Nível: Cv5 Qualificacoes: Industriais (CV5 MI, CV5MA, CV5EI, CV5CC)

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Qualificacoes: industriais (CV5 MI, CV5MA, CV5EI, CV5CC)


Topic: Introducing yourself and others

I. Conversation: Meeting at a party

Todd: Hi—you must be John’s cousin Matt, right? From San Diego?
Matt: Correct! I just got in last night.
Todd: I’m Todd, Johns roommate from Tech. Glad to meet you. I can assure you that I’m not anything
like what John has told you.
Matt : I’m happy to meet you, too—and, yes—I have heard about you! Football player and party
animal extraordinaire.
Todd: Football, yes—and as a matter of fact, I do like parties. But tell me more about yourself and
what you do in San Diego.
Matt: Well, I’m more (of) a surfer than a football player. You know, San Diego has a fantastic coast—
and we can surf all day and then party on the beach at night.
Todd: That sounds awesome. How long are you staying?
Matt: Well, I’ll be here for two weeks. John has promised me a nonstop schedule— kind of a mix of
sightseeing, meeting his friends, checking out the local scene, and—hopefully—camping in the
mountains for a couple o f days.
Todd: John’s a good guy—and you can be sure he knows the local scene. He knows everybody in
town. I’m sure he’ll show you a good time. And his friends are here to help.
Matt: Thanks so much—I really appreciate that. I’m still a bit jet-lagged at the moment but should be in
good shape by tomorrow. I’m looking forward to hearing what John has in store for me....
Todd: Don’t worry. We’ll all take good care of you. And don’t be surprised if we show up on your
doorstep in San Diego one day, ready for surfing!

1.1. Am, do, etc.

When a yes-or-no question using the verb to be is asked, the answer can be made emphatic by
following it with a tag, in which, if the answer is yes, the verb is said a little louder than the other
words. Affirmative tag answers are not contracted.

Are you unhappy? Yes, I am.

Is he sick? Yes, he is
Are we winning? Yes, we are
Are they leaving?.. Yes, they are.

When the answer is no, there are two ways to answer with a tag. The underlined words are the ones
said a little louder. Negative tag answers are usually contracted. The full form makes them more
Are you unhappy? No, I’m not./No, I am not.
Is he sick? No, he’s not./No, he isn’t./No, he is not.
Are we winning? No, we’re not./No, we aren’t./No, we are not.
Are they leaving? No, they’re not./No, they aren’t./No, they are not.

When an information question using any verb other than to be is asked, the answer can be made
emphatic by following it with a tag, in which the verb is said a little louder than the other words.

Do you eat meat? Yes, I do./No, I don’t./No, I do not.

Does he like school? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t./No, he does not.
Do we wait in line? Yes, we do./No, we don’t./No, we do not.
Do they live here? Yes, they do./No, they don’t./No, they do not.

1.2. What do you do?

The question What do you do? asks what one’s job or occupation is. When you answer with a form of to
be, you give a general job title. Note that the article a is always used when referring to only one person
but is never used when referring to more than one person.

What do you do? I’m a lawyer

What does he do? He’s a painter.
What does she do? She’s a banker.
What do they do? They’re professors.

When the answer refers to someone who has a special title or position (i.e., is the only one in that
position), use the instead of a.

What does he do? He’s the president of ABC Enterprises.

What do you do? I’m the school secretary (the only one).

When you answer with another verb, you give more specific information about where you work.
What do you do? I work for a large firm.
What does he do? He drives a delivery truck.
What does she do? She works at Atlas Bank.
What do they do? They teach French at Loyola

1.3. I can assure you that... /you can be sure (that). . .
These are common ways of saying that you believe something to be true, hoping to win the
confidence of the person you are talking to.
I can assure you that I will work hard.
You can be sure that something interesting will happen.

I. Circle the most appropriate short answer for each question
1. Is Larry coming tomorrow?
a. Yes, he does. c. Yes, he is.
b. No, he doesn't. d. No, he won't.
2. Do you like chocolate ice cream?
a. No, I'm not. c. Yes, 1 am.
b. No, I don't. d. Yes, she does.
3. Are we leaving at six?
a. Yes, they are. c. Yes, we are.
b. Yes, they do. d. No, we don't.
4. Is she a lawyer?
a. No, she doesn't. c. No, he doesn't.
b. Yes, he is. d. Yes, she is.
5. Are they here yet?
a. No, they're not. c. No, they do not.
b. Yes, they're. d. Yes, they do.

II. Write a tag answer for each of the following questions.

1. Do you work twenty-four-seven?
2. Are you from New York?
3. Do your parents live in Los Angeles?

4. Are you a student?

5. Is your best friend studying English?

III. Imagine you are introducing two of your friends to each other. Write what you would
say and what each of your friends would say. Ask an English-speaking friend to check your

IV. Write sentence where you assure people different things, according to the suggestions
in each line.
a) You will pay the debt. _____________________________________________________
b) You will study hard. _______________________________________________________
c) You will fulfill your promises. ________________________________________________
d) You will do the homework. __________________________________________________

Topic: Negotiation

I. What is a negotiation? Discuss in pairs and share with the class


II. Read the dialogue below

JACK: What shall we do on Saturday?
JILL: Er ... let's go and see a film.
JACK: We could do that - or what if .. , you know it's Mary's birthday? Why don't we go out
with her and Thomas - go for a meal or something?
JILL: That's a good idea - where shall we go

Exercise 1: Read the negotiation between the two friends and identify:
a) The first suggestion
b) The counter suggestion
c) the agreement

Exercise 2: In pairs suggest a business negotiation with the structure below.

A: What about a 10% discount?
B: Well, perhaps 5%
A: Okay, that is alright.
B: Good, then immediate payment and 5% discount.

Exercise 3: Match the pictures with the transcripts

Extract 1:
LAWYER: Yes, I understand what you are saying, but the facts are clear. The company was
responsible for carrying out all the safety checks. Those checks were not made.
MANAGER: That's what you say ...
LAWYER: There is evidence that safety practices were poor. You know that. I advise you to
make a settlement, Mr Cooper. If not, I think it could be worse for the company. You don't want
the press involved in this

Extract 2:
FIRST MAN: The price includes all the land and the buildings.
SECOND MAN: Yes. What about the payment terms? With better terms, you could accept a
lower price?
FIRST MAN: No, I think terms are not the problem. The issue is price, Mr Ford. We have had
several offer

Extract 3
WOMAN: Yes, what looks good here is the practical qualities of the building and the use of
natural materials, stone, glass, wood. It's very attractive.

ARCHITECT: I thought you'd like it. But we'd like to discuss some other possibilities, though.
There are different options - we need to get things right absolutely right.
WOMAN: Yes, we need to talk about the time schedule, too.

Topic: Respect for all

I. Every person in the world is unique

Your physical characteristics, the things you like and do not like, your hopes and dreams represent
who you are, your identity.

Many other things also contribute to making you who you are: for example, your family, the
country you are from, the religion you practice, your own views on matters. You should be proud
of your own identity because it is part of who you are.

…But we all have the same rights! From the moment you were born there is something
very important that you cannot see but that you have simply because you are a person:
your rights.

Every person in this world has the same rights as you have: whether he/she is rich or poor, a boy or girl,
whatever language he/she speaks, or what country he/she is from, or religion he/she practices, or ethnic
group he/she belongs to, or whether he/she has a disability or not. There are NO exceptions.
 Nobody should ever take these rights away from you.
 You should not take away these rights from anybody.
 All countries should have laws that protect your rights.

Exercise1: Link each right to the corresponding responsibility

II. Respect for all
Something you should always remember is to treat the people you know and strangers, even if
they are different from you, in the same way you would like to be treated. There is a word that
expresses this idea well and it is respect.

It makes us feel good, happy and confident when others respect who we are, what we think and
what we do. So, it is important that you do the same to others too!

 Can you think of a time when someone has done something nice to you?
 What did she or he do to you?
 How did you feel?

Sometimes people do not behave respectfully towards others because their actions are driven by
stereotypes and prejudices.

Exercise 2: Connect the following examples to the option you think they represent

III. Discrimination
When you or others treat someone without respect on the basis of a set of ideas
(stereotypes) or opinions (prejudices) that are not true, it is called discrimination.

World leaders have set up a group of experts, called “The Human Rights Committee”to make
sure that everyone’s human rights are respected in the world. The Committee says that we
discriminate against others if we:
“Distinguish between people, exclude people, limit their freedom or prefer some people
over others because of one or more of the following reasons:
 They are boys or girls
 Their skin is of a different colour
 They speak a different language
 They follow a different religion
 They have one or more disabilities
 They are ill
 They are infected and/or affected by HIV & AIDS
 They are attracted to people of the same sex

 Their parents have low-paid jobs
 They have different opinions
 They live in poor areas or outside the city

Exercise 3: Read the examples below. Can you recognize in which case a minority
group is being discriminated against by the majority group and in which case the
majority group is being discriminated against by a minority group?
 “You need to speak our language because you are in our land”.
 “You did not go to the best school so you cannot be part of our group”
 Can you think of other examples?

Exercise 4: Read the following scenario and try to answer the questions below. if you are in
a group find a new positive ending and act out the story

“School today was horrible. It’s been the worst day since I arrived here. I was sitting by myself
having lunch. The same group of boys and girls passed by me and whispered “you are dumb”
and “your clothes are old and torn”. A girl pushed me and my food fell on the floor. Suddenly all
the people near me started staring at me and burst into laughter”. I run to the toilet and locked
myself in”

 How did the child feel?

 How would you feel if that happened to you?
 Can you think why he was discriminated against?
 Why do you think that group picked on that child?
 In what other way could the boy have reacted?
 What would you do if that happened to you?

 How should the group have behaved towards someone who felt new and alone in a new

Topic: Opinions

1. Softening and strengthening

There are many strategies for softening or strengthening the nature of what one is saying. 
For exemple:

Softening Strengthening

adverbs of frequency: adverbs of frequency:
I sometimes think It is invariably the case
I frequently get the idea that I always get the idea that
I often notice that I consistently notice that
downtoners: intensifiers:
You are slightly mistaken You are completely mistaken
That's nearly right but That's wholly wrong
That's roughly true but That's absolutely true
other modifiers: other modifiers:
In my country at least Anywhere you go
Almost everyone agrees that Absolutely nobody accepts that

2. Using authority

When giving an opinion, we often appeal to authority to back us up.  The most frequent way
to do that in English is to use a disjunct such as economically (see above) or by deploying the
passive.  For exemple:

Instead of We can use

I sometimes think It is often stated that

I think It is accepted that
People in my country think that In Germany it is believed that

This is, also, a trick used by those who wish to give an air of authority (i.e., generally
accepted opinion) to what is simply a personally value.  In other words, we are dressing up
a personal value as an expert opinion.  Politicians and business people are adept at it but
the assumption here is that our learners wish to present their views honestly.

Exercise 1: Draw lines between the response and the statement

Statement   Response
I like sugar in tea.   No, he wasn't.
Men are better at chess than That's a bit extreme, don't you
women. think?
Joseph Conrad was born in Poland. I don't think that's a justifiable view.
I forbid my kids to watch TV. Oh, do you?  I don't.

Exercise 2: Express opinions using authority

a) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exercise 3: Express opinions using authority

a) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exercise 4: Express opinions using Softening and strengthening strategies on different agreeing or
disagreeing with the statements below.
a) Men are smarter than women.
b) White people are smarter than black

c) Europe is a better place to live than


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