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Understanding Social Media

as a Tool for Citizens’


Austin Aigbe CDD-West Africa

What can you see?
How does Social Media
Contributes to Good
Brings Governance to The People

Bring government to the people,

Civil Engagement - Every Person can contribute

An Open Grievance Redressal Mechanism, which never

Inclusion & Ensures that political decisions are adapted to the needs
of the people who affected by them
Direct Participation in Governance is Possible

Every Group has the power to lobby/ advocate and

become a pressure group
When an issue touches cords of the masses, a nuclear-
fusion is possible
Democracy becomes all inclusive
Alternate Dialogue in Governance
Role of independent and
pluralistic media in promoting
participation is very important as
Beyond The Commercial Traditional Media can be bought -
the media reports on various
Controlled Media Social Media is beyond that
aspects of the decision-making
process and give stakeholders a
voice in that process.

Today agenda can not be set

plainly by controlling the
Voices in Social Media can no conventional media - masses Democracy flourish with multiple
more be ignored decide the alternate dialogue voices and alternate dialogues
beyond the control of any one

Free expression is the backbone

of democratic process. Wide
range of debates can take place
and a variety of viewpoints be
It can/is be used to control/
Governments can directly
dispel rumors and promote
use the Social Media to
facts/ truth in a fast,
counter misinformation
effective and credible

Mis/Disinformation Alternative to corruption in Positivity can be/is
the conventional media. reinforced

Opens up access to
government and
New activities/ messages/
government officials and
actions can be activated
create new possibilities for
and promoted
community driven
➢Promotes Transparency & Brings Accountability.
➢Citizen Monitoring & Oversight
➢Corrupt Practices rob Governments of it’s Credibility &
Transparency, Legitimacy
➢There are groups which promote secrecy - Social Media is
Accountability the answer for it.
& Fighting ➢Whistleblowing becomes possible with Social Media & also
offers protection from the possible fall-out, which happens
Corruption, when it’s done only by an individual. In few minutes
information becomes global, and it provides immunity to an
➢Accountability to the public is critical in a democratic
➢Public is free to examine the transactions of the
government and to hold its representatives accountable for
their actions. In a democracy this translates into VOTING-
OUT a bad government
Promotes Human Rights & enhance civic participation.

Beyond Censorship & Control

Freedom of Speech & Expression

Brings Equality - Every person has a voice

Fundamental Help people group together and form associations
Human Rights
Promotes equal opportunity

All Minorities get a voice

Crime Reporting systems to check violation of human

• Can speed-up governance and action
• A Fast & Cost-Effective Medium/
Saves Time Channel for Public-Service Delivery &
and Money interactive dialogue.
• Providing information through social
media channels offers real efficiencies
in creating faster, easier and cheaper
access to information, particularly to
youngsters who use, read and operate
in social media spaces.
• Social Media strengthens “e-
governance” in a cost-effective
• Help provides media and citizens with
direct access to administrative
information and decision-making
Social Media has the potential to provide minute-
to-minute & regular feedback of governance,
government action, policies and performance.
Feedback A cost effective and quick method of
Mechanism systematically collecting feedbacks

Assists in mid-course correction & to understand

the pulse of the people

Detailed analysis of the data can provide

important understanding of various patterns,
behaviour and responses.

New Algorithm’s can be tested to find solutions of

any existing problem.
Lastly, The Flip side

Can be used against Issue of privacy and Grouping of anti-

democracy too personal libel social people

Question about the

Spreading rumors & Privacy & integrity of
reliability of
misinformation data

Use of information by
Control of technology
foreign groups, which Intrinsic & extrinsic
- if it’s not within the
can be a threat to the threat to technology
sovereign nation
national security

Etc... (You didn’t see

In good governance, everything revolves around the
people; it’s about their needs and interests.

As a result of Social Media all the actions (public,

private and non state) are immediately brought to the
public eye; consequently people, both in government
and individuals are forced to be more careful, discreet,
prudent, responsible, transparent and accountable for
their actions.

Social Media is going to transform the

Citizen-Government DIALOGUE for ever. It’s
also going to change the way Government
Do you consider Social
Media Regulation as a
Interaction positive policy
– Chatham
House Let’s further
Rule interrogate the Good,
Bad and Ugly of Social

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