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Global Learning Project Proposal Shanna Osinski Azusa Pacific University


Global Learning Project Proposal 1. Identify a subject/curricular area: Curricular area is Service Learning so this could be applicable to a Bible class, an English class, or even an elementary classits an interdisciplinary subject. 2. Brainstorm Over all goal is to draw attention to the problem of homelessness (specifically homeless children and families), especially in light of this economy. The students will learn to look for ways to help and serve people less fortunate. Students will research facts/statistics for their cities, present their research to participating classes, and organize a service event for the homeless (such as clothing or food drive). Student could also research countries that have no homeless and the reason for this. The cross-cultural benefits are that students will learn about international homelessness (hopefully) as well as economic cultural divide. Possibly examine reasons why some countries dont have homeless and why. The final product will be a service project for the homeless. How will it benefit the participants so that they will want to be involved?

3. Search and review existing projects: There are no other homeless projects listed on iEARN or several of the other websites. I did a Google search and found a homeless project from 2003 The Elenanor Rigby Project that at one time was listed on iEARN Canada. I emailed the creator to see if this project is still active. This projects focus was more awareness of what homelessness is and the experience of being homeless. 4. Working Title of your GLP Homelessness

GLOBAL LEARNING PROJECT PROPOSAL 5. Subject of GLP Community; serving others 6. List the Type/s of GLP structures : -information exchanges -electronic publishing -social action project -Information searches -Peer feedback activities 7. Define your project participants [i.e. target audience] -**Biographical info about yourself [host classroom] To be decided, most likely homeschool groups of mixed ages. Possibly including local high school students who need community service hours. Or APUs students involved in Service Learning major. -Participants can be from any region of the world that recognizes homelessness as a problem. English is preferred, but not mandatory. Ages: 8 and up. -The number of classrooms participating would be at least 2. -Each participating classroom will function as an advocate for the homeless. 8. Define Time parameters [start/end dates]

Target date: September 2011 Target date for conclusion: January or February of 2012. Depending on outcome, I may continue the project annually

9. State the rationale. Why is your project important or worthwhile? -This project is important because it will help students recognize the large population of homeless around the world, especially children, and how they can help. 10. Write a synopsis of your GLP [1-2 paragraphs] The number of homeless people each year just in the United States is astounding. Yet whats more astounding is that 40 percent of the homeless population is families with

GLOBAL LEARNING PROJECT PROPOSAL children and 1.37 million (or 39%) of the total homeless population are children under the age of 18 (Wikipedia 2011). Homelessness effects the future of these children, whether or not they will stay in school or drop out and become homeless themselves. Anyone can be homeless, especially in todays uncertain economy. Join with us as we educate each other on each of our cities unique statics for homelessness with a focus on homeless children. As we investigate this topic we will also be exploring ways to help the community of homeless families through unique service projects in each participants area. 11. State specific Objectives, Standards and Global Learning Outcomes [use action verbs] **Need some help finding exact state standards that match this project Standards-aligned Learning Objective(s): Service Learning standards to be found/collaborated on with other service-learning educators. Content standards: Social Studies (Community); English- communication, written; Bible Main global learning objectives: Students will research the cause and effects of family homelessness for their own state. Then students will present their findings to the participants and compare and contrast their findings. Cross-cultural skills: Students will interact with other students from around the country (and possibly around the world) to discuss a topic that effects every society. Students will also understand that even in our own cities there is an economic divide that is cross cultural in nature. 12. Define the main Task(s):

GLOBAL LEARNING PROJECT PROPOSAL Students will be asked to research family homelessness, present their findings, and participate in a service project. 13. Describe Project activities -Introductory: video about homelessness: -Learning: research on the topic for their own state or city, presentations, feedback -Culminating: Service project 14. Define collaboration Communication: o Internet, Skype, blog, maybe keypals o Communication will be in English o Other languages will be accommodated through Google translation o We will communicate with partners once a week. Collaboration with partner teachers will be done via email and Skype on any additional ideas they may have or ideas for their service project. Students will collaborate o Within each classroom during discussion times o With partner classrooms via Skype, blog, The only portion of this project to be done together is sharing each classs research with one another. Each class will work independently to research their city or states homeless data

15. Describe how you will advertise: I will advertise on iEarn and similar collaborative websites. I will also advertise to my teacher friends via Facebook and email/personal


contact. I most likely will also go to the schools I previously worked at and personal ask teachers to join this project. 16. Describe how you will showcase your project 17. Define Resources needed: The resources required: Internet, blog space, Skype, email Maybe data website and Google maps These resources I will already have Ongoing support need: not sure yet 18. Assessment **How will you assess students' proficiency with the standards and objectives selected? Will you use an observation checklist, a rubric, a test? Unsure yet, possibly rubric for evaluating research content. *Seek out those who teacher Service Learning and ask them how they evaluate. Special training: Students will need to know how to use the computer for research, post on a blog. Training will depend on the grade level of participating students and teacher competency- still be to decided. 19. Challenges/Constraints Student work will publish their work on our blog Students will share collaborations via our blog and Skype We will celebrate our accomplishments together with a party over Skype


Greatest challenge: Getting students excited about participating and implementing a successful service project that does help those homeless in need. Another challenge is deciding the extent of this project, not letting it get too big or overwhelming. If I dont have the required amount of participants I could complete this project by seeking out members and students from my church to come on board as a ministry opportunity. Maybe I could even get local high school students to participate to fulfill their required community service hours for graduation. * What roadblock or obstacles might prevent you from implementing this project? How might you deal with these? Other than participation, thinking possible database website might be overwhelming, yet exciting too.

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