocational education ᐌˊஔᐲ cradle of culture ஡ӑ୍ወ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

thought-provoking adj. ळ̡ງনᄊ enlightening adj. ̡́̿թᤔᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

far-reaching adj. ງᤊᄊ never-ending adj. භˀϣৌᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

give a big push to the development of

overwhelming adj. ԍψʷѭᄊ
education ፌ́ஔᐲౝܸᄊ଎ү

education for all-round development keep skills fresh and up-to-date Ύ४੿
Л᭧ԧ࡙ஔᐲ ᑟԻ̿ˁ௑πᤉ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

quality-oriented education ጉ᠏ஔᐲ knowledge-intensive adj. ᅼគࠛᬷ‫ی‬

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

exam-oriented education ऄតஔᐲ enlarge one’s view ઩࡙ᅼគ᭧

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

realize the value of life ࠄဘၷ֑͉ϙ broaden one’s horizons ઩࡙ᅼគ᭧

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

grasp good communication skills ଂ ଧ

boost teamwork spirit ۲ЩՌͻድᇸ

cultivate one’ s taste and temperament combine ability with character ॴ੦Ъ
ᬝчৱ୲ ‫ܬ‬

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

equal stress on integrity and ability ॴ

rote learning ൫ᝮᆶᑀ

cramming method of teaching ‫ ܍‬Ღ र

bias of culture ஡ӑϠ᜹

avoid dogmatism ᥘВஔ౎˟˧ have a broader view of life न᫫᜽᧙

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

better personal resources to draw on adhere to code of conduct ኀՌ᥋ॴಖ

ఞܳԻѾၹᄊ̡ᑢᠫູ ю

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Enhance intellectual abilities, widen

scope of knowledge, adapt oneself to
the development of society

physical and psychological well-being

cultivate logical thinking ۲Щ᤿ᣤন፥


tap one’s potential ૎ଈ౽̡ᄊ໸ᑟ

undertake the due obligations ੾ઞ᠊͊

face possible pressure and competition ᤁଌԻᑟᄊԍҧ֗ቤ̂

cultivate a strong sense of responsibility һ̆੾ઞ᠊͊

advocate that
bolster the view that
from my point of view
to my way of thinking
from my perspective

disapprove of
object to(sth, doing sth)

1 ଢᰴ̡ᬅ̔ड़ᑟҧ
enhance interpersonal skills
2 ଢᰴᇫ͘ࠄ᡻ᑟҧὊੱܸ᜽᧙ὊଢӤү੤ᑟҧ
facilitate practical abilities, expand ons’s vision, elevate hands-on capabilities
3 ບ᣿ᦨᦿరὊ˞ళ౏Ϣ‫ݞ‬ю‫ܬ‬
withstand the gestation period, pave the way for rosy future ( lay a solid
foundation for)
4 ۲Щ‫ڄ‬᫳ՌͻድᇸὊᑟఞງКᄊ̀ᝍᇫ͘Ὂࠫ˔̡ੇ᫂దॢܸᄊ‫ܫݞ‬
foster teamwork spirit, gain better insight into society, be rewarding to personal
5 Ի̿ᠾԩஆКὊѓᣐࠒऑ᠇ઞ

1 ᐅឨࠃ᠜ᄊߦ˸௑ᫎὊࠫ̆ߧߕ౏ឭὊஔᐲ੦௧త᧘᜶ᄊǍ
Give rise to many problems such as waste of precious studying time.
For children, education should be given priority.
2 ࠵ߧ෥దᇫ͘ፃᰎὊԻᑟ͘‫ښ‬Ъᐌࢺͻ˗ᥓԪ൛ᰕǍ
Due to lack of social experience, some children might run the risk of being
cheated in the process of part-time jobs.

teenager adolescent juvenile ᭟࠶ࣲ
undergraduate ܸߦၷ
postgraduate ᆑቃၷ
doctoral student Ӱ‫ܣ‬ၷ

Grade school(elementary school)
Junior school
Senior/high school
Tertiary education( ᰴ኎ஔᐲ )
Advanced education( ᰴጟஔᐲ )

online learning Ꭺʽߦ˸
tele-education ᤊሮஔᐲ
virtual class ᘿલិ۶
distance learning ᤊሮߦ˸
e-learning ‫ښ‬ጳߦ˸Ὂႃߕߦ˸
The government should control the amount of violence in films and on


Prompted by some incidents of television and film inspired crimes, the issue of
whether the government should control the amount of violence in films and on
television has been a contentious discussion. Views on the topic vary greatly.

Advocates claim that the practice of controlling the amount of violence in mass
media is a brazen violation of the people’s basic right to know the truth of the world.
For example, some films contain some violence, but they reflect the things happened
around us. Rather than producing negative effects on audience, to some extent,
these films educate them. Furthermore, violence in films or on television programs
cultivates people’s senses of crisis and responsibility, which makes ordinary people
and police work better for public security. Consequently, it is irresponsible and foolish
to blame the media for violence in our society.

However, opponents argue that violence in films and on television is detrimental

to audience’s psychology. Taking fantasy for reality, people become aggressive and
eccentric. They believe things can be solved by violence. In addition, violencit it will
have negative impacts on the stability of society. Research findings reveal that 60
percent of crimes are committed by teenagers after watching films or television
which had a large amount of violence. Teenagers are so vulnerable and immature that

they cannot judge whether the activities performed in mass media are right or not.
As an illustration, a boy killed his younger sister in Australia because he imitated the
violent scenes from television programs.

In my opinion, the disadvantages of controlling the amount of violence in media

outweigh the advantages. But I believe the government should label how much
violence the programs contain on the screens, and parents and teachers have
responsibility to guide their children and help them to distinguish right from wrong
when they watch violent programs.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
Prompted by some incidents of television and film inspired crimes, the issue of
whether the government should control the amount of violence in films and on
television has been a contentious discussion. Views on the topic vary greatly.

of crisis and responsibility, which makes ordinary people and police work better
for public security.



Foreign films such as the Hollywood blockbusters have been prevailing globally and
enjoy a wide range of fans, which poses a tremendous threat to the local film industry.
A comprehensive analysis concerning the reasons of this phenomenon and whether
the government should provide financial aid to support the local film industry will be
discussed in this essay.

Why such a substantial number of people are willing to see foreign films are mainly
attributed to three factors, including the fine production, human beings’ nature and
individuals’ needs. The first and foremost reason is foreign films, especially those
blockbusters are constantly involved with the advanced elements, such as the amazing
visual effects and acoustics, which largely helps the films, like The Smurfs and Avatar,
to win a sizable percentage of audiences throughout the world. Born to be curious
about all fresh ideas and exotic cultures, people could obtain a substantial number of
information through seeing a foreign film. This would satisfy human beings’ nature
of curiosity. In conjunction to that, individual purposes, such as going abroad to have
further education might be another factor that needs to be taken into consideration,
for seeing a foreign film where actors and actresses all speak the native language
might be the best way to master this language.

However, the locally produced films seem to reach a bottom in comparison with their
foreign counterparts and it is highly suggested that the local government financially
support this industry. On the one hand, films are the carrier of a country’s culture.
Supporting the local film industry will enable the widespread of its culture and this
seems an essential approach to help a country be more powerful in the world. On the
other hand, the boom of this industry would, to a large extent, produce an increasing
number of job positions and consequently, the unemployment rate in this country
might substantially decrease, which will contribute to its social stability

In conclusion, it is reasonable for foreign films to enjoy the popularity at an

international level in terms of the merits that they may possess; while it is also
necessary for the local government to support the development of local film industry
through all possible manners, financially, in particular

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
Why such a substantial number of people are willing to see foreign films are
nature and individuals’ needs.

The first and foremost reason is foreign films, especially those blockbusters are
constantly involved with the advanced elements, such as the amazing visual effects
sizable percentage of audiences throughout the world.

Some people think government should ban dangerous sports, while others
think it is people’s freedom to do whatever sports activities they choose.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.


There is no doubt that sports activities have always been appealing to the public of
all class in most societies, and each of them owns a wide range of fans, including
those dangerous sports, which arouses a contentious debate with regard to whether the
government should restrict all kinds of dangerous sports or encouraging the pubic to
choose it based on their own interests.

Those who are of the idea that all forms of sports should be prohibited may seriously be
concerned about the possible consequences the dangerous sports might result in, such
as injury and death. A convincing case in point is that even the professional athletes
are likely to get injured if they involve in such activities as boxing and wrestling and
this would probably negatively affect their ordinary life. But it seems dif¿cult for the
government to draw a clear line between the safe and dangerous sports. If they banned
football and basketball, there would probably be a dispute between a signi¿cant number
of fans and the government. This is largely because those sports gain tremendous
popularity worldwide.

On the contrary, many hold the view that people should be granted to choose whatever
sports they favor, regardless of its danger. It appears reasonable for people to make their
own decision for adults are rational enough to distinguish whether they are capable
of participating in those sports so that they could avoid the detrimental consequences.

Even if they are injured, they could be responsible for their own decision. However,
when the youth are taken into account, more consideration tends to be needed since
they are less likely to be as cautious as the adults. This means unexpected consequences
of taking part in dangerous sports still exist.

In conclusion, I tend to argue that adults could have the right to choose whatever
sports they participate in seeing that they are mature enough to make a decision while
apparently dangerous sports for children such as boxing and wrestling should be
restricted, or otherwise they should be supervised to take part in.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
There is no doubt that sports activities have always been appealing to the public
of all class in most societies, and each of them owns a wide range of fans, including
those dangerous sports, which arouses a contentious debate with regard to whether
the government should restrict all kinds of dangerous sports or encouraging the
pubic to choose it based on their own interests.

supervise ᄣᅖὊૉ࠮ appealing adj. ծळ̡ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

arouse a contentious debate ळᡑ̂᝷ restrict vt. ᬍ҄

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

prohibit vt. ህൣὊ᫾ൣ be concerned about ТॷὊТฌ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

a convincing case ᝨ̡η఩ᄊΓ᝽ boxing n. િѤ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

wrestling n. ୑ᡴ On the contrary ᄱԦ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

be granted to ᜂ૿́ be rational ေভ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

detrimental adj. దࠏᄊ unexpected consequence ਓܱՑ౧

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

There is no doubt that… ඓ௄Ⴁ᫈ĀĀ



Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public.


With the crime rate hovering at high levels, the print as well as the broadcast media
thrives on detailed crime coverage. They dedicate large proportions of their space or
airtime to ghastly crime stories and this trend is showing no sign of abating. Whether
the media should publicise detailed accounts of criminal acts has triggered spirited
debate. Many assert that the news media should refrain from revealing details of
crimes. Speaking from myself, I cannot agree more with their view.

In the ¿rst place, given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage, it
is advisable for us to discredit and discourage this practice. Today, most news outlets
have their own crime reporters covering the police beat. Yet the principal purpose of
such assignment is, in most instances, not to uphold the criminal justice system or
to alarm the citizenry over some very real criminal threats, but to jack up newspaper
circulations or television ratings. Consequently, much detailed crime coverage is
biased, magni¿ed, misrepresented, deliberately titillating or fraudulent. It only serves
to terrorise communities and leave a multitude of law-abiding citizens constantly
apprehensive, if not paranoid, about crime.

In the second place, detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential
criminals very instructive learning materials, which are hard to obtain otherwise.
Recounting premeditated crimes in graphic detail in the public domain helps those who

thrive on ᭥Ὂ‫ڂ‬Ὂ̿ĀĀੇ᫂ crime coverage ࿁Ꮅઑ᥋

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

airtime n. ႃॖੋႃ᜽ᓬᄬ௑ᫎ abate vi.vt ѓᣐὊѓ࠶

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

trigger vt. ळԧ refrain from Б҄Ὂઃ҄

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

mercenary adj. ‫׭‬Ѿ௧‫ڏ‬ᄊ discredit n.vt. খႡὊˀη

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

the criminal justice system Ѳ̃ࠆѼ҄ premeditated adj. ᮕ ៃ ᄊὊ ᮕ Џ ᝠ ѳ

एὊ࿁ᎵՃขʹጇ ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

citizenry n. ࣊ඟὊНඟ jack up ଢᰴὊˡᡑ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

newspaper circulations ઑѯԧᛡ᧚ PDJQL¿HGadj. ஊܸᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

titillating adj. ΎᰴУ fraudulent adj. ൛ᰕᄊὊˀបࠄᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

terrorise vt. ়Ֆ a multitude of ܸ᧚ᄊὊܸ੻ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

law-abiding adj. ߶ขᄊ apprehensive adj. ঊᘽᄊὊˀ߷ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

paranoid n.adj. Ϡੰ὆Ꮸ὇ recount vt. ԬᤘὊហᤘ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

uphold vt. ஃેὊˡᡑ in graphic detail ហጺ‫ڏ‬ᝍ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

well-documented vt. ᝽૶ЍѬᄊ pitfall n. ᬞ᫸Ὂ‫ݓڔ‬

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

track down ᤝ૭ aggravate vt. ҫ᧘ὊΎ৏ӑ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

heinous crimes ໑ܹܸᎵ traumatise vt. ΎԪ૯͞

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

glaringly adv. ༹ᄬ‫ڡ‬Ὂ௭ᄬ‫ڡ‬ ÀDJLWLRXVadj. Ꮅܸ৏ౝᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

scoop n. ࿘ ࠒ ழ ᫕Ὂ ྲ ᝭Ὑvt. ଽ ᬷὊ
recurring nightmares ٩ೕᖺፉ

expedite vt. ҫঌὊҫᤴὙadj. ႊᤰᄊὊ an objective chronicler ʷ˔ࠇ᜺ᄊᝮ
᣾ᤴᄊ ैᏨ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

lurid=horrible adj. ԻণᄊὊᐃ̡զ᫕ sensationalize vt. ̿ᐃ̡զ᫕ᄊ੤ข‫ܫ‬

ᄊ ေὙΎळᡑᣅү

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

market penetration ࣊‫ڤ‬ຖᤩ depict vt. ଡᤘὊଡፋ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

divulged adj. ෺᭛ᄊ baneful adj. దࠏᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of
advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To


Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the streets. Some

people think that the advertising boosts the sales of goods and it encourages people to
buy things unnecessarily. This argument may be true in my country, many advertising
companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers. People,
especially youngsters, buy goods that their favourite singer advertising, although they
do not really need the products.

Also, on the television screen, a product may look gorgeous and good quality. As
a result of it, people often buy goods without enough consideration. Consumers
may not actually need it but they buy goods impulsively soon after they watch the
advertising. Furthermore, as many customers buy a particular product due to its
advertising campaign, the other people may be affected by the trend, even if the
product is not of the real needs of the society.

On the other hand, there are various aspects against these arguments. Moreover, it
is people’s choice to make a decision to buy goods. Advertising may be not a cause of
customers’ buying habits. Individuals have their own spending habits. If they have got
enough disposable income, then the right to make a decision is given to them. No one
actually can judge whether the goods sold are the real needs of the society or not.
In addition, as there should be a limited amount of disposable income consumers are
able to spend, people try to allocate their budgets. They cannot be simply swayed by
those advertisements.

In conclsuion(conclusion), as customers have their own strong opinions and standad

(standard) of good quality goods, it is better to leave them to make their own decision
in(to) buy goods. It is fairly difficult to say everyone is swayed by advertising and buy
good impulsively. However, in sensitive area of businesses such as toy industries,
it may be necessary to band advertising to those children as children have not got
enough ability to control themselves or to know what they need.὆332words὇

Some people think that the advertsing (advertising) boosts the sales of goods and
it encourages people to buy things unnecessarily

Furthermore, as many customers buy a particular product due to its advertising

campaign, the other people may be affected by the trend, even if the product is not
of the real needs of the society.

It is fairly difficult to say everyone is swayed by advertising and buy good

boost ଎үὊΨᤉ gorgeous adj. ӨˠᄊὊౝ‫ݞ‬ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

advertising campaign ࣹշࠈ͜Ὂࣹշ

impulsively adv. фү‫ڡ‬Ὂద଎үҧ‫ڡ‬

disposable adj. Ի͊ਓ‫ܫ‬ေᄊὊʷ൓ভ

disposable income ԻஃᦡஆК



The news media mainly plays two important roles in modern societyú providing
information and influencing public opinionú and I think its influence is generally

Obviously, the news media provides people with vast amounts of information in various
forms. We can access it by listening to the radio, reading newspapers and magazines,
watching television and by surfing the Internet. The ability to access news media is
important for individuals and organizations because we make many decisions based on
the news provided to us. Some of these decisions are mundane. We check the weather
forecast to see whether we should take an umbrella to work. Other news, such as that
about the business world, could influence whether we invest our savings in certain
companies listed on the stock exchange.

The news is often presented to us in certain ways, using speci¿c words to try to control
our feelings and thoughts. This can be the main negative inÀuence of the news media.
Very often, the news media portrays people in simplistic ways, giving us some facts,
but not the whole story. In the USA, some news media tends to support the Republicans
whilst others tend towards the Democrats and the portrayal of individuals can reÀect
this. This is somewhat inevitable, because the editors, journalists and owners of the
news media have opinions and biases. So, I think that it would be better if people
checked news stories from different sources instead of only using one source.

Despite the fact that the news media can report events incorrectly or with bias, I think
that the general influence on society is good. More factual information gives us the
chance to make better decisions, both in our personal lives and in our working lives.

Very often, the news media portrays people in simplistic ways, giving us some
facts, but not the whole story.

᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................

print media ( newspaper, magazine) ࣱ broadcast media (radio, television) ႃ

᭧ / ӿ҅޵ʹ ฉ޵ʹ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

new media (the Internet) ழ޵ʹ mundane adj. ˇΰᄊὊࣱјᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

weather forecast ܹඡᮕઑ stock exchange ᐧᇾ / ᝽҆̔௜ਫ਼

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

5HSXEOLFDQVС֗З Democrats ඟ˟З

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

portrayal n. ଡፋὊиི inevitable adj. ˀԻᥘВᄊὊॹཀྵᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘
violate on someone’s privacy Φ࿁ᬥሓ the press ழ᫕ႍ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

news outlets ઑ᥋ழ᫕ᄊ఻౞ the electronic media ႃߕ޵ʹ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

current affairs ௑̃ scandals ˃᫕

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

prevalent adj. ௄‫ܫ‬ˀ‫ښ‬ᄊ the pernicious effect of the media ͜޵

Տਓឈణ૱὘ubiquitous; pervasive
ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

misleading adj. ឨ࠮ভᄊ false adj. ᘿϜᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

exaggerate vt. ݂ܸ unobjective adj. ˀࠇ᜺ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

factual accounts n. ‫ࠄݠ‬ઑ᥋ reliable adj. Իηᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

informative adj. ηৌ᧚ܸᄊ newsworthy adj. దઑ᥋͉ϙᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

scrutiny n. ࠆಊὊᄣ᜽ scrutinize ̳ጺೝಊὊጺᄺ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

expose vt. ଫ᭛ code of ethics ᥋ॴюѷ

Տਓឈణ૱὘reveal Տਓឈణ૱὘code of conduct

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

bring reality to the public ંဘࠄ࡙ဘ

pros and cons of media ޵ʹᄊ‫ݞ‬ˁ‫ڮ‬

penetrate every corner of our life ຖᤩ educate/ entertain people of all age ஔ
҂ੈ̓ၷำᄊඈʷ˔ᝈᗀ ᐲ / ‫˭ޡ‬Պࣲᴔ඀ᄊ̡

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

media hype ޵ʹ༲ͻ pornography n. ᓤৱ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

big packs of lies ʷኳኒំᝓ trick the public ൛ᰕܸ͕

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

unable to distinguish good from bad ෥ parochial adj. ԶТॷవ‫ڡ‬ӝᄊὊ‫ڡ‬வ

దᣲѿ௧᭤ᄊᑟҧ ᜺ঐᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

saturate(…with) v. ΎЍ໘ / ᯐ֗ saturate the market ࣊‫ڤ‬ᯐ֗

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could


It is true that today the number of overweight people is increasing and this has become
a big concern in many societies. I think that modern lifestyles are responsible for the
decline of health and ¿tness.

The ¿rst reason why people are gaining weight is that they eat much more junk food
nearly on a daily basis than people did in the past. Apparently the pace of life is so
fast that a lot of workers and students tend to finish meals as quickly as possible
by consuming fast food, especially at lunch time, rather than spend too much time
preparing home-made dishes which usually contain fresh vegetables, fruits and meats.
Unfortunately, those prepared and processed foods contain high levels of less healthy
ingredients and unbalanced nutrition.

Another reason I would like to point out is that city dwellers, unlike those living
many years ago who were quite used to travelling by bike or on foot, lack of physical
exercise. This is partly due to using private cars or public transportation frequently.
Without a doubt, contemporary people have to travel longer distances to office or
school than before and there is a tendency to pursue convenience.

Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new generations
companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to


Nowadays, plenty of old employees who are more than 55 years old must retire because
of company policy; therefore, many people think that the development of a company
cannot be separated from the number of young employees. I think it is certainly true
considering the following three reasons.

The main reason is that plenty of young employees mean that the company is infused
with lots of young blood. With the development of technology, more and more new
technological products have been developed. The new generation masters advanced
technology and has the energy to exploit. They have learned lots of knowledge in
university; therefore it is de¿nitely useful for the development of companies.

Another reason is that old employees cannot adapt themselves to the rapid pace. Old
employees find it difficult to rapidly learn new things. With their limited physical
strength, they are not capable of heavy manual work. So old employees are not a patch
on young employees, it means not only intellect but also physical strength.

Last but not the least reason is old employees have already worked for more than half
their lifetime, so they should retire to enjoy life. The old employees have already paid
out too much in order to look after their family and career. So they should pursue their

Leisure is a growing industry, but people no longer entertain themselves as
much as they used to because the use of modem technology has made them
less creative. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Technology becomes an increasingly important part of our life. We may use technology
when we want to entertain ourselves. However, whilst recreational activities are
getting increasingly diversi¿ed, many people unfortunately ¿nd that they can not get
entertained as much as they did in the past.

In some areas modern technology allows the expression of human creativity to go

unhindered. Indeed, with up-to-date computer graphics technology, some astonishing
special effects are frequently shown in Hollywood movies, particularly in some
science-¿ction works. Moreover, with the invention of the Internet, game lovers across
the globe can explore the full of online entertainment in a virtual world full of mystery
and adventure.

Nevertheless, in most cases, the overuse of modem technology has made life less
entertaining than it could have been. Take the music industry for example, unlike their
predecessors who were constantly exploring life for inspiration and originality, today’s
artist are con¿ned to studios, relying on computerized processing and techniques for
their work. As a result, despite the mass production of popular songs an music, we
rarely ¿nd a truly remarkable piece. Imagines again those childhood games we all have
played such as “Hide and Seek ” or “Drop the Handkerchief”. Simple as they may be,
these activities offered us the real excitement of going outside and having fun with our

᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................

recreational activities ‫˭ޡ‬ำү 'LYHUVL¿HG DGM ܳನӑᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘


ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Mystery n. ᇸሜ 3UHGHFHVVRU n. Ғ͊ὊҒᣜ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Originality n. ѹᤵҧ &RQ¿QH n./vt. ᣸ႍὊᬍ҄

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘


ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘


ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life
die out. It is pointless to try to keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?


In present age society, technology has been playing increasingly significant role in
people’s life. Some people think technology may make traditions die out, and it makes
no sense to keep them alive. But I disagree with this opinion. I will illustrate my view
as follow.

To start with, traditions are the treasure and heritage from our ancestors. Every country
should be proud of his unique cultural identity. What’s more, we can learn much from
traditions such as the thought of our forefathers and the ancient lifestyles. Finally,
traditions can be regarded as a huge resource of tourism attractions for a nation’s

Further, to some extent, technology can positively contribute to keep traditional skills
and way of life alive. For instance, in some remote areas, people do not have proper
secondary education for children. Thus the children could only be separated from their
parents if there were no convenient transportation. On this condition, provided that
they have the chance to leave the impoverished village, they may never plan to go back,
because it takes too much time and money. As a result for a long-term situation, the
new generation will all migrate to cities, leaving the village deserted. To the contrary,
technology has shortened the gap between the urban and rural areas to maintain some
traditions alive. In addition, the internet and modern refrigeration techniques are being

used to conserve and advertise traditional foods such as Chinese traditional food,

In conclusion, though technology damages traditions, they still can be used positively.
The point is that human beings should find a balance between them, instead of just
sitting doing nothing.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................



Modern technology is creating one single world culture. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?


ǘ ѬԠᏦᔵ஡Ǚ

In contemporary society, technology has been playing an increasingly signi¿cant role

in people’s life. Modern technology is rapidly changing the world’s living standards,
which results in creating a single world culture. I believe high-tech have great inÀuence
on creating a similar culture all over the world.

First of all, the modern means of transportation allows people to move from one
place to another fairly readily, which contributes to the spread of culture as well. An
increasing number of people are migrating to or working in foreign countries. They
bring their motherland’s culture; meanwhile, they can broadcast the host country’s
custom after they return to their hometown.

In the second place, the Internet and e-mail have changed the way people communicate
with each other. We now have a great opportunity to ¿nd out more about countries and
their history. It is so convenient that we can appreciate a foreign country’s scenery and
traditions just by sitting in front of a computer.

Consequently, the boundaries of their traditions and customs between countries have
faded away. Because of that, now many families are created between people from
different countries, thus traditions fusing and evolving into other ones.

To conclude, modern technology has a great impact on the way people live now. It is
creating a new single world culture where old traditions and distances are no longer of
that much importance.




᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................

OLYLQJVWDQGDUGV ၷำಖю Appreciate vi./vt. ൕᠶὊਖ༏

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

%RXQGDU\ n. ᣸ႍὊᔵ‫ڊ‬ Fuse vi/vt. ᚸՌ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

evolve into ᤉӑੇὊԧ࡙ੇ EHRILPSRUWDQFH᧘᜶

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Life was better when technology was simpler. To what extend do you agree or


With the development of human society, technology has been becoming increasingly
vital in people’s life. However, some people think the life was simpler when the
technology was not so developed. As far as I am concerned, these people are misguided.

The first reason is that simplicity was because of a lack of choices. Before large jet
planes came in the 1960’s, for example, air travel was beyond the imagination of most
people. Before electronic modern banking system was invented, people had to spend a
lot of time on math calculations on their work. Moreover, our knowledge of the world
around us, especially foreign countries, was sketchy before the advent of televisions.
Modern technology has brought the world in literature into vivid pictures, videos and
even real life.

It is not always true that modern technology is more complex to use than it was to
perform household chores. Caring for a horse was a far more complex and time-
consuming matter than having a car. Probably, what makes people to long for the old
simpler life is the speed of modern society. But sometimes, this change can be resisted,
when we set ourselves simple priorities and stick to it.

To sum up, technology’s merits can overwhelm its demerits only when people have
learned how to balance between what are really in need and what the technology can




᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................

0LVJXLGH vt. ឨ࠮ 6LPSOLFLW\ n. እӭὊహጉ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

EH\RQGWKHLPDJLQDWLRQ ᡔѣਇ៶ Calculation n. ᝠካ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

6NHWFK\ DGM иၷᄊὊഐ႕ᄊ $GYHQW n. ҂౏Ὂѣဘ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of
mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems


Mobile phones are frequently in almost all the aspects of our daily lives. However,
there is an opinion that the wide application mobile phone also exerts a negative
influence on the society, an individual’s health and technologic development.

It is undeniable that mobile phones have facilitated our lives in many different ways.
For example, when an emergency occurs, such as a traffic accident or a violent crime,
mobile phones can help the victims to call the police or an ambulance immediate for
help. They also make people work faster and more efficiently, as people can send or
read emails via mobile phones, and communicate quickly and easily with their clients
and co-works.

Indeed, it is the case that talking on cell phones in public with high voice disturbs
people around. Moreover, as far as radiation of cell phone is concerned, scientific
evidence has shown that radiation that a working mobile phone produces has the
potential to cause brain cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Apart from the health
problems, a range of technical defects would give rise to a series of dangers. For
instance, using mobile phones on board a plane may affect the navigation system of

the aircraft, which will endanger the lives of the passengers.

To conclude, we should not overlook the negative influence the cell phones produce,
because the downsides far exceed the merits.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................



Many people are optimistic about the 21st century and see it as an opportunity
to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with their optimism? What changes would you like to be made in the new
century? ચ៶ ሙ੿


People’s optimism about the 21st century can be understood by the upsurge in the
interest in science and technology around the world. This upbeat attitude is further
supported by the proliferation of novel inventions and state-of-the-art technologies that
have emerged in recent years. While the world’s continued advance in various domains
(e.g science) is noteworthy, this advance does not come without its problems.

Much of the world’s achievement in the 21st century or in the 20th century has been
made at the cost of environment and the poorest people and countries. The automobile
industry has developed rapidly, but the side-effect of this development is the degrading
environment, which is characterized by increased greenhouse emissions and abnormal
climates. The growing demand for commodities has prompted the world’s factories
to increase output incessantly, accelerating the consumption of energy and other
resources. Leading countries have advocated globalization and promoted this as a way
of achieving countries’ shared prosperity, but the truth is that the gap between rich and
poor countries is widening, rather than narrowing.

In view of the downside of the world’s seemingly positive changes, the question
remains: what changes can be made in the new century? Without any doubt, how to
maintain the current momentum without causing further damage to the environment

should be the issue on top agenda. Scientists and inventors should update the
environmental impact of their inventions before commercializing them and introducing
them to the public. Meanwhile, leading countries for their own benefits should not
manipulate globalization. Policies and regulations should be re-rated and adjusted to
make sure that developing countries can benefit from countries’ closer ties in trade,
politics and social issues.

Measured against world standards, changes can be a complex topic that encompasses
many issues but two urgent issues that require immediate actions are the environment
and globalization. A world that fails to address these two issues can by no means be
deemed as perfect.


Currently, confronted with the tremendous advancement of the late 20th Century, certain
proportion of people hold a positive view towards 21st Century, deeming it a precious
chance to change the world positively, which consequently triggered a contentious
debate. Attitudes towards this issue are divergent.

Advocates allege that 21st Century is undoubtedly a peaceful era, which enables to live
a harmonious live and generally make some positive changes. Unlike in the yeasty
years a century before, wars and conÀicts are largely eliminated and economy is the
core of this completely new century. Hence, as the divergence of cultures becomes less
apparent, it is time that people around the world enhanced cooperation in every sphere,
in order to establish the so-call global village.

Opponents, nonetheless, cast serious doubts on the proponents’ opinions. As they

claims, 21st is absolutely not a no-war-period, rather, it is the very era that allows
certain powerful countries to overindulge their boundless ambitions and eventually
overwhelm other countries. In this strong country dominated age, it is ridiculous to be
optimistic and any attempt to make positive changes is naive.

All in all, both sides have solid foundations. Personally, I tend to side with the former.

First and foremost, having witnessed the basically stable situation in the late 20th
century, it is reasonable for us to believe that it is the right time for positive changes.
Additionally, in the era of globalization, separate power is not enough for achieving
success whereas cooperation equals to successfulness, which has been evidenced in
numerous cases. Therefore, it is imperative that some modi¿cations are made in this
pivotal moment; otherwise we may miss the hard-won opportunity. As for the changes,
I think apart from reinforcing cooperation, division of labor is also of vital importance.
For instance, in developed countries, some high-tech industries should be encouraged,
whilst in developing countries, it is wiser for developing traditional industries and


Entering the new millennium, our world has reached its peak in the development of
society, economy and technology. Faced with opportunities and challenges, we should
take a rational attitude and be con¿dent about the future.

First of all, technology has brought us advances and challenges. For instance,
more families own private cars. We have more leisure time to enjoy on weekends.
Information technology brings people closer in communication. However, the
environmental pollution is accelerating. The air we breathe smells like gas from cars.
And the food we eat may be contaminated with harmful chemicals discharged from
plants into underground water. While the economic development has made our life
more comfortable, it has also polarized the society in the distribution of wealth. More
wealth is held by a very small percentage of the population, leaving millions of people
struggling to make a bare existence.

Secondly, long-existing problems have not been solved in spite of the constant progress
of our society. Millions of people are still suffering from poverty and wars. There are
other problems such as how to ¿nd cure for new diseases, how to solve the threatening
energy crisis, how to deal with globalization issues, and how to achieve lasting peace

with the possibility of a nuclear war.

There are too many changes we want to bring to our world. But the primary ones are: I
want to help people in the world no longer suffer from hunger and wars. I want to get
the pollution under control and clean up the polluted places. I also desire a peaceful,
rich, healthy, beautiful planet for everyone in the 21st century.

To conclude, in the 21st century, we face opportunities and challenges. While the
progresses are signi¿cant and wonderful, old problems still remain. We need to work
hard to put a stop to issues such as world hunger, wars, and environmental pollution to
make the world a better place for all.


Many people are optimistic to the 21st century. They hold the belief that people’s life
and the relationship between nations will be improved greatly in the new century. They
see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. Personally I am in favor
of the opinion.

Firstly, the new century has seen a radical improvement in high technology, which
provides effective methods to some intractable problems that have long haunted man,
like starvation, incurable diseases, water shortage and so on. Properly used, the new
technology will bene¿t man greatly. Although some people are technology pessimists
and hold that high tech will harm or even destroy the human beings, it cannot be denied
that technology improves our life dramatically, making a decent life possible.

In addition to the progress in technology, the communication between countries has

been promoted at an unprecedented level. Unlike before when individual countries
struggled for development of economy or society, the globalization links the whole
world together. Despite the existing divergence between some nations, the world is
more and more likely to be a complete unit, where countries have common interests
and prospects.

To sum up, I am optimistic that the world will undertake positive changes in the new
century. Thanks to the appliance of new techniques, man will be able to tackle some
spiny problems. Gene engineering, for example, will be applied widely and help us
resolve the problem of food shortage in poverty-stricken countries. Some deadly
diseases like cancers will be curable. And with the development of globalization, I hope
developed countries will attend more to small developing countries, making a peaceful
and Àourishing world. Just like one song by Celion Dion, it is A Whole New World. (286

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................


eventually overwhelm other countries.



SUREOHPRIIRRGVKRUWDJHLQpoverty-stricken countries.

“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. ” - US movie actor & director
John Wayne. Why is it important for individuals and countries to think about
the future rather than focusing on the present?


Tomorrow is another day. Although living in the current society keeps us away from
the shadows of the past, it is more important for individuals and countries to think
about the future than focusing on the present. Three episodes from history serve as
compelling examples of this fact.

Where there is future, there is hope. Even after the Supreme Court struck down
segregation in 1954, human-rights offenses were both law and custom in much of
America. Before Martin Luther King and his movement, a tired and respectable Negro
seamstress like Rosa Parks could be thrown into jail and fined simply because she
refused to give up her seat on an Alabama bus so a white man can sit down. A six-year-
old black girl like Emmett Till could be hunted down and murdered by a Mississippi
gang simply because he wanted to go to the same school as white children. For
hundreds of years, African Americans had been tired of the that America claimed to
be the leader of the ‘free world’ without inviting smirks of segregation upon the land
of itself. Martin Luther King, however, had not lost his hope; his belief in nonviolence
never swerved. From the time he assumed leadership of the Montgomery bus boycott,
he foretold a future America where children would not be judged by the color of their
skin but by the content of their character. Subsequent mass demonstrations culminated
in the March on Washington in which he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream”

speech. On that day, he saw tomorrow; upon danger, he saw hope. That is why he

The fact that the future deserves more attention than the present also stands true for
a country. During the Great Depression, ideologues in America believed that the
economic downturn had imposed the country a either choice: if you abandon laissez-
faire you are condemned to a total betrayal of capitalism and democracy. Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, however, stood ¿rmly in America’s ability to regain control over its
future. His New Deal swiftly introduced measures for social protection, regulation and
control. His actions succeeded in protecting the nation from major economic crisis for
nearly 80 years.

Had the prejudice of hundreds of years disbelieved Martin Luther King of a free world,
he would die in vain. Had the failure of capitalism blinded America from looking
forward, no changes would be made to better its administration. All in all, the future
always weighs heavier than the present.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
never VZHUYHG.


‫ܸښ‬ᖻ౎௑రὊᎿ‫ڎ‬ᄊေ᝷ࠒᝣ˞ᤈመፃเᄊͰᤚ௑రፌ̀Ꮏ‫ڎ‬Գʷመᤥહ : ‫ݠ‬


Many countries use fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) as the main source of
energy. However, in some countries the use of the alternative sources of energy
(wind energy and solar energy) is encouraged.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this development?


It is noticed that traffic congestion and environmental contamination has long been
a problem of great concern and complaint in numerous metropolis around the globe.
This essay aims to prove that multiplying the expenditure of fuels is not the best way to
resolve these thorny problems and then present my personal recommendations.

Indeed, the private cars will be greatly diminished if the cost of the fuel keeps on
soaring, as a result, it could purify the air, minimize noise contamination and the release
of exhausts, however, as this strategy would also burden those depending on public
transport economically, Virtually, there are still a great many other options available to
relieve the pressure of traf¿c jam and safeguard our environment.

The automobile industry, in many countries all over the world, has developed the
technology to help reduce energy needs and to decrease pollution. Efforts have already
been made in research and development of fuel-cell-driven and power-driven vehicles
aiming to mitigate the pollution induced by transportation. Meanwhile, talking those
car manufacturers and city-dwellers into adopting this new technology would be a more
effective strategy for optimizing air quality, especially in big cities.

However, there many others will use still more private cars even though the cars they
drive are eco-friendly, which impose much pressure on public transportation. In this
sense, mass transit is a very effective method for moving large numbers of people
quickly with few vehicles and reduced air pollution. Efforts should be made to provide
those desires to take public transport with the warmest and most considerate service.
Meanwhile, the fare should not be a luxury not matter which vehicle one might take.

Overall, in attempt to resolve environmental and traffic problems, cleaner fuels and
popularization of public transport have indispensable roles to play, increasing the cost
of fuels might be a tentative method yet de¿nitely not the best one.

Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they
make no effort to do it themselves. Why is the case? What actions can be done
to encourage individuals to protect the environment?


Environmental deterioration has become one of the most severe threats to the survival
of mankind. Despite intense media coverage over environment protection, few people
actually take any practical actions to protect the environment.

One of the underlying factors leading to this phenomenon may involve the
misconception that individual actions cannot contribute to environmental conservation.
Owing to lack of professional knowledge, ordinary people are incapable of coping
with serious environmental issues, such as landslide and soil erosion. As a result, it is
often argued that government intervention and international cooperation should be the
solution. People’s increasing material pursuit also discourages them from playing their
own parts in environment protection. Driven by material comfort, people nowadays
tend to use short-lived and environment-damaging products, such as disposable
lunchboxes and chopsticks. For convenient commutes and more efficient mobility,
numerous people choose to purchase private cars with high discharge volume.

In order to encourage more practical individual efforts towards environment protection,

various approaches should be adopted. First of all, more environment campaigns
should be launched to instill in the public the conception that individual actions are
an indispensable part in the problem-solving process. For example, one can classify
household garbage to facilitate waste recycling and reduce car use to cut down the

emission of waste gas. Moreover, heavy taxation can be imposed on energy-wasting
and disposable products, in order to discourage people from using them. Meanwhile,
the government should subsidize environmentally friendly products to make them
cheaper and more widely used.

To sum up, environment contamination, if not solved properly, may pose a huge threat
to the development of human society. Every citizen should shoulder their own share of
responsibility to protect the environment. (279 Words)

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
measures to protect the environment.

ဘ̽ၷำࠫྭ᠏ᄊ᣿Ѭᤝර࠮ᒱ̡̓᣿ܳᤥહ̀ᰴᑟᏲnjʷ൓ভ኎ˀဗδᄊֶ̗ ,


Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away society”, because
we cannot fully dispose of. To want degree do you agree with this opinion and
what measures can you recommend reducing this problem? ဗ‫ ܒ‬ᇫ͘


There is growing tendency nowadays for people to produce much more garbage than
before. Some people hold an opinion that this leads to a throw-away society, for too
many plastic bags and rubbish that can not fully dispose of threaten to overwhelm us.
Personally, I agree with this opinion for the following reasons.

When we come to think about it, there are only three ways we can deal with rubbish.
Dump it, burn it and change for something useful. However, no matter which way we
choose, one thing is certain that garbage is everywhere. In the ¿rst instance, we throw
useless things to garbage bins and sometimes we leave a trail of rubbish. When lorries
carry waste to bury them, problems seemingly are solved. However, a lot of harmful
things in these garbage dumps pollute our land. For instance, a set batter could turn
fertile lands within 50 square meters into a barren desert. The second method is to burn
it. As we ¿re rubbish, harmful gas is released to air. These poisonous substances pollute
not only our health but also our atmosphere. Additionally, the last way we can choose
is to turn garbage into something we can use again, which sounds a good idea. In fact,
advanced recycle technology will cost a huge sum of money. We sometimes get low

In view of the above reasons, I would recommend that some measures should be taken

Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.


In modern society, laboratory test on animals is a common way of ensuring the safety
of a new medicine or medical procedure and most people have formed this conception
that it is acceptable that animals are tested on for medical purpose. However, whether
it is legal is different from whether it is ethical, especially when we see it not from our
human perspective.

Obviously people who support this practice put more value on human life than animals’
and they believe that animals should be sacrificed for the benefits of human races.
To maximize the health and safety of mankind, animal test is the best way to get the
accurate and reliable data for a particular medicine or procedure because animals have
similar biological characters and structures. Conducting experiments on animals before
launching a new therapy is also a responsible practice to patients who deserve every
respect to their life.

However, it is equally reasonable to say that animals have their intrinsic right to life. In
other words, animals and humans have totally the same rights to live on the earth and
therefore no one should take the life of the other for any purpose. Animal protectors
also raise the evidence that laboratory rats have nerve system which means that they
can feel pain. That is why many opponents of animal testation suggest computer
simulation, hoping to replace the cruel way of experimentation with machine.

To summarize this essay, while I believe animals should be respected under every
circumstance, I have to admit that there is no better way than medical testation on
animals to secure patients against potential dangerous effects. Reconciliation is hard to
achieve, but suggestion can be to control the number of animals tested on in laboratory
and reduce the pain that they may endure during the experiments.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................

human races.


Wild animals are of no importance in the twenty-first century. Some people
think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?


Biological diversity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process
of human civilization. The various forms of pressure created by human activity have
destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion
and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.

As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to
use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe
deterioration on the habitat of animals. An increasing number of people come to realize
that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of
ecosystem. Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many regions,
will result in the rapid propagation of rats. And rats, further, will destroy the prairies
and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and
green lands. The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and
brings about the vividness to our planet.

It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without animals. Sociologists also
point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems.
Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before.
However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and
alluring. Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.

Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide
us with sufficient and nutritious product. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild
animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living
environment. Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................



᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................

%LRORJLFDOGLYHUVLW\ ၷྭܳನভ human civilization ̡ዝ஡௚

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

human activity ̡ዝำү natural balance ၷগࣱᛦ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

natural habitat ᒭཀྵಠৌ‫ڡ‬ genetic erosion ۳‫ܿืڂ‬Ὂ᥌͜ф҅

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Rarity n. ᄾֶὊᎬ᜹ HTXLOLEULXP n. ‫ک‬ᛦὊࣱ᭢

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

([WLQFWLRQ n. ๗ܿὊ๗༤ Disappearance n. ๗ܿὊˀ᜹

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Propagation n. ͜୧Ὂጓ൹ Prairie n. ܸᕙԔὊྫྷ‫ڤ‬

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Gazelle n. ࠵ᏁᎽ Zebra n. ஥ᯱ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Coexistence n. СߛὊࣳቡ Alluring DGM ឪ৵ᄊὊᤚ̡ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘


ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Nutritious DGM దᖹЩᄊὊໍЩᄊ (QGDQJHUHGDGM ༓˚༤ፐᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Many people think that countries have a moral obligation to help each other,
while other argue that the aid money is misspent by the governments that
receive it, so the international aid should not be given to the poor countries in
the world. Discuss the two views of international aid and give your opinion.


With the process of economic globalization, many countries and regions have
strengthened cooperation and liaison in the fields of industry, agriculture, trade and
finance. In order to dedicate to the mutual development, many developed countries
spare no effort to help the poor countries by means of technological, medical and
¿nancial aid, which, to my mind, is quite essential to the development of the world.

Firstly, aids from developed countries optimize people’s living standard and eradicate
poverty in the poor countries. Due to the backwardness of science and technology,
people in some undeveloped countries and regions such as Africa, Latin America and
Asia suffer a great deal from poverty, hunger and the scarce of water. International aids
from developed countries have improved their living environment and helped them
with the development of agriculture, industry and economy.

Secondly, international aids give good medical care and help promote hygienic
condition in the poor countries. Malaria, cholera and smallpox were once severe threats
to people’s health. With the help of the World Health Organization and some developed
countries, these diseases have been eliminated soon and the residents in the infected
areas survived these deadly diseases, which would have devoured millions of lives
without international aid.

Finally, aids to the undeveloped countries in turn benefit the donators. Due to the
limitation of natural and human resources, the production cost rises sharply in the
developed countries. With a view to reducing cost, many countries transferred their
assembly lines and production bases to the developing countries, which not only solves
the problem of low rate of employment in the developing countries but also make full
use of the local resources.

Nevertheless, some countries are showing great concern about the expense of their
aid aroused by bureaucracy and corruption of some governments. Therefore, the
governments should take effective measures to utilize international aids reasonably and
prevent abuse. Only with the help of international aids, can our world develop more
quickly and prosperously.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................




Individuals and countries fail to help every person who needs help in the
world, so we should only be concerned about our own communities and
countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Today, it is not unusual that countries join relief efforts in another country, mostly
one plagued by natural disasters. At times, international aid expands to cover a
broad range of areas, such as infrastructure and public service of recipient countries.
Critics, however, question these practices by arguing that international aid, despite the
tremendous effort made by donor countries, is not likely to bene¿t every individual in
the world. In my opinion, this argument is ill conceived.

International aid is very often delivered to boost the development of a country in the
long run, so whether it yields immediate bene¿ts for every citizen is not a matter of
importance. A classic example to illustrate this is the money spent by some international
organizations on a country’s infrastructure, namely, communications, transport and
power supplies. While this kind of investment is not aimed at individual citizens, it is
the precondition for a country’s long-term prosperity.

Besides, the world is increasingly interconnected, so the plight of one country can
evolve and eventually affect the rest of the world. In simple terms, any attempt to
contain a problem that spreads in one country is meanwhile an effective self-rescue
technique. In 2008, IMF injected enormous liquidity in some Eastern European
countries in an effort to prevent their central banks from collapsing. The stability of
these countries helped avoid further turmoil of the world’s ¿nancial industry and led to

the world’s a faster-than-expected recovery from the economic crisis. In this globalised
world, there is no ground for working in isolation and keeping blind to other countries’

Helping other countries in troubled times also reveals human kindness. Humans have
traditions of helping those vulnerable to natural disasters, epidemics and poverty.
This is a universally treasured value. Countries that promise to support less developed
members of the global community are sometimes motivated by this moral principle.
They would not discontinue this cause simply because there is a long queue for aid
while aid is scarce.

Beyond any doubt, any person who has these facts in mind would agree that countries
should help each other, not only because this is essential to the advance of the world’s
well-being but also because it is an expression of humans’ philanthropic disposition.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................

economic crisis.



With the fast pace of globalization, the whole world has become a global
village with combination of different cultures. What are the reasons for losing
a variety of languages and cultures? Think of some solution to alleviate the


The progression of globalization is inevitable and undeniable. It has been widely noted
that many of the world’s languages and cultures are dying out. To seek the solution, we
should take a closer look at the causes ¿rst.

Most important of all is the objective reason. The essence of globalization is

commercialization and centralization. It is convenient in communication that some
prevalent languages and cultures have its predominance, which makes superior of the
senior and inferiority of the junior. That leads to deterioration of some minors. These
languages and cultures will be overlooked and devalued until they completely die out.

As concave and convex sides of a nutshell, it has subjective reason. With the
burgeoning of some VIPs, many migrants have swarmed into the dreamlands due to
economic drive and stimulation, meanwhile engaged in local culture perspective and
discarding their native languages and cultures as a ‘betrayal’.

Hence this is a problem which must be solved as soon as possible. We should remind
the world of versatility of the minor cultures through popular media such as music,
artifacts or historical heritage, thus renovating the music festivals, artistic activities and
museums constantly. In addition, let more people, especially the young men, use their
own language.

Never tiring, never yielding, never ¿nishing. We make the purpose, to prevent losing
world’s cultural and linguistic diversity. “This way a long, tapering, strip of bark can be
peeled up to the length of the tree, leaving the tree to heal and continue to grow,” says
the United Nations Environment Programme Report.


With the pacing the world, globalization is no longer a myth. Nowadays, it is growing
at a terri¿c speed. Each country has combined to be a global village. Languages and
cultures are penetrating each other and we are losing a variety of them. There are
several reasons for this phenomenon.

The ¿rst reason can be seen is that the great Àow of migration. Globalization has helped
open the world’s borders, permitting more and more people in small countries to
immigrate to other big countries. As the need of working and living, they have to mix
new culture with their own culture and use the new language more often. Gradually,
they lose their own custom.

The development of technology and economy, however, is the most important

factor. The high-tech products in developed countries possess a leading position in
the international market due to the globalization. Almost all the people in the world
are enjoying the benefits of these products and more multinational corporations are
emerging. This is not only a high-tech penetration but also a cultural invasion. People
begin to be interested in these developed countries at an earlier age. They learn the
language and culture of these countries, which will aid them to ¿nd a good job in the
multinational corporations.

To alleviate the dilemma, the following suggestions should be taken into consideration.
In each country, a variety of cultural festivals should be held at a regular time such as
poem or music festivals. Through this way, the traditional culture will be kept from
generation to generation. Government should pose the consciousness of preserving
traditional culture for inhabitants.

In the ¿nal analysis, we should keep our own language and culture with the fast pace of

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
These languages and cultures will be overlooked and devalued until they
completely die out.

We should remind the world of versatility of the minor cultures through popular
media such as music, artifacts or historical heritage, thus renovating the music
festivals, artistic activities and museums constantly.

This is not only a high-tech penetration but also a cultural invasion.


Progression n. ҒᤉὊᤌ፞ Inevitable adj. ॹཀྵᄊὊˀԻᥘВᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Objective adj./n. ࠇ᜺ᄊ Commercialization n. ‫ˊ׸‬ӑ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Centralization n. ᬷ˗ӑ Prevalent adj. ืᛡᄊὊ௿᥆ᄊ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Predominance n. ͖ᡕὊӬᡕ Inferiority n. ൓኎ὊᒭӪ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Overlook n./vt. ও᜽ Devalue vi./vt. ᠓ϙὊᬌͰ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Subjective adj. ˟᜺ᄊὊ˔̡ᄊ Inhabitant n. ࡐඟ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Swarm n./vi./vt. ૘໘ὊʷܸᏆ Betrayal n. ᑀԭὊᣮ᠇

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Versatility n. ܳ੦ܳᓨὊၹ᤭ࣹฅ historical heritage ԋԾ᥌̗

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Renovate vt. ఞழὊξ‫ܭ‬ Yielding n./adj./v. ࡑ఩Ὂᝨ൦Ὂၷ̗

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Penetrating adj. ຖᤩᄊ multinational corporation ᡵ‫ڎ‬НՃ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

cultural invasion ஡ӑΦ႕ Alleviate vt. ѓᣐὊᎁ֗

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Dilemma n. ‫ܒڈ‬Ὂᤉᤞːᬲ Consciousness n. ਓគὊᅼᝀ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

burgeoning adj. ‫ܙ‬᫂᣾ᤴᄊὊၷ఻Һ



We have a mixture of people from different culture and ethnic groups in a
country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development? Give reasons for
your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or


Current nation is no longer composed of single or a few individuals from one race.
Instead, nations are inevitably characterized with various cultural backgrounds and
diverse minority groups. In my view such a new phenomenon is utterly positive to
individuals and society as a whole.

One of the possible leading causes to lead to such a picture is that a vast number of
common average folks continuously come to one country for more employment and
higher education opportunities. Undoubtedly, some ¿nancially advantaged nations have
more comprehensive job vacancies available for more workers and technicians and
advanced educational systems and preeminent professors in the university, which can
offer dream-chasers with more chances to earn decent salary and attain a higher social

Companies and schools can enormously become the bene¿ciary of such a status quo.
International and local companies could hunt for their potential staff who can share
their distinctly diverse cultural settings with colleagues and meanwhile devote their
wisdom to companies. An American corporation making children clothes, for instance,

is renowned for its amazing sales record annually. Owing to designing team consisting
of varying ethnic groups, this company succeeds in launching tailor-made styles for
many customers.

Besides, university will earn a staggering amount of tuition from newly settled
residents. After all, these residents’ children will continue learning while living in
another nation, with which money schools are capable of renovating previous buildings
and adding more equipment.

Overall, my viewpoint is that nations ¿lled with people coming from different cultures
are fortunate and this should be promoted to an international scale.


The past several decades have witnessed great changes in the population structure
of a nation. It is not rare to see multi-cultural societies in which there is a mixture of
different ethnic peoples. People have been debating the pros and cons of a society that
is composed of diverse peoples with different cultural backgrounds without reaching
any de¿nite agreement. This essay aims to explore the merits and demerits of a multi-
cultural community and then present my view.

To be sure, a great many merits could be gained when a country is made up of a rich
variety of peoples. The most eye-catching virtue is that co-existence could promote
the mutual understanding and friendship among peoples from manifold ethnic groups.
It is conceivable that mutual assistance might eliminate some deep-rooted prejudice
when peoples with diverse cultures live together. Meanwhile, people will have golden
chances to have a deeper insight into different culture and custom. Mutual admiration
and longtime study could make all the peoples learn the virtue of each other and thus
become prosperous together. Another advantageous aspect deriving from mixed society
is that those who live in or grow up in the multi-racial society will more likely to

respect others and pursue freedom because they usually have a kind comprehensive
state of mind.

Notwithstanding all that, there are some drawbacks that a multi-cultural and multi-
racial community might trigger. First, under no circumstances can we ignore the
adverse impacts brought about by cultural imperialism. More precisely, contacting with
and assimilation of dominant culture will diminish the trait and uniqueness of some
lesser-known culture and make the world less colorful and wonderful than before.
Another possible drawback might be the racial discrimination and racial segregation.
To illustrate, in some western countries, African Americans are, in most cases, suffering
various injustice and inequality in terms of job market, social welfare, marriage, or
even taking advantage of public facilities.

In closing, my view is that a multi-cultural community is a two-edged weapon which

can be used equally for good or evil. It is better to maintain a multi-cultural society
with multi-racial communities. However, what is of the utmost importance is to be alert
to the possible cultural imperialism and racial injustice.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
vacancies available for more workers and technicians and advanced educational
systems and preeminent professors in the university, which can offer dream-
chasers with more chances to earn decent salary and attain a higher social status.


Some think we should take more measures to deal with criminals. However,
others think that there is not much we can do to curb law breaking. Discuss
both sides and give your own opinion.


Among all the vital public issues in big cities, high crime rate is and will be the most
serious one. Some advocate that more treatments should be implemented to reduce the
law breaking. However,others with negative thoughts believe we can do nothing to the
disordered community.

On the one hand, besides imposing those convicts in prison for a long time, some other
measures should also be effective to use such as community education. If a prisoner is
allowed attending some community work outside the wall, it will be a golden chance
to keep a close relation with the changeable society. In this situation, they may avoid
the throwing out of society, which reduces and even eliminates the greatest revenge on
society from those criminals. More important, they are legal citizens who made some
mistake in their lifetimes, accidentally or intentionally, so that their civil rights should
be always protected and respected according to the law.

On the other hand, admittedly, tiny progress we have made in rehabilitating prisoners in
recent years. Compared with the punishment after committing crimes, the prevention is
more fundamental to carry out in the whole community. However, the serious poverty
and the huge gap between the haves and the have-nots, will de¿nitely lead to the clash
in society, especially in developing countries. Furthermore, the loss of public trustiness
and the inequality of legal system will also give rise to the outcome that people

᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................

crime rate ࿁Ꮅဋ Implement vt. ࠄஷὊੰᛡ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Convict n./vt. Ꮅ࿁Ὂ᝽௚ĀĀదᎵ golden chance ᳧᧛఻͘Ὂᓢ఻

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Revenge n./vi./vt. ઑ‫ܭ‬ Accidentally adv. Ϧཀྵ‫ڡ‬Ὂਓܱ‫ڡ‬

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Intentionally adv. ஌ਓ‫ڡ‬ Rehabilitate vi./vt. ஈᤵὊ‫ܭ‬У

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

have-not n. ቄ̡Ὂ᠒ቄ‫ࠒڎ‬ Trustiness n. បࠄὊইࠄ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

give rise to ΎԧၷὊळᡑ ¿UVWSULRULW\త͖ిὊፐ͖ࠫЏి

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Prudently adv. ਡ᧘‫ڡ‬


Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime.
Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel
that little can be done. What is your opinion?


Nowadays, an increasing number of people are scared to leave their homes alone due
to crimes. Some people argue that regardless of what measures have been taken to
struggle against thieves or robberies, the crime rate cannot be lowered substantially,
while others contend that anti-crime action is capable of preventing people’s lives and
properties from being threatened by criminals. Personally, I am in favor of the latter

Convincing arguments can be made that taking effective measures brings numerous
merits to the protection of properties. To start with, adopting safeguard procedures
in advance, such as installing safeguard doors, are conducive to deterring potential
criminals. Apart from serving as a facility to prevent homes from being stolen and
robbed, safeguard measures are more likely to play a practical role in indicating
criminals that hosts have taken precautions against crime. Moreover, even if the house
is being invaded by law offenders, the pre-installed equipment, for instance alarm
device, can inform policemen to arrive at the crime scene immediately right after they
receive the noti¿cation. Lastly,implementing necessary guard action can offer a sense
of security to people when they are out of their apartments. It is obvious that people can
be easily distracted, if they are always anxious about whether their homes are or have
suffered from illegal invasion. ( ൥Բᙊཀྵஃેҧएˀ௧ྲѿ௚௭Ὂͮᆸࠄ௧ܸࠄភὊ

ஊ‫ښ‬ᤈ᧗˷ˀᬲᄺ ) ѣ̡̾η఩ᄊԠ஝࡛ভᄊδઐὊ᧔ԩద஍ଐஷࣜ౏᝵ܳ‫ܫݞ‬Ǎ

However, we cannot deny the fact that the existing measures may carry potential
drawbacks. A reason for this is that a large number of security devices are criticized
for their inferior quality and they can be broken through readily. It is remarkable that
last year, over 200 types of safety anti-thief systems were regarded as unqualified
by Products Quality Inspection Bureau of China due to the inferior quality and their
sponsor manufacturers are penalized accordingly. ͮ௧Ὂੈ̓ˀᑟաᝣᄊ௧Ὂဘదᄊ
ଐஷԻᑟࣜ͘ద໸‫ښ‬ᄊᎥགǍʷ˔Ԕ‫ڂ‬௧Ὂܸ᧚߷Л᝺‫ ܬ‬criticized for Ͱ᠏᧚ᄊ
ᄧᣄጇፒᄊ 200 ܳመԧဘ֗ఒ᭛ԣХᡂҰԈ‫ڂ׸‬൥Ԫ҂਀ᎯǍ

In summary, I concede that taking action cannot fully guarantee that people’s houses
can escape from being intruded by criminals. Despite that, the advantages created by
the measures far outweigh the adverse impact. Overall, I am convinced that people
should strengthen their awareness of security and in the meantime governments should
issue relevant laws to supervise the quality of security systems. ঴˨Ὂ
ˀᑟ߹Лδ᝽࣊ඟ houses are ᑟܵᤡᑲᜂ᫉КᄊᎵ࿁Ǎࡊኮ‫ݠ‬൥Ὂѹथଐஷᄊ͖
ᛡᄱТข॥ᄣኮ߷Лጇፒᄊ᠏᧚Ǎ(350 words)
To start with, adopting safeguard procedures in advance, such as installing
safeguard doors, are conducive to deterring potential criminals.

It is obvious that people can be easily distracted, if they are always anxious about
whether their homes are or have suffered from illegal invasion.

A reason for this is that a large number of security devices are criticized for their
inferior quality and they can be broken through readily.

There is an increasing number of juvenile delinquency. Analyze the
possible causes that give rise to this phenomenon and offer some feasible


Never has the rate of crime among the youth in our society been as high as it now is.
The rate of youth crime is increasing at an alarmingly rapid rate, for reasons which
are not easily explained. This essay will attempt to discover some of the crime rate’s
contributing factors as well as explore some possible solutions to help resolve the

One the of most contributing factors of the increase in youth crime could be
attributed to the environment in which the children are raised, that is to say, an
environment of violence and fear. Such an environment often leads to low self-esteem
and many other health concerns, as well as making the children very distrusting and
fearful of those around them.

Still, pornographic or otherwise vulgar forms of media often exert great negative
influence on the youngsters, because the young can, many times, find it rather
difficult to make positive choices about the types of influences in their lives, it is
possible for them to be led astray very quickly and easily.

Last of all, many different products used to commit crimes are very easily and cheaply
available to our youth. In fact, guns are sold in a very large number of stores in some
countries. This fact alone makes it very easy for young people to embark on the

criminal road.

Considering the seriousness of the issue, we have no alternative but to implement

some practical solutions to resolve it. First of all, the government should attach
greater importance to the problem, while also enact relevant legislations to crack
down youth crime. Meanwhile, much emphasis should be put on strengthening
education, for it will aid us in raising healthier, happier, and more well-behaved young
generation. Also, families must take every step necessary to ensure that their children
could grow up in an environment which is full of affection, safe and free from various
kinds of violence. Only when the government, society and every family join hands in
resolving the issue will we begin to see the rate of youth crime fall down as it should


Reporters in newspapers or magazines show an increasing number of juvenile

delinquents. To my mind, the causes of the worrying phenomenon are difficult to

First of all, it is partly attributed to the disorder and non-self-discipline of the media. In
order to attract and hold more audience, sex and violence are used excessively in some
TV show and ¿lms. They have great inÀuence on the value system and behaviors of
young people. Unable to distinguish between reality and ¿ction, some teenagers who
view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are
prone to imitate what they see. Another factor leading to juvenile delinquents comes
from the family. With the increasing of divorce rate, more and more teenagers live in
single-parent or step families. Their particular needs may be ignored and hence feel
hurt or isolated. In this condition they are susceptible to some negative inÀuences from
bad friends and commit crimes.

Finally, schools are also responsible for the increasing number of juvenile delinquents.
Most schools put subjects relevant to examinations as a high place, but consider little
about the moral or law courses, which leads to the lack of law awareness among
students. They do not even realize some illegal actions are against laws.

It is not easy to solve the problem immediately, which involves cooperation of the
whole society. The government must take strict measures to control the media violence.
The divorced couples should do their best to create a warm family for their children.
As to school, it is important to pay more attention to the moral and law education of
students. We hope juvenile delinquents will disappear under all the efforts.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated or unpunished, are prone to
imitate what they see.

The divorced couples should do their best to create a warm family for their

᧘᜶᛫᣺ ........................................................................................
juvenile crime rate ᭟࠶ࣲ࿁Ꮅဋ psychology of juvenile delinquency ᭟

Տਓ˧ణ૱὘adolescent crime rate; the rate of ࠶ࣲ࿁Ꮅॷေ

crime among youth; the rate of youth crime
ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

domestic violence =family violence ࠒ embark on the criminal road ᡌʽ࿁Ꮅ

ऑఒҧ ᥋᡹

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

young offender ࠶ࣲ࿁ distrusting and fearful ࿯Ⴁ়֗৾

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

pornographic or otherwise vulgar

to be led astray ᜂळКᤚ᤭
forms of media ᓤৱ֗Х߲खΰᄊᓬᄬ

enact relevant legislations ቡข crack down youth crime ᬌͰ࿁Ꮅ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

this essay will attempt to ᤈ ኽ ஡ ቦ ࠲ crimes can be drastically reduced by…

᜶ĀĀ Ի̿ᤰ᣿ĀĀౝܸᄊᬌͰ࿁Ꮅဋ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

education has an indispensable role to one the of most contributing factors of

play in… ஔᐲ‫ښ‬౽வ᭧ԧ૙̀ˀ֗ੋ …could be attributed to… ʷ˔᧘᜶ᄊ
Ꭵᄊͻၹ Ԕ‫ڂ‬Ի̿ᜂॆፇ˞ĀĀ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Considering the seriousness of the

issue, we have no alternative but to
implement some practical solutions to join hands in resolving… ‫ ښ‬ᝍ х ĀĀ
resolve it. Ꮶᘽ҂᫈ᮥᄊˑ᧘ভὊੈ̓ வ᭧СՏұҧ


be attributed to ॆ‫̆ڂ‬ value system ͉ϙʹጇ

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘


ӝѬဘࠄ֗ᘿ౞ ‫־‬

ૃиጷ˸὘ ૃиጷ˸὘

Nowadays, it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other
countries. Is this a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your
answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.


Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this
century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap
Àight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too
many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and maintained.

Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon
dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by
other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and
thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being
easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could
Àee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local
security and community stability.

However, the downsides cannot overshadow its upsides. For starters, travelling around
the world with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of
life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could
visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate
potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is
competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit
and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonious.

International tourism has become a huge industry in the world. Do the
problems of international travel outweigh its advantages?


Nowadays, an increasing number of people have the capacity and choose to travel
abroad. In the meantime, international tourism triggers tensions in a diverse array of
¿elds correspondingly.

To begin with, the increase in the use of such traffic means as airplanes, trains,
buses, and the like weakens the fragile equilibrium in an ecosystem. It also ruins
the biodiversity in the ecosystem. Next, tensions in economic development are also
conspicuous. The primitive economic pattern is inevitably vulnerable to the inÀuences
from the tourists who come from different economic systems. Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan,
China is a typical case in point, where the local economic pattern has been shifting
from the agriculture to tourism.

Despite the tensions, international tourism contributes to the understanding between

people from different cultures, religions, races, and political ideas. This is because
the tourism per se is more than appreciating the beautiful, brilliant natural landscapes,
cultural traditions, or interesting customs. It is a kind of contacts. To contact is to
communicate. Communication naturally promotes understandings. For instance, the
Americans who traveled to Tibet tend to understand why Chinese governments insist
that Tibet be a part of the Chinese territory and it should never be separated from the

Chinese sovereignty. In fact, religious understanding serves as another telling example.
The Christians who visit an Islamic attraction are more easily to accept that different
religions should be able to coexist.

To sum up, the international tourism helps people understand each other although it has
caused some tensions.


International tourism is booming: millions of tourists go to other countries to explore

the outside world. Tourism enhances the mutual understanding between the local people
and tourists. Some people hold opposite opinions. They think that international tourism
causes tension rather than promoting understanding between people from different

The people holding the latter view suppose that tourists are likely to offend the local
people because of the lack of knowledge of the local customs, which differ from their
own. Moreover, tourism inevitably harms the natural resources and the cultural legacy,
which may lead to the resentment of the local people.

However, I can hardly agree with this idea: the above mentioned rarely happens. In
my opinion, international tourism does encourage the understanding between people
from different countries. For one thing, without going to see for themselves, people
may never know what other countries are really like and thus can be misled by hearsay
or ¿lms and TV programmes, which, more often than not, are one-sided. For instance,
one of my American friends told me that most Americans had a strange bias against
the Russian people until some young Americans traveled to Russia and saw with their
own eyes that the Russians are human beings just like them. Another example is that,
with the development of Chinese tourism, people outside China start to realize that
Chinese men no longer have long braids and Chinese women’s feet are of normal size

now. Secondly, having seen the ¿ne scenery or experienced the rich culture of other
countries, tourists will have the desire to develop a good relationship with the locals,
which certainly contributes to the understanding between them.

In conclusion, instead of causing tension, international tourism furthers the

understanding of people from different countries.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
It also ruins the biodiversity in the ecosystem.

The primitive economic pattern is inevitably vulnerable toWKHLQÀXHQFHVIURPWKH

tourists who come from different economic systems.

This is because the tourism per se is more than appreciating the beautiful, brilliant
natural landscapes, cultural traditions, or interesting customs.

People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives, but few people
achieve it. What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it? ࢺͻ
ࠒऑၷำ )


Few people claim to be able to maintain the work-life harmony due to the competing
pressures at work and demands at home. In this age of modern technology, one of the
consequences of the imbalance is stress, a chronic problem common among working
men and women alike. It is possible that the root of the problem is an undesirable and
yet inevitable conÀict between career ambition and personal as well as family life.

Some people have begun to think that working gets in the way of living, particularly
when they are struggling for professional achievements. A reduction of of¿cial working
hours does little to relieve the stress that affects one’s life because of one’s ambition
for ¿nancial gains and social recognition. To illustrate, typical workaholics continue
working at home, or telecommuting, in front of a computer screen. Since one hopes
to stand out of the crowd, there is little time left for leisure, pleasure and spiritual
development. This being the case, home is no longer a heavenly place for rest as it used
to be. Accordingly, one may feel out of the work-life equilibrium in the presence of
increasingly keen competition, as if from all directions.

More often than not, there is no clear line between work and family life, home
becoming almost an extension of the workplace. Thus, the greater is the stress of trying
to become successful, the less likely is the work-life balance, considering there is a
price to be paid for taking pride in working, usually at the cost of a variety of family
responsibilities and personal enjoyment. Of course, one can manage the work-life
harmony skillfully to some extent, but not for long. In fact, this situation is so much
like a teeter-totter, one end being work and the other being life. The metaphor refers to
a rarely steady state, now moving from balance and now moving back towards it. That
is why many people ¿nd it dif¿cult to perform a balancing act between work and life.

The conÀict of work and life may be the cause of the problem, but the solution must
depend on one’s attitude about money and time. Tackling the problem of the imbalance
is nothing easy because the stress of work is invading home. To be realistic, it makes
sense that people work because they need money to make ends meet at home, and that
time for personal life must sometimes be limited only to uneasy sleep after a hard day.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
In this age of modern technology, one of the consequences of the imbalance is
stress, a chronic problem common among working men and women alike.


Accordingly, one may feel out of the work-life equilibrium in the presence of
increasingly keen competition, as if from all directions.

More and more people are working at home rather than in the workplaces
others think it will bring stress to the home. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion


Progresses in telecommunication technology enable more and more people to work at

home. This emerging working pattern is popular among young people, and it will have
profound implications for our work and life. Some have a good round of applause for
it, while others worry about its negative effects.

Some people say that working at home can bestow numerous bene¿ts upon the workers
and their families. First of all, it spares the employee the daily chore of traveling back
and forth to and from work, which inevitably save them a lot of time and money. Also,
it saves employees’ energy so that they are able to work more efficiently. Secondly,
working at home means the employee can arrange his or her time more Àexible as long
as they can meet the deadlines of the tasks. Thus, they can dedicate more time to their
spouse and children, which is obviously helpful to strength family ties and salvage
dysfunctional marriage.

However, other people insist that working at home brings stresses to the home. They
think that this working pattern will blur the conventional distinctions between working
hours and rest time. In this way, the stress of working tasks may last for an even longer
period and it may probably spread to every corner of the home. And all the members in
the family will inevitably be inÀuenced by the pressure. Besides, working at home will
More and more companies are allowing employees to work at home. Do you
think this is a positive or negative development?


The contrivance of the Internet has profoundly revolutionized people’s mode of

working. Modern people enjoy more Àexibility in opting for their desirable working
style. People have been pondering for years the pros of cons of telecommuting without
reaching any de¿nite consensus. Personally speaking, the demerits of working at home
prevail over its possible merits.

I have to concede that working from home is never without its unique virtues. One
possible advantage is that on the part of employees, they no longer take the trouble to
commute between their homes and of¿ces every day. Therefore, more precious time
could be economized to embark on other worthwhile things such as self-improvement
or entertainment. Another merit deriving from telecommuting is that tele-commuting
could enhance the efficiency of working, for workers can arrange their jobs flexibly
and thus boost their ef¿ciency accordingly. A case in point is that numerous freelance
writers like to telecommute for the newspaper of¿ce rather than being employed as full
time editor.

Although telecommuting is embraced by numerous people, I still remain suspicious

of it. Virtually, under no circumstances can we brush aside the underlying downsides
triggered by it. First, telecommuting is most likely to generate absenteeism and slack
in working. More precisely, millions of telecommuters tend to slacken their efforts or
lose working passion when telecommute for a long time. By contrast, the constraints

in of¿ces and peer pressure can motivate the employees to work harder. Further, those
telecommuters are more likely to become socially inadequate and even generate an
eccentric character because the lack of co-workers will make it challenging for them to
get along with others.

Overall, it is my standpoint that telecommuting is a two-edged weapon which can

be used equally for good or evil. Such flexible way of working has been defined as
a totally new way of living brought about by the rapid development of technology.
Although telecommuting enjoys its unique advantages, working in the of¿ce is more
suitable for the vast majority of people and could benefit the employers in the long
term.( Л஡ 340)

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
People have been pondering for years the pros of cons of telecommuting without

Therefore, more precious time could be economized to embark on other

worthwhile things such as self-improvement or entertainment.

Virtually, under no circumstances can we brush aside the underlying downsides

triggered by it.
ࠄᬅʽὊ ੈ̓ፐˀऄសও᜽ᤊሮҩНळᡑᄊ໸‫ښ‬ᎥགǍ

Nowadays some countries encourage people to buy more and more products,
while others believe it is bad for the society. Discuss both & give your opinion.


In my country, expanding domestic market demand has been a strategy for economic
boom and private consumption is encouraged in various ways. It is common that we are
leading a throw-away lifestyle which refers to the practice of discarding tremendous
disposable products and short lived or obsolete home wares and household appliances
like TVs, fridges and mobile phones in daily life.

The rationale for this strategy is that demand requires production and production
creates GDP (gross domestic production) and employment positions. Further, economic
growth ensures the stability of a society. Accordingly, merchandises need to be replaced
as soon as possible and obviously it is one-off product rather than recycled or durable
ones that are embraced by modern economic systems. One of the most common
strategies adopted to promote the sale is the widespread advertisements for fashionable
and latest electronic gadgets like mobile phones and computers which are made easy to
become outdated and unpopular.

However, the economic prosperity is at the cost of human future. Over consumption
contributes to a large quantity of wastes, many of which cannot break down and end up
contaminating the earth and the oceans. Over production leads to substantial industrial
waste water and air, causing the global warming and water pollution. On top of the
environmental issues, excessive manufacture drains precious natural resources such as
coal, natural gas and wood, which is sometimes somewhere a trigger for war in the era

of energy crisis.

In general, I do not believe that stimulating private consumption is a policy for

sustainable development, but suggest it be reconsidered even though I admit that it is
an effective approach for short term economic prosperity.

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
In my country, expanding domestic market demand has been a strategy for
economic boom and private consumption is encouraged in various ways.

However, the economic prosperity is at the cost of human future.


Over production leads to substantial industrial waste water and air, causing the
global warming and water pollution.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contract between
countries has a positive effect; others say it could contribute to a loss of the
countries identities. Do you agree or agree or disagree. ፃเ ஡ӑ ‫ڎ‬ᬅ


Our world is changing but the questions seem to remain the same; is increased contact
between cultures leading to cultural destruction? Well maybe it is, and, maybe it isn’t.
And maybe that is a good thing, and maybe it isn’t. But what ever is happening we
have to understand that we cannot control it, nor change it, but rather we have to get
used to it.

In this modern world, there are so many possibilities; many people can live how they
wish and where they wish. People choose to take up any identity that they want; in
China some westerners embrace Chinese culture, whilst their Chinese neighbors are
wearing Nike and eating at KFC. So it is hard to say if this is cultural loss or not. The
world is far more complex than we try to make out.

And why are we so protective of our culture? Chinese foot-binding, amongst other
things, are cultural artifacts which we would rather forget. Why can't the new things we
create also be valuable? Trying to preserve the old ways when they may be unsuitable
for our future or our survival seems ridiculous. We need to move forward to surviving.
Increased contact with other countries and cultures is part of that movement forward.

But we will create new things if we give people freedom and resources to do so. I say

let people loose, let our culture free; don’t try to hold it back or control it, for surely
you will only kill it. Let's embrace all forms of change; don't worry we can reject them

ԲरѬౢ ........................................................................................
In China some westerners embrace Chinese culture, whilst their Chinese
neighbors are wearing Nike and eating at KFC.

Chinese foot-binding, amongst other things, are cultural artifacts which we would
rather forget.

Trying to preserve the old ways when they may be unsuitable for our future or our
survival seems ridiculous.


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