Johnson Grammar School School (I.C.S.E)

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Class 7 Holiday Homework [2022


With vacation round the corner, prepare yourselves not just to relax and rejuvenate, but also to utilize
the time in creative and innovative activities. It is that time of the year again when we can do things,
which we are unable to do during the regular routine days.

A few things to remember during this vacation:

 Instead of spending time on the mobile and the Television, find other ways of entertaining
yourself. Learn a musical instrument like guitar or keyboard, develop a hobby like origami or
magic tricks, reading, cooking etc. as per your interest.
 If you are bored, help at home. This will also earn brownie points with your parents and help
you realise the importance of cleanliness and being organised.
 There is no sleeping all day and staying up all
all night. It is unhealthy and will be hard for you to
adjust to regular school schedule when it reopens. So have a proper and regular sleep.
 Make sure you make time for your parents and your near and dear ones.
 Do give a thought as to how you can reach out out to the community in your own small ways.
Remember no contribution is small. Everything counts.
 Reading is essential as it nurtures your soul. Here is a list of books that you may enjoy reading:
1. India’s Greatest Short Stories
2. Ruskin Bond - School Days
3. Never Get Bored Book
4. Secret Seven Brain Games
5. When I Grow Up I Want To Be….

wise segment of the Holiday Homework:

Here is the next subject-wise
The answers for all these questions are to be written in the last pages of the Classwork book of each subject.


I. Fill in the blank with an article. If no article is required, put an X.

1. I like to give ________ useful presents.
2. China is _________ Asian country.
3. We shall be back in _______ hour.
II.Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition.
4. My sister is afraid _______ dogs.
5. Someone is knocking _______ the window.
6. We all agreed _______ to her proposal.
III.Fill in the blank with a suitable conjunction.
7. _______ you invite me, I’ll not attend the party.
8. _______ it was raining, she attended the meeting.
9. He is sharp ______ very careless.
IV. Change the sentences from active to passive voice.
10. Rama created a robot.
11. They were all laughing at the clown.
12. Hamid has bought a pair of glasses for his grandmother.

V.Change the sentences from direct to indirect speech.

13. He said, “ My father is writing letters.”
14. My teacher said, “ Wearing digital watches is harmful for health.”
15. I said to the man, “ I have seen you before.”
VI.Fill in the blank with the tense of the verb given in brackets.
16. He _____ the newspaper daily.( read, simple present)
17. I ________ a pudding for dinner. ( prepare, present perfect)
18. I _______ a cup of coffee for the guests. ( prepare, simple future)
VII.Identify the part of speech.
19. Govinda is a good swimmer.
20. Frame a sentence using any 3 parts of speech of your choice.

2nd Language – Telugu (7B,D,F,H,J,K,L,M)

I. ĥంƘ ݘ ĺాĥాŪలȂ చƸDž ȇభక¡Šల¡నŤ పİ‚లను గžĸ™ŠంచంĬŒ.
1. వరంగȽ ĺ±ȅŴ ĸామపťİేĺాలయం గžĸ™ంǩ Įెల¡సుక¡IJ‚Ťను.
2. ఎందĸĆ జ‡ǴయIJ‚యక¡ల¡ ȎాŵతంతƔƺం ĥóరక¡ Ƿč ĸాĬ‚ర .
3. ľÁêదĸాబ„Ȳ కంట½ ĸామగžండ౦లĐ ఉȍčş గƘతల¡ అı˜కంĦా ఉనŤȇ.
II. షļీŜ ȇభĥŠ, సపŠ Ǿ ȇభక¡Šల ȁకŐ పƔతŪయƒల¡ ĺాƔయžమž.
III. ĥంƘ ݘ పİ‚లను ȇడİ›Ľి సంı˜ IJ‚మమž ĺాƔయžమž.
1. అతĬెవర  2. ĸాĶÉశŵరమž 3. ȇİ‚Ūలయం 4. ఏమంటȇ
IV. ĥంƘ ݘ పİ‚లక¡ సమƒస IJ‚మమž ĺాƔయžమž.
1. అĥాŐĨెల»ų ళ¨Ŵ 2. నవరĮ‚Ťల¡
V. ĥంƘ ݘ పİ‚లను ఉపȂĦ™ంǩ Ȏû ంతĺాĥాŪల¡ ĺాƔయžమž.
1. మžĸ™ĽిǷč వ­ 2. ఆకరŷణ 3. చూడమžచŖట
VI. ĥంƘ ݘ ĺాĥాŪలలĐǵ వరş , ĺాŪకరణ İో ȍాలను సవĸ™ంǩ ĺాƔయంĬŒ.
1.“ǵరంĮ‚రం శƘǽంĨే ĺాĸ™ǵ చూĽి ఓటǽ భయపడ¦త§౦ఇ.”
2. “ǩనŤ పIJ±ౖణ‚ శƘదţĮČ ĨేĽÐŠ మంǩ ఫȃతమž లǻసుంݘ.”
2nd Language – Hindi (7A,C,E,G,I)
I. 卵₩朗₩Ů卵₩₩欄Ɏ₩卵欄卵(TABLE) 卵₩欄İ‫ﵞ‬
II. 欄ɻ₩欄İ₩藍賈卵來濾₩車朗 ₩卵Ɛ₩卵‫ﵞ‬
) 車卵₩欄車₩₩卵卵₩₩₩₩₩₩₩) 濫₩朗₩濫朗 ₩卵卵₩₩₩₩₩₩) ſ朗₩藍 卵卵
III. ‘欄’₩‘濫’ 卵₩Ů來₩朗 ₩Š₩來-來₩卵Ɛ₩欄İ‫ﵞ‬
IV. 欄ɻ欄İ₩ŵ藍 欄車₩欄Ʉ卵Ŋ₩ɨ來濾₩車朗 ₩卵Ɛ₩卵‫ﵞ‬
) 來卵–
) Š–
) Ŵ–

V. ‘欄Ţ卵₩欄朗更’ 朗₩朗 ₩欄₩₩-₩卵賈₩欄İ‫( ﵞ‬卵賈₩車朗 ₩車濾 濾欄₩欄ũ₩卵)

VI. 欄ɻ欄İ₩Ȩ卵濾 ₩來₩₩車卵₩車卵卵濾 ₩朗 ₩ɨ來濾₩Ő₩欄İ‫ﵞ‬₩(Summary)

₩朗₩欄₩藍車卵₩車襤 ₩欄朗 ₩朗₩卵₩卵₩朗 ₩賈œ , 欄車Ő₩ʷ₩來₩Ɋ卵₩朗 朗₩賈œ ₩欄₩藍ʉ卵濫₩拉卵₩車朗 ₩

賈₩卵₩朗 ₩Ő₩車₩賈來₩₩賈œ ‫ﵞ‬₩欄₩卵₩朗₩欄來濾₩Ő₩賈車朗 ₩來₩卵₩賈來₩卵₩賈來來₩賈朗 ₩Ɨ卵₩Ő ‫ﵞ‬₩
車₩欄₩İˏ來濾₩₩卵賈來濾₩₩Š₩濫₩賈來濫₩賈浪 ‫ﵞ‬₩DŽ來濾₩來₩車₩欄₩濫₩朗₩ŝ₩Ő₩浪 車朗₩欄朗 ₩賈œ ‫ﵞ‬₩車₩
į卵₩₩˓₩賈朗 ₩賈œ ‫ﵞ‬₩卵₩朗₩卵₩車₩-襤 車朗 ₩車朗 ₩朗 ₩欄朗 ₩賈œ ‫ﵞ‬₩更Ŋ ₩朗₩浪₩來₩藍 卵₩₩朗₩
欄₩車₩ – 襤 車朗 ₩朗₩朗₩₩-藍卵₩賈朗 ₩賈œ ‫ﵞ‬₩₩卵₩賈濫₩車濾 朗₩賈浪 ₩欄₩賈Ő ₩Ů朗 ₩₩卵卵朗 ₩車朗 ₩


Solve the following problems at the back of your Math classwork.

I. Find the sum of the following:

૜૜ ૚ૢ
a. ૚૛ ૚૙૙ + ૚૙૙
ૡ ૝
b. ૢ ૛૙ + ૛૞

II. Find the difference of the following:

૞ ૚
a. ૟
- ૡ
ૠ ૞
b. ૡ ૞ - ૜ ૠ

III. Find the product of the following :

ૢ૚ ૡૡ
a. ૞૞
x ૚૜૙

b. ૜ ૞ x 360

IV. Find the quotient of the following :

૝ ૚
a. ૛ ૠ ÷ ૝ ૛
૛ ૚
b. ૚૚
÷ ૛૛

V. Convert the following decimal numbers into fractions in the lowest form :

a. 2.5
b. 0.72




I. Answer the following Questions:

1. Why do you think Government is important for any Country?
2. With the help of Mind Map show the eightfold path taught by Gautam Buddha.
3. Did ancient empires like Gupta and Maurya have any Intelligence agencies? Support your
answer. How were they useful?
4. Picture Based Questions:
Analyzing Primary Sources.
The picture shows the statue of a dancing girl. It was found during the
Excavation at Mohenjo-Daro. Study the statue and answer the following
 Which metal do you think it is made of?
 Is the dancing girl wearing any jewellery?
 Is the jewellery worn by her similar or different from the
jewellery worn by women in India today?

5. India has observed non-violence from ancient times. It was not only promoted by religious sects like
Buddhism and Jainism but also by emperors and kings. Find out about one such eminent Indian
personality who propagated the ideals of non-violence.

6. The indo-Aryans were fond of Chariot racing, hunting, playing dice and enjoyed music and
dance with respect to the above activities, what are the recreational activities in this modern
7. In comparison to the earlier period the position of women declined in the later Vedic period.
Gather information on the role played by women in the decision-making process of the
government in the present times. Give a report.

8. Do you find any similarity between the present day and Mauryan Administration? Explain with
9. The archeological evidences give us lot of information about the age, Find out information
about the recent archeological discovery in the world.
10. Ashoka followed Dhamma principles as a part of administration. Write any three such
principles which can be followed in the classroom.


1. Look at the figure and answer the following questions:

2. Rivers are formed from glaciers that melt. These glaciers are melting faster today than they were a
hundred years ago. Why are glaciers melting and how are we responsible for this?

3. Observe the following picture and answer the following questions:

i. Identify the type of disaster in the below picture.
ii. How can we lower the loss during such disasters?

4. Why is life in the mountains difficult?

5. The above slogan tells us the acute need for saving water. Draw a mind map showing the various
ways to tackle water pollution.
6. Our earth has a variety of landforms. Answer the following questions based on different
a) How are mountains economically useful ?
b) What is the importance of plateaus?
c) Why are plains thickly populated?

7. Study the given pie chart carefully and answer the following questions:

a. How much of the world’s energy consumption is from fossil fuels?

b. Which energy resource consumes the major portion of the pie chart?
C. What will happen, if we continue to use fossil fuels at this rate?


Answer the following questions
1. What are luminous bodies?
2. Define temperature. State its S.I unit.
3. Classify the following into contact and non-contact forces.


A) . B)

Observe the pictures given above.

i) Name the type of thermometers A and B.
ii) How will you distinguish the given thermometers with respect to its structure?
5.You want to shift a heavy wooden box from one room to another in your house. You find that even
after pushing it with all your effort, you are able to move it only a few inches. Canyou think of any way
of doing this a little easier to reduce friction?
6.Joseph bought 5 kgs of sugar. Identify the error in the unit.
7.i) Which of the following positions of the eye will give an error free reading of the length of the
pencil? Which type of error will be given by the other two positions?
ii) What is the length of the pencil as given by the ruler?


Transparent, translucent and opaque sheets are arranged parallel to one another. A lighted
candle is placed in front of the transparent sheet. What will a person observe when he is at
positions“A” , “B”, and “C” ?


1. Define:
a. Element b. Radical c. Sublimation d. Variable valency
2. Write the differences between Compounds and mixtures with examples.
3. Difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures
4. What is the principle and use of separating funnel?
5. List the techniques used to separate solid-solid mixtures.
6. Give two examples each of metals, non-metals, metalloids
7. The components of mixtures can be separated while components of a compound can not be
separated by mechanical method. Give reason
8. Classify the following into elements, compounds and mixtures

a= __________ b = _________________ c = ____________________

9. Name the following compounds
a.NH3, b. Na2SO4, c. KCl
10. Find the formula of the given compounds using criss-cross method:
a) Sodium Bicarbonate b) Aluminium Oxide
c) Zinc Phosphated) Calcium Sulphate



1. What are cell organelles? List the various cell organelles seen in plant and animal cell.
2. Give the postulates or features of the cell theory.
3. Define Circulatory system
4. List the components of blood
5. Name the blood vessels and their functions.
6. Give a diagrammatic representation of Blood circulation in heart.
7. Why is cell membrane called selectively permeable membrane?
8. Write the functions of the following blood corpuscles:
a. RBC's b. WBC's c. Platelets
9. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the following:
a. Nucleus b. Mitochondria c. Heart


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