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Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020

English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

Graded worksheet

Name: Class: 6º
Total Obtained
Subject: English Date: 35 points
Score Score:
Skills Knowledge
1. Reading Comprehension Development
(Leer, comprender, analizar y entregar información específica)
2. Use of language. (Reconocer el uso de ciertas palabras u oraciones según el contexto en -Present simple: Negative and affirmative
el que se presenten)
3. Writing/ Vocabulary expression form.
(Recordar vocabulario específico de relacionado a la unidad 1)

1. Reading Comprehension Development (15 points) (Compression lectora)

• Read the following text. (Lee el texto)

Healthy poem

Tomatoes are red,

beans are green,
an eggplant has a crown,
just like a queen.
Potatoes are brown,
onions are pink,
carrots have juice
which I can drink.
Vegetables make me healthy and wise,
I'll eat some daily with milk and rice.

Helpful words
• Drink: Beber
• Beans: Frijoles
• Healthy: Saludable
• Eggplant: Berengena
• Wise: Sabio
• Queen: Reina
• Eat: Comer
• Onions: Cebollas
• Daily: Diariamente
• Juice: Jugo

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

A. Circle the correct option. (Encierra en un círculo la opción correcta.) (1 point each/ 6 points)

1. Tomatoes are… 2. Beans are… 3. Onions are…

a) Green a) Red a) Brown

b) Pink b) Green b) Red
c) Red c) Pink c) Green
d) Brown d) Brown d) Pink

4. An eggplant has… 5. Carrots have… 6. Vegetables make me…

a) A crown a) A crown a) Milk and rice

b) Juice b) A drink b) Healthy and wise
c) Brown c) Juice c) Milk and wise
d) A queen d) Orange d) Healthy and rice

B. Read the text again and write TRUE or FALSE (Lee el texto de nuevo y escribe VERDADERO
o FALSO) (2 points each/ 6 points)

7. ___________________________ An eggplant has juice.

8. ___________________________ Potatoes are brown.

9. ___________________________ Carrots have a crown.

C. Think and answer the following question using the verb LIKE (Piensa y responde la
siguiente pregunta usando el verbo LIKE)(3 point)

10. Do you like vegetables?




2- Use of language (10 points)

A- Look at the numbers and write their names. (Mira los números y escribe sus nombres)
Ej: 28
Twenty eight

11 20 8 32

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

B- Read and complete the paragraph with the most suitable number from the box noticing the
numbers in parenthesis next to each blank space. (Lee y completa el párrafo con los números
que están en la caja, fijándote en los dígitos entre paréntesis que tiene cada espacio en
blanco.) (2 point each)

Three– twenty five – Twelve

Yesterday Melany bought _____________(12) tomatoes, _____________ (3) and

_______________(25) beans to make a salad for her lunch.

3. Grammar/ Writing Expressions (10 points)

A. Look at the images and identify each meal using food vocabulary. (Mira las imágenes e
identifica cada comida usando el vocabulario de alimentos.) (1p/each)

__________________ ______________________ ______________________

B. Create two full sentences using food vocabulary in affirmative and negative. Use LIKE and
DON’T LIKE. (Crea dos oraciones completes usando el vocabulario de alimentos de forma
afirmativa y negativa. Usa LIKE y DON’T LIKE) (3 points each/ 6 points).

subject verb complement


Subject Negative Verb Complement



subject verb complement


Subject Negative Verb Complement

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

Graded worksheet

Name: Class: 6º
Total Obtained
Subject: English Date: 35 points
Score Score:
Skills Knowledge
1. Reading Comprehension Development -Present simple: Negative and affirmative form.
(Leer, comprender, analizar y entregar información -Health vocabulary
específica) -Can/can’t
2. Use of language. (Reconocer el uso de ciertas palabras u
oraciones según el contexto en el que se presenten)
3. Writing/ Vocabulary expression
(Recordar vocabulario específico de relacionado a la unidad

1. Reading Comprehension Development (15 points) (Compression lectora)

• Read the following text. (Lee el texto)

Feeling sick…

-Jhonny: Hello Martin how are you? Let´s go play soccer!

-Martin: Hi Jhonny. I feel bad.
-Jhonny: What’s wrong?
-Martin: I feel sick, I have a cold.
-Jhonny: Oh, you have to take medicine.
-Martin: Yes, sorry I can´t play,
I have to stay in bed.
-Jhonny: No problem, see you
next week!
-Martin: Bye!

Helpful words
• Feel: Sentir
• Bad: Mal
• Have: Tener
• Take: Tomar
• Stay: Quedarse

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

A. Circle the correct option. (Encierra en un círculo la opción correcta.) (1 point each/ 6 points)

1. Martin feels… 2. Martin has a… 3. Jhonny tells Martin he has

a) Good a) Headache
b) Bad b) Stomachache a) Drink water
c) Ok c) Cold b) Go to the doctor
d) Hot d) Cough c) Rest
d) Take medicine

4. Jhonny wants to… 5. Martin tells Jhonny… 6. Jhonny will see Martin…

a) Play soccer a) I have to go to the doctor a) Tomorrow

b) Go to the cinema b) I have to take medicine b) Next week
c) Play videogames c) I have to play c) Next month
d) Listen to music d) I have to stay in bed d) Someday

B. Read the text again and write TRUE or FALSE (Lee el texto de nuevo y escribe VERDADERO o
FALSO) (2 points each/ 6 points)

7. ___________________________ Jhonny is sick.

8. ___________________________ Martin has a cold.

9. ___________________________ Martin has to take medicine.

C. Think and answer the following question using “health” vocabulary. The answer must be a
complete sentence with: SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT (Piensa y responde la siguiente
pregunta usando el vocabulario de “Salud”. La respuesta debe ser una oración completa con

10. How do you feel today?




2- Use of language (10 points)

A- Look at the images and identify them with “Health” vocabulary. (Mira las imágenes e identifícalas con
vocabulario de “Salud””) (1p/e)

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

B- Read and complete each sentence with the right action. Use “have to/don’t have to” according
to each situation (Lee y completa las oraciones con la accion correcta. Usa “have to/don’t have
to” según cada situación.) (2pts e/a)

I have a cold  You _______________ rest and sleep

Do I have to stay in bed, doctor?  No, you ______ rest but

you ___________ stay in bed all day.

I I have a cough  You _______________ take a medicine.

3. Grammar/ Writing Expressions (10 points)

A. Look at the images and identify each activity using “Healthy activities” vocabulary. (Mira las
imágenes e identifica cada actividad usando el vocabulario de “Actividades sanas”.)

__________________ ______________________ ____________________ ____________________

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

B. Create two full sentences using healthy activities vocabulary including days of the week. (Crea dos
oraciones completas usando el vocabulario de actividades sanas, incluyendo días de la semana.) (3
points each/ 6 points).

subject verb complement

I play Soccer on Mondays

subject verb complement

She practices Tennis on Fridays.

subject verb complement

subject verb complement

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

Graded worksheet n°3

Name: Class: 6º
Total Obtained
Subject: English Date: 35 points
Score Score:
Skills Knowledge
1. Reading Comprehension Development -Present simple
(Leer, comprender, analizar y entregar información - WH Questions
específica) - Giving directions
2. Use of language. (Reconocer el uso de ciertas palabras u - Jobs & professions
oraciones según el contexto en el que se presenten)
3. Writing/ Vocabulary expression
(Recordar vocabulario específico de relacionado a la unidad

1. Reading Comprehension Development (15 points) (Comprensión lectora)

• Read the following text. (Lee el texto)


-Robert: Good morning Liz how are you today?

-Liz: Hi Robert, I’m very good thank you.
-Robert: Hey Liz, since you are a new student in the class, I want to know you better.
-Liz: Sure, what do you want to know?
-Robert: Ok, how old are you?
-Liz: I am twelve years old.
-Rober: Where do you come from?
-Liz: I come from California
-Robert: Where do you live?
-Liz: I live downtown, near Los Lagos park in front
of a coffee shop.
-Robert: And what is your hobby?
-Liz: I love videogames and reading books!
- Robert: Wow me too, which is your favorite
-Liz: My favorite videogame is Fortnite!
-Robert: Awesome I love that game too! We could
play together today after class!
-Liz: Sure! See you later, bye!
Robert: Bye!

Helpful words
• New: Nuevo/a
• Know you: Conocerte
• Want: Querer
• Know: Saber
• Hobby: Pasatiempo
• Downtown: En el centro
• Together: Juntos
• After: Después

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

A. Circle the correct option. (Encierra en un círculo la opción correcta.) (1 point each/ 6 points)

1. How old is Liz? 2. Where does she come from? 3. Where does she live?

a) 15 years old a) She comes from California. a) Next to Central park.

b) 13 years old b) She comes from Texas. b) Downtown, near the fire
c) 14 years old c) She comes from Ohio. station in front of a restaurant.
d) 12 years old d) She comes from Miami. c) Downtown, near Los Lagos
park in front of a coffee shop.
d) Near Los Lagos park in front of
the cinema.

4. What is her hobby? 5. Which is her favorite 6. When are Liz and Robert going
videogame? to play together?
a) Playing soccer
b) Playing videogames and reading a) Fortnite a) Tomorrow
books b) Free Fire b) Before class
c) Playing the piano c) Minecraft c) Next month
d) Playing tabletop games d) League of legends d) After class

B. Read the text again and write TRUE or FALSE (Lee el texto de nuevo y escribe VERDADERO o
FALSO) (2 points each/ 6 points)

7. ___________________________ Liz hates videogames.

8. ___________________________ Robert loves Fortnite

9. ___________________________ Liz and Robert will read a book after class.

C. Think and answer the following question in simple present. The answer must be a complete
sentence with: SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT (Piensa y responde la siguiente pregunta en
presente simple. La respuesta debe ser una oración completa con SUJETO + VERBO +

10. What is your hobby?




2- Use of language (10 points)

A- Look at the images and identify them with “Jobs & professions” vocabulary. (Mira las imágenes e
identifícalas con vocabulario de “Trabajos y profesiones””) (1p/e) (4pts)

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

B- Read and complete each sentence with the things each professional do. Use “Jobs &
professions” vocabulary .(Lee y completa las oraciones con las cosas que hace cada profesional.
Usa el vocabulario de “Trabajos y profesiones”.) (2pts e/a) (6pts)

A tailor makes _____________________________________________

A dentist keeps _____________________________________________

A teacher teaches _____________________________________________

3. Grammar/ Writing Expressions (10 points)

A. Look at the images and identify them with “Giving directions” vocabulary. (Mira las imágenes e
identifícalas con el vocabulario de “Dando direcciones”.) (1p/each) (4pts)

__________________ ______________________ ____________________ ____________________

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

B. Use the map and give two directions on it. (Usa el mapa y da dos direcciones en el) (3 points each/ 6

subject verb complement

The post office is In Green street, next to the library.

subject verb complement

subject verb complement

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

Graded worksheet n°4

Name: Class: 6º
Total Obtained
Subject: English Date: Semana:12-16/10 35 points
Score Score:
Skills Knowledge
1. Reading Comprehension Development -Present simple
(Leer, comprender, analizar y entregar información -Past simple
específica) -Animals & habitats
2. Use of language. (Reconocer el uso de ciertas palabras u -Personalities
oraciones según el contexto en el que se presenten)
3. Writing/ Vocabulary expression
(Recordar vocabulario específico de relacionado a la unidad

1. Reading Comprehension Development (15 points) (Comprensión lectora)

• Read the following text. (Lee el texto)

My favorite animal

Hi, I am Karen. My favorite animal is the orangutan. I love it

because it is funny, friendly and very intelligent. It lives in
rainforests and spends most of the time on trees. It eats a lot of
fruit, honey, insects and bird eggs. It can live over thirty years. It
is in danger of
extinction and there
are only a few
orangutans in the

Helpful words
• Lives: Vive
• Spend: Pasa
• Most: La mayoría
• Honey: Miel
• Years: Años
Danger: Peligro
Extinction: Extinción
• few: Pocos

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

A. Circle the correct option. (Encierra en un círculo la opción correcta.) (1 point each/ 6 points)

1. Which is Karen´s favorite 2. Why does she love it? 3. Where does the orangutan
animal? live?
a) Because it is, intelligent,
a) The dolphin shy and funny. a) In deserts.
b) The sloth b) Because it is lazy, boring b) In rainforests
c) The dog and lame. c) In the woods.
d) The orangutan d) In the mountain.
c) Because it is funny,
friendly and intelligent.
d) Because it is shy, hard-
working and intelligent.

4. What does the orangutan eat? 5. How long can orangutans live? 6. The orangutan is in…

a) Fruit, honey, insects and bird a) Over twenty years. a) Danger of being adopted.
eggs b) Over Fifty years. b) Danger of living in cities.
b) Meat, plants and insects c) Over seventy years. c) Danger of extinction.
c) Fruit, vegetables, small animals. d) Over thirty years. d) Danger of overpopulation.
d) Fruit, carrots, fish and eggs.

B. Read the text again and write TRUE or FALSE (Lee el texto de nuevo y escribe VERDADERO o
FALSO) (2 points each/ 6 points)

7. ___________________________ Karen hates orangutans.

8. ___________________________ Orangutans are in danger of extinction

9. ___________________________ There are many orangutans in the world.

C. Think and answer the following question in simple present. The answer must be a complete
sentence with: SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT (Piensa y responde la siguiente pregunta en
presente simple. La respuesta debe ser una oración completa con SUJETO + VERBO +

10. Which is your favorite animal?




2- Use of language (10 points)

A- Look at the images and identify them with “Habitats” vocabulary. (Mira las imágenes e identifícalas con
vocabulario de “Habitats”) (1p/e) (4pts)

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

B- Read and complete each sentence with the animal & personalities vocabulary .(Lee y completa
las oraciones con vocabulario de “animales y personalidades”.) (2pts e/a) (6pts)


The cat is shy

The ______________ is very _________________

The____________ is __________________

The______________ is ___________________

3. Grammar/ Writing Expressions (10 points)

A. Complete each sentence using “was” or “were”. (Completa cada oración usando “was” o
“were”.) (1p/each) (4pts)

1. Martin ___________ sad yesterday.

2. Jhon and Rosa ____________ at school in the morning.

3. I ____________ tired last night.

4. You _____________ a student last year.

B. Write three sentences in simple past using “ACTION VERBS” (Escribe tres oraciones en pasado simple
usando “VERBOS DE ACCION”) (2 points each/ 6 points).

subject Verb in complement

Laura worked In the bank last year

Instituto Santa Teresa de los Andes – Coordinación Enseñanza Básica 2020
English Department/ Mr. Jhonnel Acosta

subject Verb in past complement

subject Verb in past complement


subject Verb in past complement

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