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1. Insectivorous- plants that eat insects

2. Breathing roots- roots of the plant that grow in marshy areas grow out of the soil to breathe
are called breathing roots.
3. Papyrus- Papyrus is a material similar to thick paper that was used in ancient times as a
writing surface. The word paper comes from the word papyrus.

Answer the following question

1. Name five plants of grass family that provide us food.

Ans. The plants of grass family that provide us food are wheat, rice, barley, millet and maize.

2. Name any two insectivorous plants.

Ans. Venus fly trap, pitcher plant are some examples of insectivorous plant.

3. How does a cactus survive in deserts?

Ans. Most cactus plants do not have leaves instead they are modified into spines.
Food is prepared in the fleshy stems and the stems have a thick, waxy skin which helps to
reduce the loss of water.

4. What happens after an insect is trapped in the leaves of Venus fly trap plant?
Ans. The digestive glands in the interior edge of the leaf secrets of fluid that kills the bacteria
and breaks down the insect with enzymes to extract the required nutrients.

Think and answer

1. A Lotus plant cannot grow in desert. Why?

Lotus plant cannot grow in desert as these areas are difficult places to survive for lotus plant
due to dry and hot air.

2. How do breathing roots help the plant to grow in a marshy area?

Ans. In marshy areas, the soil is sticky and clayey. So the roots of the plants here grow out of
the soiland water to breathe. Such roots are called breathing roots. The trees that grow in
marshy area are called mangroves.

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