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Minerals Engineering 138 (2019) 60–64

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Decomposition of flotation reagents in solutions containing metal ions. Part T

I: Gaseous compounds from xanthate decomposition

Yang Shena,b, , D.R. Nagarajc, Raymond Farinatoc, Ponisseril Somasundaranb, Shuiguang Tonga
Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA
Technology Solutions, Cytec Solvay Group, Stamford, CT 06902, USA


Keywords: The mining industry faces increasing regulatory pressure from hazardous reagents used in mineral processing
Xanthate operations. Xanthates, a common class of collectors used in flotation, have come under scrutiny in recent years
Decomposition for their potential to present significant HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) hazards resulting from their
Carbon disulfide propensity to generate toxic compounds (such as CS2) during transportation, storage, use and disposal.
Metal ions
Interactions between xanthate and metal ions are ubiquitous in flotation systems, and the products formed are
known to influence mineral separation efficiency and selectivity. The effect of such interactions (and the pro-
ducts formed) on the overall decomposition of xanthate is not well known. A method was developed to enable a
systematic and integrated analysis of compositional changes in gas, liquid and precipitate phases of a closed
system comprising xanthate solution and metal ions (Cu2+ or Fe3+). A study of compositional changes in the gas
phase indicated that Cu2+ suppresses decomposition of xanthate into CS2, and the magnitude of the effect
increases with an increase in temperature. Fe3+ ions, on the other hand, promote decomposition; however, the
effect of increasing temperature on decomposition is confounded by the oxidative effect of Fe3+ ions. How Cu2+
and Fe3+ ions affect decomposition in terms of the decomposition products is the focus of Part I and the me-
chanistic aspects of the effect of Cu2+ and Fe3+ ions are discussed in Part II.

1. Introduction Metal ions play a significant role in the interactions between mi-
nerals and xanthate (Buckley and Woods, 1997, Garrels and Christ,
Xanthates, one commonly used classes of collectors for sulfide ore 1965, Somasundaran and Wang, 2006, Spottiswod and Kelly, 1982,
beneficiation in froth flotation (Kirk-Othmer, 2004, Nagaraj and Vaughan and Craig, 1978, Woods, 1984, 1996). Through chemical or
Ravishankar, 2007, Pearse, 2005, Rao, 1971, Spottiswod and Kelly, electrochemical pathways, xanthates interact with various metal ions to
1982, Wills, 2006), are known to hydrolyze in the presence of moisture form a number of compounds, which affect mineral hydrophobicity and
and in aqueous solutions, and generate compounds such as CS2 (carbon the subsequent separation selectivity and efficiency by flotation
disulfide) and COS (carbonyl sulfide), which are hazardous compounds (Buckley and Woods, 1997, Woods, 1984, 1996). However, it is not
of significant concern with respect to HSE (Health, Safety and En- clear from the literature with respect to the effect of metal ions on
vironment) (Kirk-Othmer, 2004, Rao, 1971, Report, 2000). There have decomposition. In the limited literature, the effect is described as being
been a certain amount of studies on xanthate decomposition in aqueous either “inhibitive” or “catalytic” (Rao, 1971). Nanjo et al found that the
solutions (Dunn et al., 1997, Finkelstein, 1967, Iwasaki and Cooke, metal xanthate formed from Pb, Cd or Zn is stable, so these ions are
1958, Philip and Fichte, 1960, Rao and Patel, 1960a, Sun and Forsling, “inhibitive” due to these metal xanthate compounds which inhibit de-
1997, Von Halban and Hetcht, 1918); however, studies under the composition (Nanjo and Yamasaki, 1969). The “catalytic” feature of
conditions of relevance to flotation operations (e.g. in the presence of metal ions quoted in the literature, as a matter of fact, is actually also
minerals and/or metal ions typically present in process water) are relevant to the transformation of xanthate to other compounds such as
limited. Thus, it is necessary to understand xanthate decomposition metal xanthate or dixanthogen. For example, Cu2+ interacts with
under these conditions to provide mining companies the mitigation xanthate to form cuprous xanthate and dixanthogen according to Eq.
measures for any adverse effect. (1) (Chang et al., 2003, Chang et al., 2007, Rao and Patel, 1961,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Shen).
Received 25 September 2018; Received in revised form 19 February 2019; Accepted 25 April 2019
0892-6875/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Shen, et al. Minerals Engineering 138 (2019) 60–64

Solozhenkin and Kopitsya, 1967, Sparrow et al., 1977). precipitate or other solids; and FTIR is used for tracking the formation
and compositional changes of the precipitate. With a combination of
2Cu2 + + 4X− → 2CuX2 → Cu2 X2 + X2 (1)
the above techniques, the generation of decomposition products in the
3+ gas phase could be correlated to the interactions in solution (both liquid
Fe , on the other hand, promotes the reaction with xanthate via a
different pathway (Eq. (2)), resulting in the formation of ferric xan- and precipitate).
thate, dixanthogen and bicarbonate (Rao and Patel, 1960b, Sheikh, The three instruments use different media to hold the sample, so it is
1972, Sheikh and Leja, 1977). not possible to have one reactor that can be measured by all three in-
struments. Thus, the configuration shown in Fig. 2 is separately built on
Fe3 + + X− → FeX3 → Fe3 + + X2 + HCO−3 (2) each instrument. For GC–MS, the configuration can be realized easily
since this instrument extracts sample from the headspace of glass vial
Thus, both the “inhibitive” and “catalytic” effects by previous re-
which holds the test aliquot and can be sealed once the aliquot is in-
searchers mean the transformation of xanthate to metal xanthate or
jected. Therefore, the glass vial was used as the reactor where xanthate
dixanthogen. With respect to their effect on the decomposition of the
decomposition took place in the presence of metal ions in solution.
xanthate molecule (which means the breakup of the xanthate mole-
The GC–MS used was Agilent 6890GC/5973MS with an auto-sam-
cule), there has not been any research yet.
pler HSS 86.50. The column was HP-PLOTQ (30 m length, 0.32 mm I.D.
This paper (Part I) shows: (1) the experimental method and appa-
and 0.20 µm film thickness). Key GC–MS parameters were: split ratio
ratus developed to evaluate compositional changes in the gas phase;
5:1, injection port temperature 200 °C and flow rate constant 1 ml/min.
and (2) the change of the compositional changes in the gas phase as a
Carrier gas was helium. The glass vials used were 20 ml, and could be
function of time when xanthate decomposes in the presence of Cu2+ or
crimped with aluminum caps lined with silicone septa. A Teflon film
Fe3+ at 25 °C and 70 °C. The method to examine the interactions in the
covered the bottom of septum facing the vial.
liquid and precipitate phases and the correlation of the results to those
in Part I will be shown in Part II of the study.
2.3. Experimental program

2. Experimental Effects of metal ion type, metal ion/SIBX mole ratio and tempera-
ture were investigated. The general procedure was as follows: (1) pre-
2.1. Materials pare the stock solutions of SIBX and metal salt (CuSO4·5H2O or
Fe2(SO4)3); (2) add measured amounts of the metal salt stock solution
SIBX (Sodium iso-Butyl Xanthate, (CH3)2CHCH2OCS2Na, solid) of and triple distilled water into the glass vial prior to injecting a mea-
≥95% purity was obtained from Cytec Industries Inc. (now Solvay). sured amount of the SIBX stock solution, and then immediately seal the
Reagent Grade CS2 of ≥99.9% purity was purchased from Fisher vial; (3) measure the chromatograms as a function of time using
Scientific. CuSO4·5H2O and Fe2(SO4)3 were purchased from MP bio- GC–MS. Only one GC–MS measurement was made per vial and a new
medicals, LLC. vial was prepared for each new measurement. The concentration of
Water used was triple distilled (EC = 1.5 μΩ−1). Fresh xanthate SIBX used for GC–MS (which provided a satisfactory detection perfor-
solutions were prepared fresh before each experiment, and discarded mance) and the preparation details (such as the concentrations of the
after two hours upon its first use. Standard solutions of CS2 at different stock solutions and the amounts that were added) are shown in Table 1.
concentrations in distilled water were prepared to develop a calibration Temperature was controlled at 25 °C.
curve for the estimation of the CS2 generated upon xanthate decom- Temperature was also elevated to 70 °C for some of the solutions
position. (The solubility of CS2 at 20 °C is 0.217 g/100 ml, and the prepared as above to check the effect of temperature on xanthate de-
concentration prepared here were all below this value). composition.

2.2. Method development 3. Results and discussion

In all of our systematic investigations of xanthate decomposition The compositional changes in the gas phase due to SIBX decom-
under various conditions, including those in aqueous solutions alone position in the presence of metal ions examined by GC–MS are shown in
(which is the control condition), in ore pulp under flotation conditions the following sections. The effects of metal ion type, metal ion/SIBX
(which is “real” condition that simulates plant conditions) or in solu- mole ratio and temperature on SIBX decomposition were analyzed.
tions containing metal ions (which is to understand the effect of one of
the most important factors on decomposition), a generic strategy has 3.1. Decomposition products in the gas phase
been developed and is shown in Fig. 1. The reaction flask or vessel
where decomposition takes place is used to simulate the desired con- At 25 °C, SIBX decomposition in the presence of Cu2+ or Fe3+ was
ditions and accumulate the decomposition products for further analysis. found to be similar to that under other conditions (e.g., in aqueous
Effects of various factors can be examined by modifying the conditions solutions alone or in ore pulp under the flotation conditions); CS2 is the
in the reaction flask or vessel. Decomposition products in the gas phase major decomposition product that can be reliably detected in the gas
can be either sent directly to analytical instrument for measurement, or phase (Shen et al., 2016).
collected and sent for measurement afterwards. The instruments for Using the calibration curve obtained from standard CS2 samples, the
measuring the compositional changes in various phases include GC–MS mole of CS2 can be calculated from the peak area on GC–MS chroma-
(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer), FTIR (Fourier Transformed tograms (Shen et al., 2016). The change of CS2 in the gas phase due to
Infrared) spectrometer, UV–vis Spectrometer, and Raman Spectrometer. SIBX decomposition at 25 °C in the presence of Cu2+ or Fe3+ is shown
Following this strategy, a simplified experimental configuration in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively.
shown in Fig. 2 (compared to the one developed previously to simulate From Fig. 3, compared to SIBX decomposition in solution in the
flotation conditions and collect decomposition products (Shen et al., absence of Cu2+ (Shen et al., 2016), the decomposition in the presence
2019)), was developed to study of the effect of metal ions on decom- of Cu2+ is generally lower. Moreover, the higher the ratio of Cu/SIBX,
position. In a closed system where xanthate and metal ions are mixed in the lower the CS2 found in the gas phase. From Fig. 4, SIBX decom-
solution, the three phases are being measured for compositional position in the presence of Fe3+ is one of increasing the generation of
changes: GC–MS is used to measure the decomposition products in the CS2. The higher the ratio of Fe/SIBX, the higher the CS2 in the gas
gas phase; UV–vis is for the liquid phase of the solution without phase.

Y. Shen, et al. Minerals Engineering 138 (2019) 60–64

Fig. 1. General strategy for measuring decomposition products.

Fig. 3. Cu/SIBX System: CS2 in the Gas Phase at 25 °C.

Fig. 2. Experimental configuration for studying decomposition in solutions

3.2. Effect of temperature on SIBX decomposition in solutions containing
containing metal ions.
metal ions

Note the scale difference between Figs. 3 and 4. Such results suggest The results of SIBX decomposition in the Cu/SIBX and Fe/SIBX
that Cu2+ has a suppressing effect while Fe3+ has a promoting effect on systems at 70 °C are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The results are shown as the
SIBX decomposition. In both systems, CS2 generation increases with decomposition products (CS2 or COS) in the presence of metal ion
time, but at reduced rates eventually reaching a plateau. This is dif- normalized to that in the absence of metal ion at the same temperature.
ferent from SIBX decomposition in solutions without metal ions, for It shows how much the metal ion depresses or promotes the generation
which the generation of CS2 increases linearly with time. of a decomposition product upon the temperature change.
In the case of Cu2+, the normalized CS2 at 70 °C is still smaller than

Table 1
preparation details for GC–MS measurements.
Cu/SIBX Mole Ratio SIBX – Stock Solution CuSO4·5H2O – Stock Solution Triple Distilled Water

Conc (g/ml) Amount added to Vial (μl) Conc in Vial (ppm) Conc (g/ml) Amount added to Vial (ml) Amount added to Vial (ml)

1/2 0.1 22.2 222 0.00646 0.25 9.75

1/1 0.5 9.5
2/1 1 9

Fe/SIBX Mole Ratio SIBX – Stock Solution Fe2(SO4)3 – Stock Solution Triple Distilled Water

Conc (g/ml) Amount added to Vial (μl) Conc in Vial (ppm) Conc (g/ml) Amount added to Vial (ml) Amount added to Vial (ml)

1/6 0.1 22.2 222 0.00172 0.25 9.75

1/3 0.5 9.5
2/3 1 9

Y. Shen, et al. Minerals Engineering 138 (2019) 60–64

Fig. 4. Fe/SIBX System: CS2 in the Gas Phase at 25 °C.

Fig. 6. Fe/SIBX System: Comparison of Decomposition at 25 and 70 °C.

Fig. 5. Cu/SIBX System: Comparison of Decomposition at 25 and 70 °C.

suggesting a more pronounced suppression of CS2 generation at 70 °C
relative to 25 °C. At 25 °C, generation of COS as a product of SIBX de-
1, meaning that Cu suppresses decomposition. Moreover, all the composition in the presence of Cu2+ is too low to be detected; however,
curves at different Cu/SIBX ratios at 70 °C exhibit decreasing amounts at 70 °C COS generation becomes detectable. From Fig. 5, it can be seen
of CS2 with time and these values are lower than those at 25 °C, that at 70 °C the normalized COS is higher than 1 and increases with the

Y. Shen, et al. Minerals Engineering 138 (2019) 60–64

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