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ICRA Analytics Limited

Nepotism Policy – Certification


Date: …………..………………………..
Name: …………..……………………….. Current position: ……………………….…..

Line of Business/ Division: …………………………. Location: ………………………..……………..

Reporting Supervisor: ………………………….

I certify that I have read, understand and agree to comply with ICRA Analytics Limited’s Nepotism Policy.
I also understand that my failure to comply with this policy may subject me to disciplinary action.

Do you have any relatives or another individual with whom you are engaged in a close personal
relationship, as defined in company’s Nepotism Policy, who are currently employed by ICRA Analytics
and meet any of the following criterion:

(i) they are currently employed by ICRA Analytics within the same line of business as you;
(ii) one of you is a manager and the other does not have management responsibility; or
(iii) one of you has supervisory authority over the other either directly or indirectly?

If yes, please identify the name of Relative or Individual:

Name: ………………………….. Current position: …………………………..

Line of Business/ Division: …………………………. Location: …………………..

Reporting Supervisor: …………………………. Relationship Held: ………………………….


Those considered to be a “Relative” of an employee include a spouse, parent, stepparent, brother, sister,
stepsibling, brother/sister-in-law, child, stepchild, grandparent, grandchild, mother/father-in-law,
son/daughter-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew.
Those considered to be in a "Close Personal Relationship" with an employee include a domestic partner
(or other individual cohabiting with and sharing financial responsibilities with the employee) and a
domestic partner’s parents, siblings or children, or any individual with whom the employee shares a
romantic and/or sexual relationship, or their parents, siblings, or children.
Applicants for Employment
An applicant for employment or transfer who is a Relative of or engaged in a Close Personal Relationship
with an existing employee may be considered for employment and job placement subject to a variety of
factors, including the level of the existing employee and the following additional factors:
• An applicant or employee may not be considered for placement in the line of business in which the
existing employee is assigned.
• An applicant or employee may not be placed or remain under the direct or indirect supervision of
the existing employee.
• An applicant may not be hired when either the applicant or the existing employee will have/has
access to confidential information as identified by the Human Resources Department.

All further queries in this regard should be directed in writing to the Group HR Head.

Date: …………….……………………. Signature: ………………………..…………………….

Rec #: HRM-F-65 Preparation Date: Prepared by: Reviewed By:

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