Randi Ramadhan - 2001032054 - 2C D3 TL - Phrases and Clauses

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Randi Ramadhan


2C D3 TL

I. Identified the noun phrase in the following sentences!

1. The man in black shoes and his ugly dog.

The subject pronoun to replace the following noun phrase is ….

a. We

b. They

c. He

d. His

e. Them

2. The right noun phrase using the pattern Determiner + Adverb + Adjective + Noun is ….

a. Proclamation of Indonesia

b. The big swimming pool

c. Those beautiful flowers

d. A really gorgeous car

e. A big pizza box

3. Arrange the following words into a correct possible noun phrase:

1) drink

2) fresh

3) more
4) plenty

5) to

6) water

The best arrangement is ….

a. 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 6

b. 1 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 4

c. 1 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 3

d. 4 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 2

e. 4 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 1

4. Choose the caption that contains a noun phrase ….

a. Healthy drink inside

b. Inside is healthy

c. Keep drinking water

d. Water is your best friend

e. Water is good

5. A: Have you seen Laras?

B: Not yet. What’s up with her?

A: She has just cut her long hair.

The pattern of the noun phrase used above is ….

a. Determiner + Adjective + Noun

b. Determiner + Adverb + Noun

c. Determiner + Adjective
d. Determiner + Noun

e. Adjective + Noun

6. If you…… to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice it.

a. Want

b. Wanted

c. Would want

d. Have wanted

e. Would wanted

7. If that was john , why ……. He stop and say hello ?

a. Do

b. Did

c. Don’t

d. Didn’t

e. Do not

8. If I were you ……..

a. I will buy that limited edition camera

b. I would buy that limited edition camera

c. I would have bought that limited edition camera

d. I would have been buying that limited edition camera

e. I would bougt that limited edition camera

9. What is the fact of the previos question ? ( question no 4 )

a. I am not you

b. I was not you

c. I were not you

d. I have not been you

e. I am you

10. My father would buy me a new motorcycle ……….

a. If I passed the state university entrance test

b. If I pass the state university entrance test

c. If I have passed the state university entrance test

d. If I am passing the state university entrance test

e. If I passing the state university entrance test

I. Answer :

1. ( B ) They

2. ( D ) A really gorgeous car

3. ( E ) 4 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 1

4. ( A ) Healthy drink inside

5. ( A ) Determiner + Adjective + Noun

6. ( A ) Want

7. ( D ) Didn’t

8. ( B ) I would buy that limited edition camera

9. ( A ) I am not you

10. ( A ) If I passed the state university entrance test

II. choose the following statements True or False!

1. The underlined clause is an expansion of the phrase 'how to speak French fluently'

She learned how she could speak French fluently.

a. True

b. False

2. The underlined clause is an expansion of the phrase 'that we make the cookies quickly'-

I suggested making the cookies quickly.

a. True

b. False

3. The boy is very naughty. His father is often angry with him.

a. True

b. False

4. Ms. Paulo whose house is near to my house is a doctor.

a. True

b. False

5. Do you know that man ? My mother gave him some foods today.

a. True

b. False
II. Answer :

1.( A ) True

2.( B ) False

3.( B ) False

4.( A ) True

5.( B ) False
III.In this exercise, complete each sentence with a verb and an adjective from the box.

1. I cannot eat this. I have just tried it and it ………

2. I was not very well yesterday, but …………………………. today.

3. You ……………. . Have you been out in the rain?

4. Jimmy told me about is new job last night. It … quite …… ,much better than his old job.

5. What beautiful flowers! They ……… too.


1. I cannot eat this. I have just tried it and it tastes awful .

2. I was not very well yesterday, but I feel fine

3. You look wet . Have you been out in the rain?

4. Jimmy told me about is new job last night.It sounded quite interesting , much better than

his old job.

5. What beautiful flowers! They smell nice

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