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PARAMETRIC Often robust, they are relatively unaffected by violations of assumptions Uses interval and ratio data Assumptions

The observations must be independent The observations must be drawn from normally distributed populations These populations must have the same variances The means of these normal and homoscedastic populations must be linear combinations of effects due to columns and/or rows Methods Tests of differences between groups (independent samples)

NON-PARAMETRIC Range of tests that are used in situations where there are markedly non-normal distributions, or where the data collected are nominal and ordinal Observations are independent Variable under study has underlying continuity Less rigorous but not wrong

1. t-test for independent samples 2. Analysis of variance (ANOVA/ MANOVA) (multiple groups)

1. Wald-Wolfowitz runs test 2. Mann-Whitney U test 3. Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test

Tests of differences between variables (dependent samples) Multiple Groups 1. t-test for dependent samples 2 variables are measured more than two variables are measured Tests of relationships 1. Repeated measures ANOVA

1. Kruskal-Wallis analysis of ranks 2. Median Test

PARAMETRIC VS NON-PARAMETRIC Retrieved from : on 06-19-11

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