pc3 Ing f2 Revisao3 2015 M

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Name: _________________________________________________________

Class: __________________________ Date: __________________________


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the comparative of


a I am ___________________ than you are. (tall)

b Sue’s eyes are ___________________ than Carol’s eyes. (big)
c Mary’s hair is ___________________ than Lilly’s hair. (long)
d Her smartphone is ___________________ than her tablet. (expensive)
e Brad Pitt is ___________________ than Tom Cruise. (popular)
f My mom’s car is ___________________ than my dad’s car. (old)
g I think Barcelona is ___________________ than Real Madrid. (good)
h Kate finds Chinese ___________________ than English. (difficult)
i Emily thinks that Biology is ___________________ than Math. (easy)

2 Use the correct form of the words old and young to complete the sentences
comparing the three sisters: Emma, Nancy and Sarah.
Darrin Klimek/Thinkstock

© Richmond
Material editável para uso exclusivo de professores usuários da obra STUDENTS FOR PEACE.
Autorizadas a edição, a adaptação e a reprodução para os alunos usuários da coleção.
a Emma is ___________________ than Nancy and Sarah.
b Nancy is ________________ than Sarah, but ________________ than Emma.
c Sarah is ___________________ than Nancy and Emma.
d Emma is the ___________________ sister in the family.
e Sarah is the ___________________ sister in the family.

3 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

better cool help idea must myself recycling sustainable

A Do you often think about ___________________?

B I sure do. What about you?
A I didn’t use to think about it, but now I do. I’m trying to be more
___________________ in my life.
B What do you do exactly?
A Well, you see this notebook cover? I made it ___________________ last
week. I used old paper bags to make it.
B What a great ___________________! It looks so ___________________.
I usually use paper bags to take notes only. Well, if you
___________________ me, I’ll try to make a notebook cover too.
A Sure. Why not? We all ___________________ help the planet to be a
___________________ place.

4 Are you really helping the planet to be more sustainable? Answer the quiz to
find it out.

1 Do you use the washing machine at full capacity when you do the laundry?
( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarely

2 Do you recycle the waste you produce?

( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarely

3 Do you brush your teeth using a cup?

( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarely

© Richmond
Material editável para uso exclusivo de professores usuários da obra STUDENTS FOR PEACE.
Autorizadas a edição, a adaptação e a reprodução para os alunos usuários da coleção.
4 Do you use reusable bags when you go shopping?
( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarely

5 Do you compost at home?

( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarely

6 Do you refill your water bottle?

( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarely

7 Do you only buy what you need?

( ) always ( ) sometimes ( ) rarely

© Richmond
Material editável para uso exclusivo de professores usuários da obra STUDENTS FOR PEACE.
Autorizadas a edição, a adaptação e a reprodução para os alunos usuários da coleção.
If you have more “always”, good job! You are really helping the planet to be
more sustainable.

If you have more “sometimes”, OK! You are already doing some good
things. But if you really want to help the planet, you must do

If you have more “rarely”, too bad! It’s important to rethink your lifestyle
immediately. Talk to an adult to get more information about

5 Circle the best answer.

a It’s necessary to talk about sustain / sustainability to our kids.

b Do you recycling / recycle used batteries?
c Do you check your water consumption / consume every month?
d Sylvia is trying to measurement / measure how much water she consumes
every month.

6 Fill in the blanks with the words when or while.

a I was cleaning my bedroom ___________ my mother was making dinner.

b She was separating the organic waste ___________ her dad came from work.
c Kevin was watering the garden ___________ the phone rang.
d Sheila was refilling her water bottle ___________ I was refilling mine.

7 Unscramble the words.

a doing / the dishes / was / I / rang / the phone / when

b arrived / doing / what / Mom / when / were / you / ?
c taking a shower / Sue / was / again / why / ?
d cheating / the teacher / weren’t / arrived / when / they

8 Read the text and answer the questions.

A Great Adventure
My uncle Jonathan had the most exciting experience of his life in 2014. He worked as an
engineer in Africa for a year. He didn’t know much about Africa before he went there.
Now he knows that Africa is not a country but a huge continent made up of 53 countries.
He told me that the largest population in Africa is in Nigeria and that Swahili is the most
spoken language in that continent. Swahili is the official language of more than 10
My uncle also said that one of the most beautiful places to visit is the Masai Mara
National Reserve in Kenya. It’s a nature sanctuary because all the wild animals are
protected from hunters there. You can see lions, leopards and cheetahs there. Cheetahs
are the fastest land animals in the world. They can run at a speed of up to 113
kilometers an hour.
He said that the best time to go there is between the months of July and October. This is
the time when you can see the largest number of zebras, antelopes, lions, giraffes and
other animals.
Uncle Jonathan said that he also visited some Masai villages there. He even went on a
safari with a Masai guide. A safari is the most adventurous and wonderful thing you can
do there.
Based on <http://goafrica.about.com/od/kenyatopattractions/a/masaimara.htm>.
Accessed on September 16, 2015.

a Is Africa a country?

b How long did Jonathan stay in Africa?


c What is the most spoken language in Africa?


d What did Uncle Jonathan say about the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya?

e Can people hunt there?


9 Read the text again and check all true answers.

a The narrator mentions…

( ) 8 different animals.
( ) 7 different animals.
( ) 6 different animals.

b Uncle Jonathan…
( ) is a guide.
( ) is an engineer.
( ) visited a Masai village.
( ) can run at a speed of up to 113 kilometers an hour.

c Africa…
( ) is in Nigeria.
( ) is a continent.
( ) has many wild animals.
( ) has 53 different languages.

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