Past Perfect Tense

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Grade 11

Prepared by : Mrs.Niroshana Dissanayake

Competency – 8

Communicates clearly, fluently and concisely

Competency Level – 8.15

Uses Perfect Tense appropriately.

When do we use Past Perfect Tense ?

The past perfect takes place before another past action. (something happened in the
past and something else happened before that.) This tense is used to show which of
two past actions happened first. Therefore it is often used together with the past
Ex: After Prasanga had repaired his car,he fell asleep.

Both actions happened in the past,but the repairing of the car happened
before he fell asleep.

• When I had finished my work,I went to bed.

• I didn’t have any money because I had lost my wallet.
9.30 a.m 10.15 a.m now

Past 1 Past 2
When the teacher came,
The student had gone The teacher came the student had gone home

Past Perfect Simple Past

• The patient had died before the doctor arrived.

• When I went home, my sister had cleaned the room.

• When I met him,he had watched this movie several times.

Past Perfect - (Positive)

Subject + had + V3 (past participle) + Object

He + had + sold + the tickets.
Jake Ex: He had done his homework

The Manager had warned him.

Past Perfect (Negative)

Subject + had not / hadn’t + V3 (past participle) + Object

+ had not/hadn’t + sold + the tickets
It Ex: He hadn’t done his homework.
Children The Manager had not warned him.

Past Perfect (Interrogative)

Had + Subject + V3 (past participle) + object

Had + you + sold + the tickets ?

Had you sold the tickets ?

Ex: Had he done his homework ?

Had the Manager warned him ?
Fill in the blanks

1. I had never seen such a beautiful beach before I _____________

(go) to Nilaweli.

2. I did not have any money because I _____________________ (lose) my wallet.

3. Tony knew Jaffna well, because he _____________________ (visit) the city

Several times.

4. She only __________________ ( understand) the movie,because she had read

the book.

5. We were not able to get a hotel room,because we _________ ________

__________ (book) in advance.
Revision point
Past Perfect Tense
• Kavindu’s parents left home at 5.00 o’clock.
• Kavindu got up at 6.00 o’clock.
When Kavindu got up, his parents had left home.

Activity 13
Construct sentences using the words in brackets.
1 Kavindu’s parents were not at home when Manjitha and Riyaz
arrived. (they / already / left )
When Manjitha and Riyaz arrived, Kasun’s parents had already left.

2. Kavindu invited his friends for tea.

( but / they / already / had / tea / Manjitha’s place)
Kavindu invited his friends for tea,but they had already had tea at
Manjitha’s place.
3. Kavindu wanted to send a book to grandfather. (but / parents / left / when / he /
got up)
Kavindu wanted to send a book to grand father,but his parents had left when he got

4. Kavindu’s sister wanted to help her brother. ( he / done everything/ she / got up)
Kavindu’s sister wanted to help her brother, but he had done everything when she
got up.

5. When Kavindu’s parents returned home,

( Kavindu and friends / already / prepared / dinner)
When Kavindu’s parents returned home, he and his friends had already prepared
Workbook Activities

Let’s turn to page number 70.

Activity 08 - pg. 70 /71

1. Ex: We got late to go to the auditorium.The conference had already begun

when we arrived.
2. Because he had already made plans to spend holidays with his daughter
in-law and son.

3. But someone had already entered the house.

4. But they had already gone to the river,when I called them.

5. But they had already lighted / lit the traditional oil lamp,when he arrived.


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