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Name Profession : : Age : Monthly Income:

1. Does our company come into mind when you think of good customer relationship? _________________________________________________________________ If no, please give your reasons why. __________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe how you were welcomed when you walked in through the door. __________________________________________________________________ 3. How would you rate our companys representative aptitude to help you? Quality Middling (medium) Premium Banausic (routine/ordinary) Capital Common Yes Dandy (good) Deplorable (bad) Respectable Horrid (unpleasant) Nice Mediocre No

4. How would you rate our representatives enthusiasm to help you sort out your problem?

5. How would you rate the time in terms of length that it took to get your query sorted?

6. Did you feel comfortable working with our representative? (If no, please explain to us why) _______________________________ ___________________________________________________ 7. Describe your overall experience with us. Sterling (genuine) Mundane (common) Swell (increase) Incompetent (lacking the power to perform)

8. Please rate your level of satisfaction with your sales representative in the following areas. 3 - Neither 4 - Somewhat 2 - Somewhat 1 - Very 5 - Very Satisfied Satisfied Nor Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Responsiveness Professionalism Understanding of my needs

9. May we contact you about any of your responses?



10. What is your overall satisfaction rating with our company?

5 - Very Satisfied 4 - Somewhat Satisfied 3 - Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied 2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied 1 - Very Dissatisfied. 11. How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?

5 - Very Likely 4 - Somewhat Likely 3 - Neither Likely Nor Unlikely 2 - Somewhat Unlikely 1 - Very Unlikely 12. How long have you used our product? __________________________________________________________________. 13. How frequently do you use our product? __________________________________________________________________.

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