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The Special Shift Policy ensures an appropriate work life balance for
employees by regulating the hours worked on a holiday/ leave day and
adequately compensating employees for that day.

The policy is effective from May 1st 2017.


The Special Shift Policy is applicable to employees who work in shifts on a

recurring basis based on business needs.


o The rate of encashment for compensatory off granted for performing

special shifts on notified public holidays will be in accordance with law, as
applicable from time to time

Holiday Pay Employee working for a full 8 hours on one of the Notified
Public Holidays or Festive Holidays should be entitled for only one of the
following two options:

- Option of taking 1day of Compensatory Off


- Option of taking 1 day’s wage as the compensation

o Working on such days has to be approved by the Managers backed by

with prior intimation to HR’s.

o The employee after working in special shift(s) during a notified public

holiday needs to inform his/her direct supervisor about the options she/he
would like to choose

o The same need to be signed off by the respective Manager/Regional

Heads and then pass on to the Payroll Team for payout and/or recording
the accumulation of compensatory off.

The Notified Public Holidays are as below and list of festive holidays will be provided on
Beehive HRMS portal: India

1. 26th January – Republic Day

2. 1st May – Labor Day

3. 15th August – Independence Day

4. 2nd October – Gandhi Jayanthi

5. 1st November – Karnataka - Rajyotsava Day

At the time of exit/separation of an Employee, any unutilized compensatory

off will also be Encashed. The rate of encashment will be based on whether
the compensatory off was earned for work performed on a
weekday/Weekly Holidays or on a Public Holiday or through special shifts,
as per the guidelines defined above. All encashment is subject to statutory
deductions and is taxable in accordance to the laws, applicable at that point
of time.

Respective Associates need to put in a request for a Special Shift in advance

through an email to their respective Managers/Regional Heads with prior
intimation to HR’s.

Details to be provided include as follows:

- Proposed date of Special Shift

- Number of Special Shifts

- List of employees who will need to work in the Special Shift

On approval of the same, the Associates can proceed with work as per the
approved Special Shift.

o Employees who have performed Special Shifts will need to update the
details of such special shifts worked and thereby apply for grant of
compensatory off. The Manager is required to then approve the grant of
compensatory off

o Encashment of compensatory off is subject to statutory deductions and is

taxable in accordance to the laws, applicable at that point of time.


Management Discretion

· 21North reserves the right to alter/amend/terminate this Policy at

its sole discretion

· Efforts will be made to ensure that employees are informed of any

such change well in advance, ideally with one month’s notice.

· All exceptions to this Policy will need to be justified with a business

case and approved by Respective Regional Heads and Head - HR

· Any amendments or additions to this Policy would be

communicated to all employees.

1. If I am unable to avail my compensatory off during the Month, can I avail

it next Months?

A compensatory off accrued in a Month must be availed within that Month.

If the compensatory off is not availed, it will be encashed at the end of the
year. Subject to the Manager’s approval you can carry forward to the next

2. What is the difference between Notified Public Holiday (Mandatory) and

Festival Holidays?

Notified Public Holidays are mandatory holidays to be declared by the

company as per Labour Law e.g. 26th January and 15th August.

The Holiday Committee of the respective location declares festival Holiday’s

based on the recommendation.

Revision History

Date Author Approver Description
09-June- Lokesh Praveen Revised
2021 Natoo Surendiran Version

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