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20/07/2022, 20:31 Module 12: Receptive Skills - Teaching Listening

Module 12: Receptive Skills - Teaching


Module 12: How to teach Listening?

Site: TEFL Fullcircle

Course: Advanced 160 Hour TEFL Course
Book: Module 12: Receptive Skills - Teaching Listening
Printed by: Anastasia Ushakova
Date: Wednesday, 20 July 2022, 7:31 PM 1/7
20/07/2022, 20:31 Module 12: Receptive Skills - Teaching Listening

Table of contents
Unit 1: Lesson Structure
Unit 2: Choosing a Listening Activity and Video 27
Unit 3: Teaching Listening 2/7
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Remember: Integration of skills is

Once learners
have started to develop their listening skills, they will start to feel as
though their
English is improving. They will hear more and be able to build
their own vocabulary, which will
ultimately make them independent learners.

Listening is a
receptive skill, which means that learners will respond to the listening
material, unlike
speaking and writing which are productive skills where
students practise and produce language. 

Barriers to listening:

Listening is a
difficult activity for students and it's important that you introduce tasks in
small bite size
chunks so that students do not become overwhelmed by the

Here are
some substantial barriers to listening that you need to be aware of at all

the speed of
the language means words are unclear for some of the listeners

they may
misunderstand the context due to the speed or particular sounds or words

they may be
unable to cope with accents

they may
misunderstand colloquialisms

they may be unable

to distinguish particular sounds

they may be
unfamiliar with commonly used vocabulary

they may be unable

to distinguish the key elements from the unimportant parts of the message

the sentence
construction may differ radically from their own language

unlike native
speakers, they may be unable to predict the speaker's message before it has
been completed

And here are some

substantial barriers to listening, specifically related to authentic speech.

Authentic speech - barriers:

Most of the spoken

language we listen to is informal and spontaneous. This spontaneity presents
problems for the language learner.

Brevity of 'chunks': Speech is typically broken into shorter

chunks. In conversation, for example,
people take turns to speak, usually in
short turns of a few seconds each.

Pronunciation: The pronunciation of words is often blended

or slurred, and noticeably different from
the phonological representation of a
given word in the dictionary.

Grammar: Informal speech tends to be somewhat ungrammatical. Utterances do not

usually divide
neatly into sentences; a grammatical structure may change in mid
utterance; unfinished clauses are

Redundancy: The speaker normally says a good deal more

than is strictly necessary for the conveying
of the message. Redundancy
includes such things as repetition, paraphrasing, and the use of fillers
as I 3/7
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Non-repetition: The discourse will not be repeated


Therefore, it's
extremely important to explain context and give your learners grammar points
vocabulary in the Presentation stage. 

It's also vital

for your students to get in the mood for listening. Using a relevant warmer to begin the
lesson will also
help to get your students in the mood. 

Once your
learners are focussed, you will need two or three listening
activities based on the same text.
The first should be straightforward and
the others can be a little more challenging so that students can

As with teaching speaking,

you and your learners will have more success if everyone is relaxed and

The structure of
a listening lesson is slightly different from the way you teach grammar,
vocabulary or
speaking because the focus of the lesson is on comprehension of
the material and not practising and

However, we will
still use the PPP technique to structure the lesson. 

Let's now have a

look at how to structure a listening lesson. 4/7
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Unit 1: Lesson Structure

Introduction and

Like any other

lesson, you will introduce yourself and write the lesson objectives on the
board. Then
use a warmer activity to get your students in the mood and focussed. 

Activity (Presentation):

In this part of
the lesson, you will introduce a topic which must have context to motivate your
to want to listen. You will also introduce new grammar and vocabulary
so that students can focus on
listening to the text and not on having to think
about learning a new item. 

In the
pre-listening activity, it's a good idea for you to ask students to make
predictions about the
material they are going to listen to. For example, you
introduce the topic of a 'movie star' or a 'movie'.
(The text will be an
interview with someone famous)  Ask your students to predict what the
person is
going to say and create a mind map on the board. 

By the time they

listen to the text, they will have the key grammar and vocabulary and will have
predictions, so they are motivated to check whether they have guessed

Listening Task: 

You are aiming to

play the text 3 times, or maybe 4 times if your students need to hear it

The first time

you play the text, tell students to work in pairs (communicative activity) and
ask them to
answer quite straightforward questions, so that they can get a
general understanding of the material
and build confidence. You could ask 2 or
3 questions. Let the students compare their answers with
each other. Also, you
should try to check all answers at the end of this stage.

The second time

you play the text, ask your students to listen for more detail. The students
should be
able to answer your detailed questions using true or false, multiple
choice or one-word answers. 

You do this so
that your learners are not consumed with a lengthy reading and writing exercise
at the
same time as listening. Again, you should try to check answers at the
end of this stage.

The third time playing

will be used for checking answers and filling in any gaps in understanding in
preparation for discussion and feedback in the post- listening part of the

Summary and Reflection:

An excellent way
to finish the listening activity is to have a discussion about what they have
Also, you could discuss any difficulties with words or points of
grammar. Depending on the number of
difficulties, you could immediately resolve
the problems or have a follow up lesson on the analysis of
the language. 


Finish the lesson

with a mini activity. 5/7
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Unit 2: Choosing a Listening Activity and Video 27


One of the
essential parts of a listening lesson is choosing the right material. Choosing text
that creates
interest and a motivation to want to listen will lead to a
successful lesson.

Let's consider
the choices which are available to you when you choose listening material.

Textbook and CD:

Many of the
textbooks you will have will contain a CD with listening activities.
However, most of the
time these listening activities are completely
unrelated to the real world. It's vital that your text has
meaningful context
and is interesting.

School Trip:

A good activity
is a school trip or excursion with adult learners. Depending on their level, they
watch a movie or a play, or visit a museum or attraction with an English-speaking

Using YouTube: 

Select a short
clip and transcribe it for your students. This is a great opportunity for you
to add a clip
to your blog or Wikispaces site. Activities might
include gap fill exercises in the pre-listening stage.
YouTube has
many different clips you can use for listening activities.

Make your own:

If you have time,

you could record your own voice and role play. 6/7
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Unit 3: Teaching Listening

Listening is vital.
Even if the language learner can speak some English but is unable to understand
what the other person is saying, she will never be able to communicate

We have now looked

at how to choose the right material and how to structure a listening
lesson. Let's
now consider some of the key elements within the structure
of a listening lesson that you could get
your students to do. 

Listening for
the basic idea:

This is a great first

activity for your students. Ask them one or two questions so that they can
listen for
the basic idea of the text. It's also a good idea to ask them to
make predictions in the pre-listening part
of the lesson so that they really
have the motivation to listen and check their guesses. It's a good idea
to get
them to work in pairs so that they can check each other's work.

Listening for

Once the learners

have listened to the text once, you can then begin to ask more detailed


a) Comprehension
questions: These types of questions are similar to the reading comprehension
questions but the listener will not have the text in front of her.

We can ask the

following types of comprehension questions:

i) Factual: The
answer is clearly stated in the listening passage.

ii) Inferential: This

type of question is asking the student to make some sort of connection in the
or use their knowledge of the outside world to make a connection. 

iii) Personal: This

type of question is used to find out information about the student's personal

b) Summary
questions: This is where the students are asked to listen to the complete text
and are asked
to make notes. They are then asked to write a summary of what
they heard. They could be asked to
write the summary in the form of
an email to a friend or as an addition to your blog. 


This is where a
student just wants to follow a story. It's a great idea to let students watch a
movie or a
video clip and then ask them to write a summary from their notes
explaining what they have just seen.

Finally, you
might want to have control over how to make your listening text harder or
easier for your
students. You can make a text harder by playing it only twice
or you might not pre-teach certain
words. If you wanted to make it easier, you
could give your students a script with words missing that
they have to fill in
while listening.

Take the Quiz: How to Teach Listening. 7/7

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