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Design of Copper
solvent extraction
Effect of dithionate on copper solvent
extraction recovery in sulfate media

Kafumbila Kasonta Joseph

Design of Copper solvent extraction circuit: Effect of dithionate on copper solvent
extraction recovery in sulfate media
© 2022 Joseph Kafumbila

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2.1.1. Extraction by salvation 8
2.1.2. Extraction by cation exchange 8
2.1.3. Extraction by anion exchange 8
2.1.4. Extraction by chelation 9



3.2.1. Classification of predicted distribution isotherms 12
3.2.2. Empirical model 12
3.2.3. Semi-empirical model 13
3.2.4. Chemical model 14



4.2. VALUE OF 𝛙𝐞𝟏 17
4.2.1. Definition 17
4.2.2. Copper molar concentration in organic phase 17
4.2.3. Free extractant molar concentration in organic phase 17
4.2.4. Cu-Sulfate system 18
4.2.5. Constraint during copper solvent extraction 22
4.3. VALUE OF 𝛙𝐞𝟐 25
4.3.1. Definition 25
4.4.1. Equation of modelling of equilibrium condition 26
4.4.2. Effect of initial free acid concentration 27
4.4.3. Effect of extractant volume percent in organic phase 29
4.4.4. Effect of presence of other elements in solution 30
4.4.5. Effect of high acid concentration (stripping step) 39
4.4.6. Equation of equilibrium condition 40




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6.2.1. Maximum copper loading 46
6.2.2. Extractant volume percent 47
6.2.3. Copper net transfer 47
6.2.4. Percentage to maximum loading 47
6.2.5. Copper recovery 47
6.2.6. Advance and operating ratios (O/A) 48
6.2.7. Phase continuity 49
6.2.8. Number of stages on extraction step 49
6.2.9. Number of stages on stripping step 51
6.2.10. Stage efficiency 51
6.3.1. Constraints between extraction and stripping steps 52
6.3.2. Advance ratio (O/A) 53
6.3.3. Copper concentration in spent electrolyte 54
6.3.4. Acid concentration in spent electrolyte 55
6.3.5. Copper concentration in advance electrolyte 56
6.3.6. Percentage to maximum loading 56



7.2.1. Base case - copper alone in PLS 60
7.2.2. Base case - Copper and other elements in PLS 65
7.2.3. Base case - Extraction Fe(3) in organic phase 71
7.2.4. Base case – Aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase 78
7.2.5. Base case – loaded organic wash stage 86
7.2.6. Base case – Aqueous coalescing tank 95
7.2.7. Base case – Spraying water on loaded organic phase 103
7.2.8. Base case – 80% maximum load (optimal configuration) 112
7.3.1. Dithionate case - Copper and other elements in PLS 120
7.3.2. Dithionate case – Aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase 127
7.3.3. Dithionate case – Optimal configuration 135


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Process simulation
Chemical engineering can be defined from many different aspects. However, all
the scientists and professionals agree that the process is the center of it. To make a
distinction from any other discipline, the role of chemical engineering could be defined
with its purpose to develop, design, construct, control, optimize and mange any process
involving physical and/or chemical changes and make this process profitable.

Process simulation as discipline uses mathematical models as basis for analysis

prediction, testing, detection of a process behavior unrelated to whether the process is
existing in reality or not. Process simulation is there to increase the level of knowledge
for a particular process and chemical engineering in general.

So, when those two concepts are put together, we can look into the chemical
engineering as a discipline defining how the process should be developed and
simulation as the tool helping us to explore the options. Chemical engineering needs to
know how the process should be designed while chemical engineers use the simulation
to explore all the process design options and define the optimal one.

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The reductive leaching of Cobalt using SO2 gas as reducing agent is a complex
process. The presence of high state of Cobalt, Manganese and Iron ions in the leach
solution catalysis the production of dithionate by using soluble oxygen, oxygen from air
adsorbed on mineral surface and surface oxygen of minerals. The presence of dithionate
in the leach solution decreases the concentration of free sulfate anions to have the
electrical charge neutrality of solution. The purpose of this publication is to study the
effect of the presence of dithionate in the PLS on the copper solvent extraction recovery.
The first step was the establishments of simulation modeling of copper solvent
extraction that can take account the presence of dithionate in solution. The results of
simulation show that the presence of dithionate or other anions (as phosphate) having
negative electrical charge that decreases the concentration of free sulfate in the PLS
decreases the solvent extraction recoveries of Copper and Iron.

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1. Introduction

Copper production technology changes drastically in the last 25 years with

introduction of solvent extraction-electrowinning circuit as a copper production
method. The technology of copper solvent extraction produces the most economical
copper from low-grade copper ore. Copper solvent extraction technology consists of two
circuits connected by a common organic phase. In the first step, called extraction step,
metal is extracted from aqueous phase by organic phase. In the second step, called
stripping step, metal is recovered from organic phase. The second aqueous phase is
more pure and concentrated.

At the beginning, copper solvent extraction configuration operating on dilute

aqueous phases were constituted with two stages respectively to extraction and
stripping steps. Design of this 2Ex2S configuration was simple and based on the value of
copper transfer per extractant volume percentage of 0.22 (g/l/1% v/v). This value gives
copper extraction efficiency greater than 98% and copper stripping efficiency of 60%.
Afterwards, understanding that copper extraction efficiency was not the most important
parameter than the cost of copper production plant, one stage of stripping step was
removed and the value of copper transfer was increased to 0.26 (g/l/1%V). Design of
this 2Ex1S configuration was based on the expected value of copper extraction efficiency
of 90%.

MacCabe Thiele method was introduced in design of copper solvent extraction

configuration when copper solvent extraction technology started to be used for high-
grade copper ore. A large number of laboratory tests were required before obtaining the
optimal configuration by using MacCabe Thiele method. It was at this level that a
simulation model of equilibrium line of extraction and stripping steps was introduced.

Several simulation models of copper solvent extraction using chelating reagents

were made. There are three types of simulation models: empirical model, semi-empirical
model and chemical model. Empirical model is an extrapolation equation of the
distribution isotherms. Semi-empirical model is the extrapolation equation of the
distribution ratio of copper between organic and aqueous phases. Chemical empirical is
based on mass-action equilibrium Equations of intermediate chemical reactions.

In the previous paper (KAFUMBILA J., 2022A), a semi-empirical model which is the
extrapolation of thermodynamic property of a global chemical reaction of copper
solvent extraction has been developed. This model takes account of ionic strength of
solution in sulfate media. This model gives one equilibrium condition for extraction step
Joseph Kafumbila Page 6
and stripping step. In this publication, the model is upgrade by introducing the variation
of volume of aqueous phase during extraction or stripping step and the new model is

Particularly in the DRC and to some extent in Zambia, the oxide ores with
copper and cobalt are leached in atmospheric systems. The dominant mineralization is
malachite/azurite with accessory Chrysocolla and minor other secondary copper
minerals. The cobalt is present as Heterogenite with cobalt in both the Co2+ and Co3+
oxidation state. The cobaltic minerals are about more than 50% of the total cobalt; and
are not direct acid leachable at normal temperatures and pressures. Alternate methods
of enhancing the cobalt leaching are required. Less than 50% of the cobalt is leached
(along with the copper) mainly from the Co2+ minerals. The other cobaltic minerals
need to be reduced to the 2+ state in order for them to leach. This is achieved with
controlled reductive leaching. The reducing agents used to date are sodium meta bi-
sulfite (SMBS: Na2S2O5), gas from a sulfur burning acid plant (SO2 and N2) and pure SO2
gas During the Co3+ leaching, SMBS and SO2 are oxidized in dithionate and sulfate. In
case where SMBS is used as reducing agent, the oxidation product is sodium dithionate.
On the other hand in case where SO2 gas is used as reducing agent, the oxidation product
is cobalt dithionate. This means that the dithionate anion takes the place of sulfate anion
in the solution (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022B).

The goal of this publication is to simulate the effect of the presence of cobalt
dithionate in the PLS on the copper solvent extraction performance. The simply way is to
simulate using the model of the copper solvent extraction developed previously. The
other simulation models do not yet take into account the presence of the other anions in
the solution.

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2. Chemistry of solvent extraction

2.1. Classification of metal solvent extraction

Solvent extraction of metallic cation can be classified on process of extraction.

There are four types [AIDI AMEL, 2013]:

 Extraction by salvation
 Extraction by cation exchange
 Extraction by chelation
 Extraction by anion exchange

2.1.1. Extraction by salvation

Solute molecules are associated with the solvent molecules - this is known as
salvation. In extraction by salvation solvent molecules are directly involved in formation
of the ion association complex. In this case the extracted species is solvated with a
certain number of solvent molecules on condition that the extractant must be inert.

2.1.2. Extraction by cation exchange

The extractant is an organic acid (HR) and can exchange hydrogen with cation.
The extraction will proceed with formation of a neutral uncharged species.

2.1.3. Extraction by anion exchange

The cation forms first a complex in aqueous phase having negative charge. The
extractant have an anion which can be exchange with the aqueous cation complex. The
extraction will proceed with formation of a neutral uncharged species.

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2.1.4. Extraction by chelation

. The extractant exchanges cation with hydrogen ion as in extraction by cation

exchange. In additional the extractant have chelating ligand. The ligand with two or
more points of attachments to metal atoms are called chelating ligands. The substance
which brings about chelation is called chelating agent and the product is called chelate.

2.2. Chemistry of copper solvent extraction

In case of copper solvent extraction, the extraction is typically achieved by an

oxime-based chelating mechanism. Under low acidic conditions (pH <1), extractant
exchanges hydrogen with copper (extraction). Under high acidic conditions (180 g/L
H2SO4), extractant exchanges copper with hydrogen (strip). Both extraction and
stripping steps are typically designed to achieve equilibrium conditions. The similarities
with binary distillation lead to the use of the McCabe-Thiele method for modeling the
process. The chemical reactions (2.a) and (2.b) give the copper extraction and stripping
reaction with an oxime-based extractant.

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Where HR is the extractant and CuR2 is copper-organic complex

The organic phase is a mixture of extractant and diluent. Extractant is an

organic compound which extracts copper from aqueous phase. In industrial practices,
Properties of extractant are: tailored extractive strength, excellent Cu/Fe selectivity, fast
kinetics, good stability, low crud formation and excellent versatility [RITCEY G.M. ET AL,
1984]. There are three kinds of extractant:

 Ketoximes: Ketoximes are moderately strong copper extractant which operate

best when PLS is relatively warm and pH is ~1.8 or above
 Aldoximes: Modified aldoximes have good metallurgical properties even at low
temperatures and low pH
 Mixture of ketoximes and aldoximes: Properties of aldoxime/ketoxime blends
reflect ratio of components

Diluent is an organic liquid in which extractant is dissolved. In general, diluent

must allow solubilisation of extractant. Diluent must have minimum surface tension to

Joseph Kafumbila Page 9

promote dispersion in mixer, low volatility, and high ignition point. Diluent must be
cheaper. Diluent is constituted with various hydrocarbons. Kerosene is often used as a
diluent [RITCEY G.M. ET AL, 1984].

In industrial practices, maximum value of extractant volume percent (v/v) is

between 30 – 33% [RITCEY G.M. ET AL, 1984]. Viscosity of organic phase increases with
increasing extractant volume percent. Above this value, some organic components must
be added to organic phase to improve viscosity.

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3. Construction of distribution isotherms

Extraction and strip isotherms are a graphical representation of the equilibrium

copper concentration in the aqueous and organic phases at different organic-to-aqueous
(O/A) ratios. There are two ways of determining the distribution isotherms for a
particular operation: either by performing laboratory-scale tests or by predicted
distribution isotherms based on the extraction and stripping specific conditions.

3.1. Laboratory-scale test

The following procedure for determining the distribution isotherms is followed:

 Select at least 7 organic-to-aqueous (O/A) ratios at which to perform the

 Measure the initial concentration of copper and free acid (PLS for
extraction isotherm or spent electrolyte for stripping isotherm);
 Combine aqueous feed (PLS for extraction and spent electrolyte for
stripping) with previously stripped organic for extraction isotherm or
loaded organic for stripping isotherm at the specified O/A ratio;
 Agitate mixture for a minimum 5 minutes and allow to settle;
 Once settled, sample and measure the concentrations of copper and free
acid in aqueous phase;
 For each O/A point, perform a mass balance to determine the
equilibrium copper concentration in the organic phase or the organic can
also be analyzed to verify the mass balance points

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3.2. Predicted distribution isotherms

3.2.1. Classification of predicted distribution isotherms

The theoretical prediction gives copper concentration in organic phase as a

function of copper concentration in aqueous phase. This function is called the model of
distribution isotherm. There are three types of distribution isotherm model: empirical
model, semi-empirical model and chemical model [NOIROT P.A., 1985].

3.2.2. Empirical model

The empirical model gives the equation that best matches the curve of
equilibrium line. Due to the absence of links with the modeled phenomenon, its
extrapolation can be risky and its use is limited to the field covered by the

The empirical model has been developed for dynamic simulation of copper
solvent extraction plant [MORENO C.M. ET AL, 2009]. The equation (3.1) gives the empirical
model of extraction isotherm.

Y = X+B (3.1)

Where “Y” is copper concentration in the organic phase, “X” is copper concentration in
the aqueous phase.

Values of “A” and “B” are given by the equations (3.2) and (3.3).

A = a *ML (3.2)

(10−pH )b
B= (d ∗ CuPLS + f* CuRaff ) (3.3)

Where “ML” is the maximum loading (g/L), “𝐶𝑢𝑃𝐿𝑆 ” is copper concentration in the PLS
(g/L), “𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑓 ” is copper concentration in the raffinate and pH of PLS and “a”, “b”, “c”,
“d” and “f” are the constants.

The equation (3.4) gives the empirical model of stripping isotherm.

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Y = C*X +D (3.4)

Where “Y” is copper concentration in the organic phase and “X” is copper
concentration in the aqueous phase.

Values of “C” and “D” are given by the equations (3.5) and (3.6).

C = g* ML (3.5)

D= +m (3.6)

Where “V%” is the volume percent of extractant in the organic phase and “Ac” is the
acid concentration of spent electrolyte (g/L). “g”, “h”, “i”, “j” and “m” are the constants.

3.2.3. Semi-empirical model

Just like the preceding one, it is based on an equation but which best fits the
curve of distribution ratio of copper. Semi-empirical model uses the overall solvent
extraction reaction. If an aqueous phase containing copper is contacted with an organic
phase, than copper distributes between the aqueous and organic phase according to
equation (3.7).

DCu = Cuor (3.7)

Where “𝐷𝐶𝑢 ” is the distribution ratio of copper, “𝐶𝑢𝑜𝑟 ” is copper concentration

in organic phase and “𝐶𝑢𝑎𝑞 ” is copper concentration in aqueous phase.

It has been observed that the distribution ratio (D) is a function of free ligand
concentration in the organic phase [LLOYD PHILIP J.D., 2004]. Equation (3.8) gives the
mathematical expression this observation.

DCu = Cuor = Do ∗ (Lt − mCuor )n (3.8)

Where “𝐷𝑜 ” is the distribution ratio of copper at trace concentrations, readily

determined in the laboratory, “𝐿𝑡 ” is the total ligand concentration in the extractant,
“m” approximates the ratio of ligand molecules to extracted molecules close to
saturation, “n” approximates the ratio of ligand molecules to extracted molecules close
to infinite dilution.

It should be noted that “m” and “n” in equation (3.8) are sometimes equal, but
often differ in value, which underlines that fact that this equation has no theoretical
Joseph Kafumbila Page 13
basis. It is merely a convenient way of representing much experimental data using three
parameters that can readily be determined experimentally.

3.2.4. Chemical model

Chemical model requires the knowledge of all intermediate chemical reactions

of extraction reaction. The first suggestion of intermediate chemical reactions for copper
solvent extraction with oximes based extractant involves the dissolution of extractant in
aqueous phase [DREISINGER D.B., 1988]. Chemical reactions (3.a), (3.b), (3.c), (3.d) and
(3.e) give the intermediate chemical reactions:

HR or ↔ HR aq (step 1) (3.a)

The step 1 involves the dissolution of extractant in the aqueous phase.

HR aq ↔ Haq + R−aq (step 2) (3.b)

The step 2 involves the dissociation of extractant in the aqueous phase.

Cu+2 − +
aq + R aq ↔ CuR aq (step 3) (3.c)

The step 3 the first ligand is added to copper in aqueous phase.

CuR+aq + R−aq ↔ CuR 2 aq (step 4) (3.d)

The step 4 the second ligand is added to copper in aqueous phase.

CuR 2 aq ↔ CuR 2 or (step 5) (3.e)

The step 5 the copper complex is absorbed by the organic phase.

The second suggestion of intermediate chemical reactions for copper solvent

extraction with oximes based extractant involves two forms of extractant molecule in
the organic phase [ALGUACIF F.J., 1998]. Chemical reactions (3.f), (3.g) and (3.h) give the
intermediate chemical reactions:

Cu+2 +
aq + 2∗ HR or ↔ CuR 2 or + 2∗ Haq (3.f)

Cu+2 +
aq + (HR)2 or ↔ CuR 2 or + 2∗ Haq (3.g)

(HR)2 or ↔ 2∗ HR or (3.h)

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In the case of sulfate solution, the chemical reaction (3.i) must be taken into

HSO− + 2−
4 ↔ H + SO4 (3.i)

The modeling requires the knowledge of the corresponding mass-action

equilibrium equations for the chemical reactions listed above and the mass-balance of
copper, ligand and hydrogen.

The mass-action equilibrium equations and the mass-balance of copper, ligand

and hydrogen for the second suggestion of intermediate chemical reactions are given by
the equations (3.9), (3.10), (3.11), (3.12), (3.13) and (3.14).

All models consider that the chemical activity coefficients of species in aqueous
and organic phases do not change.

[Cu+2 ]aq ∗[HR]2or

[CuR 2 ]or = K1 * (3.9)
[H+ ]2aq

[Cu+2 ]aq ∗[(HR)2 ]or

[CuR 2 ]or = K 2 * (3.10)
[H+ ]2aq

[(HR)2 ]ot = K 3 * [HR]2or (3.11)

[Cu+2 ]taq = [Cu+2 ]aq + A * CuR 2 or (3.12)

[HR]tor = [HR]or + 2* [(HR)2 ]or + 2* [CuR 2 ]or (3.13)

[H +2 ]aq = [H + ]iaq + 2* A* [CuR 2 ]or (3.14)

Where [𝐶𝑢𝑅2 ]𝑜𝑟 is the concentration of copper complex in the organic phase (mol/L),
[𝐻𝑅]𝑜𝑟 is the concentration of the first molecule form of extractant in organic phase
(mol/L), [(𝐻𝑅)2 ]𝑜𝑟 is the concentration of the second molecule form off extractant in
the organic phase (mol/L), [𝐻𝑅]𝑡𝑜𝑟 is the total concentration of ligand in the organic
phase (mol/L), [𝐶𝑢+2 ]𝑎𝑞 is the concentration of copper in aqueous phase, [𝐶𝑢+2 ]𝑡𝑎𝑞 is
the total concentration of copper in aqueous and organic phases, [𝐻 + ]𝑖𝑎𝑞 is the
concentration of hydrogen ion in the feed solution, [𝐻 +2 ]𝑎𝑞 is the concentration of
hydrogen ion in the aqueous phase, and “A” is the ratio of organic phase volume on
aqueous phase volume.

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4. New semi-empirical model

4.1. Equilibrium condition

Extraction step is guided by thermodynamic disequilibrium between aqueous

and organic phases. Copper mass transfer is stopped when thermodynamic property
reaches equilibrium condition in both phases. Global copper solvent extraction chemical
reaction with Lix984N extractant is followed chemical reaction (2.a) [HOSSEN AMINIAN,
1999]. LIX 984N reagent, a 1:1 volume blend of LIX 860N-I and LIX 84N-I, is a mixture of
5-nonylsalicylaldoxime and 2-hydroxy-5-nonylacetophenone oxime.

Cu2+ + 2HR ↔ CuR 2 + 2H + (2.a)

where 𝐶𝑢2+and 𝐻 + are copper and hydrogen ionic species in aqueous phase, HR is acid
form of Lix984N extractant, and 𝐶𝑢𝑅2 is copper complex form in organic phase

Thermodynamic equilibrium condition of global chemical reaction (2a) is given

by equation (4.1) [BAUER G.L ET AL, 1976].

μ(CuR2) + 2μ(H+ ) - μ(Cu+2 ) - 2μ(HR) = 0 (4.1)

where μ𝜌 is chemical potential of species ‘ρ’

Chemical potential of species ‘ρ’ is given by equation (4.2).

μρ = μ°ρ +RTln( γρ ∗ Cρ ) (4.2)

where 𝜇𝜌° is standard chemical potential of species ‘ρ’, 𝛾𝜌 is chemical activity coefficient
of specie ‘ρ’, 𝐶𝜌 is molar concentration of species ‘ρ’, R is the perfect gas constant, and T
is the temperature

The substitution of equation (4.2) for all species in equation (4.1) gives
equation (4.3) which is the thermodynamic equilibrium condition. Equation (4.4) gives
Gibbs standard free energy of the chemical reaction (2.a).

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2 −Δ𝐺° (γ(HR) )2

= e( )
(H )
RT * = ψe (4.3)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2 γ(CuR2)

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ΔG° =μ°(CuR2 ) -μ°(Cu+2 ) -2μ°(HR) (4.4)

Where 𝐶𝜌𝑒 is equilibrium molar concentration of species “ρ”.

4.2. Value of 𝛙𝐞𝟏

4.2.1. Definition

The value of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe from left component of

Equation (4.3) called ψe1 is given by equation (4.5).

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
= ψe1 (4.5)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

4.2.2. Copper molar concentration in organic phase

The value of copper molar concentration at the steady-state in organic is given

by equation (4.6).

e Cue(or)
C(CuR 2)
= (4.6)

where 𝐶𝑢𝑜𝑟 is copper concentration (g/L) in organic phase.

4.2.3. Free extractant molar concentration in organic phase

The value of free extractant molar concentration in organic phase is given by

Equation (4.7).

v/V%∗ 0.91∗ 1000

C(HR) = (4.7)
100∗ 270

where v/v% is extractant volume percentage (v/v%) in organic phase. 0.91 is the
density of Lix984N extractant. 270 is the mass molar of Lix984N extractant.

After extraction of Copper, the value of free extractant molar concentration in

organic phase is given by Equation (4.8). The assumption is that the variation of organic
phase volume due to the presence of Copper in organic phase is negligible.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 17

e v/V%∗ 0.91∗ 1000 e
C(HR) = – 2*C(CuR 2)
100∗ 270

4.2.4. Cu-Sulfate system Activity of soluble species

 Ionic strength

The ionic strength (I) of the solution is the first to know because the
electrostatic interactions depend on the concentration of charge. The value of ionic
strength is calculated using Equation (4.9). “Zn ” is the charge of soluble compound “n”
and “Cn ” is the concentration of soluble compound “n”. The ionic strength has
concentration units.

I=2 x ∑n Zn2 ∗ Cn (4.9)

 Helgeson Equation

The calculations of individual ion activity coefficient have been approximated by

Equation (4.10) in concentrated as well as dilute electrolyte solutions involved in
geochemical processes at high temperatures and pressures (H.C. HELGESON ET AL, 1981)
and suitable for overall equilibrium diagram calculations. “γp ” is the activity coefficient
of soluble compound “p”, “Zp ” is the electrical charge of compound “p” and “I” is the ionic
strength (mol/kg of water). “A”, “B” and “b” are temperature-dependent parameters.
Table (4.1) gives values of parameters “A”, “B” and “b” at 25°C (B. BEVERSKOG ET AL, 1998).
“ä” is a distance of closest approach, which may be taken to be equal to that of NaCl (3.72

Z2p A√I
Log(γp )= - (1+Bä√I) – log(1+0.018015*I)+b*I (4.10)

Table 4.1: values of A, B and b parameter at 25°C

A B x 10−10 b
0.509 0.328 0.064

For neutral aqueous species it is usually approximated that the activity

coefficients are unity at all values of ionic strength and temperature. The approximate
applicability is up to value of ionic strength around 5 (mol/kg of water) (H.C. HELGESON
ET AL, 1981).

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In copper solvent extraction the concentrations of species are less the 2mol/L.
In this case, molarity is equal to molality.

 Activity of water

The activity of water (solvent) (𝑎𝑤 ) is given by Equation (4.11). “ϕ” is the
osmotic coefficient, “W” is the molecular weight of water (18.016) and “𝑚𝑖 ” is the
concentration (mol/kg water) of soluble compounds (CHARLES E. HARVIE ET AL, 1984)

ln(aw ) = - 1000 *ϕ *∑i mi (4.11)

The calculations of osmotic coefficient have been approximated by Equation

(4.12) (H.C. HELGESON, 1969). The value of “u” is given by Equation (4.13). Table (4.2)
gives values of parameters “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” at 25°C. “A” comes from Debrye-Huckel
equation for activity coefficient and is function of temperature. The value of “A” is
0.5092 at 25°C. “I” is the ionic strength (mol/kg of water).

2.303∗A 1 b∗I 2c∗I2 3d∗I3

ϕ=1- [u -2ln(u) - u] + + + (4.12)
a3 ∗I 2 3 4

u=1+a*√I (4.13)

Table 4.2: values of a, b, c and d parameter at 25°C

a b c d
1.454 0.02236 9.38 x10−3 -5.362x10−4 Cu-Sulfate-Water System

 Water

The chemical reaction (4.a) gives the water ionization reaction. Logarithm of the
equilibrium constant of the chemical reaction (4.a) is given in Table (4.3) at 25°C
(MINTEQA2-V.4, 1999).

H2 O = H + + OH − (4.a)

Table 4.3: Log(K) of reaction (4.a) at 25°C

Chemical reactions logK Reference

4.a -13.998 MINTEQA2-V.4, 1999

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At pH below 2, the concentration of OH − is negligible in aqueous solution. The
designation of concentration (mol/L) of H + is C(H+) . Equation (4.14) gives the value of
C(H+) from a known value of pH.

C(H+ ) = (4.14)
γ(H+ )

 Free sulfate

The free soluble compounds are the following: H2 SO4 , HSO4 − and SO4 −2 . The
chemical reactions (4.b) and (4.c) give the equilibrium reaction between SO4 −2 and
other substances. Table (4.4) gives the equilibrium constant of the chemical reaction

SO−2 + −
4 + H =HSO4 (4.b)

SO−2 +
4 + 2H =H2 SO4 (4.c)

Table 4.4: Log(K) of reaction (4.b) and (4.c) at 25°C

Chemical reactions logK Reference

4.a 1.99 MINTEQA2-V.4, 1999
4.b -0.053 MINTEQA2-V.4, 1999

The designation of concentration (mol/L) of soluble substances of sulfate is the


Concentration of SO−2
4 is C(SO−2
4 )
Concentration of HSO−4 is C(HSO−4 ) ,
Concentration of H2 SO4 is C(H2 SO4) .

The concentrations C(HSO−4 ) and C(H2 SO4) are calculated as function of

concentration of soluble compounds (H + and SO−2
4 ) using Equations (4.15) and (4.16)
coming from the mass actions of the chemical reaction (4.b) and (4.c). The
concentration C(SO−2
4 )
is is unknown value.

C(HSO−4 ) =10(1.99) *C(H+) *γ(H+) *C(SO−2
4 )
4 )
*γ(HSO−4 ) (4.15)

C(H2 SO4 ) =10(−0.053) *(C(H+ ) ∗ γ(H+ ) )(2) *C(SO−2

4 )
4 )

Joseph Kafumbila Page 20

The assumption is that the positive charge of H + is neutralized by the negative
charge of HSO− 4 which is the major sulfate soluble compounds in the range of pH from
0.0 to 2.0. In this condition Equation (4.17) gives the concentration of free acid (C(Ac))
(g/L) in aqueous solution.

C(Ac) =(C(H+) +C(H2 SO4) )*98.08 (g/L) (4.17)

 Copper

The major copper soluble compounds in the range of pH from 0.0 to 2.0 are the
following: Cu+2 , and CuSO4 . The chemical reaction (4.d) gives the equilibrium reaction
between the major soluble compounds of copper. Table (4.5) gives the equilibrium
constant of the chemical reaction (4.d).

Cu+2 + SO−2
4 = CuSO4 (4.d)

Table 4.5: Log(K) of reaction (4.d) at 25°C

Chemical reactions logK Reference

4.d 2.36 MINTEQA2-V.4, 1999

The designation of concentration of soluble substances of copper soluble

compounds is the following:

Concentration of Cu+2 is C(Cu+2 ) ,

Concentration of CuSO4 is C(CuSO4) .

The concentration C(CuSO4) is calculated as function of concentration of Cu+2 ,

and SO4 −2 using Equation (4.18) coming from the mass action of the chemical reaction
(4.d). The concentration C(Cu+2 ) is unknown value.

C(CuSO4 ) =10(2.36) *C(Cu+2 ) *γ(Cu+2 ) *C(SO−2

4 )
4 )

Equation (4.19) gives the concentration of Copper in aqueous solution (Cu(aq) )

in (g/L).

C(CuT) =(C(Cu+2 ) +C(CuSO4 ))*63.54 (4.19)

 Electrical neutrality of aqueous solution

The electrical neutrality of solution is given by Equation (4.20).

C(HSO−4 ) +2C(SO−2
4 )
=C(H+) +2C(Cu+2 ) (4.20)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 21

 Constraints in the aqueous solution

 The concentration C(H+) is given by Equation (4.14) when pH is the

known value or by Equation (4.17) when free acid concentration is the
known value.
 Equations (4.15), (4.16), (4.18), (4.19) and (4.20) give the values of
C(HSO−4 ) , C(SO−2
4 )
, C(H2 SO4 ), C(Cu+2 ) and C(CuSO4 ) .

4.2.5. Constraint during copper solvent extraction Initial aqueous phase

The known values in the initial aqueous phase are the initial volume (V(aq) ) (m3)
i i
and the concentrations of Copper (C(CuT) ) and free acid (C(Ac) ) (g/L). The molar
concentrations of soluble species (H + , SO−2 −
4 , HSO4 , H2 SO4 , Cu
and CuSO4 ) are

i −2 i i
The molar concentration of H + (C(H + ) ), SO4 (C
(SO−2 ) ) and Cu
(C(Cu +2 ) ) are the
molar concentrations from which the molar concentrations of HSO−
4 (C(HSO−
), H2 SO4
i i
(C(H 2 SO4 )
) and CuSO4 (C(CuSO 4)
) according to Equations (4.21), (4.22) and (4.23).

i i
C(iHSO−4 ) )=10(1.99) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(2) (4.21)

i i i (2) i
C(H 2 SO4 )
=10(−0.053) *(C(H + ) ∗ γ(1) ) *C(SO−2 ) *γi(2) (4.22)

i i i i
C(CuSO 4)
=10(2.36) *C(Cu+2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

The values of γi(1) and γi(2) are given by Equations (4.24) and (4.25). The value of
ionic strength (Ii ) is given by Equation (4.26).

Log(γi(1) )= - – log(1+0.018015*Ii )+0.064*Ii (4.24)
(1+1.22∗√Ii )

Log(γi(2) )= - – log(1+0.018015*Ii )+0.064*Ii (4.25)
(1+1.22∗√Ii )

1 i i i i
Ii =2*(C(H + ) +4*C
(SO−2 ) +C(HSO4 ) +4*C(Cu+2 ) )
− (4.26)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 22

i i
Equations (4.27), (4.28) and (4.29) allow calculating the values of C(H +) , C
(SO−2 )4
and C(Cu+2 ) . Equation (4.29) gives the electrical charge neutrality of solution.

i i i
C(CuT) =(C(Cu+2 ) +C(CuSO ) )*63.54

i i i
C(Ac) =(C(H + ) +C(H SO ) )*98.08
2 4

i i i i
C(H + ) +2*C(Cu+2 ) =2*C
(SO−2 ) +C(HSO4 )
− (4.29)

Equation (4.30) gives the specific gravity of aqueous phase (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).
Equation (4.31) gives the value of CT .

SG(aq) = -6.139 * 10−7 x [CTi ]2 + 9.742 * 10−4 *CTi + 1 (4.30)

Where “𝑆𝐺(𝑎𝑞) ” is liquid specific gravity (t/m3) and “𝐶𝑇𝑖 ” is total concentration of
soluble species (g/L)
i i i i i
CTi =1.007*C(H + ) +96.06*(C(CuSO ) +C
4 (SO−2 ) )+97.07*C(HSO4 ) +98.08*C(H2 SO4 ) +

C(CuT) (4.31)

Where 1.007 is molar mass of 𝐻 + , 96.06 is molar mass of 𝑆𝑂4−2 , 97.07 is molar
mass of 𝐻𝑆𝑂4− and 98.08 is molar mass of 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4.

Equation (4.32) gives the mass of aqueous phase for a known volume. Where
V(aq) is initial volume of aqueous phase.

i i i
M(aq) =SG(aq) *V(aq) (t) (4.32)

Equation (4.33) gives total concentration sulfur in solution (g/L). Where 32.065
is molar mass of sulfur.

i i i i i
C(ST) =(C(SO −2 ) +C(HSO− ) +C(H SO ) +C(CuSO ) )*32.065
4 2 4 4
4 Equilibrium aqueous phase

The known value in the equilibrium aqueous phase is the concentration of

Copper (C(CuT) ) (g/L). The molar concentrations of soluble species (H + , SO−2 −
4 , HSO4 ,
H2 SO4 , Cu+2 and CuSO4 ) are unknown.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 23

e −2 e e
The molar concentration of H + (C(H + ) ), SO4 (C
(SO−2 ) ) and Cu
(C(Cu +2 ) ) are the
molar concentrations from which the molar concentrations of HSO−
4 (C(HSO−
), H2 SO4
e e
(C(H 2 SO4 )
) and CuSO4 (C(CuSO 4)
) according to Equations (4.34), (4.35) and (4.36).

e e
C(eHSO−4 ) )=10(1.99) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(2) (4.34)

e e e (2) e
C(H 2 SO4 )
=10(−0.053) *(C(H + ) ∗ γ(1) ) *C(SO−2 ) *γe(2) (4.35)

e e e e
C(CuSO 4)
=10(2.36) *C(Cu+2 ) *C
(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

The values of γe(1) and γe(2) are given by Equations (4.37) and (4.38). The value of
ionic strength (Ie ) is given by Equation (4.39).

Log(γe(1) )= - (1+1.22∗√Ie ) – log(1+0.018015*Ie )+0.064*Ie (4.37)

Log(γ𝑒(2) )= - (1+1.22∗√Ie ) – log(1+0.018015*Ie )+0.064*Ie (4.38)

1 e e e e
Ie =2*(C(H + ) +4*C
(SO−2 ) +C(HSO4 ) +4*C(Cu+2 ) )
− (4.39)

Equation (4.40) gives mass of aqueous phase at equilibrium. Where MCu is

extracted mass of Cu from aqueous phase and MH is stripped mass of H from organic
phase. Equation (4.41) gives the value of MH . Where 1.007 is molar mass of H and 63.54
is molar mass of Cu. Equation (4.42) gives the value of MCu. Where V(aq) (m3) is the value
of volume of aqueous phase at equilibrium and is unknown value.

e i
M(aq) =M(aq) - MCu + MH (t) (4.40)

MH =MCu*2*63.54 (t) (4.41)

i i e e
MCu=(V(aq) *C(CuT) - V(aq) *C(CuT) )/1000 (t) (4.42)

e e
Equation (4.43) gives the relation between M(aq) and V(aq) .

e e e
M(aq) =SG(aq) *V(aq) (4.43)

Equation (4.44) gives the specific gravity of aqueous phase (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).
Equation (4.45) gives the value of CT .

Joseph Kafumbila Page 24

SG(aq) = -6.139 * 10−7 x [CTe ]2 + 9.742 * 10−4 *CTe + 1 (4.44)

Where “𝑆𝐺(𝑎𝑞) ” is liquid specific gravity (t/m3) and “𝐶𝑇𝑖 ” is total concentration of
soluble species (g/L)
e e e e e
CTe =1.007*C(H + ) +96.06*(C(CuSO ) +C
4 (SO−2 ) )+97.07*C(HSO4 ) +98.08*C(H2 SO4 ) +

C(CuT) (4.45)

Where 1.007 is molar mass of 𝐻 + , 96.06 is molar mass of 𝑆𝑂4−2 , 97.07 is molar
mass of 𝐻𝑆𝑂4− and 98.08 is molar mass of 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4.

e e
Equations (4.46), (4.47) and (4.48) allow calculating the values of C(H +) , C
(SO−2 )4
and C(Cu+2 ) . Equation (4.47) gives the electrical charge neutrality of solution. Equation
(4.49) gives the value of C(ST) .

e e e
C(CuT) =(C(Cu+2 ) +C(CuSO ) )*63.54

e e e e
C(H + ) +2*C(Cu+2 ) =2*C
(SO−2 ) +C(HSO4 )
− (4.47)

i i e e
C(ST) *V(aq) =C(ST) *V(aq) (4.48)

𝑒 e e e e
C(ST) =(C(SO −2 ) +C(HSO− ) +C(H SO ) +C(CuSO ) )*32.065
4 2 4 4

4.3. Value of 𝛙𝐞𝟐

4.3.1. Definition

The value of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe from right component of

Equation (4.3) called ψe2 is given by equation (4.50).

−Δ𝐺° (γ(HR) )2
e( RT
* =ψe2 (4.50)

In organic phase, the study done on the extractant Kelex 100, which is chelating
copper solvent extraction reagent, shows that ratio of chemical activity coefficients of
species in organic phase is a function of copper concentration in organic phase [ BAUER
G.L ET AL, 1976]. The assumption is that this thermodynamic property is also true for
chelating copper extractant as Lix984N.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 25

Conclusion from this assumption is that the thermodynamic equilibrium
condition is given by equation (4.51).

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H ) e
=f(C(CuR 2)
) (4.51)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

4.4. Equation of thermodynamic equilibrium condition

4.4.1. Equation of modelling of equilibrium condition

Test conditions of lab test 1 done with pure copper sulfate aqueous phase are
the following:

 Initial copper concentration in aqueous phase: 8 g/l.

 Initial free acid concentration in aqueous phase: 5 g/l.
 Extractant: Lix984N.
 Extractant volume percentage in organic (v/v%): 20%.

Table (4.6) gives equilibrium line data of lab test 1 from which the values of
thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1 of each steady-state position are calculated.

Table 4.6: Value of ψe1 from equilibrium line data of lab test 1

Cu(aq) (g/L) 0.04 0.09 0.35 1.19 3.38 5.92 6.93

Cu(or) (g/L) 0.80 1.58 3.83 6.76 9.26 10.45 10.70

Figure (4.1) gives the values of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1

versus the values of copper concentration in organic phase.

Results show that the value of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1 is a

linear function of the value of copper concentration in organic phase. Equation (4.52)
gives the modelling of thermodynamic equilibrium condition.

ψe1 =a*Cu(or) +b (4.52)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 26

Figure 4.1: Values of ψe1 versus values of copper concentrations in organic
phase of lab test 1

4.4.2. Effect of initial free acid concentration

Table (4.7) gives equilibrium line data of lab test 1, 3, 4 and 5. The initial acid
concentration is increased from 5 to 20g/L. Figure (4.2) gives the value of
thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1 versus the values of copper concentration in
organic phase for Data in Table (4.7).

The results on Figure 4.2 show that when the initial acid concentration
increases the thermodynamic equilibrium condition remains a linear function of copper
concentration in the organic phase and the initial free acid concentration of feed solution
does not affect the values of constants “a” and “b”.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 27

Table 4.7: Equilibrium line data of lab tests 1, 3, 4 and 5

Lab test 1 Lab test 3 Lab test 4 Lab test 5

Cuiaq 8 g/l Cuiaq 8 g/l Cuiaq 8 g/l Cuiaq 8 g/l
i 5 g/l i 10 g/l i 15 g/l i 20 g/l
Acaq Acaq Acaq Acaq
V/V% 20 % V/V% 20 % V/V% 20 % V/V% 20 %
Cueaq Cueor Cueaq Cueor Cueaq Cueor Cueaq Cueor
0.04 0.80 0.10 0.80 0.15 0.79
0.09 1.58 0.23 1.56 0.33 1.54
0.35 3.83 0.57 3.74 0.76 3.63 0.98 3.52
1.19 6.76 1.70 6.31 2.00 6.01 2.42 5.59
3.38 9.26 3.80 8.40 4.20 7.80 4.41 7.20
5.92 10.45 6.10 9.55 6.30 9.00 6.35 8.30
6.93 10.70 7.00 10.01 7.10 9.30 7.17 8.74

Figure 4.2: Values of ψe1 versus values of copper concentration in

organic phase of lab tests 1, 3, 4 and 5

Joseph Kafumbila Page 28

4.4.3. Effect of extractant volume percent in organic phase

Table (4.8) gives equilibrium line data of lab test 1, 6 and 7. Figure (4.3) gives
the value of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1 versus the values of copper
concentration in organic phase.

The results of Figure (4.3) show that the slope of equilibrium condition line
decreases when the extractant volume percent increases.

Table 4.8: Equilibrium line data of lab tests 1, 6, and 7 of extraction step

Lab test 6 Lab test 7 Lab test 1

Cuiaq 8.04 g/l Cuiaq 5.5 g/l Cuiaq 8.01 g/l
i 20 g/l i 0.980 g/l i 5.0 g/l
Acaq Acaq Acaq
v/v% 15 % v/v% 18 % v/v% 20 %
Cuaq Cueor Cueaq Cueor e
Cuaq Cueor
0.27 0.78 0.08 2.89 0.04 0.80
0.48 1.50 0.13 3.82 0.09 1.58
1.56 3.24 0.31 5.57 0.35 3.83
3.30 4.68 1.63 8.20 1.19 6.76
5.16 5.62 2.70 8.77 3.38 9.26
6.80 6.20 3.71 9.07 5.92 10.45
7.40 6.39 5.51 9.23 6.92 10.80

Joseph Kafumbila Page 29

Figure 4.3: Values of ψe1 versus values of copper concentration in
organic phase of lab tests 1, 6, and 7

4.4.4. Effect of presence of other elements in solution Initial aqueous phase

The known values in the initial aqueous phase are the initial volume (V(aq) ) (m3)
i i i i
and the concentrations of Copper (C(CuT) ), Co (C(CoT) ), Al (C(AlT) ), Fe (C(FeT) ), Mg
i i i i i
(C(MgT) ), Mn (C(MnT) ), Zn(C(ZnT) ), Ni (C(NiT) ) and free acid (C(Ac) ) (g/L). The molar
concentrations of soluble species (H + , SO−2 − +2 +2
4 , HSO4 , H2 SO4 , Cu , CuSO4 , Co , CoSO4 ,
Al+3 , AlSO+ − +2 +2
4 , Al(SO4 )2 , AlHSO4 , Fe , FeSO4 , Fe+3, FeSO+ − +2
4 , Fe(SO4 )2 , FeHSO4 ,
FeH(SO4 )2, Mg +2 , MgSO4 , Mn+2, MnSO4, Zn+2, ZnSO4 , Ni+2 , and NiSO4 ) are unknown.

i −2 i i
The molar concentration of H + (C(H + ) ), SO4 (C(SO −2 ) ), Cu
(C(Cu +2 ) ), Co
i +3 i +2 i +2 i +2 i +2 i
(C(Co +2 ) ), Al (C(Al +3 ) ), Fe (C(Fe+2 ) ), Mg (C(Mg +2 ) ), Mn (C(Mn +2 ) ), Zn (C(Zn+2 ) )

+2 i
and Ni (C(Ni+2 ) ) are the molar concentrations from which the molar concentrations of

remaining soluble compounds are calculated according to Equations (4.21), (4.22),

(4.23) and from (4.53) to (4.65).

Joseph Kafumbila Page 30

i i
C(iHSO−4 ) )=10(1.99) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(2) (4.21)

i i i (2) i
C(H 2 SO4 )
=10(−0.053) *(C(H + ) ∗ γ(1) ) *C(SO−2 ) *γi(2) (4.22)

i i i i
C(CuSO 4)
=10(2.36) *C(Cu+2 ) *C
(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

Co+2 + SO−2
4 = CoSO4 (4.e)

i i i i
C(CoSO 4)
=10(2.30)*C(Co +2 ) *C
(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

Al+3 + SO−2 +
4 = AlSO4 (4.f)

i (3.59) i i i i i (−1)
C(AlSO + ) =10 *C(Al+3 )*C(SO −2 ) *γ(3) *γ(2) *(γ(1) ) (4.53)
4 4

Al+3 +2SO−2 −
4 = Al(SO4 )2 (4.g)

i (4.92) i i (2) i
C(Al(SO − =10
4 )2 )
*C(Al+3 ) *(C(SO −2 ) ) *γ(3) *(γi(2) )(2) *γi(2) *(γi(1) )(−1) (4.54)

Al+3 +H + + SO−2 +2
4 = AlHSO4 (4.h)

i (2.45) i i i i i
C(AlHSO+2 ) =10 *C(Al+3 ) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(3) *γ(1) (4.55)
4 4

Fe+2 + SO−2
4 = FeSO4 (4.i)

i i i i
C(FeSO 4)
=10(2.39) *C(Fe+2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

Fe+3+e− =Fe+2 (4.j)

(E−E° )∗96485
C(Fe i i i
+3 ) =C(Fe+2 ) *(γ(2) *(γ(3) )
*10(8.314∗298.15∗2.303) (4.57)

Where E=0.57V and 𝐸 ° =0.77

Fe+3 + SO−2 +
4 = FeSO4 (4.k)

i (4.05) i i i i i (−1)
C(FeSO + ) =10 *C(Fe+3 )*C(SO −2 ) *γ(3) *γ(2) *(γ(1) ) (4.58)
4 4

Fe+3 +2SO−2 −
4 = Fe(SO4 )2 (4.l)

i (5.38) i i (2) i
C(Fe(SO − =10
4 )2 )
*C(Fe+3 ) *(C(SO −2 ) ) *γ(3) *(γi(2) )(2) *γi(2) *(γi(1) )(−1) (4.59)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 31

Fe+3 +H + + SO−2 +2
4 = FeHSO4 (4.m)

i (2.48) i i i i i
C(FeHSO +2 =10
) *C(Fe+3 ) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(3) *γ(1) (4.60)
4 4

Fe+3 +H + + 2SO−2
4 =FeH(SO4 )2 (4.n)

i i i i i i i
C(FeH(SO 4 )2 )
=10(8.10) *C(Fe+3 ) *C(H+ ) *(C
(SO−2 ) ) **γ(3) *γ(1) *(γ(2) )

Mg +2 + SO−2
4 = MgSO4 (4.o)

i i i i
C(MgSO 4)
=10(2.26) *C(Mg +2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

Mn+2 + SO−2
4 = MnSO4 (4.p)

i i i i
C(MnSO 4)
=10(2.25) *C(Mn +2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

Zn+2 + SO−2
4 = ZnSO4 (4.q)

i i i i
C(ZnSO 4)
=10(2.46)*C(Zn +2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

Ni+2 + SO−2
4 = NiSO4 (4.r)

i i i i
C(NiSO 4)
=10(2.46) *C(Ni+2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

The values of γi(1) , γi(2) and γi(3) are given by Equations (4.24), (4.25) and (4.66).
The value of ionic strength (Ii ) is given by Equation (4.67).

Log(γi(1) )= - – log(1+0.018015*Ii )+0.064*Ii (4.24)
(1+1.22∗√Ii )

Log(γi(2) )= - – log(1+0.018015*Ii )+0.064*Ii (4.25)
(1+1.22∗√Ii )

Log(γi(3) )= - – log(1+0.018015*Ii )+0.064*Ii (4.66)
(1+1.22∗√Ii )

1 i i i i i i i i
Ii =2*(C(H + ) +4*C
(SO−2 ) +C(HSO4 ) +4*C(Cu+2 ) +4*C(Co+2 ) +9*C(Al+3 ) +C(AlSO+ ) +C(Al(SO4 )2 ) +
− −
4 4
i i i i i i i
4*C(AlHSO +2 ) +4*C(Fe+2 ) +9*C(Fe+3 ) +C(FeSO+ ) +C(Fe(SO )− ) +4*C(FeHSO+2 ) +4*C(Mg+2 ) +
4 2
4 4 4
i i i
4*C(Mn +2 ) +4*C(Zn+2 ) +4*C(Ni+2 ) ) (4.67)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 32

Equations (4.27), (4.28), (4.29) and from (4.68) to (4.75) allow calculating the
values of concentrations of soluble compounds. Equation (4.75) gives the electrical
charge neutrality of solution.

i i i
C(CuT) =(C(Cu+2 ) +C(CuSO ) )*63.54

i i i
C(Ac) =(C(H + ) +C(H SO ) )*98.08
2 4

i i i
C(CoT) =(C(Co +2 ) +C(CoSO ) )*58.93

i i i i i
C(AlT) =(C(Al +3 ) +C(AlSO+ ) +C(Al(SO )− ) +C(AlHSO+2 ) )*26.98
4 2
4 4

i i i i i i i i
C(FeT) =(C(Fe+2 ) +C(FeSO ) +C(Fe+3 ) +C(FeSO+ ) +C(Fe(SO )− ) +C(FeHSO+2 ) +C(FeH(SO ) ) )
4 4 2 4 2
4 4
*55.85 (4.70)

i i i
C(MgT) =(C(Mg +2 ) +C(MgSO ) )*24.31

i i i
C(MnT) =(C(Mn +2 ) +C(MnSO ) )*54.94

i i i
C(ZnT) =(C(Zn+2 ) +C(ZnSO ) )*65.38

i i i
C(NiT) =(C(Ni+2 ) +C(NiSO ) )*58.69

i i i i i i i i
C(H + ) +2*C(Cu+2 ) +2*C(Co+2 ) +C(Al+3 ) +C(AlSO+ ) +2*C
(AlHSO+2 ) +C(Fe+2 ) +C(Fe+3 ) +
4 4
i i i i i i i
C(FeSO + ) +2*C
(FeHSO+2 ) +2*C(Mg+2 ) +2*C(Mn+2 ) +2*C(Zn+2 ) +2*C(Ni+2 ) =2*C(SO−2 ) +
4 4 4

C(iHSO−4 ) +C(Al(SO
i i
− +C(Fe(SO )− )
4 )2 ) 4 2

Equation (4.30) gives the specific gravity of aqueous phase (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).
Equation (4.76) gives the value of CT .

SG(aq) = -6.139 * 10−7 x [CTi ]2 + 9.742 * 10−4 *CTi + 1 (4.30)

Where “𝑆𝐺(𝑎𝑞) ” is liquid specific gravity (t/m3) and “𝐶𝑇𝑖 ” is total concentration of
soluble species (g/L)
i i i i i i
CTi =1.007*(C(H + ) +C
(AlHSO+2 ) +C(FeHSO+2 ) +C(FeH(SO4 )2 ) )+96.06*(C(SO−2 ) +C(CuSO4 )
4 4 4
i i i i i i i
+C(AlSO + ) +2*C(Al(SO )− ) +C
(AlHSO+2 +C(FeSO 4)
+C(FeSO + ) +2*C(Fe(SO )− ) +
4 4 2 4 ) 4 4 2
i i i i i i
C(FeHSO +2 ) +2*C(FeH(SO ) ) +C(MgSO ) +C(MnSO ) +C(ZnSO ) +C(NiSO ) )+97.07*
4 2 4 4 4 4

Joseph Kafumbila Page 33

C(iHSO−4 ) +98.08*C(H
2 SO4 )
+C(CuT) i
+C(CoT) i
+C(AlT) i
+C(FeT) i
+C(MgT) i
+C(MnT) i
+C(ZnT) +
+C(NiT) + (4.76)

Where 1.007 is molar mass of H, 96.06 is molar mass of 𝑆𝑂4−2 , 97.07 is molar
mass of 𝐻𝑆𝑂4− and 98.08 is molar mass of 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4.

Equation (4.32) gives the mass of aqueous phase for a known volume. Where
V(aq) is initial volume of aqueous phase.

i i i
M(aq) =SG(aq) *V(aq) (t) (4.32)

Equation (4.77) gives total concentration sulfur in solution (g/L). Where 32.065
is molar mass of sulfur.

i i i i i i i i
C(ST) =(C(SO −2 ) +C(HSO− ) +C(H SO ) +C(CuSO ) +C(CoSO ) +C(AlSO+ ) +2*C(Al(SO )− ) +
4 2 4 4 4 4 2
4 4
i i i i i i i
C(AlHSO+2 ) +C(FeSO ) +C(FeSO+ ) +2*C(Fe(SO )− ) +C(FeHSO+2 ) +2*C(FeH(SO ) ) +C(MgSO )
4 4 2 4 2 4
4 4 4
i i i
+C(MnSO4)+C(ZnSO4 )+C(NiSO4) )*32.065 (4.77) Equilibrium aqueous phase

The known value in the equilibrium aqueous phase is the concentration of

Copper (C(CuT) ) (g/L). The molar concentrations of soluble species (H + , SO−2 −
4 , HSO4 ,
H2 SO4 , Cu+2, CuSO4 , Co+2 , CoSO4 , Al+3 , AlSO4+ , Al(SO4 )− +2 +2 +3
2 , AlHSO4 , Fe , FeSO4 , Fe ,
FeSO+ − +2 +2 +2 +2
4 , Fe(SO4 )2 , FeHSO4 , FeH(SO4 )2 , Mg , MgSO4 , Mn , MnSO4 , Zn , ZnSO4 , Ni ,

and NiSO4 ) are unknown.

e −2 e e
The molar concentration of H + (C(H + ) ), SO4 (C(SO −2 ) ), Cu
(C(Cu+2 ) ) Co
e +3 e +2 e +2 e +2 e +2 e
(C(Co +2 ) ), Al (C(Al +3 ) ), Fe (C(Fe+2 ) ), Mg (C(Mg +2 ) ), Mn (C(Mn +2 ) ), Zn (C(Zn+2 ) )
and Ni+2 (C(Ni+2 ) )are the molar concentrations from which the molar concentrations of

other soluble compounds are calculated according to Equations (4.34), (4.35), (4.36).

e e
C(eHSO−4 ) )=10(1.99) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(2) (4.34)

e e e (2) e
C(H 2 SO4 )
=10(−0.053) *(C(H + ) ∗ γ(1) ) *C(SO−2 ) *γe(2) (4.35)

e e e e
C(CuSO 4)
=10(2.36) *C(Cu+2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

e e e e 2
C(CoSO 4)
=10(2.30)*C(Co +2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) ) (4.78)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 34

e (3.59) e i e e e (−1)
C(AlSO + =10
) *C(Al+3 )*C(SO −2 ) *γ(3) *γ(2) *(γ(1) ) (4.79)
4 4

e (4.92) e e (2) e
C(Al(SO − =10
4 )2 )
*C(Al+3 ) *(C(SO −2 ) ) *γ(3) *(γe(2) )(2) *γe(2) *(γe(1) )(−1) (4.80)

e (2.45) e e e e e
C(AlHSO+2 =10
) *C(Al+3 ) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(3) *γ(1) (4.81)
4 4

e e e e 2
C(FeSO 4)
=10(2.39) *C(Fe+2 ) *C
(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) ) (4.82)

(E−E° )∗96485
C(Fe e e e (−1)
+3 ) =C(Fe+2 ) *(γ(2) *(γ(3) ) *10(8.314∗298.15∗2.303) (4.83)

Where E=0.57V and 𝐸 ° =0.77

e (4.05) e e e e e (−1)
C(FeSO + ) =10 *C(Fe+3 )*C(SO −2 ) *γ(3) *γ(2) *(γ(1) ) (4.84)
4 4

e (5.38) e e (2) e
C(Fe(SO − =10
4 )2 )
*C(Fe+3 ) *(C(SO −2 ) ) *γ(3) *(γe(2) )(2) *γe(2) *(γe(1) )(−1) (4.85)

e (2.48) e e e e e
C(FeHSO +2 ) =10 *C(Fe+3 ) *C(H + ) *C
(SO−2 ) *γ(3) *γ(1) (4.86)
4 4

e e e e
C(FeH(SO 4 )2 )
=10(8.10) *C(Fe+3 ) *C(H+ ) *(C(SO−2 ) )
**γe(3) *γe(1) *(γe(2) )2 (4.87)

e e e e 2
C(MgSO 4)
=10(2.26) *C(Mg +2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) ) (4.88)

e e e e
C(MnSO 4)
=10(2.25) *C(Mn +2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) )

e e e e 2
C(ZnSO 4)
=10(2.46)*C(Zn +2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) ) (4.90)

e e e e 2
C(NiSO 4)
=10(2.46) *C(Ni+2 ) *C(SO−2 ) *(γ(2) ) (4.91)

The values of γe(1) , γe(2) and γe(3) are given by Equations (4.37), (4.38) and (4.92).
The value of ionic strength (Ie ) is given by Equation (4.93).

Log(γe(1) )= - – log(1+0.018015*Ie )+0.064*Ie (4.37)
(1+1.22∗√Ie )

Log(γ𝑒(2) )= - (1+1.22∗√Ie ) – log(1+0.018015*Ie )+0.064*Ie (4.38)

Log(γ𝑒(3) )= - (1+1.22∗√Ie ) – log(1+0.018015*Ie )+0.064*Ie (4.92)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 35

1 e e e e e e e e
Ie =2*(C(H + ) +4*C
(SO−2 ) +C(HSO4 ) +4*C(Cu+2 ) +4*C(Co+2 ) +9*C(Al+3 ) +C(AlSO+ ) +C(Al(SO4 )2 ) +
− −
4 4
e e e e e e e
4*C(AlHSO +2 +4*C(Fe+2 ) +9*C(Fe+3 ) +C(FeSO+ ) +C(Fe(SO )− ) +4*C
(FeHSO+2 +4*C(Mg +2 ) +
4 ) 4 4 2 4 )
e e e
4*C(Mn+2 ) +4*C(Zn+2 )+4*C(Ni+2 ) ) (4.93)

Equation (4.40) gives mass of aqueous phase at equilibrium. Where MCu is

extracted mass of Cu from aqueous phase and MH is stripped mass of H from organic
phase. Equation (4.41) gives the value of MH . Where 1.007 is molar mass of H and 63.54
is molar mass of Cu. Equation (4.42) gives the value of MCu. Where V(aq) (m3) is the value
of volume of aqueous phase at equilibrium and is unknown value.

e i
M(aq) =M(aq) - MCu + MH (t) (4.40)

MH =MCu*2*63.54 (t) (4.41)

i i e e
MCu=(V(aq) *C(CuT) - V(aq) *C(CuT) )/1000 (t) (4.42)

e e
Equation (4.43) gives the relation between M(aq) and V(aq) .

e e e
M(aq) =SG(aq) *V(aq) (4.43)

Equation (4.44) gives the specific gravity of aqueous phase (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017).
Equation (4.94) gives the value of CT .

SG(aq) = -6.139 * 10−7 x [CTe ]2 + 9.742 * 10−4 *CTe + 1 (4.44)

Where “𝑆𝐺(𝑎𝑞) ” is liquid specific gravity (t/m3) and “𝐶𝑇𝑖 ” is total concentration of
soluble species (g/L)
e e e e e e
CTe =1.007*(C(H + ) +C
(AlHSO+2 ) +C(FeHSO+2 ) +C(FeH(SO4 )2 ) )+96.06*(C(SO−2 ) +C(CuSO4 )
4 4 4
e e e e e e e
+C(AlSO + ) +2*C(Al(SO )− ) +C
4 2 (AlHSO+2 ) +C(FeSO4 ) +C(FeSO+ ) +2*C(Fe(SO4 )2 ) +

4 4 4
e e e e e e
C(FeHSO +2 ) +2*C(FeH(SO ) ) +C(MgSO ) +C(MnSO ) +C(ZnSO ) +C(NiSO ) )+97.07*
4 2 4 4 4 4
C(eHSO−4 ) +98.08*C(H
2 SO4 )
+C(CuT) e
+C(CoT) e
+C(AlT) e
+C(FeT) e
+C(MgT) e
+C(MnT) e
+C(ZnT) +
+C(NiT) + (4.94)

Where 1.007 is molar mass of 𝐻 + , 96.06 is molar mass of 𝑆𝑂4−2 , 97.07 is molar
mass of 𝐻𝑆𝑂4− and 98.08 is molar mass of 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4.

Equations (4.46), (4.48) and (4.95) to (4.103) allow calculating the values of
concentrations of soluble compounds. Equation (4.103) gives the electrical charge
neutrality of solution. Equation (4.104) gives the value of C(ST) .

Joseph Kafumbila Page 36

e e e
C(CuT) =(C(Cu+2 ) +C(CuSO ) )*63.54

i i e e
C(ST) *V(aq) =C(ST) *V(aq) (4.48)

e e e
C(Ac) =(C(H + ) +C(H SO ) )*98.08
2 4

e e e
C(CoT) =(C(Co +2 ) +C(CoSO ) )*58.93

e e e e e
C(AlT) =(C(Al +3 ) +C(AlSO+ ) +C(Al(SO )− ) +C
4 2 (AlHSO+2 ) )*26.98 (4.97)
4 4

e e e e e e e e
C(FeT) =(C(Fe+2 ) +C(FeSO ) +C(Fe+3 ) +C(FeSO+ ) +C(Fe(SO )− ) +C(FeHSO+2 ) +C(FeH(SO ) ) )
4 4 2 4 2
4 4
*55.85 (4.98)

e e e
C(MgT) =(C(Mg +2 ) +C(MgSO ) )*24.31

e e e
C(MnT) =(C(Mn +2 ) +C(MnSO ) )*54.94

e e e
C(ZnT) =(C(Zn+2 ) +C(ZnSO ) )*65.38

e e e
C(NiT) =(C(Ni+2 ) +C(NiSO ) )*58.69

e e e e e e e e
C(H + ) +2*C(Cu+2 ) +2*C(Co+2 ) +C(Al+3 ) +C
(AlSO+ ) +2*C(AlHSO+2 ) +C(Fe+2 ) +C(Fe+3 ) +
4 4
e e e e e e e
C(FeSO + ) +2*C
(FeHSO+2 +2*C(Mg +2 ) +2*C(Mn+2 ) +2*C(Zn+2 ) +2*C(Ni+2 ) =2*C(SO−2 ) +
4 4 ) 4
e e i
C(HSO−4 ) +C(Al(SO4)−2 ) +C(Fe(SO4 )−2 ) (4.103)

e e e e e e e e
C(ST) =(C(SO −2 ) +C(HSO− ) +C(H SO ) +C(CuSO ) +C(CoSO ) +C(AlSO+ ) +2*C(Al(SO )− ) +
4 2 4 4 4 4 2
4 4
e e e e e e e
C(AlHSO+2 ) +C(FeSO ) +C(FeSO+ ) +2*C(Fe(SO )− ) +C(FeHSO+2 ) +2*C(FeH(SO ) ) +C(MgSO )
4 4 2 4 2 4
4 4 4
e e e
+C(MnSO4)+C(ZnSO4 )+C(NiSO4) )*32.065 (4.104) Values of thermodynamic equilibrium condition

Test conditions of lab test 2 done with industrial copper sulfate aqueous phase
are the following:

 Element concentrations of industrial copper sulfate aqueous phase are

given in Table (4.9).
 Extractant: Lix984N.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 37

 Extractant volume percentage in the organic: 18%.

Table 4.9: Element concentrations of industrial copper sulfate

aqueous phase of lab test 2

Cu Co Al Fe Mg Mn Zn Ni Acid
g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l
5.23 4.40 0.50 0.82 1.40 1.59 0.43 .0.27 5.20

Table (4.12) gives equilibrium line Data of Lab test 2

Table 4.12: Value of ψe1 from equilibrium line data of lab test 2

Cu(aq) (g/L) 0.067 0.120 0.191 0.410 1.510 4.300

Cu(or) (g/L) 1.721 2.555 3.359 4.819 7.438 9.290

Figure (4.4) gives the values of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1

versus the value of copper concentration in organic phase. Results show that the slopes
of thermodynamic equilibrium conditions of extractant percent in organic phase of 18%
(pure copper solution) and 18% (pilot plant solution) are close.

Figure 4.4: Values of ψe1 versus values of copper concentration in

organic phase of lab tests 2, and 7

Joseph Kafumbila Page 38

4.4.5. Effect of high acid concentration (stripping step)

Test conditions of lab test 8 of stripping step are the following:

 Initial copper concentration in aqueous phase: 35 g/l

 Initial free acid concentration in aqueous phase: 180 g/l.
 Copper concentration in loaded organic: 15.98 g/l.
 Extractant: Lix984N.
 Extractant volume percentage in organic: 32%.

Table (4.13) gives equilibrium line Data of Lab test 8

Table 4.13: Value of ψe1 from equilibrium line data of lab test 8

Cu(aq) (g/L) 37.24 39.61 41.58 47.63 49.74 53.95

Cu(or) (g/L) 4.45 4.74 4.90 5.71 5.84 6.42

Figure (4.5) gives the values of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1

versus the value of copper concentration in organic phase.

Figure 4.5: Values of ψe1 versus values of copper concentration in

organic phase of lab test 8

Joseph Kafumbila Page 39

Results show that the value of thermodynamic equilibrium condition ψe1 is a
linear function of the value of copper concentration in organic phase. Equation (4.52)
gives the modeling of thermodynamic equilibrium condition.

4.4.6. Equation of equilibrium condition

The values of constants “a” and “b” are only function of extractant volume
percentage. Equilibrium condition on extraction and stripping steps are given by
equations (4.105) and (4.106) in the range from 8 to 32% of extractant volume percent.
These Equations have been obtained from pure copper aqueous solution.

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

Figure (4.6) gives the experimental data of equilibrium line of lab test (1) and
simulated equilibrium line obtained from Equation (4.105).

Figure 4.6: Comparison between experimental Data and simulation

Data on lab test 1

Joseph Kafumbila Page 40

Figure (4.7) gives the experimental data of equilibrium line of lab test (8) and
simulated equilibrium line obtained from Equation (4.106).

Figure 4.7: Comparison between experimental Data and simulation

Data on lab test 8

Joseph Kafumbila Page 41

5. MacCabe -Thiele diagram

5.1. Extraction step

Figure (5.1) gives scheme of stage of rank ‘n’ of extraction step in counter
current configuration. Stage of rank ‘n’ of extraction step receives aqueous phase
n−1 n+1
Eaq from stage of rank ‘n-1’ and organic phase Eor from stage of rank ‘n+1’. Stage of
n n
rank ‘n’ produces aqueous phase Eaq and organic phase Eor .

Figure 5.1: Scheme of stage of rank ‘n’ of extraction step

MacCabe Thiele diagram of stage of rank ‘n’ of extraction step is shown in Figure
(5.2). The Point “E” gives feed coordinates, the Point “B” gives outlet coordinates and the
Point “D” gives outlet equilibrium coordinates. Triangle “A–B–C” gives MacCabe Thiele
diagram of stage of rank ‘n’ of extraction step.

Slope of line “AC” is given by equation (5.1). Slope of line “BE” is given by
equation (5.2).

Y −Y
Slope “AC” = XA−XC (5.1)

Y −Y Y −Y Y −Y
Slope “BE” = XB−X C = XD−XC = XD −XB = - Slope “AC” (5.2)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 42

Figure 5.2: MacCabe Thiele diagram of stage of rank ‘n’ of extraction step

5.2. Stripping step

Figure (5.3) gives scheme of stage of rank ‘n’ of stripping steps in cascade
configuration. Stage of rank ‘n’ of stripping step receives aqueous phase Saq from stage
of rank ‘n+1’ and organic phase Sor from stage of rank ‘n-1’. Stage of rank ‘n’ produces
n n
aqueous phase Saq and organic phase Sor .

Figure 5.3: Scheme of stage of rank ‘n’ of stripping step

Joseph Kafumbila Page 43

MacCabe Thiele diagram of stage of rank ‘n’ of stripping step is shown in Figure
(5.4). The Point “E” gives feed coordinates, the Point “B” gives outlet coordinates and the
Point “D” gives outlet equilibrium coordinates. Triangle “A-B-C” gives MacCabe Thiele
diagram of stage of rank ‘n’ of stripping step.

Slope of line “AC” is given by equation (5.3). Slope of line “EB” is given by
equation (5.4).

Y −Y
Slope “AC” = XA −XB (5.3)


Slope “EB” = = = = -slope “AC” (5.4)

Figure 5.4: MacCabe diagram of stage of rank ‘n’ of stripping step

Joseph Kafumbila Page 44

6. Metallurgical constraints of copper SX

6.1. Description of copper SX

Copper solvent extraction technology has been introduced in copper

hydrometallurgy when the solution from leaching of low-grade oxide ore did not have
enough tenor of copper to be processed in direct electrowinning. In this condition
copper solvent extraction unit process has been introduced between leaching and
copper electrowinning unit processes to increase the concentration of copper in copper

Copper solvent extraction unit process consists of two circuits coupled with
common organic phase. Figure (6.1) gives common Leach/solvent
extraction/electrowinning circuit. On extraction step, copper is extracted from the
copper rich solution called “Pregnant Leach Solution” by copper poor organic phase
called “stripped organic”. Extraction step produces acid rich solution called “Raffinate”
and copper rich organic phase called “Loaded organic”. On stripping step, copper is
recovered from the copper rich organic phase by acid rich electrolyte called “spent
electrolyte” coming from the copper electrowinning unit process. Stripping step
produces copper rich electrolyte called “advance electrolyte” and the copper poor
organic phase. The organic phase of copper solvent extraction technology is a mixture of
extractant and diluent. Extraction and stripping steps are carried out at industrial scale
with mixer–settlers. In mixer, one phase is dispersed into a second phase to provide
interface contact for mass transfer and in a settler mixture of aqueous and organic phase
is decanted to allow phases to coalesce and separate. Consequently, leaching unit
process must be designed to allow the extraction of copper on organic phase and copper
electrowinning unit process must be designed to allow stripping of copper from the
organic phase.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 45

Figure 6.1: Scheme of common leach/solvent extraction/electrowinning circuit

6.2. Design criteria of copper SX

6.2.1. Maximum copper loading

Maximum loading (ML) is concentration of copper in the organic phase at

equilibrium with PLS. Figure (6.2) gives a graphical representation of loaded organic,
maximum loading and predicted absolute maximum loading.

Figure 6.2: Position of loaded organic and maximum loading on

MacCabe-Thiele diagram

Joseph Kafumbila Page 46

6.2.2. Extractant volume percent

Extractant volume percent is the volume percentage of extractant in organic


6.2.3. Copper net transfer

Copper net transfer is the quantity of copper, which is transferred to copper

electrowinning circuit per extractant volume percent. Copper net transfer is given by
equation (6.1). Copper net transfer depends on extractant volume percent, type of
extractant, PLS composition and configurations of extraction and stripping steps.

NetCu = (6.1)

Where “NetCu” is the copper net transfer ((g/L)/1Vol %), “𝐶𝑢𝐿𝑂 ” is the copper
tenor in loaded organic (g/L), “𝐶𝑢𝑆𝑂 ” is the copper tenor in stripped organic
(g/L), and “V%” is the extractant volume percent (%).

6.2.4. Percentage to maximum loading

Percentage of maximum loading (saturation ratio) is the ratio of copper

concentration in the loaded organic on maximum loading. The value of percentage to
maximum loading is given by equation (6.2).

%ML = x100 (6.2)

Where “%ML” is percentage of maximum loading (%), “𝐶𝑢𝐿𝑂 ” is copper tenor in

loaded organic (g/L), and “ML” is maximum loading (g/L).

6.2.5. Copper recovery

Equations (6.3) and (6.4) give respectively copper recovery on extraction and
stripping steps.

CuPLS −CuRaf
RCuex = CuPLS
x 100 (6.3)

RCust = x 100 (6.4)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 47

Where “𝑅𝐶𝑢𝑒𝑥 ” is extraction recovery (%), “𝑅𝐶𝑢𝑠𝑡 ” is stripping recovery (%),
“𝐶𝑢𝑃𝐿𝑆 ” is copper tenor in PLS (g/L), “𝐶𝑢𝑅𝑎𝑓 ” is copper tenor in raffinate (g/L),
“𝐶𝑢𝐿𝑂 ” is copper tenor in loaded organic (g/L), and “𝐶𝑢𝑆𝑂 ” is copper tenor in
stripped organic (g/L).

6.2.6. Advance and operating ratios (O/A)

Figure (6.3) gives scheme of solvent extraction stage. The scheme shows mixer
and settler of copper solvent extraction installation. Mixer receives a mixture of fresh
and recycle aqueous phases which have volume flowrates, respectively of “a” and “c”
m3/h and a mixture of fresh and recycle organic phases which have volume flowrates,
respectively of “b” and “d” m3/h. Advance ratio (O/A) is ratio of the organic phase
flowrate on aqueous phase flowrate, which are fed to stage. Operating ratio (O/A) is
ratio of the organic phase flowrate on aqueous phase flowrate into the mixer.

Equations (6.5) and (6.6) give respectively values of operating and advance
ratios (O/A) determined with stream flowrates.

O/AOPF = (a+c) (6.5)

O/AADF = a (6.6)

Figure 6.3: Scheme of solvent extraction stage

Joseph Kafumbila Page 48

Equations (6.7) and (6.8) give the value of the advance ratio (O/A) as a function
of the concentration of copper in aqueous and organic phases before and after extraction
respectively on extraction and stripping steps.

CuIaq −CuO 1
O/Aex aq
ADA = CuO −CuI = Slope "AC" (6.7)
or or

CuO −CuIaq 1
O/Ast aq
ADA = CuI −CuO = Slope "AC" (6.8)
or or

Where 𝐶𝑢𝑎𝑞 and 𝐶𝑢𝑎𝑞 are concentrations of copper respectively in inlet and
outlet aqueous phases on a stage and 𝐶𝑢𝑜𝑟 and 𝐶𝑢𝑜𝑟 are concentrations of
copper respectively in inlet and outlet organic phases on a stage.

6.2.7. Phase continuity

When operating ratio (O/A) is greater than 1.1/1, aqueous phase is dispersed in
the organic phase and mixer works in organic continuity regime. On the other side, when
operating ratio (O/A) is lower than 1/1.1, organic phase is dispersed in the aqueous
phase and mixer works in aqueous continuity regime. Between the two values of the
operating ratio (O/A) there is a transition zone where continuity regime changes
constantly. When mixer works in organic continuity regime organic entrainment in the
aqueous phase is low. On the other hand, when mixer works in aqueous continuity
regime aqueous entrainment in organic phase is low. In the new design of copper
solvent extraction value of operation ratio (O/A) is fixed at 1.25/1 to be far from
transition zone.

6.2.8. Number of stages on extraction step

Figure (6.4) gives the exiting configurations of extraction step of copper solvent

Joseph Kafumbila Page 49

Figure 6.4: Exiting configurations on extraction step

Joseph Kafumbila Page 50

6.2.9. Number of stages on stripping step

In the industrial practices counter current configuration usually used on

stripping step has either one stage or two stages in series. In the case of two stages in
series, first stage receives loaded organic and second stage receives spent electrolyte.
Figure (6.5) gives a scheme of stripping step having two stages in series. Notice that the
copper recovery increases with increasing the number of stages in series.

Figure 6.5: Scheme of stripping step having two stages in series

6.2.10. Stage efficiency

In industrial installation of copper solvent extraction, copper concentration out

of the mixer in aqueous and organic phases on extraction and stripping steps are not
equilibrium values. This phenomenon is due to [SORDERSTROM M. ET AL, 2010]:

 Residence time into the mixer: stage efficiency increases with increasing of mixer
residence time. In industrial practice residence time is ranged from 2 to 3
 Number of mixing stages: stage efficiency increases with increasing number of
mixing stages. In modern copper solvent extraction installation number of mixing
stages is 2.
 Viscosity of solution: stage efficiency decreases with increasing solution viscosity
(presence of impurities as Al and Mg).
 Operating ratio O/A: stage efficiency decreases with increasing of operating ratio
(O/A) (mixing is non-homogenous).
 Energy input and type of impeller: stage efficiency increases with increasing of
intensity of agitation. Notice that intense agitation can produce a mixture of
aqueous and organic phases which needs a long separation phases time.
 Co-extraction of impurities: stage efficiency decreases with increasing of co-
extraction of impurities (iron)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 51

According to Figures (5.2) and (5.4), Equations (6.9) and (6.10) give the stage
efficiencies calculated with the concentrations of copper in organic and in aqueous
respectively on extraction step. Equations (6.11) and (6.12) give the stage efficiencies
calculated with the concentrations of copper in organic and in aqueous respectively on
stripping step.

e YB −YA
Effor = 100 x (6.9)

e XB −XA
Effaq = 100 x (6.10)

s YB −YA
Effor = 100 x (6.11)

s XB −XA
Effaq = 100 x (6.12)

Mixer efficiency is a critical parameter to screen in copper solvent extraction

unit process in order to guarantee high value of copper net transfer. Low values of mixer
efficiency lead to higher reagent usage. With modern extractant and mixing equipment,
mixer efficiencies range from 90 to 100% on extraction step and from 95 to 100% on
stripping step. In industrial practices, average values of mixer efficiencies for the
Lix984N extractant are respectively 95 and 98% on extraction and stripping steps.

6.3. Metallurgical constraints of copper SX

6.3.1. Constraints between extraction and stripping steps

In copper solvent extraction plant having extraction step containing at least two
stages and stripping step containing one or two stages, equilibrium constraints between
extraction and stripping steps are given by Equations (6.13) and (6.14).

LOe = LOs (6.13)

SOe = SOs (6.14)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 52

6.3.2. Advance ratio (O/A) First constraint

The optimum value of advance ratio O/A of the extraction step must give the
smallest size of copper solvent extraction configuration. Second constraint

The organic loss in aqueous phase is low when the mixer works in organic
phase continuity regime. Operating ratio O/A of the last stage on extraction step and the
first stage on stripping step must be 1.25/1 to have organic continuity regime to reduce
loss of organic phase. In this continuity regime organic phase tenor in raffinate is around
50 ppm. Recovery of organic phase in pre-settler raffinate pond and in advance
electrolyte coalescing tank are respectively 30 and 75%. Third constraint

Loss of organic phase increases with increasing of crud formation. Crud is a

solid formed by mixing aqueous phase containing fine suspended solids with organic
phase. Crud is a thin and compact layer of solid around 50% organic by weight in
organic-aqueous interface in settler, which is stabilized emulsion. Solid particles that
give emulsion stability are typically demonstrated as silica, but any fine solid (<2
micron) that passes thickeners can cause crud formation. Clays, iron precipitate,
gypsum, quartz, and micas have all been linked to the crud formation in copper solvent
extraction. Silica is always present in PLS as fine silica particles and dissolved silica.
Dissolved silica precipitates and polymerizes as chains of colloidal silicon, which
absorbs organic. It has been observed that running organic continuous decreased silica
tenor in high acid strip where silica precipitation is most prevalent [LIU JIARSHE ET AL,
2002 and READETT, D.J. ET AL, 1995]. Crud formation linked to iron precipitate is due to high
pH in PLS. Hydrolysis and polymerization reactions of ferric are formed at pH greater
than 2 [READETT, D.J. ET AL, 1995]. Coagulants are used to remove silica gel in PLS and also
Crud treatment such as centrifugation or clay application is commonly used to recover
the organic phase [MUKUTUMA A. ET AL, 2008]. The second possibility is to add a stage
before the first stage on extraction step. This new stage is contained only diluent which
turns around on a stage. Silica gel is dissolved in diluent and is removed from PLS before
copper solvent extraction. Clay treatment is applied on diluent of new stage to remove
silica gel. First test results show that around 50% of silica gel has been removed from

Joseph Kafumbila Page 53 Fourth constraint

It has been observed that the stage efficiency on extraction step is greater when
the organic phase continuity regime is used [SORDERSTROM M. ET AL, 2010]. Actions

Therefore, all mixers on extraction and stripping steps must work in organic
continuity regime with value of the operating ratio (O/A) of 1.25/1. In this condition,
value of the advance ratio O/A that gives the smallest size of copper solvent extraction is
equal to value of operation ratio O/A of 1.25/1 on extraction step. On stripping step,
value of the advance ratio (O/A) is depended on the copper mass transferred to
stripping step and values of copper tenors in advance and spent electrolyte.

6.3.3. Copper concentration in spent electrolyte Constraint

In the copper electrowinning unit process, anodes are lead alloys because are
cheaper. Observations of operations of copper electrolysis show that corrosion of lead
anodes increases with increasing of current density. There are many scientific
explanations of this phenomenon. Simpler way to explain is that [ANDERSEN T. N., 1974]:

 First step lead anodes are in contact with copper electrolyte: free acid attacks
lead and forms PbSO4 in the form of scales on anode surface.
 Second step current is applied to copper electrowinning: water decomposition
takes place on a lead alloy between PbSO4 scales producing oxygen gas and acid.
Oxygen oxidizes PbSO4 into PbO2. Oxygen evolution on anodes removes lead
oxide because it takes place between scales.
 Once lead oxides are removed from anode surface, the second step starts again.
This phenomenon corrodes anodes. Removal of lead oxide by oxygen gas
evolution increases with increasing of current density of copper deposition.
 Presence of cobalt in copper electrolyte decreases the corrosion rate because
cobalt oxides precipitate between lead oxides scales and oxygen evolution takes
place on cobalt oxides.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 54 Actions

In industrial practices maximum value of operating current density is 400 A/m2

to have anode lifetimes around 7 years. The value of design current density is 300 A/m2
[J. KAFUMBILA, 2017B]. The minimum value of copper concentration in spent electrolyte
must be 30 g/L to have a compact copper deposit at design current density (general rule
in copper electrowinning for obtaining a compact copper deposit is: ratio of the
operating current density (A/m2) on copper tenor in spent electrolyte (g/L) must be
less than 10) [WINAND R., 1994]. Optimum copper tenor in spent electrolyte is 35 g/L for
operating current density ranged 280 – 320 A/m2.

6.3.4. Acid concentration in spent electrolyte Constraint

The maximum value of free acid concentration in spent electrolyte is also fixed
by lead anode behaviour. Initially, lead anodes used for direct copper electrowinning
unit process were lead 6-10% antimony. High strength antimony rich eutectic phase of
6-10% Sb lead alloys strengthens anode structure. But the introduction of copper
solvent extraction technology has markedly increased corrosion of Pb-Sb anodes. This
accelerated corrosion has been attributed to high acid levels encountered in these
solutions. Antimony rich phase is selectively attacked by the free acid resulting in high
lead release and anode shot life [ANDERSEN T. N., 1974].

Early 1980 rolled Pb-Ca-Sn alloys anodes have been introduced in the copper
electrowinning unit process to improve lead alloys corrosion behaviour due to free acid.
The corrosion rate of Pb-Ca-Sn alloys anodes is lower than that of Pb-Sb. Anode
corrosion due to high level of the free acid tenor in spent electrolyte for Pb-Ca-Sn alloys
takes place in another form. Free acid breaks contact between lead oxides and lead
alloys [ANDERSEN T. N., 1974]. Actions

Today, copper electrowinning circuit coupled to copper solvent extraction unit

process uses Pb-Ca-Sn anode and maximum value of the free acid concentration in spent
electrolyte is 190 g/L which gives anode lifetime of 7 years.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 55

6.3.5. Copper concentration in advance electrolyte First constraint

The maximum value of copper concentration in advance electrolyte is limited at

55 g/L to avoid crystallisation of copper in the first stage of stripping step. Second constraint

Copper concentration in advance electrolyte must be high to minimize the

number of scavenger cells in the copper electrowinning unit process. Actions

In industrial practices, copper concentration in advance electrolyte is ranged

from 50 to 55 g/L. Sometimes copper concentration in advance electrolyte is decreased
to 45 g/L to increase stripping efficiency for stripping step having one stage.

6.3.6. Percentage to maximum loading Old constraint - Highest copper extraction efficiency

At the beginning, configuration of copper solvent extraction had 3 or 4 stages on

extraction step and 2 stages on stripping because the organic phase had low maximum
copper loading ( around 0.39 (g/L)/1Vol%). The maximum copper loading of organic
phase had been improved to reach 0.52 (g/L)/1Vol% and the number of stages on
extraction step had been reduced to 2. This copper solvent extraction configuration was
called the conventional configuration. Metallurgical target was to have high copper
extraction efficiency. Copper concentration in PLS from heap leaching of low grade oxide
ores was around 4 g/L at pH 1.8. Advance and operating ratios (O/A) were the same
(1/1) on extraction step. First new constraint - Highest copper net transfer

Observation of operations of copper solvent extraction in the heap leaching

circuit was shown that copper extraction recovery was not the important parameter.
The most important parameter was capital cost of copper solvent extraction circuit in all
capital cost of the production plant. The capital cost of copper solvent extraction circuit
increases with increasing of flowrate of PLS and number of stages of extraction and
Joseph Kafumbila Page 56
stripping steps. The capital cost of copper solvent extraction decreases with increasing
of copper concentration in PLS. The increase of copper concentration in PLS increases
copper net transfer at the same value of copper concentration in stripped organic.

Actions which have been taken to minimize capital cost of copper solvent
extraction circuit in all capital cost of production plant in the heap leaching circuit were
the following:

 Copper solvent extraction configuration has been changed from 2Ex2S to 2Ex1S to
reduce the number of stages because copper concentrations in PLS are low (less
than 5 g/L).
 Value of copper net transfer must be high (good use of organic phase). In industrial
practices value of copper net transfer with Lix984N reagent range from 0.24 to 0.30
(g/L)/1vol% for 2Ex1S configuration.
 Size of copper solvent extraction must be the smallest (values of advance and
operating ratios (O/A) are the same on extraction step). Second new constraint - Iron rejection on organic phase

It has been observed that ferrous and ferric are transferred to copper
electrowinning circuit by physical entrainment. In addition, ferric is transferred by
chemical entrainment [HANS HEIN, 2005]. Solvent extraction reagents, capable to extract
selectively copper, were characterized on the selectivity of Cu extraction against ferric
contaminant. The test shows that the extraction of Ferric begins at pH around 1.5 [L.
GOTFRYD ET AL, 2013] lower than leaching pH of copper oxide ores of 1.8.

In all copper solvent extraction circuit having two stages in series on extraction
step, it has been observed that the concentration of iron in loaded organic out of stage of
rank 1 is lower than the concentration of iron in partially loaded organic out of stage of
rank 2. This effect is called “crowding” [HANS HEIN, 2005]. “Crowding” works well when
loaded organic is saturated with copper. The effect of the free acid concentration in
raffinate or semi raffinate on iron removal on loaded organic phase is lower than that of
saturation of loaded organic with copper [HANS HEIN, 2005].

Iron in the electrolyte of a copper electrowinning unit process causes reduction

of current efficiency. It is estimated that current efficiency increases by 2-3% for every 1
g/L drop in iron in electrolyte [D.R. SHAW ET AL, 2004]. The maximum concentration of
iron in copper electrolyte is 2g/L, which gives a value of current efficiency ranged from
88 to 92% at operating current density of 300 A/m2. At an operating current density of
375 A/m2 used in modern tank-house, iron concentration in electrolyte must be less
than 1 g/L. Usually bleed of spent electrolyte is applied to maintain iron concentration in
copper electrolyte at maximum level. Increasing of flowrate of spent electrolyte bleed

Joseph Kafumbila Page 57

increases the cost of cobalt reagent which is added to the copper EW circuit and the cost
linked to copper recycled. The cost linked to copper recycled can be evaluated in terms
of copper soluble losses and organic loss linked to increasing of extractant volume
percent caused by copper recycled. Loss of cobalt and copper recycled in electrolyte
bleed can be decreased by using FENIX iron control system [D.R. SHAW ET AL, 2004]. The
FENIX iron control system removes iron with resin on spent electrolyte bleed. A big
portion of outlet solution of FENIX is pumped back to copper electrolyte. Only a small
portion is pumped to leaching unit operation, which controls the level of other elements
in copper electrolyte.

The most important parameter is not the ratio of Cu/Fe in loaded organic phase,
but the ratio of Cu/Fe transferred to electrowinning unit process. Actions

In industrial practice ratio Cu/Fe transferred to copper electrowinning unit

process is ranged from 500 to 1000. In consequence copper recycled can reach 8% of
copper cathode. For reducing physical entrainment of iron in loaded organic phase, the
aqueous coalescing tank is placed before organic surge tank. For reducing chemical
entrainment of iron in loaded organic phase, there are two possibilities:

 Loaded organic phase is saturated with copper. The optimum value of %ML, which
gives the ratio Cu/Fe value of around 1000, is greater than 80% [N.B. DU PREEZ ET AL,
2015]. In industrial practice %ML values depends on the PLS copper tenor and the
copper solvent extraction recovery. The copper solvent extraction recovery must be
greater than 90%.
 Washing step is added between extraction step and stripping step. In this condition
capital cost of copper solvent extraction increases. Wash stage uses an aqueous
solution at pH of 2. Advance ratio (O/A) is around 50/1. In industrial practice iron
stripping efficiency is around 50% and copper recycle from wash stage represent
0.5 % of copper transferred [HANS HEIN, 2005].

Joseph Kafumbila Page 58

7. Modeling of Copper SX circuit

7.1. Flow diagram of Cu SX circuit

Copper SX circuit that has been selected to study the effect of dithionate is the
conventional SX circuit (2Ex2S). Figure (7.1) gives the flow diagram of the conventional
Cu SX circuit

Figure 7.1: Flow diagram of the conventional Cu SX circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 59

7.2. Modeling of Copper SX-EW circuit without dithionate

7.2.1. Base case - copper alone in PLS Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.2) gives the flow diagram of base case of Copper SX-EW circuit

Figure 7.2: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
only copper in PLS

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 60

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit. Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

SGL = -6.139 * 10−7 x [CT ]2 + 9.742 * 10−4 * CT + 1 (7.1)

Where “ 𝑆𝐺𝐿 ” is liquid specific gravity (t/m3) and “CT ” is the sum of
concentrations of soluble species (g/L)

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.
 Type of extractant: Lix984N.
 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 61

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2
(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.25)

C. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Cu concentration in advance electrolyte: around 50 g/L.
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.25)

D. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning. Modeling results

A. Estimation of flowrate of spent electrolyte

Equation (7.3) gives the approximate value of spent electrolyte flowrate

Joseph Kafumbila Page 62

Cu ∗ERCu 8∗0.96
Vsp =VPLS * =100*50−35=51.2±51m3/hrs. (7.3)
Cu −CCu

Where “𝑉𝑠𝑝 ” is flowrate of spent electrolyte, “𝑉𝑃𝐿𝑆 ” is flowrate of PLS, “𝐶𝐶𝑢 ” is
Copper concentration in the PLS, “𝐸𝑅𝐶𝑢 ” is approximate extraction recovery,
“𝐶𝐶𝑢 ” is Copper concentration in advance electrolyte and “𝐶𝐶𝑢 ” is Copper
concentration in spent electrolyte.

B. Optimal extractant volume percent

The constraint is to have the highest value of Copper extraction recovery. The
copper solvent extraction is modeled with different value of extractant volume percent.
Figure (7.3) gives the Copper extraction recovery versus extractant volume percent. The
optimal value of extractant volume percent is 30%.

Figure 7.3: Copper extraction recovery versus extractant volume percent (%)

C. Modeling results with extractant volume percent of 30%

Table (7.1) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit.

Tables (7.2) and (7.3) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base
case with 30% of extractant volume percent. Figure (7.4) gives copper flowrate in
percentage comparatively to the copper in PLS.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 63

Table 7.1: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 96.70 %
Net transfer 0.206 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.08 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.774 t/hrs

Table 7.2: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant
volume percent

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs 102,252 101,643 101,503 62,969
Volume m /hrs 100,000 99,969 99,963 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 51,000

SG t/m3 1,023 1,017 1,015 1,235

Cu g/L 8,000 1,713 0,264 10,475 5,445 4,286 5,617 35,000
Acid g/L 2,775 14,525 17,851 180,000

Table 7.3: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant
volume percent

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs 0,774
Mass t/hrs 0,195
Mass t/hrs 63,130 63,718 0,220
Volume m3/hrs 51,060 51,282 0,220
SG t/m3 1,236 1,243 1,000
Cu g/L 38,218 49,893
Acid g/L 171,865 143,364

Joseph Kafumbila Page 64

Figure 7.4: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
only copper in solution

7.2.2. Base case - Copper and other elements in PLS Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.2) gives the flow diagram of base case with PLS containing Copper and
other elements of Copper SX-EW circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 65

Figure 7.2: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
only copper in PLS

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 66 Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.
 Type of extractant: Lix984N.
 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

C. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 67

o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

D. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning. Modeling results

A. Iron concentration in PLS

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 68

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

B. Modeling results with extractant volume percent of 30% and other

elements in PLS

Table (7.5) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. The presence

of other elements in PLS increases Copper extraction recovery. Increasing of free sulfate
anion (SO−24 ) due to the presence of other elements in aqueous phase decreases the
concentration of free hydrogen ion (H + ) and free copper ion (Cu+2 ) according to
chemical reactions (4.b), (4.c) and (4.d) (FRANCISCO REYES ET AL, 2013).

SO−2 + −
4 + H =HSO4 (4.b)

SO−2 +
4 + 2H =H2 SO4 (4.c)

Cu+2 + SO−2
4 = CuSO4 (4.d)

Tables (7.6) and (7.7) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base
case with 30% of extractant volume percent and presence other elements in PLS. Figure
(7.5) gives copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and other
elements in PLS.

Table 7.5: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 97.16 %
Net transfer 0.207 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.185 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.777 t/hrs

Joseph Kafumbila Page 69

Table 7.6: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant
volume percent and presence of other elements in PLS

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 107,129 107,009 62,969
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 99,921 99,907 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 51,000
SG t/m3 1,078 1,072 1,071 1,235
Cu g/L 8,000 1,469 0,228 10,506 5,281 4,288 5,626 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,097 1,098 1,098
Fe(3) g/l 0,104 0,104 0,104
Co g/l 9,000 9,007 9,008
Mn g/l 4,000 4,003 4,004
Mg g/l 2,000 2,002 2,002
Zn g/l 1,500 1,501 1,501
Al g/l 1,000 1,001 1,001
Acid g/L 2,910 9,482 11,012 180,000

Table 7.7: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant
volume percent and presence of other elements in PLS

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs 0,777
Mass t/hrs 0,196
Mass r/hrs 63,131 63,721 0,221
Volume m3/hrs 51,060 51,283 0,221
SG t/m3 1,236 1,243 1,000
Cu g/L 38,233 49,964
Fe(2) g/l
Fe(3) g/l
Co g/l
Mn g/l
Mg g/l
Zn g/l
Al g/l
Acid g/L 171,828 143,198

Joseph Kafumbila Page 70

Figure 7.5: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
other elements in PLS

7.2.3. Base case - Extraction Fe(3) in organic phase Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.6) gives the flow diagram of base case with extraction of Fe(3) on
organic phase of Copper SX-EW circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 71

Figure 7.6: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
extraction of Fe(3) in organic phase

 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW. Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

Joseph Kafumbila Page 72

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 73

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)
on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3

K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):

o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

C. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

Joseph Kafumbila Page 74

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)
 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)

D. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe(2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW Modeling results

Table (7.9) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables (7.10)

and (7.11) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base case with 30% of
extractant volume percent and extraction of Fe(3) in organic phase. Figures (7.7) and
(7.8) give copper and iron flowrates (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
extraction of Fe(3) in organic phase.

Results show that the concentration of Iron in LOE1 is lower than the iron
concentration in LOE2. 2.93% of Copper is recycled to leach from CuEW because of Iron
extraction in organic phase.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 75

Table 7.9: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 97.16 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 894.63
Net transfer 0.207 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.300 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.754 t/hrs

Table 7.10: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and extraction of Fe(3) in organic phase

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 107,129 107,009 63,224
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 99,921 99,908 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 51,000
SG t/m3 1,078 1,072 1,071 1,240
Cu g/L 8,000 1,463 0,227 10,487 5,256 4,268 5,608 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,097 1,098 1,098 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 0,104 0,106 0,091 0,0117 0,0133 0,0010 0,0010 1,000
Co g/l 9,000 9,007 9,008
Mn g/l 4,000 4,003 4,004
Mg g/l 2,000 2,002 2,002
Zn g/l 1,500 1,501 1,501
Al g/l 1,000 1,001 1,001
Acid g/L 2,910 9,486 11,045 180,000

Joseph Kafumbila Page 76

Table 7.11: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and extraction of Fe(3) in organic phase

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs 0,754
Mass t/hrs 0,190
Mass r/hrs 63,386 63,977 0,838 0,184 0,831
Volume m3/hrs 51,062 51,346 0,838 0,102 0,670
SG t/m3 1,241 1,246 1,000 1,800 1,240
Cu g/L 38,238 49,904 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 0,999 0,993 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 0,999 1,019 1,000
Co g/l
Mn g/l
Mg g/l
Zn g/l
Al g/l
Acid g/L 171,831 143,062 1763,912 180,000

Figure 7.7: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
extraction of Fe(3) in organic phase

Joseph Kafumbila Page 77

Figure 7.8: Iron flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
extraction of Fe(3) in organic phase

7.2.4. Base case – Aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.9) gives the flow diagram of base case with aqueous phase
entrainment in organic phase of Copper SX-EW circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 78

Figure 7.9: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous entrainment in organic phase

 LOEnA: Aqueous entrainment in loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in

extraction train.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SOSnA: Aqueous entrainment in stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in
stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 79 Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 80

 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)

on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3

K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):

o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage E1: 1000ppm.
o Stage E2: 1000ppm.

C. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 81

 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)
 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 3-5 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage S1: 300ppm.
o Stage S2: 300ppm.

D. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe(2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW

Joseph Kafumbila Page 82 Modeling results

Table (7.12) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables

(7.13), (7.14) and (7.15) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base case
with 30% of extractant volume percent and aqueous phase entrainment in organic
phase. Figures (7.10) and (7.11) give copper and iron flowrates (%) for base case with
30% of extractant v/v and aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase.

Results show that sulfate coming with SOS2A in E2 increases the Copper
recovery and Iron coming with LOE1A in S1 increases the flowrate of EWBl.

Table 7.12: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 97.22 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 890.21
Net transfer 0.208 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.771 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.753 t/hrs
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte 3.168

Joseph Kafumbila Page 83

Table 7.13: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and aqueous entrainment in organic phase

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 107,127 106,920 0,125 0,125
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 99,921 99,820 125,000 0,117 125,000 0,117 125,000
SG t/m3 1,078 1,072 1,071 1,072 1,071
Cu g/L 8,000 1,438 0,223 10,423 1,438 5,256 0,223 4,193
Fe(2) g/l 1,097 1,098 1,098 1,098 1,098
Fe(3) g/l 0,104 0,106 0,091 0,0117 0,106 0,0133 0,091 0,0010
Co g/l 9,000 9,007 9,006 9,007 9,006
Mn g/l 4,000 4,003 4,003 4,003 4,003
Mg g/l 2,000 2,002 2,001 2,002 2,001
Zn g/l 1,500 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501
Al g/l 1,000 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001
Acid g/L 2,910 9,515 11,104 9,515 11,104

Table 7.14: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and aqueous entrainment in organic phase

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs 0,753
Mass t/hrs 0,190
Mass r/hrs 0,038 0,038 63,603 63,764 64,444
Volume m3/hrs 0,030 125,000 0,030 51,000 51,063 51,381
SG t/m3 1,249 1,254 1,247 1,249 1,254
Cu g/L 38,236 5,530 49,878 35,000 38,236 49,878
Fe(2) g/l 0,999 0,994 1,000 0,999 0,994
Fe(3) g/l 0,999 0,0010 1,018 1,000 0,999 1,018
Co g/l 1,419 1,430 1,420 1,419 1,430
Mn g/l 0,631 0,635 0,631 0,631 0,635
Mg g/l 0,315 0,318 0,316 0,315 0,318
Zn g/l 0,236 0,238 0,237 0,236 0,238
Al g/l 0,158 0,159 0,158 0,158 0,159
Acid g/L 171,907 143,177 180,000 171,907 143,177

Joseph Kafumbila Page 84

Table 7.14: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and aqueous entrainment in organic phase

17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,783 0,203 0,885
Volume m3/hrs 0,783 0,113 0,709
SG t/m3 1,000 1,800 1,247
Cu g/L 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 1,000
Co g/l 1,420
Mn g/l 0,631
Mg g/l 0,316
Zn g/l 0,237
Al g/l 0,158
Acid g/L 1763,912 180,000

Figure 7.10: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous entrainment in organic phase

Joseph Kafumbila Page 85

Figure 7.11: Iron flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous entrainment in organic phase

7.2.5. Base case – loaded organic wash stage Purpose

The reasons for adding loaded organic wash stage are:

 To remove around 50% of Fe(3) in organic phase.

 To remove aqueous phase entrainment in organic to increase the ratio
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.12) gives the flow diagram of base case with loaded organic wash
stage of Copper SX-EW circuit

Joseph Kafumbila Page 86

Figure 7.12: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
loaded organic wash stage

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 LOW: Loaded organic wash stage
 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEnA: Aqueous entrainment in loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in
extraction train.
 LOWW: water of loaded organic wash stage.
 LOWAc: Concentrated acid of loaded organic wash stage.
 LOWS: Wash solution of loaded organic wash stage.
 LOWF: Feed of loaded organic wash stage.
 LOWR: Raffinate of loaded organic wash stage.
 LOWRO: Raffinate out of loaded organic wash stage.
 LOWRR: Recycled raffinate inside of loaded organic wash stage.
Joseph Kafumbila Page 87
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SOSnA: Aqueous entrainment in stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in
stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW. Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 88

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)

on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3

K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

Joseph Kafumbila Page 89

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage E1: 1000ppm.
o Stage E2: 1000ppm.

C. Loaded organic wash stage

 O/A advance ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “1” on loaded organic
wash solution): 50.
 O/A operating Ratio: 1.25
 Acid concentration in loaded organic wash solution: 50g/L.
 Number of stage: 1.
 Mixing efficiency: 95%.
 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002): 1000ppm.

D. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)
 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 3-5 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage S1: 300ppm.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 90

o Stage S2: 300ppm.

E. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe(2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW Modeling results

Table (7.15) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables

(7.16), (7.17), (7.18) and (7.19) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base
case with 30% of extractant volume percent and loaded organic wash stage. Figures
(7.13) and (7.14) give copper and iron flowrates (%) for base case with 30% of
extractant v/v and aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase.

Results show that there is a decrease of copper extraction because of acid

coming with LOWRO to E1 and an accumulation of Copper in the wash stage circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 91

Table 7.15: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 96.69 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 1018.69
Cu Stripping efficiency – Wash stage 2.53 %
Fe Stripping efficiency – Wash stage 41.08 %
Cu/Fe in LOW 1684.99
Net transfer 0.209 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.477 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.772 t/hrs
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte 32.021

Table 7.16: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and loaded organic wash stage

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 109,649 109,417 0,125 0,125
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 102,284 102,181 125,000 0,117 125,000 0,117 125,000
SG t/m3 1,078 1,072 1,071 1,072 1,071
Cu g/L 8,000 1,721 0,273 10,797 1,721 5,459 0,273 4,265
Fe(2) g/l 1,097 1,077 1,077 1,077 1,077
Fe(3) g/l 0,104 0,111 0,099 0,0106 0,111 0,0118 0,099 0,0010
Co g/l 9,000 8,809 8,808 8,809 8,808
Mn g/l 4,000 3,915 3,915 3,915 3,915
Mg g/l 2,000 1,958 1,957 1,958 1,957
Zn g/l 1,500 1,468 1,468 1,468 1,468
Al g/l 1,000 0,979 0,979 0,979 0,979
Acid g/L 2,910 9,828 11,733 9,828 11,733

Joseph Kafumbila Page 92

Table 7.17: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and loaded organic wash stage

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,038 2,043 0,049 2,500 104,457 107,082 106,990 2,533
Volume m3/hrs 0,030 2,043 0,027 2,361 97,522 100,000 99,887 2,365
SG t/m3 1,242 1,000 1,800 1,059 1,071 1,071 1,071 1,071
Cu g/L 38,268 4,880 18,415 18,076 18,415 18,415
Fe(2) g/l 0,999 0,139 0,183 0,183 0,183 0,183
Fe(3) g/l 0,999 0,139 0,357 0,352 0,357 0,357
Co g/l 0,140 0,020 0,433 0,433 0,433 0,433
Mn g/l 0,062 0,009 0,192 0,192 0,192 0,192
Mg g/l 0,031 0,004 0,096 0,096 0,096 0,096
Zn g/l 0,023 0,003 0,072 0,072 0,072 0,072
Al g/l 0,016 0,002 0,048 0,048 0,048 0,048
Acid g/L 171,763 1763,912 50,000 18,749 19,331 18,749 18,749

Table 7.18: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and loaded organic wash stage

17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Mass t/hrs 0,772
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,125 0,038 63,262 63,426 64,107
Volume m3/hrs 125,000 0,117 125,000 0,030 51,000 51,062 51,374
SG t/m3 1,071 1,248 1,240 1,242 1,248
Cu g/L 10,524 18,415 5,614 49,994 35,000 38,268 49,994
Fe(2) g/l 0,183 0,993 1,000 0,999 0,993
Fe(3) g/l 0,0062 0,357 0,0010 1,006 1,000 0,999 1,006
Co g/l 0,433 0,140 0,141 0,140 0,140
Mn g/l 0,192 0,062 0,062 0,062 0,062
Mg g/l 0,096 0,031 0,031 0,031 0,031
Zn g/l 0,072 0,023 0,023 0,023 0,023
Al g/l 0,048 0,016 0,016 0,016 0,016
Acid g/L 18,749 142,772 180,000 171,763 142,772

Joseph Kafumbila Page 93

Table 7.19: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and loaded organic wash stage

25,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 29,000 30,000 31,000 32,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs 0,195
Mass r/hrs 0,092 0,438 0,408
Volume m3/hrs 0,051 0,438 0,329
SG t/m3 1,800 1,000 1,240
Cu g/L 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 1,000
Co g/l 0,141
Mn g/l 0,062
Mg g/l 0,031
Zn g/l 0,023
Al g/l 0,016
Acid g/L 1763,912 180,000

Figure 7.13: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
loaded organic wash stage

Joseph Kafumbila Page 94

Figure 7.14: Iron flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
loaded organic wash stage

7.2.6. Base case – Aqueous coalescing tank Purpose

The reason for adding aqueous coalescing tank is to remove aqueous phase
entrainment in organic to increase the ratio Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.15) gives the flow diagram of base case with aqueous coalescing tank
of Copper SX-EW circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.
 ACT: Aqueous coalescing tank

Joseph Kafumbila Page 95

Figure 7.15: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous coalescing tank

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEnA: Aqueous entrainment in loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in
extraction train.
 LOACT: loaded organic from aqueous coalescing tank.
 LOACTA: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic from aqueous
coalescing tank.
 ACTS: Solution from aqueous coalescing tank.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SOSnA: Aqueous entrainment in stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in
stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 96 Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu
Joseph Kafumbila Page 97
CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)

on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3

K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):

o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage E1: 1000ppm.
o Stage E2: 1000ppm.

C. Aqueous coalescing tank

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 25m3/m2/hr:


Joseph Kafumbila Page 98

D. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)
 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 3-5 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage S1: 300ppm.
o Stage S2: 300ppm.

E. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe(2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

Joseph Kafumbila Page 99

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW Modeling results

Table (7.20) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables

(7.21), (7.22) and (7.23) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base case
with 30% of extractant volume percent and aqueous coalescing tank. Figures (7.16) and
(7.17) give copper and iron flowrates (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous coalescing tank.

Results show that the ratio Fe/Mn increases to 7.463.

Table 7.20: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 97.17 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 894.29
Net transfer 0.208 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.515 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.754 t/hrs
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte 7.463

Joseph Kafumbila Page 100

Table 7.21: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and aqueous coalescing tank

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 107,203 106,996 0,125 0,125
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 99,991 99,890 125,000 0,117 125,000 0,117 125,000
SG t/m3 1,078 1,072 1,071 1,072 1,071
Cu g/L 8,000 1,453 0,227 10,464 1,453 5,226 0,227 10,464
Fe(2) g/l 1,097 1,098 1,098 1,098 1,098
Fe(3) g/l 0,104 0,106 0,091 0,0117 0,106 0,0132 0,091 0,0117
Co g/l 9,000 9,007 9,006 9,007 9,006
Mn g/l 4,000 4,003 4,003 4,003 4,003
Mg g/l 2,000 2,002 2,001 2,002 2,001
Zn g/l 1,500 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501
Al g/l 1,000 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001
Acid g/L 2,910 9,497 11,099 9,497 11,099

Table 7.22: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and aqueous coalescing tank

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,050 0,075 0,038 0,038 63,386 63,548
Volume m3/hrs 0,047 0,070 125,000 0,030 125,000 0,030 51,000 51,062
SG t/m3 1,072 1,072 1,245 1,250 1,243 1,245
Cu g/L 1,453 1,453 4,236 38,239 5,574 49,941 35,000 38,239
Fe(2) g/l 1,098 1,098 0,999 0,994 1,000 0,999
Fe(3) g/l 0,106 0,106 0,0010 0,999 0,0010 1,020 1,000 0,999
Co g/l 9,007 9,007 0,602 0,607 0,603 0,602
Mn g/l 4,003 4,003 0,268 0,270 0,268 0,268
Mg g/l 2,002 2,002 0,134 0,135 0,134 0,134
Zn g/l 1,501 1,501 0,100 0,101 0,100 0,100
Al g/l 1,001 1,001 0,067 0,067 0,067 0,067
Acid g/L 9,497 9,497 171,858 143,171 180,000 171,858

Joseph Kafumbila Page 101

Table 7.23: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and aqueous coalescing tank

17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Mass t/hrs 0,754
Mass t/hrs 0,190
Mass r/hrs 64,152 0,815 0,191 0,829
Volume m3/hrs 51,308 0,815 0,106 0,667
SG t/m3 1,250 1,000 1,800 1,243
Cu g/L 49,941 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 0,994 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 1,020 1,000
Co g/l 0,607 0,603
Mn g/l 0,270 0,268
Mg g/l 0,135 0,134
Zn g/l 0,101 0,100
Al g/l 0,067 0,067
Acid g/L 143,171 1763,912 180,000

Figure 7.16: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous coalescing tank

Joseph Kafumbila Page 102

Figure 7.17: Iron flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous coalescing tank

7.2.7. Base case – Spraying water on loaded organic phase Purpose

The reason for adding aqueous coalescing tank is to remove aqueous phase
entrainment in organic to increase the ratio Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.18) gives the flow diagram of base case with spraying water on loaded
organic of Copper SX-EW circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.
 ACT: Aqueous coalescing tank.
 DL: Discharge launder of E1

Joseph Kafumbila Page 103

Figure 7.18: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
spraying water on loaded organic

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEnA: Aqueous entrainment in loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in
extraction train.
 DLW: Spraying water on loaded organic in E1 discharge launder.
 LODL: Loaded organic from E1 discharge launder.
 LODLA: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic from E1 discharge
 LOACT: loaded organic from aqueous coalescing tank.
 LOACTA: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic from aqueous
coalescing tank.
 ACTS: Solution from aqueous coalescing tank.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SOSnA: Aqueous entrainment in stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in
stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
Joseph Kafumbila Page 104
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW. Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 105

 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)

on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3

K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):

o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage E1: 1000ppm.
o Stage E2: 1000ppm.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 106

C. Spraying water in E1 discharge launder

 Wash water in loaded organic: 500ppm

D. Aqueous coalescing tank

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 25m3/m2/hr:


E. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)
 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 3-5 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage S1: 300ppm.
o Stage S2: 300ppm.

F. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 107

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe(2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW Modeling results

Table (7.24) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables

(7.25), (7.26), (7.27) and (7.28) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base
case with 30% of extractant volume percent and aqueous coalescing tank. Figures (7.19)
and (7.20) give copper and iron flowrates (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v
and aqueous coalescing tank.

Results show that the ratio Fe/Mn increases to 11.052.

Table 7.24: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 97.16 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 894.95
Net transfer 0.208 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.452 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.754 t/hrs
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte 11.052

Joseph Kafumbila Page 108

Table 7.25: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and spraying water on loaded organic

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 107,266 107,058 0,125 0,125 0,063
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 100,052 99,952 125,000 0,117 125,000 0,117 0,063
SG t/m3 1,078 1,072 1,071 1,072 1,071 1,000
Cu g/L 8,000 1,456 0,228 10,474 1,456 5,239 0,228
Fe(2) g/l 1,097 1,098 1,098 1,098 1,098
Fe(3) g/l 0,104 0,106 0,091 0,0117 0,106 0,0132 0,091
Co g/l 9,000 9,003 9,002 9,003 9,002
Mn g/l 4,000 4,001 4,001 4,001 4,001
Mg g/l 2,000 2,001 2,000 2,001 2,000
Zn g/l 1,500 1,501 1,500 1,501 1,500
Al g/l 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Acid g/L 2,910 9,490 11,094 9,490 11,094

Table 7.26: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and spraying water on loaded organic

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,188 0,050 0,138 0,038
Volume m3/hrs 125,000 0,179 125,000 0,048 0,131 125,000 0,030 125,000
SG t/m3 1,048 1,048 1,048 1,244
Cu g/L 10,474 0,949 10,474 0,949 0,949 4,247 38,242 5,586
Fe(2) g/l 0,715 0,715 0,715 0,999
Fe(3) g/l 0,0117 0,069 0,0117 0,069 0,069 0,0010 0,999 0,0010
Co g/l 5,868 5,868 5,868 0,407
Mn g/l 2,608 2,608 2,608 0,181
Mg g/l 1,304 1,304 1,304 0,090
Zn g/l 0,978 0,978 0,978 0,068
Al g/l 0,652 0,652 0,652 0,045
Acid g/L 7,055 7,055 7,055 171,842

Joseph Kafumbila Page 109

Table 7.27: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and spraying water on loaded organic

17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Mass t/hrs 0,754
Mass t/hrs 0,190
Mass r/hrs 0,038 63,334 63,496 64,100 0,806 0,189
Volume m3/hrs 0,030 51,000 51,062 51,307 0,806 0,105
SG t/m3 1,249 1,242 1,244 1,249 1,000 1,800
Cu g/L 49,940 35,000 38,242 49,940
Fe(2) g/l 0,994 1,000 0,999 0,994
Fe(3) g/l 1,020 1,000 0,999 1,020
Co g/l 0,410 0,407 0,407 0,410
Mn g/l 0,182 0,181 0,181 0,182
Mg g/l 0,091 0,090 0,090 0,091
Zn g/l 0,068 0,068 0,068 0,068
Al g/l 0,046 0,045 0,045 0,046
Acid g/L 143,126 180,000 171,842 143,126 1763,912

Table 7.28: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 30% of Extractant v/v
and spraying water on loaded organic

25,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 29,000 30,000 31,000 32,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,817
Volume m3/hrs 0,658
SG t/m3 1,242
Cu g/L 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 1,000
Co g/l 0,407
Mn g/l 0,181
Mg g/l 0,090
Zn g/l 0,068
Al g/l 0,045
Acid g/L 180,000

Joseph Kafumbila Page 110

Figure 7.19: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
spraying water on loaded organic

Figure 7.20: Iron flowrate (%) for base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
spraying water on loaded organic

Joseph Kafumbila Page 111

7.2.8. Base case – 80% maximum load (optimal configuration) Purpose

The reason to have 80% maximum load is to reduce the flowrate of EWBl. Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.21) gives the flow diagram of base case with 80% maximum load of
Copper SX-EW circuit

Figure 7.21: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case 80% maximum load

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.
 ACT: Aqueous coalescing tank.
 DL: Discharge launder of E1

Joseph Kafumbila Page 112

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEnA: Aqueous entrainment in loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in
extraction train.
 DLW: Spraying water on loaded organic in E1 discharge launder.
 LODL: Loaded organic from E1 discharge launder.
 LODLA: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic from E1 discharge
 LOACT: loaded organic from aqueous coalescing tank.
 LOACTA: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic from aqueous
coalescing tank.
 ACTS: Solution from aqueous coalescing tank.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SOSnA: Aqueous entrainment in stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in
stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW. Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 113

o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Ratio LO/ML: 80%.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)

on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 114
[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3
K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):

o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage E1: 1000ppm.
o Stage E2: 1000ppm.

C. Spraying water in E1 discharge launder

 Wash water in loaded organic: 1500ppm

D. Aqueous coalescing tank

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 25m3/m2/hr:


E. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

Joseph Kafumbila Page 115

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)
 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 3-5 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage S1: 300ppm.
o Stage S2: 300ppm.

F. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe(2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW Modeling results

Table (7.29) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables

(7.30), (7.31), (7.32) and (7.33) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit base
with 80% maximum load. Figures (7.22) and (7.23) give copper and iron flowrates (%)
for base case with 80% of maximum load.

Results show that comparatively to Copper solvent extraction with 30% and
loaded organic wash stage, extractant percent in organic phase decreases from 30% to
25.98%. But the copper in the raffinate increases from 3.49% to 4.27%.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 116

Table 7.29: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 25.98 %
Ratio LO/ML 80 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 95.80 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 1365.15
Net transfer 0.240 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 63.035 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.766 t/hrs
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte 10.828

Table 7.30: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 80% maximum load

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 107,909 107,643 0,125 0,125 0,188
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 100,543 100,434 125,000 0,116 125,000 0,117 0,188
SG t/m3 1,078 1,073 1,072 1,073 1,072 1,000
Cu g/L 8,000 2,159 0,340 9,899 2,159 5,132 0,340
Fe(2) g/l 1,097 1,096 1,096 1,096 1,096
Fe(3) g/l 0,104 0,108 0,100 0,0073 0,108 0,0076 0,100
Co g/l 9,000 8,962 8,961 8,962 8,961
Mn g/l 4,000 3,983 3,983 3,983 3,983
Mg g/l 2,000 1,991 1,991 1,991 1,991
Zn g/l 1,500 1,494 1,494 1,494 1,494
Al g/l 1,000 0,996 0,996 0,996 0,996
Acid g/L 2,910 9,274 11,589 9,274 11,589

Joseph Kafumbila Page 117

Table 7.31: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 80% maximum load

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,313 0,050 0,263 0,038
Volume m3/hrs 125,000 0,304 125,000 0,049 0,255 125,000 0,030 125,000
SG t/m3 1,029 1,029 1,029 1,243
Cu g/L 9,899 0,828 9,899 0,828 0,828 3,659 37,989 4,893
Fe(2) g/l 0,420 0,420 0,420 0,999
Fe(3) g/l 0,0073 0,041 0,0073 0,041 0,041 0,0010 0,999 0,0010
Co g/l 3,438 3,438 3,438 0,415
Mn g/l 1,528 1,528 1,528 0,185
Mg g/l 0,764 0,764 0,764 0,092
Zn g/l 0,573 0,573 0,573 0,069
Al g/l 0,382 0,382 0,382 0,046
Acid g/L 4,726 4,726 4,726 172,474

Table 7.32: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 80% maximum load

17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Mass t/hrs 0,766
Mass t/hrs 0,193
Mass r/hrs 0,038 63,336 63,485 64,104 0,543 0,110
Volume m3/hrs 0,030 51,000 51,057 51,309 0,543 0,061
SG t/m3 1,249 1,242 1,243 1,249 1,000 1,800
Cu g/L 49,969 35,000 37,989 49,969
Fe(2) g/l 0,994 1,000 0,999 0,994
Fe(3) g/l 1,009 1,000 0,999 1,009
Co g/l 0,416 0,416 0,415 0,416
Mn g/l 0,185 0,185 0,185 0,185
Mg g/l 0,092 0,092 0,092 0,092
Zn g/l 0,069 0,069 0,069 0,069
Al g/l 0,046 0,046 0,046 0,046
Acid g/L 143,090 180,000 172,474 143,090 1763,912

Joseph Kafumbila Page 118

Table 7.33: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit base case with 80% maximum load

25,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 29,000 30,000 31,000 32,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,462
Volume m3/hrs 0,372
SG t/m3 1,242
Cu g/L 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 1,000
Co g/l 0,416
Mn g/l 0,185
Mg g/l 0,092
Zn g/l 0,069
Al g/l 0,046
Acid g/L 180,000

Figure 7.22: Copper flowrate (%) for base case with 80% maximum load

Joseph Kafumbila Page 119

Figure 7.23: Iron flowrate (%) for base case with 80% maximum load

7.3. Modeling of Copper SX-EW circuit with dithionate

7.3.1. Dithionate case - Copper and other elements in PLS Flow diagram of dithionate case

Figure (7.2) gives the flow diagram of dithionate case with PLS containing
Copper and other elements of Copper SX-EW circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 120

Figure 7.2: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
only copper in PLS

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 121 Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.
o S2 O−26 concentration: calculated using Equation (7.6) (J.

C(S2 O−2
6 )
=19.308+2.471*(CCo +CMn +CFe(2) )-49.112Eh (7.6)

Where “𝐶(𝑆2 𝑂6−2 ) ”, “𝐶𝐶𝑜 ”, “𝐶𝑀𝑛 ” and “𝐶𝐹𝑒(2) ” are the concentrations of 𝑆2 𝑂6−2, Co,
Mn and Fe(2) in solution (g/L) and “Eh” is redox potential of solution (V).

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

Joseph Kafumbila Page 122

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.
 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 In the model is explained in chapter (4.4.4), Equation of negative

electrical charge includes the charge of dithionate and Ionic strength
Equation includes molar of dithionate.

C. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 In the model is explained in chapter (4.4.4), Equation of negative

electrical charge includes the charge of dithionate and Ionic strength
Equation includes molar of dithionate.

D. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

Joseph Kafumbila Page 123

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning. Modeling results

Table (7.34) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. In PLS, the

concentrations of Fe(2) and Fe(3) change from 1.097g/L and 0.104g/L respectively to
1.611g/L and 0.082g/L in presence of dithionate and in equilibrium with copiapite.
Fe(3) concentration decreases in PLS with the presence of dithionate because soluble
compounds of Fe(3) are almost the complex compounds of Fe(3) with sulfate (FeSO+ 4,
− +2
Fe(SO4 )2 , FeHSO4 , FeH(SO4 )2).

The presence of dithionate decreases Copper extraction recovery comparatively

to base case 30% extractant v/v and all elements in PLS. The presence of dithionate
decreases the concentration of free sulfate (SO−2
4 ) to the neutrality on electrical charge
of solution. Decreasing of free sulfate anion (SO−2
4 ) due to the presence of dithionate in
aqueous phase increases the concentration of free hydrogen ion (H + ) and free copper
ion (Cu+2) according to chemical reactions (4.b), (4.c) and (4.d).

SO−2 + −
4 + H =HSO4 (4.b)

SO−2 +
4 + 2H =H2 SO4 (4.c)

Cu+2 + SO−2
4 = CuSO4 (4.d)

Tables (7.35) and (7.36) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit
dithionate case with 30% of extractant volume percent. Figure (7.24) gives copper
flowrate (%) for dithionate case with 30% of extractant v/v.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 124

Table 7.34: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 96.00 %
Net transfer 0.205 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 58.925 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.768 t/hrs

Table 7.35: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case with 30% extractant

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 107,762 108,070 107,932 62,969
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 99,917 99,898 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 51,000
SG t/m3 1,078 1,082 1,080 1,235
Cu g/L 8,000 1,742 0,320 10,427 5,420 4,283 5,605 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,611 1,612 1,612
Fe(3) g/l 0,082 0,083 0,083
Co g/l 9,000 9,008 9,009
Mn g/l 4,000 4,003 4,004
Mg g/l 2,000 2,002 2,002
Zn g/l 1,500 1,501 1,502
Al g/l 1,000 1,001 1,001
S2O6(-2) g/l 27,489 27,512 27,517
Acid g/L 2,873 11,360 13,700 180,00

Joseph Kafumbila Page 125

Table 7.36: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case with 30% extractant

8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000

Mass t/hrs 0,768
Mass t/hrs 0,194
Mass r/hrs 63,129 63,712 0,218
Volume m3/hrs 51,059 51,280 0,218
SG t/m3 1,236 1,242 1,000
Cu g/L 38,195 49,786
Fe(2) g/l
Fe(3) g/l
Co g/l
Mn g/l
Mg g/l
Zn g/l
Al g/l
S2O6(-2) g/l
Acid g/L 171,924 143,618

Figure 7.24: Copper flowrate (%) for dithionate case with 30% extractant v/v

Joseph Kafumbila Page 126

7.3.2. Dithionate case – Aqueous phase entrainment in organic
phase Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.25) gives the flow diagram of base case with aqueous phase
entrainment in organic phase of Copper SX-EW circuit

Figure 7.25: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW base case with 30% of extractant v/v and
aqueous entrainment in organic phase

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 127

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEnA: Aqueous entrainment in loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in
extraction train.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SOSnA: Aqueous entrainment in stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in
stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW.
 EWS: Elementary sulfur. Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.
o S2 O−26 concentration: calculated using Equation (7.6) (J.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 128

C(S2 O−2
6 )
=19.308+2.471*(CCo +CMn +CFe(2) )-49.112Eh (7.6)

Where “𝐶(𝑆2 𝑂6−2 ) ”, “𝐶𝐶𝑜 ”, “𝐶𝑀𝑛 ” and “𝐶𝐹𝑒(2) ” are the concentrations of 𝑆2 𝑂6−2, Co,
Mn and Fe(2) in solution (g/L) and “Eh” is redox potential of solution (V).

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)

on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Joseph Kafumbila Page 129

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3

K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):

o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage E1: 1000ppm.
o Stage E2: 1000ppm.

C. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 130

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 3-5 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage S1: 300ppm.
o Stage S2: 300ppm.

D. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Dithionate decomposition
o Half of dithionate is oxidized to sulfate by oxygen on anode
according to the chemical (7.d). Equation (7.7) gives mass of
oxygen gas used to oxidize dithionate to sulfate.

(−2) (−2)
S2 O6 +O2 +2H2 O=4SO4 +4H + (7.d)

M(O2 ) =0.050*M(S (−2) (7.7)

2 O6 )

o Half of dithionate is reduce to elementary sulfur on cathode

according to the chemical reaction (7.e). Equation (7.8) gives
mass of oxygen gas produced to reduce dithionate to elementary

S2 O6 +8H + =10O2 +8S ° +4H2 O (7.e)

M(O2 ) =0.500*M(S (−2) (7.8)

2 O6 )

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe (2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW

Joseph Kafumbila Page 131 Modeling results

Table (7.37) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables

(7.38), (7.39) and (7.40) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit dithionate
case with 30% of extractant volume percent and aqueous phase entrainment in organic
phase. Figures (7.26) and (7.27) give copper and iron flowrates (%) for dithionate case
with 30% of extractant v/v and aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase.

The low level of Fe(3) in PLS and the presence of high concentration of
hydrogen ions increase the ratio Cu/Fe in LO from 890.21 to 1908.95 comparatively to
the flow diagram without dithionate.

The copper solvent extraction recovery decreases from 97.22% to 96.20%

comparatively to the flow diagram without dithionate. In this condition, the only
remaining operation is to reduce the ratio Fe/Mn in Cu electrowinning circuit.

Table 7.37: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 96.20 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 1908.95
Net transfer 0.205 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.961 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.758 t/hrs
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte 1.614

Joseph Kafumbila Page 132

Table 7.38: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case with 30% extractant
v/v with aqueous entrainment

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 108,683 108,071 107,849 0,125 0,125
Volume m3/hrs 100,000 99,916 99,812 125,000 0,116 125,000 0,116 125,000
SG t/m3 1,087 1,082 1,081 1,081 1,081
Cu g/L 8,000 1,681 0,305 10,281 1,681 5,225 0,305 4,116
Fe(2) g/l 1,632 1,633 1,633 1,633 1,633
Fe(3) g/l 0,084 0,084 0,078 0,0054 0,084 0,0059 0,078 0,0010
Co g/l 9,000 9,008 9,007 9,008 9,007
Mn g/l 4,000 4,003 4,003 4,003 4,003
Mg g/l 2,000 2,002 2,002 2,002 2,002
Zn g/l 1,500 1,501 1,501 1,501 1,501
Al g/l 1,000 1,001 1,001 1,001 1,001
S2O6(-2) g/l 27,541 27,565 27,561 27,565 27,561
Acid g/L 2,873 11,457 13,812 11,457 13,812

Table 7.39: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case with 30% extractant
v/v with aqueous entrainment

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs 0,758
Mass t/hrs 0,192
Mass r/hrs 0,038 0,038 63,954 64,113 64,788
Volume m3/hrs 0,030 125,000 0,030 51,000 51,063 51,385
SG t/m3 1,256 1,261 1,254 1,256 1,261
Cu g/L 38,178 5,430 49,715 35,000 38,178 49,715
Fe(2) g/l 0,999 0,996 1,000 0,999 0,996
Fe(3) g/l 0,999 0,0010 1,003 1,000 0,999 1,003
Co g/l 2,785 2,787 2,789 2,785 2,787
Mn g/l 1,238 1,238 1,239 1,238 1,238
Mg g/l 0,619 0,619 0,620 0,619 0,619
Zn g/l 0,464 0,464 0,465 0,464 0,464
Al g/l 0,309 0,310 0,310 0,309 0,310
S2O6(-2) g/l 0,000 0,062 0,000 0,000 0,062
Acid g/L 172,090 143,922 180,000 172,090 143,922

Joseph Kafumbila Page 133

Table 7.40: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case with 30% extractant
v/v with aqueous entrainment

17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Mass t/hrs 6,381E-04
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,448 0,099 0,431
Volume m3/hrs 0,448 0,055 0,344
SG t/m3 1,000 1,800 1,254
Cu g/L 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 1,000
Co g/l 2,789
Mn g/l 1,239
Mg g/l 0,620
Zn g/l 0,465
Al g/l 0,310
S2O6(-2) g/l 0,000
Acid g/L 1763,912 180,000

Figure 7.26: Copper flowrate (%) for dithionate case with 30% extractant v/v
and aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase

Joseph Kafumbila Page 134

Figure 7.27: Iron flowrate (%) for dithionate case with 30% extractant v/v and
aqueous phase entrainment in organic phase

7.3.3. Dithionate case – Optimal configuration Purpose

The most important constraint is to have the highest copper solvent extraction
recovery because the presence of dithionate in PLS removes the Iron constraint. Flow diagram of base case

Figure (7.28) gives the flow diagram of dithionate case – optimal configuration
of Copper SX-EW circuit

Abbreviations of unit operations:

 Extraction En: Stage of rank “n” in extraction train.

 Stripping Sn: Stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 CuEW: Copper electrowinning circuit.
 ACT: Aqueous coalescing tank.
 DL: Discharge launder of E1

Joseph Kafumbila Page 135

Figure 7.28: Flow diagram of Copper SX-EW dithionate case – optimal configuration

Abbreviations of lines between unit operations:

 PLS: Pregnant leach solution.

 RafEn: Raffinate of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEn: Loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in extraction train.
 LOEnA: Aqueous entrainment in loaded organic of stage of rank “n” in
extraction train.
 DLW: Spraying water on loaded organic in E1 discharge launder.
 LODL: Loaded organic from E1 discharge launder.
 LODLA: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic from E1 discharge
 LOACT: loaded organic from aqueous coalescing tank.
 LOACTA: Aqueous entrainment of loaded organic from aqueous
coalescing tank.
 ACTS: Solution from aqueous coalescing tank.
 SOSn: Stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 SOSnA: Aqueous entrainment in stripped organic of stage of rank “n” in
stripping train.
 SP: Spent electrolyte.
 AdSn: Advance electrolyte of stage of rank “n” in stripping train.
 EWW: Water in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWCC: Copper cathode in copper electrowinning circuit.
Joseph Kafumbila Page 136
 EWO: Oxygen in copper electrowinning circuit.
 EWAc: Concentrated acid added to CuEW.
 EWBl: Iron bleed of CuEW.
 EWS: Elementary sulfur. Design criteria

A. Liquid specific gravity

Equation (7.1) gives the approximate value of specific gravity of liquid in as

function of liquid chemical composition (J. KAFUMBILA, 2017A).

B. Extraction train

 PLS flow rate: 100 m3/hrs

 PLS composition:
o Copper concentration: 8 g/L.
o Iron concentration: Saturation concentration.
o Cobalt concentration: 9.0 g/L.
o Manganese concentration: 4.0 g/L.
o Magnesium concentration: 2.0 g/L.
o Zinc concentration: 1.5 g/L.
o Aluminum concentration: 1.0 g/L
o Acid concentration: pH 1.7.
o S2 O−26 concentration: calculated using Equation (7.6) (J.

C(S2 O−2
6 )
=19.308+2.471*(CCo +CMn +CFe(2) )-49.112Eh (7.6)

Where “𝐶(𝑆2 𝑂6−2 ) ”, “𝐶𝐶𝑜 ”, “𝐶𝑀𝑛 ” and “𝐶𝐹𝑒(2) ” are the concentrations of 𝑆2 𝑂6−2, Co,
Mn and Fe(2) in solution (g/L) and “Eh” is redox potential of solution (V).

Iron is precipitated as copiapite during Copper and Cobalt leaching when the
solubility of Iron reaches the saturation concentration. Equation (7.4) gives
precipitation condition of chemical reaction (7.b). The value of Log(K (7.b) ) is given in
Table (7.4) (J. KAFUMBILA, 2022).

Fe+2+4Fe+3 +6SO−2
4 + 22H2 O = Fe5 (SO4 )6 (OH)2 . 20H2 O + 2H

Log(K (7.b) )=-2*pH-log(a(Fe(+2)) )-4*log(a(Fe(+3)) )-6*log(a(SO−2

4 )
)-22*log(aw ) (7.4)

Joseph Kafumbila Page 137

Table 7.4: Equilibrium constant of chemical reactions at 25°C

reaction Log (k) Reference

7.b 33.737 Calculated

 Type of extractant: Lix984N.

 O/A ratio (Loaded organic of stage of rank “2” on extraction train onto
HGPLS): 1.25.
 Number of stage: 2.
 Mixing efficiency for Copper:
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuSO4 + 2HR → CuR2 + H2SO4 (2.a)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-109.99 * v/v%(−1.699) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 46.386 * v/v%(−0.618) (4.105)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Equilibrium Fe(III) concentration: Data of Lix984 (HOSSEIN AMINIAN, 1999)

on extraction train. Equation (7.5) gives equilibrium constant of
chemical reaction (7.c). This equilibrium constant has been obtained by
using the old method. This method can be used together with the new
model of copper solvent extraction because the level of ferric extraction
in organic phase is very low. The value of “K e ” is given in Table (7.8).

Fe+3+3HR=FeR 3 +3H + (7.c)

[FeR ]∗([H+ ])3

K e =[Fe+33]∗([HR])3 (7.5)

Where “[𝐹𝑒𝑅3 ]” is the concentration of ferric in organic phase (mol/L),

“[𝐹𝑒 +3 ]” is total concentration of ferric in aqueous phase (mol/L), [𝐻 + ] is
concentration of hydrogen ion in aqueous phase (mol/L) and [𝐻𝑅] is the
concentration free extractant in organic phase (mol/L).

Table (7.8): Equilibrium constants of reaction (7.c) at 25°C

Chemical reaction logK Reference

7.c -3.431 Hossein Aminian, 1999

Joseph Kafumbila Page 138

 Mixing efficiency for Fe(III) (assuming the same as for Copper):
o Stage E1: 95%.
o Stage E2: 96%.

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 5-6 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage E1: 1000ppm.
o Stage E2: 1000ppm.

C. Spraying water in E1 discharge launder

 Wash water in loaded organic: 2500ppm

D. Aqueous coalescing tank

 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 25m3/m2/hr:


E. Stripping train

 Number of stage: 2.
 Spent electrolyte flow rate: 51 m3/hrs
 Spent electrolyte composition:
o Copper concentration: 35 g/L.
o Acid concentration: 180 g/L.
 Mixing efficiency:
o Stage S1: 98%.
o Stage S2: 95%.
 Equilibrium condition of Cu

CuR2 + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2HR (2.b)

Ce(CuR2 ) ∗ (Ce + ∗γ(H+ ) )2

(H )
=(-80.719 * v/v%(−1.508) ) ∗ Cue(or)+ 87.123* v/v%(−0.826) (4.106)
Ce(Cu+2 ) ∗γ(Cu+2 ) ∗ (Ce(HR) )2

 Model is explained in chapter (4.4.4)

 Fe(3) concentration in organic phase: 1ppp (HANS HEIN, 2005)
 Aqueous entrainment in organic for settle flux about 3-5 m3/m2/hr (G.
MILLER ET AL, 2002):
o Stage S1: 300ppm.
o Stage S2: 300ppm.

Joseph Kafumbila Page 139

F. Cu electrowinning

 Percent of acid in concentrated acid: 98%

 Specific gravity of concentrated acid: 1.84.
 Chemical reaction of Copper electrowinning (7.a).

2CuSO4 +2H2 O=2Cu° +O2 +2H2 SO4 (7.a)

EWO=0.252EWCC (7.2)

Where “EWO” is the quantity of oxygen produced in copper electrowinning

and “EWCC” is copper cathode produced in copper electrowinning.

 Dithionate decomposition
o Half of dithionate is oxidized to sulfate by oxygen on anode
according to the chemical (7.d). Equation (7.7) gives mass of
oxygen gas used to oxidize dithionate to sulfate.

(−2) (−2)
S2 O6 +O2 +2H2 O=4SO4 +4H + (7.d)

M(O2 ) =0.050*M(S (−2) (7.7)

2 O6 )

o Half of dithionate is reduce to elementary sulfur on cathode

according to the chemical reaction (7.e). Equation (7.8) gives
mass of oxygen gas produced to reduce dithionate to elementary

S2 O6 +8H + =10O2 +8S ° +4H2 O (7.e)

M(O2 ) =0.500*M(S (−2) (7.8)

2 O6 )

 Concentration of Fe in spent electrolyte:

o Fe(2):1.00 g/L.
o Fe(3): 1.00 g/L

 Flowrate of concentrated acid: sulfur mass balance on CuEW

Joseph Kafumbila Page 140 Modeling results

Table (7.41) gives metallurgical performances of Copper SX circuit. Tables

(7.42), (7.43), (7.44) and (7.45) give the mass balance results of Copper SX circuit
dithionate case – optimal configuration. Figures (7.29) and (7.30) give copper and iron
flowrates (%) for dithionate case – optimal configuration.

Table 7.41: Metallurgical performance of Copper SX circuit

Description Value
Copper SX circuit
Type of extractant Lix984N
Extractant volume percent 30 %
Cu extraction recovery (solution) 95.69 %
Cu/Fe in LOE1 2059.32
Net transfer 0.207 g/L/V%
Stripping efficiency 59.360 %
Copper electrowinning
Copper production 0.765 t/hrs
Fe/Mn in spent electrolyte 10.097

Table 7.41: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case optimal configuration

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 108,683 108,758 108,526 0,125 0,125 0,313
Volume m /hrs 100,000 100,523 100,418 125,000 0,116 125,000 0,116 0,313

SG t/m3 1,087 1,082 1,081 1,082 1,081 1,000

Cu g/L 8,000 1,829 0,347 10,439 1,829 5,443 0,347
Fe(2) g/l 1,632 1,627 1,627 1,627 1,627
Fe(3) g/l 0,084 0,086 0,081 0,0051 0,086 0,0054 0,081
Co g/l 9,000 8,963 8,963 8,963 8,963
Mn g/l 4,000 3,984 3,983 3,984 3,983
Mg g/l 2,000 1,992 1,992 1,992 1,992
Zn g/l 1,500 1,494 1,494 1,494 1,494
Al g/l 1,000 0,996 0,996 0,996 0,996
S2O6(-2) g/l 27,541 27,426 27,423 27,426 27,423
Acid g/L 2,873 11,698 14,236 11,698 14,236

Joseph Kafumbila Page 141

Table 7.42: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case optimal configuration

9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,438 0,050 0,388 0,038
Volume m3/hrs 125,000 0,428 125,000 0,049 0,379 125,000 0,030 125,000
SG t/m3 1,023 1,023 1,023 1,244
Cu g/L 10,439 0,494 10,439 0,494 0,494 4,242 38,223 5,573
Fe(2) g/l 0,440 0,440 0,440 0,999
Fe(3) g/l 0,0051 0,023 0,0051 0,023 0,023 0,0010 0,999 0,0010
Co g/l 2,422 2,422 2,422 0,445
Mn g/l 1,077 1,077 1,077 0,198
Mg g/l 0,538 0,538 0,538 0,099
Zn g/l 0,404 0,404 0,404 0,074
Al g/l 0,269 0,269 0,269 0,049
S2O6(-2) g/l 7,412 7,412 7,412 0,000
Acid g/L 3,907 3,907 3,907 171,889

Table 7.43: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case optimal configuration

17,000 18,000 19,000 20,000 21,000 22,000 23,000 24,000

Mass t/hrs 0,765 7,254E-05
Mass t/hrs 0,193
Mass r/hrs 0,038 63,344 63,505 64,106 0,416
Volume m3/hrs 0,030 51,000 51,061 51,307 0,416
SG t/m3 1,249 1,242 1,244 1,249 1,000
Cu g/L 49,865 35,000 38,223 49,865
Fe(2) g/l 0,994 1,000 0,999 0,994
Fe(3) g/l 1,003 1,000 0,999 1,003
Co g/l 0,445 0,446 0,445 0,445
Mn g/l 0,198 0,198 0,198 0,198
Mg g/l 0,099 0,099 0,099 0,099
Zn g/l 0,074 0,074 0,074 0,074
Al g/l 0,049 0,050 0,049 0,049
S2O6(-2) g/l 0,007 0,000 0,000 0,007
Acid g/L 143,360 180,000 171,889 143,360

Joseph Kafumbila Page 142

Table 7.44: Mass balance of Cu SX Circuit –dithionate case optimal configuration

25,000 26,000 27,000 28,000 29,000 30,000 31,000 32,000

Mass t/hrs
Mass t/hrs
Mass r/hrs 0,072 0,293
Volume m3/hrs 0,040 0,236
SG t/m3 1,800 1,242
Cu g/L 35,000
Fe(2) g/l 1,000
Fe(3) g/l 1,000
Co g/l 0,446
Mn g/l 0,198
Mg g/l 0,099
Zn g/l 0,074
Al g/l 0,050
S2O6(-2) g/l 0,000
Acid g/L 1763,912 180,000

Figure 7.29: Copper flowrate (%) for dithionate case optimal configuration

Joseph Kafumbila Page 143

Figure 7.30: Iron flowrate (%) for dithionate case optimal configuration

Joseph Kafumbila Page 144

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