Modi Us Visit

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“WHEN INDIA REFORMS — WORLD TRANSFORMS” PRIMEMINISTER, MODIADDRESSED THEUNITED NATIONS GENERALASSEMBLY WITHHIS | No space POWERFUL SPEECHABOUTINDIA'S STRENGTH, SUCCESSES, AND VIRTUES Bergen te INCONTRASTTOPAKISTANICOUNTERPART, BLABBERINGABOUTINDIA. C.SUBRAHMANYAM manufacturing COVID-19 vac- tion in science and technology, cines and, of course, the struggle [Realtheare-He] talked about his space n his address at the UN General against countries with regressive vision Tor governance which is to ‘Assembly [UNGA] on 25th Sep- thinking. leave no one behind. Further, Modi tember 2021, Prime Minister, “When India reforms, the world emphasized that India represents ‘Narendra Modi reaffirmed India’s wansforms” and “When India one sixth of humanity and India's commitment to democracy, high- grows, the world grows” - Modi developmental journey will be the lighted its remarkable accomplish-_proudly added highlighting the in- developmental journey for the rest ments in developing and _ fluence of India's progress, innova- of the [world Modi] cites India’s space | OCTOBER 2021 Po iy continued efforts transforming red India’s ancient philosophy and con- India’s ongoing commitment to tapism into red carpet and invites _viction of Vasudeo Kutumbam combating climate change was em- collaboration with other nations (The World is One) and let the rest [phasisedby] Modi, He spoke on emohassed by that would not only develop India of the world decide whether they oceans and the necessity to safe- but also assist the speeding of want India as a friend or an adver- guard the ocean's resources when i global transformation. He high- sary came to maritime security lighted that India has vowed to be Modi_further cautioned the Prime Minister Narendra of “weorassive present for global good as a dangerspFregressive}hinking and Modi’s vist to the United States provider and contributor which was extremism.” In his speech, Modi was singularly important as he had widely appreciated and several said that India took an active part many high-level engagements. In world leaders thanked India for in the global counter terrorism addition to his address to UNGA, standing by them in many ways, strategy, “Those countries using Modi met with [USPresident|Joe US President especially with vaccine contribu- terrorism as a political tool must. Biden and other QUAD [Readers In] leaders..In tion. know it is as big a danger for a joint statement released after the Narendra Modi, representing them”, Modi added, inan apparent. QUAD Summit at the White the largest democracy in the world attack against Pakistan, He further House, leaders from Australia had a message for everyone who stressed that if the United Nations India, Japan and the US stressed were eager to listening and watch- is to stay relevant, it must increase the need for a free and open Indo- ing at UNGA that “Democracy ean its efficacy and enhance itsreliabil- pacific that is inclusive and re- deliver and Democracy has deliv- ity, both of which are vital for the silient, The joint statement cred.” Modi stated that he was rep- organization to face current chal- emphasised the importance of challenge. it resenting mother of democracy and [lenges.It]is no coincidence that strong cooperation of diplomatic, attacked on those who have been- India stands tall and strong in economic, and human-rights initia anvilndia and propagating anti- diplomatic circles, hanks to diplo- fives in Afghanistan, The statement who wis Hinduism and to mats like Sneha Dubey at the said, “We affitm that Afghan tetri- dismantle what Tndia stands United Nations, who responded to tory should not be used to threaten for. Any [forAny pttempt to dismantle the Pakistans false allegations and ac- or attack any country or to shelter former will also dismantle the cusations with a striking and or train terrorists or to plan or latter. Modi reminded the UNGA scathing reaction. finance terorist acts" It also con- 3 ‘THE NEWS YOU LIKE| OCTOBER 2021 demned the use of terrorist proxies and emphasised the need of not supporting terrorist groups. The one-on-one meeting with Joe Biden, followed by the QUAD ‘meeting was the most crucial day for the Indian Prime Minister Modi. Following their greetings, Modi and Biden reaffirmed their commitment to a strong and growing India-US strategic part nership. However, it is unclear ‘whether Modi and Biden have the same chemistry as Modi did with, Obama and Trump. Reportedly the ‘hwo hada cordial conversation with regards to mutually beneficial col- laboration on trade, science, tech- nology and defence. They also discussed people-to-people ex- change as the cornerstone of US- India friendship. When the US Vice President Harris met Modi, she acknowl- edged that India has been a vietim of terrorism. She stated that Pak- {stan's backing for terrorist groups ceattmed must be investigated and [ear or ‘operation with India is a ‘@-fftmed positive message for India During his visit, Modi inter- acted with top American CEOs fiom five different sectors and ex- pressed his vision and goals for ex- panding India and received a positive response fom all of them. Modi met with the CEOs of Qual- comm, Adobe, First Solar, General ‘Atomics, and Blackstone in one- ‘on-one sessions and invited them to ‘come to India to start their business for mutual development. Finally, Modi’s speech had a hhuge impact on how the world communicated with him. Perhaps for the first time in history, a strong and confident Indian Prime Minis- ter declared to the world, “When India reforms, the world trans- forms.” Never before has India been so confident in proclaiming that when India grows, so does the rest of the world. @ ‘THE NEWS YOU LIKE| OCTOBER 2021

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