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Landry Chalmers


Assignment 1

June 12 2022

What builds a resilient character?

Resilience is defined as a person's capacity to deal with and overcome difficulties in

life. It is a skill which gives people the strength to cope with trauma, adversity and hardships.

A person who is resilient uses resources, strengths and skills, but what builds a resilient

character? I believe a resilient character is someone with self-confidence, flexibility and


First of all, self-confidence is an important part of a resilient character. Self-

confidence promotes a positive sense of self which can keep away negative feelings such as

defeat and helplessness when faced with hardships. This positive sense of self brings with it

positive thinking, which helps a character remain hopeful during difficult times. If a character

isn’t confident that they will be able to beat an obstacle, they won’t be able to. Confidence

can also help a character believe in their own skills and abilities to overcome the challenges

they are facing. Having confidence in one's capacities to cope with stress and overcome

issues is very important when it comes to resilience. According to the Development

Academy, “A strong belief in yourself about achieving something actually increases the

chances that you’ll do it and do it well.” If a character doesn’t believe in themselves and their

abilities, they will not be able to persevere, and therefore, it is a very important part of


An equally important part of a resilient character is flexibility. Most people are

crushed by abrupt changes, but a person who is resilient is able to adapt and prosper when

thrown into new situations. A resilient character is not only able to tolerate change, but they
are able to recover quickly by being flexible and adapting to unexpected or harsh

circumstances. Additionally, flexibility helps a character “be better equipped to respond when

faced with a life crisis” (Very Well Mind) by aiding a character in adapting to a situation

rather than struggling with new circumstances. Flexibility is therefore crucial for a resilient


Finally, having strategies to help overcome adversity is key to a resilient character.

Strategies to solve problems can help characters be better prepared to cope with serious

challenges, as characters “who are able to come up with solutions to a problem are better able

to cope with problems than those who cannot.” (Very Well Mind) A character who can come

up with solutions is more prepared, by already having an idea on how to overcome

challenges. Coping strategies are another part of a resilient character. These types of

strategies help characters deal with trauma that has an effect on their emotions and mental

health. Good coping skills can help characters overcome difficult emotions and thoughts.

Strategies for solving problems and coping with issues are essential for a resilient character.

Resilience is difficult for a character to develop, but as long as they have self-

confidence, flexibility and strategies for problem-solving and coping, they will be able to

overcome any challenge, hardship or adversity they may face. These key components are

what I believe build a very resilient character.


Bright Concept. “Resilience and Flexibility”. Bright Concept. 2022. https://www.

resilience-and-flexibility. Consulted June 12th 2022. Website.

Cherry, Kendra. “10 Ways To Enhance Your Resilience”. Very Well Mind. January

23 2020.

Consulted June 12th 2022. Website.

Hurley, Katie. “What Is Resilience?”. Everyday Health. December 11 2020. Consulted June 12th 2022. Website.

Patterson, Amanda. “The 10 Secrets of Resilient Characters”. Writers Write. August

21 2015. Consulted

June 12th 2022. Website.

Richardson, Ben. “Resilience: The Benefits Of Building Self-Confidence”.

Development Academy. April 9 2021.

resilience-the-benefits-of-building-self-confidence/. Consulted June 12th 2022. Website.

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