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Research Process – in SIP

Project synopsis
Executive Summary
Chapter – 1 – Introduction
Introduction to the Problem / Opportunity
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Objectives
Primary Research
Secondary Research Objective

Chapter -2 - Literature Review

About the sector
Market Size
Market Share
Sector Contribution to GDP
Sector Composition
Sector & Sector Composition CAGR
Sector & Sector Composition growth/de-growth catalyst
Government Initiatives & FDI
Porter 5 Force Model Analysis
About the company
Brief History of company
Brief Introduction about company
Brief notes on Top Management
Companies Product / Service
Michael Porter Value chain Analysis
Market Penetration of product / service Rural, Semi Urban & Urban
Segment, Target & Positioning
Sales & Distribution Channels
Concept of Margin: GMROI & ROI of Product / Service
Promotional Mix of Product
Recent Merger & Acquisition
Application of Marketing Tools
SWOT – Company & Product / Service
BCG Matrix
4P’s / 7P’s Marketing Mix
Product / Service -Unique Selling Propositions
The McKinsey 7S Framework

Chapter – 3 – Research Methodology – (Proposal for Quantitate Analysis)

Research Objective
Research Design
Constructs and Variables
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Questionnaire design - Adapted or Developed (if developed used 7 step process)
Sample and Selection Criteria
Data Collection
Statistical Tools used with Justification

Chapter – 4 - Data Analysis and Interpretation

Demographic Profile of the respondents
Descriptive Statistics
Impact of Demographic variable on Depended and Independent Variable
Composite reliability
Cronbach alpha
Convergent validity
Discriminant validity
Statistical Analysis interpretation

Chapter – 5 - Findings and Conclusion

Findings from Analysis
Managerial Implication

Chapter - 6 -Practical Learning & Contribution

Internship Summary
Internship Designation & Duration
Internship – Roles & Responsibilities
Internship Daily Routine – Task & Work Process
Expected Competency (Knowledge & Skill & Attitude)
Achieved Competency with justification (Knowledge & Skill & Attitude)
Overall Learning outcomes
Overall contribution to the company in the Internship duration (Revenue, Leads, Ideas)
Special Recognition / Certificate / Appreciation letter

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