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11/7/22, 17:43 Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Página Principal / Cursos / INGLÉS A1 - (900001A_1143) / Evaluation / Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación

Comenzado el lunes, 11 de julio de 2022, 17:12

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en lunes, 11 de julio de 2022, 17:42
Tiempo 30 minutos 10 segundos
Puntos 15,0/15,0
Calificación 90,0 de 90,0 (100%)
Comentario - <p>Muy bien</p>

Pregunta 1 LISTENING
Finalizado 
Answer the question according to the Audio Daily routine 
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0 

Where does he work?

a. at an office

b. at a store

c. at a gym

d. at home 1/7
11/7/22, 17:43 Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2 GRAMMAR


Puntúa 1,0 Choose the best answer for this question:

sobre 1,0
Which sentence is NOT correct?

a. A lion is more dangerous than a tiger.

b. Melanie is prettier than Jesse.

c. This book is boringer than that one.

d. Kerry is smarter than her sister.



Puntúa 1,0 Choose the correct words to complete the sentence according to the picture?

sobre 1,0

She is a pretty __________.

a. doctor

b. lawyer

c. teacher 

d. waitress 2/7
11/7/22, 17:43 Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 4 Answer the following question according to the audio “My name is Mark”,  

Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0 What is his favorite color?





Pregunta 5 READING

Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":
Puntúa 1,0
Penguins  
sobre 1,0
Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarctica. No wild penguins live at the North Pole. There are many
different kinds of penguins. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Penguin, and the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin. There are seventeen different kinds of penguins in
all, and none of them can fly.
Penguins have to be able to survive in some of the Earth's coldest and windiest conditions. They are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in
their freezing cold habitats, penguins still have to watch out for predators such as killer whales and seals.
According to the reading the biggest penguin is…

a. The Emperor Penguin

b. The little Emperor Penguin

c. The Blue Penguin

d. The North Pole Penguin 3/7
11/7/22, 17:43 Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6 READING
Choose the correct answer according to the text “MY DAILY ROUTINE ”
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0 I get up at half past six, and I have breakfast with my parents and my older sister, Sofia. I really like cereals, but my sister loves bacon and eggs. My
parents eat coffee and toast. We often go to the university by train, but my father always goes by car. My mother works at home, she is a lawyer.
We have lunch at the university, because in the afternoons we do extra activities such as to sing in the choir and play basketball, my sister goes to art class
and practices boxing. After the university, we go home, and my mother give us orange juice with cookies. We also help at home; I sometimes clean the
rooms and my sister often washes the clothes. In the evenings we watch Netflix, we play games and talk about our day. My sister and I go to bed at nine
On weekends, we get up later, around twelve o'clock. We play outdoors games with some friends. Then we usually visit our grandmother, I like her very
much! She makes us cakes, and we play all afternoon with our cousins. It's great fun!
How many people conform this family?

a. The mother, the sister and the narrator.

b. The parents, the sister and the narrator

c. The grandmother, the parents, the sister and the narrator

d. The father, the sister and the narrator.

Pregunta 7 GRAMMAR

Finalizado choose the option that is grammatically correct

Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0 a. Carlos not enjoys watching football

b. Carlos do not enjoys watching football

c. Carlos does not enjoy watching football 

d. Carlos does not enjoys watch football

Pregunta 8 GRAMMAR


Puntúa 1,0 Choose the right word to complete the paragraph.

sobre 1,0

Look at my mother in the street she _______ next to the car.

a. is running

b. run

c. running

d. does run 4/7
11/7/22, 17:43 Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9 READING
Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0 Penguins 
Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarctica. No wild penguins live at the North Pole. There are many
different kinds of penguins. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Penguin, and the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin. There are seventeen different kinds of penguins in
all, and none of them can fly.
Penguins have to be able to survive in some of the Earth's coldest and windiest conditions. They are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in
their freezing cold habitats, penguins still have to watch out for predators such as killer whales and seals.
The word "they" in the second paragraph refers to:

a. Penguins

b. Conditions

c. Layers of skin

d. Swimmers

Pregunta 10 VOCABULARY


Puntúa 1,0 Choose the correct answer according to this picture.

sobre 1,0

a. She is Carolina and she is from Colombia

b. She is Ammy and she is from England

c. She is Nayibe and she is from South Africa.

d. She is Mercedes and she is from France 5/7
11/7/22, 17:43 Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 11 GRAMMAR


Puntúa 1,0 Choose the correct sentence according to the use of Frequency Adverbs.
sobre 1,0

a. Always I get up early in the morning.

b. I always early get up in the morning.

c. I always get up early in the morning.

d. I get always up early in the morning.

Pregunta 12 VOCABULARY
Choose the correct answer according to the picture:
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0

a. They are in the garage

b. They are in the living room

c. They are in the bathroom

d. They are in the dining room

Pregunta 13 LISTENING


Puntúa 1,0 Listen to the audio "Daily Routine"

sobre 1,0

and answer the question.

What time does Brittany Davis start classes?

a. She starts classes at 6:30am

b. She starts classes at 8:00 a.m.

c. She starts classes at 7: 00 a.m.

d. She starts classes after 10:00am 6/7
11/7/22, 17:43 Unidad 2 - Task 3 - Building my knowledge - Cuestionario de evaluación: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 14 GRAMMAR


Puntúa 1,0 Choose the correct answer:

sobre 1,0

How much is that shirt?

a. They are 5 dollars

b. This shirt is blue

c. It’s thirty dollars

d. It ten dollars

Pregunta 15 READING
Choose the best answer according to the Reading " Penguins":
Puntúa 1,0
sobre 1,0 Penguins 
Penguins are among the most popular of all birds. They only live in and around the South Pole and the continent of Antarctica. No wild penguins live at the North Pole. There are many
different kinds of penguins. The largest penguin is called the Emperor Penguin, and the smallest kind of penguin is the Little Blue Penguin. There are seventeen different kinds of penguins in
all, and none of them can fly.
Penguins have to be able to survive in some of the Earth's coldest and windiest conditions. They are great swimmers and have thick layers of fat to protect them from the bitter cold. Even in
their freezing cold habitats, penguins still have to watch out for predators such as killer whales and seals.
What information about penguins you CAN’T find in the reading?

a. favorite food

b. enemies 

c. home

d. popularity

◄ Unidad 1 - Task 2 - This is me - Rúbrica de evaluación y Unidad 3 - Task 4 - All around me - Rúbrica de evaluación y
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