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A tension test for a stee! alloy results in the stress-strain diagram. shown in Fig 3-18, Calculate the modulus of elasticity and the yield Sength based on a 0.2% offset. Identify on the graph the ultimate stress and the fracture stress. ote) 120 sos = ico oF c = nef en 68 x 0 40) 20] 20 10) # | anny © GOED ANFNAsO IVa Z0.IFN-160I80z00203 ‘gos Loonie | ooh oot Tend ne Fig. 3.18 SOLUTION Modulus of Elasticity. We must calculate the slope of the initial Straightline portion of the graph. Using the magnified curve and scale Showa in blue this linc extends from point @ to an estimated point A, which has coordinates of approximately (0.0016in./in., 50 ksi) Therefore, 50 ksi 0.0016 in. fin, Note that the equation of line OA is thus ~ 31.2(10)e. Yield Strongth. For a 0.2% offset, we begin at a strain of 0.2% or €.0€20 in. fia.and graphically extend a (dashed) line parallel to 4 untit it intersects the oe curve at A" The yield strength is approximately ors = ksi Ans Ultimate Stress. ‘This is defined by the peak of the oe graph, point B in Fig. 3-18, 31.2(10°) bs Ans ey = 108 ksi Ans Fracture Stress. When the specimen is strained to its maximum of e- = 0.23 in. in. t fractures at point C. Thus, 90 ksi Ans ‘The stress-strain diagram for an aluminum alloy that is used for ‘making, aircraft parts is shown in Fig 3-19. If a specimen of this -mzterial is stressed to 60 MPa, determine the permanent strain that remains in the specimen when the load is released, Alko, find the ‘modulus of resilience both hefore and after the load application, SOLUTION Permanent Strain. When the specimen is Subjected to the load, it strain-harcens until point is teached on the -« diagram. The strain a this point isapproximately 0.023 mm/mm. When the load isreleased, ‘the material behaves by following the straight line BC, which is parallel toline OA. Since both lines have the same slope, the strain at point C can be determined analytically. The slope of line OA is the modulus of elasticity, Le, 450MPa F = Go06 mm/mm — 7° OP From triangle CBD, we require BD oy pe $00(10°) Pa E- 75.0(10°) Pa ee €D = 6,008 mm/mm “This strain represents the amount of recovered elastic strain. The permanent stiin,egcis thus oe ~ 0.023 mm mm — 0.008 mm/mm = 0.0150 mm/mm Ans ‘Note: If gauge marks on the specimen were criginally 50 mm apart, then after the load is released thete marks will be SOmm + (00150) (50 mm) = 50.75 mm apart. Modulis of Resilience. Applying Eq.3-8,we have 1 1 (aan ~ 5 6 ~ 5 (450 MPa) (0.006 mm/mur) = 135 Mi/a? Ans. (4) = 3 Soe = 5 (E00 MPA) (0.008 mmm) 240 MI/aP Ans. OTE: By pouariens the ola of ata kendvaing theme fs rate [es htop ace ot attic ws eye ots ak re ere ect ene ee ee pel ASU taper ian eter tetoren Oe ‘won in me Sishstem of uns raeasured in Joules. Where L = 1 N-m, 00 oy=as0} x40) 150 An aluminum rod, shown in Fig, 320d, has a circular erass section and (Ps) Is subjected to an axial load of 10 KN. Ifa portion of the stess-strain lagram is shown in Fig. 3-200, determine the approximate elongation ff the rod when the load is applied. Take Ey = 70 GPa 200 1mm 0a mm ——}— 490mm SOLUTION For the analysis we will noglect the localized deformations at the point of load application and where the red’ cross-sectional area suddenly changes (These effects will be discussed in Sections 4.1 an 4.7.) Throughout the midsection of each segment the normal stress and deformation are uniform. In order to find the elongation of the rod, we must first obtain the strain. This is done by calculating the stress then using the stress-strain diagram. The normal stress within each segment is P_ 10(10)N ag = = = 31.83 MPa A e(001me— *** MPa Bag NN psn ME A 7(00075 my From the stress-strain diagram, the material in segment AB is strained elustically since 04g < oy = 40 MPs. Using Hooke’ law. ap _ 3183 (10) Pa - (7 mm fmm Ey T0(u?) pa — CONSE ‘The material within segment BC is strained plastically, since ac > vy — 40MPa, From the graph, for cac — 56.59 MPa, exc ~ 0.045 mm/mmn, The approximate elongation of the rod is therefore 8 = Zel, = 0.0004547 (600 mm) + 0.0450(400 mm) 133 mm Ans A bar made of A-36 steel has the dimensions shown in Fig. 3-22. Ian axial force of P = 80 KN is applied to the bar,determine the change in its length and the change in the dimensions of its cross section after applying the load. The material behaves elastically. 80 kN Fig.3-22 SOLUTION The normal stress in the bar is 80(10°) N oO eh sO OHNE 16.0 (10°) Pa A (0.1m)(0.05m) From the table on the inside back cover for A-36 steel Ey = 200 GPa, and so the strain in the z direction is _@, _ 16.0(10%) Pa Eg 200(10°) Pa The axial elongation of the bar is therefore 7 = 80(10°*) mm/mm €; L; = [80(10*)] (1.5m) = 120 am Ans, ‘Using Eq. 3-9, where vg, = 0.32 as found from the inside back cover, the lateral contraction strains in both the x and y directions are €y = & = —Ve €, = —0.32[80(10-°)] = —25.6 um/m Thus the changes in the dimensions of the cross section are 6, = ey Ly = —[25.6(10-)](0.1m) = —2.56 um Ans. 6) = ey Ly = -[25.6(10)](0.05m) = 128m Ans. A specimen of titanium alloy is tested in torsion and the shear stress strain diagram is shown in Fig. 3-25a. Determine the shear modulus G, the proportional limi, and the ullimate shear stress. Abo, determine the maximum distance d that the top of a block of this material, shown in Fig. 3-256, could be displaced horizontally if the material behaves elastically when acted upon by a shear force V. What is the magnitude ‘of Vinecessary to cause this displacement? SOLUTION Shear Modulus. This value represents the slope of the straight-line portion OA of the ry diagram. The coordinates of point A are (0.008 rad, 52 ksi). Taus, SDS — 6s ps 7 0.008 rad sls a e ‘The equation of line OA is therefore + = Gy = 6500y, which is Hooke’s law for shear. Proportional Limit. By inspection, the graph ceases to be linear at point A. Tous, ay = Sts Ans Ultimate Stress. This value represents the maximum shear stress, point B.From the graph, = TB ksi Ans. Maximum Elastic Displacement and Shear Force. Since the ‘maximum elastic shear strain is 0.008 rad, a very small angle, the top cf the block in Fig. 3-256 will be displaced horizontally fan (0.008 mid) ~ 0.008 rad = 5 d= O016in Ans ‘The corresponding average shear stress in the block is ry = 52 ksi. ‘Thus, the shear force V needed to cause the displacement is, a 2k = Toa ES Gin )(4in.) V = 624kip Ans a. oy, 00 La yeas on oy 6) ig 328 ale 16S kN Fig. 326 ‘An oluminum specimen shown in Fig, 3-26 has a diameter of dy = 25 mm and a gauge length of Ly = 250mm. Ifa force of 165 kN elongates the gauge length 1.20 mm, determine the modulus of elasticity. Also, determine by how much the force causes the diameter ‘of the specimen to contract, Take Gy, = 26 GPa and oy = 440 MPa, SOLUTION. Modulus of Elasticity. The average normal stressin the specimen is 165(10°) N ICN sag med 78) (0.025 m' and the average normal strain is 8 _ 120mm eos 0.00480 mm /mn FSS = 0.00480 mm/min Since o < oy modulus of elas 440MPa, the material behaves elastically. The ity is therefore _ 3610004) Pa © 000880 Ea = 1006Pa Ans. Contraction of Diameter. First we will determine Poisson's ratio for the material using Eq.3-11. E —— RI +9) 70.0 GPa 26 Gra = Oa 2 +») = 0387 Since eae = 0.00480 mm/mm, then by Eq.3-%, on = ft __ 0.00480 mm /aam eu = ~0.00166 mm/mm ‘The contraction of the diameter is therefore 8! = (0.00166) (25 mm) 0.0416 mm Ans

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