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This YouTube video tells us 15 different etiquette rules.

Like, when we are out eating with our friends

and our food arrives early, we should not eat it yet. We should simply wait for our friends and then
start eating. If we get a notification on our phone while we are walking down the street, we should
just not stop and check our phone. We should simply step to the side so that we don’t bother other
pedestrians. While we are out for dinner and if there is something in our teeth, then we should
simply excuse ourself and go to the bathroom check it and clean our teeth with a toothpick or some
dental floss. But, never do that in front of others because they might find it rude. If I go out on a first
date, so instead of letting the other person with me pay for both of us, I will simply offer to pay for
her meal. We should never sit there expecting people to pay for us. So, these are some etiquette
rules that we should follow in our life.

This YouTube Video is all about breakdown of an Interview. This video gives us tips about body
language, etiquette for interview and it answers some common questions like when exactly the
interview start?, how to deal with nervousness?. During interview our posture should be head up,
shoulders pulled back, no slouching and no laid-backness. Our interview begins the moment we step
in the building. We should maintain eye contact, and treat everyone we encounter with respect. Stay
calm by taking a deep breath before entering, Hold it count to three and then slowly breathe out.
After entering the firm handshake with eye contact is a plus point. Once in the interview, we'll likely
be asked why we are interested in the role. To answer this, we can think about our past experience
and how the role lines up with our future goals. We should not speak negatively about past places
we have worked. Instead, talk about things we have learned. We should practice polite, confident
body language. Miming the interviewer's posture can create a sense of connection. We should have
a shortlist of questions prepared for the interviewer. We should ask questions we would have if we
got the job, like what are the mistakes people have made working in this position? Even if we don't
have any questions, asking a few shows that we came prepared and that we care. Our interview is
not over yet, we should follow-up with the hiring manager within 24-hours of the interview. This can
be a quick note thanking them for their time, or a longer one that elaborates on some of the things
we talked about.

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