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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : 14627

Fifth Semester
Open Elective
(Regulations: Mepco – R2015)
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks:100
Max. : 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
Cog. PART A – (10  2 = 20 Marks)
U, CO1 1. If and denote the processing times of ith job on three machines
and respectively, then a -job three machine problem can be reduced to
an -job and two machine problem, provided that:
A) Min. Max. and/or Min. Max.
B) Min. Max. and/or Min. Max.
C) Min. Max. and/or Min. Max.
D) None of the above
R, CO1 2. Define total elapsed time and idle time.
U, CO2 3. Which of the following is used for decision making under risk?
A) minimax criterion B) maximax criterion
C) expected opportunity loss D) maximin criterion
R, CO3 4. Write down the formula to calculate EVPI.
U, CO4 5. For a two person zero-sum game, the value of game can be:
A) determined only if the pay-off matrix has a saddle point
B) positive, negative and zero
C) determined only if the game is fair
D) none of the above
U, CO4 6. What do you mean by fair game?
U, CO5 7. Network problems have advantage in terms of project ________ .
A) scheduling B) planning
C) controlling D) all of the above

1 14627
R, CO5 8. State max flow – min cut theorem.
U, CO6 9. Explain states and stages in dynamic programming.
U, CO6 10. In a non-linear programming problem, which of the following is true?
A) the objective function is non-linear
B) one or more of the constraints have non-linear relationship
C) both (A) and (B)
D) none of the above.

PART B – (5  16 = 80 Marks)
A, CO1 11. a) i. There are seven jobs, each of which has to go through the
machines A and B in the order AB. Processing time in hours
are given as follows:

Job: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Machine A: 3 12 15 6 10 11 9
Machine B: 8 10 10 6 12 1 3

Determine a sequence of these jobs that will minimize the

total elapsed time. Also find total elapsed time and idle time
for machines A and B. (8 Marks)
A, CO1 11. a) ii. Use graphical method to minimize the time required to
process the following jobs on machines A, B, C, D and E.
Job 1 Sequence A B C D E
Time(hrs.) 2 3 5 2 1
Job 2 Sequence D C A B E
Time(hrs.) 6 2 3 1 3
Find the total time elapsed to complete both jobs. Also for
each job, find the machine on which it should be done first. (8 Marks)
A, CO1 11. b) There are five jobs, each of which is to be processed through
four machines A, B, C and D in the order ABCD. Processing
time in hours are given below:

2 14627
Job Processing time in hours
No: A B C D
1 7 15 14 21
2 11 18 18 6
3 2 13 11 16
4 14 4 27 14
5 18 11 32 16
Find the sequence that minimizes the total elapsed time and (16 Marks)

idle time for each machine.

L, CO3 12. a) A farmer wants to decide which of the three crops he should
plant on his 100-acre farm. The profit from each is dependent
on the rainfall during the growing season. The farmer has
categorized the amount of rainfall as high, medium and low.
His estimated profit for each is shown in the table below:
Estimated conditional Profit(Rs)
Crop A Crop B Crop C
1 8000 3500 5000
2 4500 4500 5000
3 2000 5000 4000
If the farmer wishes to plant only one crop, decide which
should be his best crop using : (A) Maximax criterion
(B) Maximin criterion (C) Laplace criterion (D) Hurwicz
criterion (take ) (E) Minimax regret criterion. (16 Marks)
L, CO3 12. b) The Oil India corporation is considering whether to go for an
offshore oil drilling contract to be awarded in Bombay High.
If the bid value would be Rs. 600 million with a 65% chance
of gaining the contract, they may set up a new drilling
operation or move already existing operation which has
proved successful, to the new site. The probability of success
and expected returns are as follows:

3 14627
New drilling
Existing operation
Outcome operation
Expected Expected
Probability Probability
Revenue Revenue
Success 0.75 800 0.85 700
Failure 0.25 200 0.15 250

If the corporation do not bid or lose the contract, they can use
the Rs. 600 million to modernize their operation. This would
result in a return of either 5% or 8% on the sum invested with
probabilities of 0.45 and 0.55 respectively. Assume that all
costs and revenues have been discounted to the present value.
A) Construct a decision tree showing clearly the courses
of action.
B) By applying an appropriate decision criteria,
recommend whether or not the oil India corporation
should bid the contract.
C) What would be the financial return if they bid? (16 Marks)

A, CO4 13. a) i. Determine the range of value of and that will make the
payoff element , a saddle point for the game whose payoff
matrix is given below:
Player B

Player A [ ]
(4 Marks)
A, CO4 13. a) ii. A and B play a game in which each has three coins a 5p, a
10p and a 20p. Each player selects a coin without the
knowledge of the other’s choice. If the sum of the coins is an
odd amount, A wins B’s coin and if the sum is even, B wins
A’s coin. Find the best strategy for each player and the value
of the game. (12 Marks)

4 14627
A, CO4 13. b) i. Solve the following 2 x 4 game by graphical method:
Player B

2 1 0
Player A
1 0 3 2 (8 Marks)
A, CO4 13. b) ii. Solve the game by oddments matrix method:
Player B

Player A [ ]
(8 Marks)

A, CO5 14. a) i. Find the shortest path from to for the following graph
by using Dijkstra’s algorithm:

(8 Marks)
A, CO5 14. a) ii. Find the minimal spanning tree for the graph whose distance
matrix is given below:
A  4 3 3 3
B  4  2  3 
C 3 2  3 
 
D 3  3  2
E  3 3  2   (8 Marks)

5 14627
A, CO5 14. b) A maintenance foreman has given the following estimate of
time and cost of jobs in a project:
Normal Crash
Jobs Predecessor Time Cost Time Cost
(hrs) (Rs.) (hrs) (Rs.)
A - 8 80 6 100
B A 7 40 4 94
C A 12 100 5 184
D A 9 70 5 102
E B,C,D 6 50 6 50
If the overhead cost is Rs. 25/hour, find the least cost
schedule and minimum duration. (16 Marks)

A, CO6 15. a) Use dynamic programming to show that ∑

subject to the constraints ∑ , for all , is
minimum when p1  p2  p3  ...  pn  .
n (16 Marks)
A, CO6 15. b) Solve the nonlinear programming problem by Lagrangian
multiplier method:

Subject to
x1  x2  x3  15 ,
2x1  x2  2x3  20 and
x1 , x2 , x3  0 . (16 Marks)

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