Magnetic Whatsapp Lead Generator

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How To Create Highly Converting Sales Funnels Page 1

How To Buid An Audience On Whatsapp That
Consistently Pays You

John Agbo

How To Create Highly Converting Sales Funnels Page 2


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How To Create Highly Converting Sales Funnels Page 3


Dear business owner, let me start by congratulating you for grabbing a copy of
the Whatsapp Lead Generator Course.

The fact that you have invested in this course shows that you are serious about
the growth of your business.

Let me tell you why I said so.

Leads are the life-blood of any business. If you can’t generate leads, you will
struggle to make sales. If you struggle to make sales, you will struggle to make
money. If you are not making money, you will continue to be broke.

Every business depends on leads to survive. For your business to grow, you
must have fresh eyeballs taking a look at your products or services every single

Regardless of any kind of business you are doing, you need to have leads
coming in consistently.

Business is a game of numbers. The more leads you are able to generate, the
more chances you stand of closing a sale.

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Whether you are a realtor, fashion designer, digital marketer, web designer,
network marketer, affiliate marketer, etc. one of the best places you can
generate leads is on Whatsapp.

I will tell you why.

Whatsapp is been used by over 2 billion people and the app is present in over
180 countries of the world.

The average person that has a Smartphone has Whatsapp installed on their

I can bet you that 99.9% of your potential customers that has a Smartphone are
using Whatsapp.

In business, it always makes sense to reach your potential customers where

they are congregated.

So, if you want to reach your potential customers, one of the best places you
can reach them is on Whatsapp.

In this eBook, I am going to be showing you the best way to start generating
leads on Whatsapp and grow a list of hot buyer customers who will keep
paying you consistently.

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We have already established the fact that leads are the lifeblood of any
business. If you are not getting new eyeballs on your business every day, it is
only a matter of time and you would soon be out of business.

If you look at most of the successful entrepreneurs you follow and admire so
much, it is not like they are doing anything special to make a lot money, the
secret of their success is that they have built a large list of people that knows
like and trust them.

Due to this fact, whenever they launch a product, they are able to make a lot of
sales because of the large audience that they have.

The reason they focus more on building their list is because they understand
that business s a game of numbers.

In business, it is expected that you can only convert 10% of your audience into
paying customers.

So let’s say you have 20 people viewing your status right now, if you put out a
product for sale, it is expected that only 2 people (10% of 20) will buy that

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If you have 100 people viewing your status and you put out a product for sake,
it is expected that only 10 people (10% of 20 people) will buy that product.

Now, imagine if you have 1000 people viewing your status, it means you will be
able to convert 100 people into paying customers.

Basically, that is how the numbers game works.

If you have been trying to sell on Whatsapp and sales are not coming in, it is
because you don’t have enough targeted potential customers taking a look at
your offer.

If you are always trying to sell to the same group of people on Whatsapp every
day, you will become frustrated.

You need to make up your mind and become intentional about generating
leads and building and audience on Whatsapp that will consistently pay you.

The more people you have viewing your offer on your Whatsapp status, the
more chances you stand of converting a potential customer into a paying

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If you have ever joined any Whatsapp group especially if it is business related, I
am sure you have had one or two persons sent you some kind of message
asking you to save their contact and let them know once you do that so that
they can also save yours and probably send you a gift.

Look at a sample of such message below:

Can you relate?

I am sure you must have received a message like this in the past.
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It is even likely that you have sent a message like this to someone in the past
asking them to save your contact and revert once they do that so that you can
also save theirs.

If you are fond of doing it, please stop it.

Grabbing people’s contacts from Whatsapp groups and sending them

unsolicited messages asking them to save your contact is absolutely wrong.

I have tried to correct some persons about this in the past and they always
want to claim it is not wrong trying to connect with new people using that

The reason people do this is because they want to build their list and increase
their Whatsapp status views.

But I feel this approach of building your Whatsapp audience is wrong for two

1. You Are Spamming People – you don’t know someone from anywhere, you
have never had a conversation before and all of a sudden, you send me a
message asking me to save your contact.

That is spamming.

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Why should I save your contact and connect with you when I don’t have any
business with you?

It is only when I know you or I am sure of benefiting something from you that I
can save your contact.

Entering people’s inbox without their permission and sending them unsolicited
messages is referred to as spamming and nobody wants that.

If you have ever gotten such spam messages, I am very sure that in most cases
you ignored the person.

If you have ever sent this kind of message to people, I am also sure in most
cases they ignored you.

Look, rather than chasing people and asking them to save your contact, you
want to position yourself as an authority and make people chase you instead.

When you go to people, they see it like you are coming to beg them to join
your network.

However, when people come to you, they will respect you more because they
see you as an authority and someone that has the solution to their problems.

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I am going to be showing you exactly how you can position yourself and make
people come to you instead in this report.

2. You Might Be Building The Wrong Audience - The fact that I am in a drop
shipping Whatsapp group doesn’t mean I am interested in drop shipping.

So if you are sending me a message asking me to save your contact thinking I

am interested in drop shipping, you might just be building the wrong audience.

It could be that I just joined the group to see the way the instructor was going
to deliver his training and what teaching format he or she would use.

So you could go through the pain of building an audience only to realize that
they are not people who are interested in what you are selling.

The goal is to build an audience on Whatsapp that constantly pays you.

Let’s jump right in and see how to do that.

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When it comes to building an audience on Whatsapp that consistently pays you

on demand, you need to realize that it is not just about filling up your
Whatsapp with just any contact.

You must ensure that you are filling up your Whatsapp contacts with the right

The right audience is those people who are interested in your products or your

To ensure that you build the right audience that consistently pays you, here are
the key steps you must follow:

Step #1: Define Your Target Audience

Before you start building a list that consistently pays you on Whatsapp, the first
thing you want to do is to define your target audience.

You need to be clear on who your target audience are.

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Every business has a target audience because no matter what you sell,
everyone cannot be interested in it.

If you try to sell to everyone, you will end up selling to no one.

Apple has their target audience.

Techno has their target audience.

Nike has a target audience.

Your product or service cannot be for everybody.

Every business owner has a specific audience they are targeting with their
product or service.

You must sit down and clearly define your target audience.

What is a target audience?

A target audience is a group of people who are interested in or looking for

what you have to sell and also has the disposable income to pay for such
product/service at a price that is favorable to them.

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That is my own definition anyway.

By clearly identifying who your target audience is, it will help you to focus your
marketing effort on those people and getting in front of them because those
are your perfect prospects.

Here are just a few examples of different target markets:

1. Network marketers

2. Working professionals

3. Small business owners

4. Stay-at-home moms

5. Realtors

6. Internet marketers

7. Women with corporate jobs

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8. Affiliate marketers

9. Information marketers

These are just examples, and your target market might not be on this list.

But when you are choosing a target market, always ensure that you choose a
target market that you understand better.

This will help you to relate with them on a deeper level when communicating
with them.

Once you have defined the people you want to sell to, you can now move on to
the next step.

Step #2: Uncover Their Biggest Pain

Once you have clearly defined your target audience, the next thing you have to
do is to find out that one biggest pain that they have.

What is that ONE THING they are struggling with and desperately looking for a
solution for?

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For example, if you are targeting network marketers, one of the biggest
problems that they have is that they are struggling to get leads for their

And because they are struggling to get leads for their business, they are unable
to get people to join their business or buy their products.

So if this is your target audience, I just gave you a hint to a pressing problem
that they have.

Regardless of any target audience that you choose, your job is to find out a
pressing problem that affects that group of people.

Step #3: Create A Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is anything you give away for free in order to collect people’s
contact information.

The contact information you collect could be their name, email address and
phone number.

In this case, the contact information you want to collect is their Whatsapp
number because you want them to save your contact and revert so that you
can also save theirs before you follow up and market to them via broadcast or
your status.

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When you have identified the problem of the audience, the next thing you
want to do is to create a lead magnet as a solution to that problem.

The lead magnet could be an eBook, a video, an audio program, a template or a

Whatsapp training.

Look, if you are the type that doesn’t like giving away from information on the
internet, just forget about making money not just on Whatsapp but online.


The reason is that if you are not ready to give out something for free, people
will not be interested in buying from you.

People do not know you, they don’t like you and they don’t trust you. The only
way they can get to know, like and trust you is when you give them something
valuable for free.

People only buy from someone that they know, like and trust.

I am sure before you bought this eBook from me, it is likely that you have been
following me online for some time and have consumed some of my free

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It could also be that you bought this eBook because you downloaded my free
eBook on how to make money on Whatsapp and you got a lot of value from it
so you decided to get this eBook.

When you have something of value to give people who are in your target
audience, those people will be more than willing to do anything to grab that
free information as long as it is going to solve a problem for them.

Now, using the example of network marketers we used as our target audience
earlier, you could create a short eBook to teach network marketers how they
can use their Facebook profile to generate leads for free.

One of the reasons why this works so well is that you’re positioning yourself in
a way that attracts people to you rather than chasing them.

You have what people want so they will come to you and do whatever you ask
them to do (save your contact) just to get that free information you want to
give them.

Secondly, it positions you as an authority because people see you as an expert.

They will look up to you because they see you as a solution provider and
someone who can help them.

Thirdly, you are very sure that the people who are coming to you are highly
qualified leads who are interested in your offer and will also buy from you
when you pitch your premium product.

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This is by far better compared to sending people random messages and asking
them to save your contact because most people will never take you seriously
when you do this.

Step #4: Create A Custom Message And Link

Once you have decided on the type of lead magnet you want to create (I
recommend you create an eBook) create a custom message that people can
click and message you directly on Whatsapp without saving your contact.

With the custom link of the message, it is easier for people to click on it and
send you a message in your inbox with one click asking you to give them that
free eBook that you have promised them.

When someone clicks on your custom link and land in your inbox, before you
give them that free gift, ask them to save your contact and respond once they
have done that so that you can also save their contact.

99.9% of the time, they will always save your number because you have
something that they need.

Once they save your contact, you can also save their contact and label it for the
purpose of sending broadcast messages.

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I have created a practical video tutorial that will walk you through on how to
create the Whatsapp custom message and also get the link.

If you bought this eBook from me, then you should get it as a bonus that
comes along with it.

Step 5: Promote Lead Magnet

This is the most interesting part because this is where you get to start
advertising your free lead magnet and get people clicking on your link to ask
for it in your inbox.

There are basically two ways you can promote your lead magnet:

Organic promotion simply means you are not spending any money to advertise
your lead magnet, but rather using free strategies to promote it.

There are basically two strategies I use to promote my lead magnet organically.

We shall take time to look at how each of them works.

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#1: Facebook Cover Photo

That space where you have your Facebook cover photo is a goldmine, don’t
joke with it.

It has the potential of giving you leads on demand 24/7 without spending a
dime on advertising.

If your lead magnet is a free training, you can design your cover photo with
details of your free training and attach your custom link in the description so
that people can click and send you a message on Whatsapp.

If your lead magnet is an eBook, you can design your cover photo and add the
design of your lead magnet on it.

Ensure you also have the link in the description of the cover photo so that
people can click and message you on Whatsapp.

You can Visit my Facebook profile to see how I have done it

#2: Lead Multiplier Strategy – When people come into your inbox to get
your free eBook, one thing you can also do is to tap into their network of
contact to get more leads.

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Basically, once I have given them the link to the free eBook I promised, I then
asked if they will be willing to help me share the details of the eBook on their
Whatsapp status in exchange for a gift from me.

Some people will agree to help you share and some will just ignore you. You
don’t have to worry about those who ignored you, focus on those who
accepted and also helped you to share.

The gift I give those who share is an audio program of The Millionaire Booklet
by Grant Cardone.

Make sure you find something you can give them as a gift. People will be more
motivated to go the extra mile and help you share on their Whatsapp status
once they know that they will benefit something at the end of the day.

Personally, I only ask people to help me share on their status if I am not making
them a one-time-offer. I will explain what the one time offer is when we get to
section 3.

Just as the name implies, paid advertising is simply investing some money to
put promote your lead magnet and put it in front of the people who needs it.

There are several ways you can run paid ads to get people to message you on
Whatsapp to get your lead magnet. But, let’s look at the three most popular
ones you can start implementing fast because of their simplicity.
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#1: Whatspp TV Ads – Whatsapp TVs with a lot of status views (at least 1000
views) can be a great platform for lead generation.

There is one big mistake a lot of people make when they want to advertise on
Whatsapp TVs.

What they do is that when they want to run Whatsapp TV ad, they go ahead to
start promoting their paid product.

It’s a very big mistake and here is why…

If you advertise on a Whatsapp TV and you promote your premium product on

their status right away, not everyone who sees the ad will buy your premium
product immediately.

It is not because they are not interested in your product, it might be that they
still want more education about your product or they probably don’t have the
money at that moment.

Now, if your ads disappear after 24 hours on that Whatsapp TV status, it means
those who are interested in your product but couldn’t buy immediately won’t
be able to reach you again. You have lost them.

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Instead of directly advertising your premium product, it is always better you
advertise your lead magnet so that you can collect the leads from that person’s
contacts and convert them yourself on your Whatsapp status.

As people click on the link from their status and message you, you can ask
them save your contact before you send them the link to the free gift.

Don’t just advertise on any Whatsapp TV. Make sure you advertise on a TV that
has the kind of audience that will be interested in your product.

Make sure also that you find out how the person built their audience so that
you are sure to get quality leads from your ads.

#2: Influencer Marketing – why do big brands pay celebrities huge amount
of money to talk about their products and services?

It is because they understand that those celebrities have a huge number of

people who follow and believe in their works.

The moment the celebrities recommend anything to their followers, it is likely

to sell because their followers believe and trust in their recommendation.

Getting influencers to talk about your lead magnet can be a great way to
promote it.

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Influencers are people who have built an authority in their area of expertise.

These people have built a large following of loyal fans that knows, like and
trust them so it is easy for their fans to grab whatever it is they recommend.

Influencers charge differently to promote your product based on their level of


Who are the influencers you know in your niche that can help promote your
lead magnet to their audience for a fee?

Pick a pen and paper and make a list of all the influencers you know in your
niche, then start reaching out to them to ask about their fees to promote your
lead magnet.

There are some that you can afford and you may not have the money to afford
some. Pick the ones you can afford and start with them first.

As your audience begin to grow, your whatsapp status views will begin to
increase too.

With time, you can also start advertising for other brands on your Whatsapp
status and when you must have made enough money, you can go back to
those whom you couldn’t afford initially.

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#3: Facebook Ads – When it comes to running paid ads, Facebook ads has
always been my favorite platform to run ads for Whatsapp lead generation.

The reason is that it is very easy to target the people who will be interested in
your lead magnet and it will be easier to also sell to these people when you
route them to Whatsapp because they have an interest in your offer.

There are different campaign objectives you can choose from when running a
Facebook ads, but the Lead Generation objective has been found to be one of
the cheapest forms of Facebook Ads.

You can get leads for as low as N20-30 per lead once you set up your ads
correctly and also target the right audience.

I have created a detailed video tutorial to walk you through on how to run Lead
Generation Ads. Ensure you go through the video to learn how you can do that.

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What you are promoting to get people to contact you on Whatsapp is the
custom link you have created for your lead magnet.

Once people click on that custom link, they are going to land on your Whatsapp
inbox and send you the message that you have customized with your link.

The next thing you want to do is to ask them to save your contact and let you
know once they have done that so that you can give them access to the link to
download the free lead magnet.

When they save your contact and respond, then you can also save their

Now, you also want to keep in mind that you are not just doing a free
giveaway. You need to find a way to make money from these people as they
come into your inbox and grab your lead magnet.

You shouldn’t just be promoting something for free. You must have something
in mind that you intend to sell at the end of the day.

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The best way to make money from them as they come into your inbox is to
give them a one-time offer.

You give them a one-time-offer if you are not asking them to help you share the
details of your lead magnet on your status.

Instead of asking them to share the details of your lead magnet on their status,
you rather ask them to buy something from you almost immediately.

A one-time offer is a smart marketing technique used by marketers to increase

sales in their business.

Usually, a one-time offer is something you have to grab immediately or risk the
chance of missing it or paying more for it later on.

So let’s say you are giving away a free eBook to women who want to lose
weight. Inside this eBook, you have shared 5 ways they can lose weight
without hitting the gym.

After delivering the eBook to them, you can make them a one-time offer to
grab your 30 day meal planner for N1000 within the next 24 hours. If they fail to
pay within the next 24 hours, the price will increase.

Whatever lead magnet you are giving away, just ensure that you have a
product to sell them as a one-time offer.

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The lead magnet must also be congruent with the product you’re selling
because it will naturally lead the prospect into making a buying a decision.

If you are running ads, the one-time offer will basically help you to cover your
ad spend.

This is how you can make your customers pay for your ads.

For example, you spend N3000 on ads to generate 50 leads on Whatsapp.

When they 50 land in your Whatsapp inbox, you made all of them a one-time
offer to buy your eBook for N1000, if only 5 out of the 50 purchases that
eBook, it therefore means that you have been able to cover your adspend for
that day.

You can see that you may not need to use your own money to run your ads.

All you have to do is to keep offering your one-time offers to your leads and as
they buy, you can use the money to re-invest it into your ads.

Your one-time offer is not your main product. The work of your one-time offer
is basically to help you recoup your advertising cost. That way, it will seem like
you are actually running your paid ads at zero cost because the ads is paying
for itself.

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As people purchase your one-time offer, you can now upsell them your main
product on the back-end and that is where you make the most money.


Some of the leads you generate will purchase your one-time offer and some

While it is important that you get people to grab your one-time offer, your
focus should be on the main product you want to sell.

The first product you are introducing to your potential customers is the one-
time offer, but after that, you also want to start introducing them to your main
or core offer.

At this point, you have to follow-up aggressively.

The best place that you can do your follow up is via your Whatsapp status.

You must keep offering them more value via your status while selling your
product at the same time.

The value you give will help to increase the know, like and trust factor so that
they can feel more comfortable buying from you.

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Status selling is something you will have to keep doing for life. As long as you
now have an audience that wants something that you have, you must show up
every day to create content that entertains, educate and informs your


The sub title of this course is not How To Build An Audience On Whatsapp. It is
How To Build An Audience On Whatsapp That Consistently Pays You.

The money you make from the first sale is not really important. It is the money
you are able to keep making consistently by selling to your already existing
customers that makes the whole difference.

The leads you generated are going to be there on Whatsapp for life. They have
also given you the permission to market and sell to them.

In order to keep receiving regular alerts, you need to create and offer them
more products to buy.

If you don’t create and offer them more products, they will look elsewhere and
go spend their money with your competitor.

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There is nothing wrong with selling the same product over and over again.

However, if someone has already purchased one product from you, you don’t
expect him to buy that same product from you again for the second time.

The only way to make that customer buy from you again is to offer him other
products that he doesn’t have and cannot do without.

This is how you can activate consistent bank alert in your Whatsapp marketing.

Always keep looking out for problems that your customers and potential
customers have and find a way to create products that will solve those

If you can consistently create products that solve a problem for the audience
you have built on Whatsapp, you will never have any reason to be broke again.


So there you have it, How to build a hot buyer audience on whatsapp that
consistently pays you.

One thing I always tell my students is that my job is to show you what works,
your job is to implement and put in the work.

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When you implement and start getting results, do well to send me your

To your continued success,

- John Agbo

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