How Can Doing Something Right Lead To Something Wrong

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Landry Chalmers


Assignment 10

July 19 2022

How can doing something right lead to something wrong

Distinguishing right from wrong can often be difficult, and it can be just as hard to

define the two terms, as they are often up to personal interpretation. Generally speaking,

doing something right is moral, just and lawful, while doing something wrong is quite the

opposite : immoral, unjust and unlawful. That creates the question, how can doing something

right lead to something wrong? Something right can turn into something wrong depending on

intentions, time, and the people involved.

Firstly, an action can be affected by a person's intentions. Someone acting with good

intentions could still lead to doing something wrong. Take the quote, “the road to hell is

paved with good intentions” (Psychology Today). It means that good intentions don't always

have good outcomes. For example, something with good intentions led to something bad

regarding the opioid crisis. “Good intentions to improve pain and suffering led to increased

prescribing of opioids, which contributed to misuse of opioids and even death” (National

Library of Medicine) Those who allowed the mass prescription of opioids had good

intentions : to help people with their pain. However, their actions, regardless of their positive

intention, led to immense drug use and thousands of deaths related to opioids. Thus, their

good intentions caused something bad. In this way, doing something right can lead to doing

something wrong if a person has good intentions.

Second of all, actions can be affected by time. Someone could do something that is

right in the present, but overtime, it could turn into something wrong, like with the creation

and use of plastic. When first created, plastic was extremely important, as it made a variety of
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items “affordable to many more people” (Science Museum). However, with time it has

evolved to become a huge problem rather than a positive. Now, “much of the planet is

swimming in discarded plastic, which is harming animal and possibly human health”

(National Geographic). Something that was good and useful in the past has now become a

huge problem for our planet, our animals and our own health. Hence, something right in the

past can turn into something wrong in the future.

Finally, actions can be affected by the people involved. Something could seem right

to one person, but could seem wrong for another person. A perfect example is the story of

Robin Hood, “who would steal the tax money from the Sheriff to give it back to the poor”

(Bedtime Short Stories). For Robin Hood and the poor people of his town, he was doing

something good, as the money helped the poorer families. However, to the Sheriff and to

outside parties, the doings of Robin Hood were wrong, because he was stealing money which

is illegal. In this situation, what’s good for one group is bad for another, and this is another

way that doing something good could turn into something wrong.

In conclusion, there are many ways that doing something right can lead to something

wrong. It all depends on intentions, time and people involved. Because of these, something

moral, just, and lawful can turn into quite the opposite in the blink of an eye. There is a fine

line between right and wrong, and it’s clear that it’s quite simple to cross it.
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Works Cited

Kalman, Izzy. “Principle One : Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions”.

Psychology Today. August 16 2010. -

bullying/201008/principle-one-road-hell-is-paved-good-intentions. Consulted July 19th 2022.


Parker, Laura. “The world’s plastic pollution crisis explained”. National Geographic.

June 7 2019.

Consulted July 19th 2022. Website.

Rummans, Teresa. “How Good Intentions Contributed to Bad Outcomes : The Opioid

Crisis”. PubMed. March 2018. Consulted July

19th 2022. Website.

Science Museum. “The Age of Plastic : From Parkesine to Pollution”. Science

Museum. October 11 2019.


%20marketeer,phenol%2C%20under%20heat%20and%20pressure. Consulted July 19th

2022. Website.

Sharma, Shreya. “Robin Hood Short Story”. Bedtime Short Stories. January 19 2016. Consulted July 19th 2022.


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