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Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

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Microalgae–nutritious, sustainable aqua- and animal feed source T

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Gnanasekaran Dineshbabu , Gargi Goswami , Ratan Kumar , Ankan Sinha , Debasish Das
Department of Biosciences & Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781039, Assam, India
DBT-PAN IIT Centre for Bioenergy, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 781039, Assam, India


Keywords: Aquaculture and animal rearing for meat has increased exceedingly to meet the demands of ever-increasing
Aqua feed population. Utilizing small fishes and agricultural products for feed production will lead to over exploitation of
Microalgae nutrition profile the resources and competition with food respectively. Microalgae can be next alternate source for animal and
Omega-3 fatty acids aquatic feed production in an environmentally sustainable and economically advantageous manner. Microalgae
are more nutritious than the traditional sources of animal and aquatic feed like millet, grams and other small
fishes in terms of its protein, omega 3 fatty acids and carotenoids content. Apart from being nutritious, they have
anti-oxidative, anti-microbial and disease-preventing molecules that can provide long life span to the animals
and fishes. The mass production strategies for low value commodities like feed has to be further improved. The
review emphasizes the nutritional, physiological importance of microalgae to animals and aquatic organisms;
highlighting the companies involved in microalgal feed production.

1. Introduction ration could reduce the emissions (Hasan & Soto, 2017). In 2016, the
global fish production (including capture and aquaculture) was 171
Agriculture should essentially cater to the entire human population million tonnes, valuing the industry at USD 362 billion. By 2030 it is
and in the recent decades, the population is increasing in a steady rate. projected to rise to 209 million while 103 million alone will be from
World population in the year 2017 was 7.6 billion and is projected to aquaculture (FAO, 2018a). With this projections, it is estimated that
rise up to 9.8 billion by 2050 (United Nations, 2017). There were re- almost 16% of capture fisheries will be utilized for producing 5.3 and
ports that food production needs to be doubled by 2050 to meet the 1.0 million tonnes of fish meal and fish oil in 2030 (FAO, 2018b). In
increasing demands (Alexandratos & Bruinsma, 2012; Tilman, Balzer, future, we will not be in a position to allocate part of the production for
Hill, & Befort, 2011). However, some adjusted projections and valua- feeding fishes and other livestock. An alternate, healthy, easy to pro-
tions arrive at an increase of 25–60% to feed all of the population by duce and cheaper feed has to be identified and utilized.
2050 (Hunter, Smith, Schipanski, Atwood, & Mortensen, 2017). Meat industry is another loose subsidiary of agriculture and it in-
Whatever land and water bodies we have or found has to be conserved volves rearing and slaughtering cattle, pigs, sheep and other livestock
for food production and not feed production. Here in this review, we for human food. To meet the population demand, meat production is
analyse the demands from aquaculture, ruminants and poultry and its projected 1.5 percent growth in 2018 to 335 million tonnes. Pig meat is
feed requirements and the scenario of alternate feeds. Aquaculture is showing higher increase in terms of volume followed by poultry, bovine
another important part of agriculture, which involves breeding, rearing, and ovine meat (FAO, 2018b). Vast and faster urbanization, change in
and harvesting of freshwater and marine species of fish and aquatic food habits, liking for processed food has led to increased demand for
plants in all water systems like ponds, rivers, lakes, oceans, closed re- pork and poultry meat. Eventually the demand for pig and poultry feed
circulating tanks. As of 2015, 66% of global aquaculture yield (ex- is also fast growing and to cope up with the growth, feed production
cluding plants) is produced using exogenous feed (FAO, 2018a). Owing should be enhanced. In 2017, the global animal feed market value stood
to the increased demand and, driven by the profitability through high at USD 10.97 billion and is projected to rise up to USD 14.15 billion by
production, the use of aqua feed had increased six-fold, from 8 to 48 the year 2023 (Techsciresearch, 2018). Agriculture yield is required to
million tonnes (Hasan, 2017; Tacon, Hasan, & Metian, 2011). Green- meet the feed requirements for animals. Food grains, legumes, hay,
house emissions from aquaculture has been increasing in the recent straw, silage, compressed pelleted feed and oils are the most used an-
years and reduction in fishmeal, fish oil production and feed conversion imal feed. It is roughly calculated that for a kilogram of meat, cows and

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Dineshbabu).
Received 15 June 2019; Received in revised form 26 August 2019; Accepted 26 August 2019
Available online 03 September 2019
1756-4646/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

sheep need 8 kg of feed, while pig and chicken require 4 and 1.6 kg of dry powder) are higher than egg and soybean (132 and 370 g kg−1);
feed respectively (Heap, 2008). Mixing an alternate ingredient that essential amino acids are also very close to the levels found in egg and
could supply enough nutrition, easy to produce and cost effective to the soybean (Buono et al., 2014). Numerous established companies, new
animal feed could relieve the pressure on agricultural yield to provide start-ups, and cottage industries are involved in producing, processing
for animal rearing. and commercializing microalgae in the form of powder, tablets, cap-
Microalgae holds the potential to aid in both the issues and still be sules etc. Hence, it is not surprising that a UK company has introduced a
economical and efficient. They are fast growing, microscopic, photo- vegan egg based on algae which provides the same nutrition that of an
synthetic organisms that dwell in any ecosystem ranging from rivers, egg (Young, 2017). All cyanobacterial members like Spirulina, Oscilla-
lakes, oceans, hot springs, cold mountains etc. They account for over toria and Phorphyridium are capable of producing phycobiliproteins.
50% of primary photosynthetic productivity on earth and can produce They are classified as phycocyanin (blue pigment), phycoerythrin (red
many valuable products (Chisti, 2000; Wijffels, 2008). However, we are pigment), and allophycocyanin (pale-blue pigment) (Odjadjare,
yet to achieve maximum possible sustainable commercial exploitation Mutanda, & Olaniran, 2017). Phycobilin pigments are protein based
of these microscopic bio-factories. Using microalgae as fish feed or feed and they are finding their use as a natural dye in food industry, cos-
supplement could reduce the burden on fishmeal-based aquaculture; metics and in diagnostic techniques (Sekar & Chandramohan, 2008).
and in turn help reduce the gap between fish production and demand. These pigments provide nutrition, colour and a very good antioxidant
Similarly, microalgae when mixed along with animal feed for the re- (Gantar, Simović, Djilas, Gonzalez, & Miksovska, 2012).
quired nutrient portion the requirement of grains, millets could be re- Carbohydrates constitute 10–25% in dry weight in microalgae and it
duced. This review will address aquatic- and animal feed, and how varies according to their growth conditions and the age of the cultures
microalgae can be an efficient, nutritious, cheaper, sustainable and (Chacón-Lee & González-Mariño, 2010). In microalgae, they are found
environmentally advantageous alternate to them. in the form of starch, cellulose, sugars, and other polysaccharides. β -
glucan is a polysaccharide comprising of β-D-glucose and naturally
2. Microalgae occurring in bacteria and fungi. Chlorella sp. is a rich source of these
polysaccharides (Iwamoto, 2007). β-glucan reported to have some an-
Algae are diverse category of aquatic photosynthetic living organ- tiviral, antibacterial properties in humans and significant antibacterial
isms and classified as macroalgae (seaweed) and microalgae (uni- activity and immune-stimulant activity in fishes (Sahoo & Mukherjee,
cellular and filamentous). Microalgae grow in aerated, liquid environ- 2001; Yaakob, Ali, Zainal, Mohamad, & Takriff, 2014).
ment where there is sufficient light, carbon dioxide and other nutrients Microalgae can accumulate high quantities of lipid when grown in
required for growth (Rosenberg, Oyler, Wilkinson, & Betenbaugh, stress and they have a nutritionally valuable fatty acid profile.
2008). They are not strictly photosynthetic, for they can be grown Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA,
heterotrophically. They are either freshwater or marine and found in 20:5, ω-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6, ω-3), are the most
various environment inclusive of hostile places like hot springs, deserts, valuable functional ingredients of the microalgal lipids. Microalgal
frozen lands etc. Microalgae have higher photon conversion efficiency, species namely Schizochytrium limacinum (DHA) and Phaeodactylum
CO2 sequestration, growth rate and hence enhanced biomass yield than tricornutum and Nannochloropsis sp. (EPA) have omega-3-fatty acids
the terrestrial plants (Gouveia, 2011; Malcata, 2011). With such simple between 30 and 40% of their total fatty acids (Adarme-Vega et al.,
growth requirements, microalgae can accumulate ample quantities of 2012). Consumption of these omega 3 fatty acids have been found to
protein, lipid and carbohydrates making the biomass rich in growth enhance brain function and improve development of nervous system in
promoting nutrients. Microalgae’ simple growth requirements, ease of infants and are therapeutic agents against cardiovascular and neuro-
cultivation and its other advantages are discussed elsewhere (Packer, degenerative diseases (Innis, 2008; Wysoczański et al., 2016). Supple-
Harris, & Adams, 2016). They are produced through economic and menting aquatic and animal feed with microalgae rich in PUFA will
environmentally friendly process and are sustainable. The products yield fishes, eggs, milk and other food products having higher omega 3
from the microalgae range from phycobilin pigments, carotenoids, fatty acids.
omega-3-fatty acids, vitamins and polysaccharides which are very much Carotenoids are another class of pigments that are commercially
valuable in food, feed, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic valued and profitable in its pure form. Microalgae at its final stages of
applications. Fig. 1 provides a simple outlook of the diverse applica- metabolism shift themselves to carotenoids production stage, where
tions of microalgae as feed. Nutritional supplements, antioxidants, they accumulate higher amounts of the pigment as an adaptation to the
cosmetics, natural dyes and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), algae changing environment. (Bhosale, 2004). Astaxanthin, lutein, neox-
based foods are some microalgal products that are successfully com- anthin, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, and α-carotene are
mercialized (Algaefactory, 2019; Spolaore, Joannis-Cassan, Duran, & some of the carotenoids produced by microalgae. Carotenoids in algae
Isambert, 2006). function primarily as photo-protective agent, an accessory light har-
vesting pigment and in phototropism and phototaxis (Ben‐Amotz,
2.1. Nutrition from microalgae Gressel, & Avron, 1987; Borowitzka, 1988). Being an antioxidant, car-
otenoids protects the cell from free radicals, prevent lipid peroxidation
Some species of microalgae are so much rich in protein content that and keep the photosynthetic apparatus steady and functional
almost half of its biomass is protein. Most strains of Spirulina, few (Grossman, Lohr, & Im, 2004). Astaxanthin is the most important of the
strains of Chlorella and Nannochloropsis has protein content ranging carotenoids and is being produced commercially from Haematococcus
from 40 to 65% (Da Silva Vaz, Botelho Moreira, Greque de Morais, & sp. (Enzing, Ploeg, Barbosa, & Sijtsma, 2014). Aqua feed with con-
Vieira Costa, 2016). It depends on their medium components and the siderable amount of carotenoids is found to provide better health, de-
environment. Since humans cannot synthesize all amino acid by velopmental and survival rate (de Carvalho & Caramujo, 2017).
themselves, the essential amino acids (EAA) has to be consumed In addition to bio-macromolecules, microalgae are also a very good
through diet. Algal protein contain almost all of the EAA in their source of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, K,
composition hence making microalgae tablets or capsules a worthy and niacin, nicotinate, biotin, and folic acid are some of the vitamins found
simple nutritional supplement (Buono, Langellotti, Martello, Rinna, & in microalgae (Becker, 2013; de Jesus Raposo, de Morais, & de Morais,
Fogliano, 2014; Černá, 2011). Microalgal protein (Spirulina platensis 2013). Vitamin A, B1, B2, niacin and E levels in some microalgae like
protein concentrate) exhibit high protein digestibility rate of Spirulina, Chlorella and Scenedesmus are higher than that in spinach and
87.45–97.81% (Yucetepe, Saroglu, Bildik, Ozcelik, & Daskaya-Dikmen, baker’s yeast (Becker, 2013). Microalgae are also rich in minerals like
2018). The protein content in some microalgal species (510–710 g kg−1 calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, iron,

G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

Fig. 1. Graphical outline of the diverse application of microalgal feed and its advantages.

copper and sulphur (Fox & Zimba, 2018). Minerals occupy around 2.2 industries. To cope up with this tight situation industries use higher
to 4.8% of total dry weight (Hoseini, Khosravi-Darani, & Mozafari, feed for increased production. Fishmeal is usually supplied as feed in
2013). Composition of the minerals and its type vary according to its fish farming and it is produced from small fishes or fish waste which are
growth medium composition, strain type and the environmental con- cooked, pressed, dried and ground to form a solid (Miles, 2015). Fish
ditions. waste processed for fishmeal is acceptable, however whole fishes cap-
Microalgae is a treasure trove when it comes to nutrition, providing tured and processed for producing fish meal is not suitable for the
significant amounts of almost all the nutrients required for fishes, ani- current demand and in future food perspective. Food and Agricultural
mals and also for humans. Every species of microalgae has its own Organization (FAO) reported that fishmeal utilization in the year 2030
nutrient profile and microalgae can provide for any kind of nutritional will be 19% higher than that of 2016. However, 54% of the fishmeal
needs. Table 1 provides a more detailed analysis of the composition of produced then will be from efficient use of fish waste and oil (FAO,
nutrients in some selected microalgal strains of significant importance 2018b). Utilization of fishes for fishmeal is decreasing in the recent
in food and feed development. However, this nutritional content of the years and a search for nutritious alternate is already in process. Mi-
individual microalgae species may vary from the literatures owing to croalgae can be one valuable and economically feasible alternative and
their temperature, medium conditions, incident light quality and in- using them for feed or feed supplement could ease the impediment on
tensity, photoperiod, growth phase and harvesting methods. fishmeal-based aquaculture. It will help diminish the gap between fish
production and demand by reducing the burden on fishmeal produc-
3. Aqua feed
Microalgae based feed are used in aquaculture as a sole entity or in
combination with regular feed. Many toxicological and physiological
Aquaculture is next important sector after terrestrial agriculture and
studies on microalgae that were carried out earlier approved its usage
associated farming that provide food for the human population.
as feed supplements (Ghaeni, Matinfar, Soltani, Rabbani, & Vosoughi,
Increasing population demands higher production from all food related

G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

Table 1
Nutrition profile of different microalgae commonly used in aqua and animal feeds.
Biomolecule(% dwt) Spirulina Chlorella Dunaliella Chlamydomonas Scenedesmus Haematococcus Porphyridium Isochrysis Nannochloropsis Schizochytrium

Total proteins 53.21 46.53 40.46 48.00 43.66 30.87 33.55 41.00 29.70 21.00
Total carbohydrate 16.40 15.84 20.44 17.00 25.39 37.93 40.87 14.46 22.84 22.50
Total lipid 8.86 15.82 15.51 21.00 16.02 23.07 9.02 17.72 20.39 43.05
DHA 0.30 2.60 0.36 ND ND ND 0.20 2.49 1.1(TFA) 7.60
EPA 0.25 0.40 0.60 ND 0.41 ND 3.13 0.22 3.47 0.08
C- Phycocyanin 9.27 NP NP NP NP NP 1.20 NP NP NP
C-phycoerythrin 1.79 NP NP NP NP NP 4.22 NP NP NP
Beta carotene 0.14 0.014 0.102 ND 0.070 0.05 ND ND 0.048 0.00
Lutein/Fucoxanthin ND 0.40 ND ND 0.54 ND ND 1.8 (Fucoxanthin) ND ND
Astaxanthin ND 0.203 0.083 20.85* 0.150 3.07 ND 0.640 1.25
Amino acids (g 100 g−1
Leucine 9.26 14.22 13.41 14.00# 12.27 6.43 12.40 9.43 22.77 7.43
Valine 8.69 9.40 9.73 16.00# 10.86 5.11 5.32 6.00 20.08 5.43
Lysine 6.46 13.53 10.75 39.00# 11.13 4.10 11.70 6.14 22.77 4.52
Phenyl alanine 6.53 8.46 9.71 31.00# 9.39 3.44 10.64 8.00 18.42 4.90
Methionine 4.43 6.17 5.52 16.00# 5.82 1.38 9.43 7.14 13.25 1.04
Tryptophan 2.45 3.55 2.95 80.00# 2.92 0.00 5.91 3.14 7.87 5.39
Threonine 6.94 7.61 8.55 41.70# 9.65 3.82 14.36 5.86 16.19 4.29
Histidine 2.65 4.47 3.65 8.30# 4.30 2.57 2.36 2.14 8.75 2.22
Vitamins (mg kg−1 dwt)
Vitamin E 85.00 434.50 116.30 ND ND ND ND 471.60 350.00 0.00
Vitamin B1 24.00 17.55 29.00 4.00 14.00 70.00 0.02
Vitamin B6 13.70 7.70 2.20 3.00 1.80 9.50 14.00
Vitamin B12 13.45 0.60 0.70 1.00 0.60 0.85 0.54
Vitamin B3 144.50 82.50 79.30 60.00 77.70 ND 140.00

Note: The values are average of data reported in 2 or 3 published articles. (Brown, Mular, Miller, Farmer, & Trenerry, 1999; Chacón-Lee & González-Mariño, 2010;
De Andrade, 2018; Del Campo et al., 2004; Fabregas & Herrero, 1990; Gutiérrez-Salmeán, Fabila-Castillo, & Chamorro-Cevallos, 2015; FAO, 1996; Jiang, Fan,
Raymond Tsz-Yeung Wong, & Chen, 2004; Ju, Deng, & Dominy, 2012; Kent, Welladsen, Mangott, & Li, 2015; Koyande et al., 2019; Kumar, Dasgupta, & Das, 2014; Li
et al., 2019; Matos, Cardoso, Bandarra, & Afonso, 2017; Molino et al., 2018; Pagels, Guedes, Amaro, Kijjoa, & Vasconcelos, 2019; Panis & Carreon, 2016; Patil,
Källqvist, Olsen, Vogt, & Gislerød, 2007; Safi, Charton, Pignolet, Pontalier, & Vaca-Garcia, 2013; Sarker et al., 2016; Sathasivam & Ki, 2018; Shah, Liang, Cheng, &
Daroch, 2016; Shi, Luo, Wu, & Yue, 2018; Stamm, 2015; Tokuşoglu & uunal, 2003; Tredici, Biondi, Ponis, Rodolfi, & Chini Zittelli, 2009; Uriarte, Farías, Hawkins, &
Bayne, 1993)
* mg per chlorophyll a.
g in 1000 g of dry weight; NP- Not present; ND- No data available.

2011; Khatoon, Sengupta, Homechaudhuri, & Pal, 2010; Komprda function by providing nutrients such as protein, vitamins, pigments and
et al., 2015; Milione & Zeng, 2008; Nunes, Pereira, Ferreira, & fatty acids. They are grown in ponds or tanks are harvested and fed to
Yasumaru, 2009). Microalgae feed in aquaculture serve by providing the zooplanktons, which serve as live prey for fishes. Live prey is more
nutrition, colour to the fishes and enhancing other biological activities. nutritious than dried feed as drying tends to denature some proteins
Owing to its high and valuable content of proteins, carbohydrates, vi- and other important nutrients. Alternatively, there is a technique called
tamins, carotenoids and growth promoting fatty acids microalgae is greenwater aquaculture where zooplanktons are grown over the mi-
proving to be a successful alternate to fishmeal. Members of prokaryotic croalgae culture. For microalgae to be used as a feed, the specific spe-
cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae contains essentials amino cies should satisfy some criteria., i) smaller cell size enough to be en-
acids, proteins, polysaccharides, omega 3 fatty acids like eicosa- gulfed, ii) easily digestible cell wall, iii) no toxic substances, iv) high
pentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), vitamins in- nutritional values and should not vary abruptly during the culture, v)
cluding A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, niacin, nicotinate, biotin, folic acid and easy to cultivate across platforms.
pantothenic acid, minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) and pig- Rotifers (Brachionus), brine shrimps (Artemia), cladocerans and co-
ments (phycobiliproteins, carotenoids, chlorophylls) (Batista, Gouveia, pepods are most commonly used zooplanktons that are cultivated as
Bandarra, Franco, & Raymundo, 2013; Tokuşoglu & uunal, 2003). Mi- prey for fishes. Their size ranges from 0.1 to 2 mm and hence their prey
croalgae apart from providing valuable nutrition to the aquatic or- should be smaller so that it could be engulfed. Members of the genus
ganisms also render immunostimulant and disease resistant properties. Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis, Chlorella or Isochrysis, Dunaliella, ranges
Microalgal species of the genus Isochrysis, Pavlova. Nannochloropsis, around 25 µm or less and are most frequently used as feed for zoo-
Arthrospira, Chlorella, Dunaliella, Haematococcus, and Schizochytrium are planktons. Rotifers produce insignificant amount of PUFA, hence it has
proved strains for its use as feed in aquaculture (Madeira et al., 2017; to be fed along with the diet (Lubzens, Gibson, Zmora, & Sukenik,
Yaakob et al., 2014). Microalgae feed are utilized in hatchery produc- 1995). It has been recorded that baker’s yeast fed rotifers are deficient
tion of zooplankton, molluscs, crustaceans, shrimp and fish farming in PUFA and ascorbic acid, while microalgae enhanced the fatty acid
with significant results. content in the rotifers (Cahu, Infante, & Takeuchi, 2003; Seychelles,
Audet, Tremblay, Fournier, & Pernet, 2009). Artemia are particle filter
feeders and have been used as live prey for their high nutrition in
3.1. Zooplanktons fisheries (Herawati, Hutabarat, & Radjasa, 2014). Isochrysis, Chaeto-
ceros, Arthrospira, Scenedesmus, Tetraselmis and Dunaliella are some
Zooplanktons are the primary source of food for the small fishes in microalgae that are used for its culture (Le, Hoa, Sorgeloos, & Van
farmhouses and they have separate hatcheries for zooplanktons. The Stappen, 2018). Table 2 lists some of the microalgal species utilized as
hatcheries for zooplanktons have a distinct place for culturing micro- aqua and animal feed, and their effect on the feeding animals.
algae, which is to be used as feed for the zooplanktons. Microalgae

Table 2
Microalgal strains used as feed and their effect on the animals.
Animal Microalgal strain(s) Concentration Age of animal / Algae effected changes* References
in feed duration of feed
(%) (-/- days)
G. Dineshbabu, et al.

Clams - Pecten maximus Isochrysis aff. Galbana -/21 Increased larvae growth; rapid metamorphosis; increased organic (Tremblay et al., 2007)
Pavlova lutheri matter and total lipids.
Rhodomonas salina
Sea-urchin -Lytechinus variegatus Dunaliella tertiolecta -/17 days No changes in larvae development chronology; larger larvae and (George, Lawrence, & Lawrence, 2004)
higher survival of the larvae.
Sea-urchin -Paracentrotus lividus Dunaliella tertiolecta No difference in survival and development rate; showed faster (Liu et al., 2007)
growth rate.
Goldfish- Carassius auratus Chlorella vulgaris -/35 Better colour parameters (Gouveia & Rema, 2005)
Shrimp- Penaeus monodon Dunaliella salina 0.02 Protection against white spot syndrome virus owing to betacarotene (Madhumathi & Rengasamy, 2011)
in the microalgae
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp. 50 -/90 Increased growth, feed conversion ratio and protein productive (Badwy, Ibrahim, & Zeinhom, 2008)
value; higher dry matter and crude protein in the carcass.
Broiler chickens Spirulina sp. 4 21/16 The growth is not affected, the redness of fillets improved. (Toyomizu, Sato, Taroda, Kato, & Akiba,
White Leghorn hens Spirulina platensis 0.3 371/35 Increased omega 3 fatty acids, yolk colour and reduced cholesterol (Sujatha & Narahari, 2011)
Broiler chickens Spirulina 2 17/21 No significant difference in body weight; increased activity of (Mirzaie, Zirak-Khattab, Abdollah Hosseini,
antioxidative enzymes (SOD and Glutathione peroxidase) & Donyaei-Darian, 2018)
White Porphyridium sp 5 & 10 210/10 No significant difference in body weight; increased yolk colour, (Ginzberg et al., 2000)
Leghorn chickens decreased cholesterol in eggs etc.
Hens All-G-RichTM (Schizochytrium limacinum) 2 315/ 224 No significant difference in body weight; (Ao et al., 2015)

Enhanced DHA content in the egg yolk; colour also darker
Pekin ducks CBT®, Celltech (Chlorella vulgaris) 0.2 300/42 Feed intake increased; Body weight enhanced; no feed efficiency; (Oh et al., 2014)
meat colour improved.
Holstein-Friesian cows Spirulina platensis 0.7 -/17 Low fat content in milk; (Póti et al., 2015)
Finnish Ayrshire cows Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris 230 g per day -/21 Enhanced milk yield; increased protein accumulation per day; (Lamminen et al., 2017)
reduced milk fat
Brown Swiss, Holsteins Schizochytrium sp. 3.97 -/42 Body weight, milk yield unaffected; Reduced yield of fats; reduced (Franklin et al., 2018)
saturated fatty acids in milk; higher DHA in milk
Bos indicus Spirulina platensis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, -/12 Increased average daily gain; feed intake (Costa et al., 2016)
Dunaliella salina
Lambs Spirulina platensis 10 42/42 Increased bodyweight (Holman, Kashani, & Malau-Aduli, 2012)
Lambs Schizochytrium sp 3.89 56/- Reduced daily gain in weight; DHA levels increased; higher lipid (Urrutia et al., 2016)
oxidation in meat, lower rating for meat odour and flavour.
Lambs 10 Higher PDF and ADF digestibility values; (Stokes, Van Emon, Loy, & Hansen, 2015)
Damascus goats Chlorella vulgaris 5 g per goat -/84 More milk yield; higher energy yield and protein in milk; marginally (Kholif et al., 2017)
increased omega 3 fatty acids
Hungarian native goats Chlorella kessleri 1 -/17 Increased protein yield in milk, lower fat (Póti et al., 2015)
Weanling pigs Desmodesmus sp 10 -/28 Growth similar to the control, no significant changes; (Ekmay et al., 2014)
Landrace × Large White barrows Schizochytrium sp. 0.3 Higher DHA levels; (Sardi et al., 2006)
Weanling anemic pigs Defatted microalgae: Nannochloropsis 7.5 Enhanced Hb levels; increased ADG with higher ADFI; similar feed (Manor et al., 2017)
oceanica; Desmodesmus sp.) efficiency with control
Hypor pig Aurantiochytrium limacinum -/125 Increased DHA in pork loin and back fat; Increased EPA in pork loin (Moran, Morlacchini, Keegan, Delles, &
fat. Fusconi, 2018)
Weaning pigs Aurantiochytrium limacinum 3.2 21/42 No significant difference in growth; reduced cortisol response, (Lee et al., 2019)
increased cytokinin and chromogranin.

* Against the regular feed alone (control).

Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545
G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

3.2. Fishes 3.4. Sea urchins

The main focus in fish production is increasing its unsaturated fatty Microalgal mixture of I. galbana and Chaetoceros gracilis stimulates
acid content without depending much on fish oils. Microalgae based larvae development and metamorphosis while C. gracilis helps in sur-
fish feed is gaining attention and will become an important industry in vival of sea urchin larvae (Cárcamo, Candia, & Chaparro, 2005; Qi
the coming years. Many small fishes are being cultured with microalgae et al., 2018).
as live prey or through greenwater aquaculture in hatcheries. Mollusc hatcheries make use of microalgae as its feed during its
Seabream, seabass, turbot, striped mullet, flounders, Atlantic cod, ha- early larval, post larval stage, early life and for the broodstocks
libut and Senegalese sole are some of the fishes that uses microalgae (Kaparapu, 2018). Many varieties of mollusc like New Zealand green-
feed (Tredici, Biondi, Ponis, Rodolfi, & Chini Zittelli, 2009). Apart from shell™ mussel (GSM, Perna canaliculus), the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis),
being used as a feed, certain microalgae are important in aquaculture Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), flat oysters (Ostrea edulis, Ostrea chi-
associated applications. Pinkening of the salmonids flesh has always lensis and others), geoduck, scallop, various species of clam, abalone
been a common practise associated with salmon fishes. Astaxanthin and snail all depend on algae for their feed (Packer et al., 2016).
provide pinkening and it helps improve nutrient profile and also the Gene transformation in microalgae has seen some significant de-
selling price of the fishes (Raja, Hemaiswarya, Balasubramanyam, & velopments in the recent years. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is the most
Rengasamy, 2007). Haematococcus pluvialis is one great source of as- studied organism for transformation of transgenes to nucleus and
taxanthin and is produced commercially worldwide for their astax- chloroplast (El-Sheekh, 2000; Neupert, Shao, Lu, & Bock, 2012; Purton,
anthin content (Ambati et al., 2014; Spolaore et al., 2006). United 2007; Wittkopp, 2018). Microalgae genetically engineered to produce
States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has recently approved biomolecules that can offer immunity, disease resistance and bacter-
the application of H. pluvialis algae meal in salmonid feed (FDA, 2018). icidal properties to aquatic animals are produced and being studied.
Ornamental fishes have a significantly important market and the pig- Microalgal strains engineered to produce bovine lactoferricin (broad
mentation in fishes are commercially valuable as it enhances its market spectrum antimicrobial peptide), enhanced levels of PUFA, fatty acids
value. Ornamental goldfish (Carassius auratus) when fed with micro- and anti-p57 antibodies (immunity for bacterial kidney disease in sal-
algal diet showed improvements in their pigmentations (Gouveia & monid fish) are among some to be mentioned (Hamilton, Haslam,
Rema, 2005). Lobster, shrimp, seabream and koi carp are other aquatic Napier, & Sayanova, 2014; Li & Tsai, 2009; Siripornadulsil, Dabrowski,
beings that need supplementation to enhance muscle colour (Gouveia, & Sayre, 2007). However, introduction of these engineered algal strains
Batista, Sousa, Raymundo, & Bandarra, 2008). Nannochloropsis sp. are into open aquatic environment may lead to horizontal gene transfer to
used in finfish hatcheries for its high EPA level. Pavlova sp. are used to the innate microbes and could make them resistant to antibiotics.
enhance the DHA/EPA levels in oysters, brood stock, clams and mussels Rearing engineered strains in confined perimeters and proper disposal
however, they are difficult to cultivate. Sometimes, rather than feeding of the used water could provide some improvement in producing
single species it is recommended to feed a consortium of two or three aquatic animals with improved yield and nutritious properties.
microalgal species. In this way, one organism can make up for a re-
duced nutrition in another. A mixture of microalgae diet given to
shellfishes like oysters, clams, mussels and scallops enhanced their 4. Animal feed
nutrition, improved growth and survival rates (Brown, 2012).
Feeding fishes with live microalgae is preferable as none of the Meat production through livestock maintenance is another agri-
nutrients is lost and readily available to the fishes. Dried microalgae culture field that contributes significantly to global food production.
through spray drying or air-drying shrink in size, shrivel due to high Industrialization caused human population to move to urban areas and
temperatures, and result in loss of quality. Comparatively, freeze dried caused a change in food style that includes more of meat. Vegetarians
algae are better as it retains most of the nutrients and comparable to make only a small percentage of the global human population (21.8%)
live algae in nutrient composition (Cañavate & Fernández-Díaz, 2001; and hence the meat market is expanding at a continuous rate (Chemnitz
Lubzens et al., 1995). & Becheva, 2014; Leahy, Lyons, & Tol, 2010). Global meat production
for the year 2018 is projected to rise by 1.5% from the previous year to
account for 335 million tonnes, while meat export is to increase by
3.3. Shrimp 2.6%. Among various meats, bovine meat is growing at a faster rate by
2%, followed by pig meat (1.6%) and ovine meat (0.8%) (FAO, 2018a).
Shrimp feeds completely on microalgae in its second stage of larval Table 3 provides the meat production of 2017 and the projections for
development and in combination with zooplankton in its third stage 2018 in different parts of the world. Recently, people adapting to a
(Tacon, 1987). Diets rich in DHA and arachidonic acid showed sig- complete vegetarian food style of vegan is on rise however, there is still
nificant improvement in haemocyte count, antioxidant properties concern of increasing the meat production and its quality. Microalgal
(higher phenol oxidase and superoxide dismutase activity) and bac- biomass has proven potentials in animal feed enhancing the meat
tericidal properties (Nonwachai et al., 2010). Early stages of shrimp quality and in rare reports increase quantity as well. In the year 2003,
larval development require a balanced diet which can be provided by Becker et al., reported that 30% of microalgae biomass produced is sold
microalgae. It will contribute to its survival, growth, development and as animal feed or for animal feed preparations (Becker, 2003). Since
maintain good quality of water (FAO, 2007). Carotenoids in micro- then, there has been so much awareness on the importance of micro-
algae, lutein, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin, reported to provide disease algae as human food supplement and more companies are now engaged
resistance and increased survival to shrimps and fish (Merchie et al., in producing algae-based food additives. Irrespective of that the mi-
1998). Black tiger shrimp fed with Dunaliella salina when challenged croalgae still occupies importance in animal feed preparation. The rich
with white spot syndrome virus reported 60% survival until 5 days nutrient profile of most of the microalgae has been analysed and found
while the shrimps devoid of microalgal diet reached 100% mortality to be significantly suitable for use as a feed supplement for animals.
within 48 h (Madhumathi & Rengasamy, 2011). Few microalgae like, Microalgae could supplement the regular feed by providing PUFA,
Chaetoceros, Skeletonema, Thalassiosira, Tetraselmis, Isochrysis and pigments that enhance meat coloration and their antioxidant proper-
Chlorella are considered favourable feed for shrimp larva. ties. Schizochytrium sp., Chlorella sp., Arthrospira sp., Isochrysis sp.,
Apart from the nutritional properties, larvae rearing ponds of fish Porphyridium sp., Pavlova sp., and Nannochloropsis sp., are some of the
and shrimps grown with microalgae improve the water quality because important microalgal species utilized or supplemented in animal feed
of the oxygen production and pH stabilization (Muller-Feuga, 2013). (Madeira et al., 2017).

G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

Table 3
Amount of meat production (thousand tonnes) from animals, fish, and their forecast for the coming years in major contributors and in whole world. (FAO 2018a; FAO
World China Europe US

Thousand tonnes 2017 2018 Forecast 2017 2018 Forecast 2017 2018 Forecast 2017 2018 Forecast

Poultry 119 943 121 646 17 466 17 583 14 587 14 907 21 998 22 482
Bovine 70 853 72 235 7 638 7 714 7 889 8 015 11 944 12 291
Pig meat 118 781 120 636 54 335 55 080 23 405 23 757 11 610 11 993
Ovine 14 833 14 954 4 691 4 748 887 876 741 739
Total meat 329 988 335 048 85 614 86 609 47 810 48 597 45 846 47 061


2016 2030 Forecast 2016 2030 Forecast 2016 2030 Forecast 2016 2030 Forecast

FOOD FISH 80 031 109 391 49 244 64 572 2 945 3 953 444 495

* Only farmed fishes, not the ones captured from sea or water bodies.

4.1. Bovine Loor, & Frutos, 2012; da Silva et al., 2016; Tsiplakou et al., 2018).
However, omega 3 fatty acids and PUFA content were found to increase
Milk is the most favoured beverage in the world and it is important in goat and goats milk with microalgae feeding (Póti, Pajor, Bodnár,
to keep the nutritional composition of the milk at levels necessary for Penksza, & Köles, 2015). Readers looking for more studies on this can
human consumption. Hence, feeds that can enhance the nutritional consider Altamonte et al., that provides a detailed table on the effect of
profile of milk are necessary. Omega −3 fatty acid composition in milk microalgae feed on cow and sheep (Altomonte, Salari, Licitra, &
of Holsteins cows were found to increase without adversely affecting Martini, 2018).
the milk fat content. In another study, enhanced levels of linolenic acid
and DHA on rumen protected microalgae supplementation in the feed. 4.3. Poultry
Microalgae are lipid encapsulated to prevent dehydrogenation in the
rumen of animals (Boeckaert et al., 2008a; Stamey, Shepherd, de Veth, Poultry produces large amount of meat in terms of volume when
& Corl, 2012). Bos indicus feeding on low protein tropical grasses along compared to other meat and the second most sought-after pork. It in-
with Spirulina platensis and Chlorella pyrenoidosa showed higher mi- cludes chickens, ducks, turkeys and quail. It was earlier reported that
crobial protein and branched fatty acids in rumen of the animals (Costa, 50 billion birds are farmed every year especially for meat production
Quigley, Isherwood, McLennan, & Poppi, 2016). Supplementation of (CIWF, 2019). Protein rich microalgae can be substituted for vegetable
the rapeseed feed with microalgae in lactating cows showed enhanced proteins in feed, thus reducing the burden on agriculture for human
milk yield and plasma metabolites. The energy content in the milk, consumption. Feeding microalgae to chicken has been reported to be
protein and lactose content also witnessed higher yield with microalgae fruitful in terms of body weight, and feed efficiency since 1950s (Grau
supplemented rapeseed feed (Lamminen et al., 2017). On the contrary, & Klein, 1957). Chickens reared with algal supplements showed higher
in another study involving Holstein cows fed with microalgae supple- weight gain, feed efficiency and reduced feed intake (Ekmay, Gatrell,
mented feed showed reduced milk yield, protein, lactose and with al- Lum, Kim, & Lei, 2014). Reduced cholesterol, higher astaxanthin and
most unchanged fatty acid profile (Boeckaert et al., 2008b). There are carotenoid pigmentation in egg yolk were observed in another study
some cases where changes in neither milk yield nor milk quality are with Haematococcus pluvialis based feed. It also enhanced the anti-
reported but shown reduced feed intake. Microalgae feed supple- oxidant properties of the hen in its liver and eggs in an dose dependent
mentation to bovine may decrease the feed intake, however milk yield manner (Ginzberg et al., 2000). Nannochloropsis gaditana when fed to
or its quality is not negatively affected because of the feed efficiency chickens at 5% and 10%, increased the EPA and DHA content in egg at
(Franklin, Martin, Baer, Schingoethe, & Hippen, 2018). Wullepit et al. wash out period (42nd day) (Bruneel et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2019).
analysed the effect of microalgal feed on enhancing the antioxidant Feeding chickens with Spirulina a week before slaughtering had pre-
potentials of the cows in their periparturient period, however there was ferable muscle pigmentation (Dismukes, Carrieri, Bennette, Ananyev, &
no concrete evidence to prove their hypothesis (Wullepit et al., 2012). Posewitz, 2008). Defatted green microalgal biomass of Nannochloropsis
oceanica showed minor potentials of stimulating protein synthesis in
4.2. Ovine liver and muscles (S. K. Gatrell, Magnuson, Barcus, & Lei, 2018).

Sheep are reared for their meat and milk. They feed on pasture, hay, 4.4. Pig
chopped corn, grass or small grain silage and grains. Sheep fed on
Spirulina sp. supplementation showed increased body weight, growth Microalgae effected higher feed efficiency and lower average daily
and conformations (Holman, 2014). Extracts of Dunaliella tertiolecta feed intake (ADFI) in pigs however it showed a 7% and 13% decrease in
when given to sheep showed significant and dose dependent anti-in- body weight and overall daily weight gain at 28th day (Ekmay et al.,
flammatory properties (Caroprese, Albenzio, Ciliberti, Francavilla, & 2014). Landrace × large white pigs when given soybean/maize based
Sevi, 2012). Lactating Damascus goats when fed with algae in their diet feed supplemented with microalgal biomass showed no differences in
provided enhanced milk yield, with slightly higher energy content, the body weight, physiology or pH values in stomach. However, the
more digestible proteins, lactose with normal rumen pH (Kholif et al., pigs had higher ADG and enhanced DHA levels in loin and sub-
2017). Pregnant ewes receiving Spirulina supplementation gave birth to cutaneous meat (Sardi, Martelli, Lambertini, Parisini, & Mordenti,
4.07% heavier lambs and higher average daily gain (ADG) than the 2006). Spirulina, Desmodesmus, Nannochloropsis oceanica supplemented
control group (Shimkiene et al., 2010). Milk yield from sheep and goats fattening pigs showed no significant differences between the control
are found to be not affected positively by microalgae feed, there were pigs in growth, metabolic (liver and cardiac performance) and phy-
reports which recorded decrease in milk yield (Bichi, Hervás, Toral, siological parameters (Gatrell, Lum, Kim, & Lei, 2014; Saeid,

G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

Chojnacka, Korczyński, Korniewicz, & Dobrzański, 2013). Defatted concern with using eukaryotic microalgae for feed is its thick re-
green microalgae biomass of Nannochloropsis oceanica when fed to calcitrant cell wall with polysaccharides or cellulose (Buono et al.,
anaemic pigs elevated the blood haemoglobin, haematocrit apart from 2014). This composition of the cell wall is difficult for certain animals
other improved growth performances (Manor et al., 2017). to break down the algae and digest. Hence, feed producers have to
Microalgae feed doesn’t always have to provide enhanced yield, come up with a procedure to process the biomass so that the internal
improved meat or both. Absence of negative effects of microalgal feed components/nutrients of the algae are readily available for the animals
on animals is more than satisfactory. It will reduce the feed cost, burden to adsorb. Proteases, Carbohydrate-Active enZymes (CAZymes) are
on crops for feed and balanced diet in low quantities. However, a used as feed additives and it helped in enhancing adsorption of the

Table 4
Companies producing microalgal feed for aquatic organisms. Data retrieved from their respective webpages or associated documents.
Company and Country Product and Organisms Application Reference

Algaenergy, Spain Nannochloropsis gaditana PREMIUM Aquafeed (Algaenergy 2019a)

Isochrysis galbana
Tetraselmis suecica
Chlorella vulgaris
Algaspring, Nannostar BLUE For rotifers and Artemia in hatcheries (AlgaSpring, , 2019)
The Netherlands Nannostar GREEN
Nannostar RED
(Nannochloropsis sp.)
Aquafauna Biomarine Inc, USA AlgaMac 3050 flake (Schizochytrium) (Aquafauna, , 2018)
Red Algamac (for Rotifers)
AlgaMac ProteinPlus
AlgaMac Enrich (DHA and Astaxanthin rich)
BernAqua, Belgium Spirulina sp. For Fish and Shrimps (BernAqua, , 2019)
Thalassiosira weissflogii, Thalassiosira pseudonana and Tetraselmis
BioMar, Norway Feed with AlgaPrime DHA (Biomar, , 2019)
Blue Biotech, Germany Nannochloropsis (BlueBiotech, , 2019)
Astaxanthin for fish coloration ; Haematococcus pluvialis
Cellana Inc, USA ReNew TM (Cellana, , 2019)
Corbion, USA AlgaPrimeTM DHA (Schizochytrium sp.) Aquafeed (AlgaPrime, , 2019)
Cyanotech, USA Haematococcus pluvialis spent biomass after astaxanthin extraction Feed (Cyanotech, , 2019)
Fitoplancton Marino, Spain easy algae® (Fitoplancton, , 2018)
Heliae, USA Nymega Aquafeed (Aquafeed, , 2017)
Innovative aquaculture, Canada IAP Algae Paste (InnovativeAlgae, , 2019)
• Tahitian isochrysis
• Isochrysis galbana,
• Pavlova lutheri

June Spirulina, Myanmar

• Nannochloropsis oculata
Spirulina sp. (June, , 2018)
Mera Pharmaceuticals, USA AquaXan® Astaxanthin for Shrimp and Salmon (NELHA 2018)
Ocean Nutrition, USA Spirulina flakes (OceanNutrition, , 2018)
Optimal Aquafeed Feed with algae (OptimalAquafeed, , 2019)
Pacific Bio, Australia ReefAsta™ H. pluvialis (biomass with astaxanthin) (PacificBio, , 2018)
Pacific Co Ltd, Japan Fresh Chlorella V12 (Rotifers) (PacificTrading 2018)
Super Fresh Chlorella V12 (DHA enriched for Rotifers)
Super Capsule A1 Powder (For Artemia and Rotifers)
Chilean Astaxanthin (Haematococcus pluvialis)
Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems, Florida USA. Hikari® Algae Wafers Aqua feed (Pentair, , 2018)
Spirulina Flake
Phyto Feast® Fish Food (Pavlova, Isochrysis, Thalassiosira,
Tetraselmis and Nannochloropsis)
Phycotransgenics, USA Vaccines for fishes Current status of the company
couldn’t be traced.
Phytobloom, Portugal Nannochloropsis (Phytobloom, , 2019)
Tetraselmis [Pulz]
Pond Technologies Aquafeed (Spirulina sp, and Chlorella sp.) (Pondtech 2019)
Reed Mariculture, USA Instant algae (Mariculture, 2019)
• Nannochloropsis
• Tetraselmis
• Isochrysis
• Pavlova
• Thalassiosira weissflogii

Skretting, Norway
• Thalassiosira pseudonana
ORI N3 (for Artemia) (Skretting, , 2019)
NEPTUNE (for Green water culture)
CLEAN Start (for fish larvae)
TaiwanChlorella, Taiwan Chlorella sp. Biomass
Tomalgae, Belgium Thalapure TM (for Shrimp, Oysters, Artemia, Rotifers) and Frozen and live aqua feed (TomAlgae, , 2019)
Veramaris, The Netherlands Aqua feed rich in DHA and EPA (Veramaris, , 2019b)

G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

nutrients and its digestion (Ekmay et al., 2014; Madeira et al., 2017). companies involved in microalgal aqua and animal feed production.
Cyanobacterial biomass (eg. Spirulina) is easy to digest as its cell wall Information on some of the companies which were mentioned in some
lacks polysaccharides that makes it easy for degradation and presents reviews 5 years back (Betadene, Western Biotechnology, Aqua carotene,
much more nitrogen before being absorbed (DM & LV, 1983; Richmond Phycotransgenics, GNE India, Prime Inc.,) were not available on the
& Preiss, 1980). web and hence not listed. It could be because the companies are closed
or that they do not maintain a website.
In a survey by Enzing et al., carried out in the year 2014, many
5. Market of microalgal feed companies responded on developing microalgae-based feed products.
Seven companies commercialized animal feed, 10 companies are in
Market value of livestock meat for the year 2018 is around USD early/advanced development of aquaculture feed and company re-
1000 billion while that of aquaculture or the farmed fishing in 2016 sponded that they are developing an alga based oil for feed. However, it
was estimated to be USD 232 billion (FAO, 2018b, 2019). As of 2017, is not known what were those companies and five years down the line it
commercial worldwide production of feed (inclusive of animal and is difficult to discover their status.
aqua feed) generates an annual turnover of over USD 400 billion (FAO, DSM (Netherlands) and Evonik Industries (Germany) launched a
2017). Search for an alternate feed types to fish oil in aquafeed and to joint venture Veramis in 2018 to produce omega-3 rich oils for aqua-
agro food products in animal feed resulted in algal feed market. There culture using an algal-based heterotrophic fermentation process
are two important reasons that hastened the rise and expansion of algal (Veramaris, 2019a). AlgaPrime, a product from Corbion (Netherlands)
food and feed industry. First, fast depleting fossil fuel reserves and in- claims that one metric ton of their trademarked DHA is equivalent to
creasing crude oil prices stimulated the boom in algal companies that saving 40 metric tonnes of forage fishes (AlgaPrime, , 2019). Moreover,
aimed to produce biocrude/biodiesel from algae. However, the tech- the remaining biomass after the DHA extraction could be used in feed
nology available at present and the achievable productivity is still not production. The specific properties of such omega 3 fatty acid rich oils
feasible for a commercially viable biofuel. This forced many companies can create or improve the market of other products. For example,
to shut down. While others to keep their footprint in the market until chickens fed with microalgal oil rich in DHA and EPA will lay eggs with
the technology or the economy is viable for algal fuel, shifted their enhanced fatty acids that could yield better price in the market. Now,
focus to food and feed products from algae. Secondly, consumers there are so many players in the algal feed market that simple web
nowadays are classifying foods with their merits and demerits. Their search returns so many companies with their products. The potentials of
awareness on how the food is cultivated processed and its nutritional algae are so enormous that there are many cottage industries/ or small
information has increased. Such consumers are on the rise and it opens companies that operate to reap benefits from the blooming algae
up a new door in food industry to provide a healthy supplement or food. market. However, there are still some concerns need to be addressed.
It not only applies to algal food supplement but also to algal feed. The
healthier and nutritious the feed is, the nourishing the farmed animal
will be. Hence, the market is expanding for algal food and feed. Earth is 6. Challenges ahead and recommendations
also in need of an alternative food source to feed the ever-increasing
human and other farmed animal populations. Microalgae production has improved significantly in the recent
Even though most of the microalgal companies are focussing on years; however, it is still not meeting the desired biomass productivity
human food supplement, a handful of them also produce biomass or to reap huge commercial benefits. Microalgal feed has to be of nominal
other algal products for animal or fish feed. They produce whole bio- price in order to be used along with/ or in place of regular feed to be
mass, defatted biomass, omega-3-fatty acids, algal oils and pigments successful. Higher biomass productivity brings down the cost of pro-
like carotenoids specific for feed applications. The microalgae compa- duction and hence most of the research and development is on en-
nies deliver live algae, powdered algae, pigments from algae in a fixed hancing the productivity of the algal strains. New cultivation systems,
concentration for feed purposes. Companies like Blue Biotech, Algatech, aeration and agitation strategies, lighting provisions, medium en-
Algafeed, Reed Mariculture, Mera Pharmaceuticals are some of the gineering are some of the few measures attempted to achieve better
most important algae feed companies. Tables 4 and 5 lists a handful of productivity. Optimization might be necessary for every strain, every

Table 5
Companies producing microalgal feed for animals. Data retrieved from their respective webpages or associated documents.
Company, Country Organisms/Products Purpose/application References

Algae to Omega, USA Spent algae after astaxanthin Animal feed (Algaetoomega, , 2019)
Algaenergy, Spain Chlorella vulgaris Feed (Algaenergy 2019b)
Spirulina platensis
AlgaeTech, Malaysia Haematococcus Astaxanthin for pets (AlgaeTech, , 2019)
AlgalR, India Omega 3–226 Poultry specific (AlgalR, , 2019)
Omega 3-Pro
Algea, Norway Ascophyllum nodosum (Algea, , 2018)
Alltech, USA All-G Rich® (Alltech, , 2019)
Astareal, Sweden Haematococcus pluvialis Astaxanthin for animals (Astareal, , 2019)
BioprocessAlgae, USA Animal feed (BioprocessAlgae, , 2019)
Cellana Inc, USA Staurosira sp. Defatted algal biomass as animal feed- In advance (Austic, Mustafa, Jung, Gatrell, & Lei, 2013)
Corbion, USA AlgaPrimeTM DHA (Schizochytrium sp.) (AlgaPrime, , 2019)
MiAlgae, United Kingdom Animal feed In advance development and proposed commercialization in (Climate-KIC, , 2018)
five years
Monzon Biotech, Spain Dunaliella salina (Monzon, , 2019)
Nannochloropsis sp.
Muradel, Australia Animal feed (Muradel, , 2019)
TransAlgae, Israel Animal feed (TransAlgae, , 2019)
Zivo Biosciences, USA Animal feed In advance development and commercialization (Zivo, , 2019)

G. Dineshbabu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 62 (2019) 103545

place and water utilized. However, according to Beal et al., even the Acknowledgement
promising strategies yield lower selling price that were higher than the
market prices of the petroleum and/or animal feeds (Beal et al., 2015). GD wish to express his gratitude to Science and Engineering
Another challenge associated with feed production especially with Research Board, Department of Science and Technology, Government
aquafeed is biomass processing and preservation after harvesting. of India, for funding his research through National Postdoctoral fel-
Aquaculture demands and prefers live biomass than dried algal powder. lowship (PDF/2017/000897).
Harvested algae have to be concentrated and stored in freezers or cold
rooms, thus considerably increasing the cost of the production. Storage References
of biomass for longer duration may also cause changes in its nutritional
constitution. Hence, it is advised that the biomass is instantly dis- Adarme-Vega, T. C., Lim, D. K. Y., Timmins, M., Vernen, F., Li, Y., & Schenk, P. M. (2012).
charged for delivery to the concerned aquaculture farms for immediate Microalgal biofactories: A promising approach towards sustainable omega-3 fatty
acid production. Microbial Cell Factories. 11(1),
use. 11-96.
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recommended the following, revision. World Agriculture. Retrieved from
Algaefactory. (2019). Spirulina Products | The Algae Factory. Retrieved March 6, 2019,
1. Production of secondary products along with the targeted product Algaenergy. (2019.-a). Aquaculture – AlgaePiscis® | Algaenergy. Retrieved April 22,
2. Utilization of wastewater and flue gas instead of medium and CO2 2019, from
gas for growth of the algae. However, it should be taken care that
Algaenergy. (2019.-b). Human & Animal Nutrition- AlgaeFood® | Algaenergy. Retrieved
there are no harmful substances in the biomass accumulated from April 22, 2019, from
the wastewater or flue gas. nutrition-algaefood/.
AlgaeTech (2019). Upcoming Products. Retrieved April 22, 2019, from https://algaetech.
3. Enhancing biomass productivity through optimization of nutrients
and culture conditions. Algaetoomega (2019). Animal Feed | Algae to Omega. Retrieved April 25, 2019, from
4. The larger the cultivated area the lesser the cost of production of
algal biomass. AlgalR (2019). Algal DHA Animal Feed | Welcome to AlgalR. Retrieved April 29, 2019,
AlgaPrime (2019). AlgaPrime DHA. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from http://algaprime.
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AlgaSpring (2019). NannoStar: Micro-algae rotifer and Artemia diets - AlgaSpring.
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Increased demand for fish and livestock meat equates to higher Algea (2018). Algea - AlgeaFeed seaweed meals contain such nourishment in this natural,
necessity for feed as well. Moreover, consumers now are looking for balanced and top quality recipe. Retrieved April 25, 2019, from https://www.algea.
food that is not just tastier but also nutritious/healthier and hence it is com/index.php/cattle-wellbeing.
Alltech (2019). All-G Rich | Alltech. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from https://www.alltech.
imperative of the food industries to provide fishes and meat with en- com/all-g-rich.
hanced nutrition. Microalgae as feed and feed supplement can sig- Altomonte, I., Salari, F., Licitra, R., & Martini, M. (2018). Use of microalgae in ruminant
nificantly offer the desired nutritional enhancements. Consumption of nutrition and implications on milk quality – A review. Livestock Science, 214, 25–35.
microalgae fed animal meat will provide above said nutrients, anti- Ambati, R., Phang, S.-M., Ravi, S., Aswathanarayana, R., Ambati, R. R., Phang, S.-M., ...
oxidants, disease resisting agents and other minerals to humans. These Aswathanarayana, R. G. (2014). Astaxanthin: Sources, extraction, stability, biological
mighty microbes are strongly established for its importance as a future activities and its commercial applications—A review. Marine Drugs, 12(1), 128–152.
food and/or feed and there is no questioning its significance. With
Ao, T., Macalintal, L. M., Paul, M. A., Pescatore, A. J., Cantor, A. H., Ford, M. J., ...
foolproof technology and improvements in cultivation and harvesting, Dawson, K. A. (2015). Effects of supplementing microalgae in laying hen diets on
microalgae and its related products will be economically viable, prof- productive performance, fatty-acid profile, and oxidative stability of eggs. The Journal
itable and globally available. A larger algal production facility with of Applied Poultry Research, 24(3), 394–400.
Aquafauna (2018). Algae Diets/Feeds. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from http://www.
nearby provisions for wastewater and/or flue gas, provided that there
are no harmful agents passed through to the algal biomass, will yield Aquafeed (2017). Heliae and Syndel announce partnership to produce NymegaTM DHA
biomass at a reasonable and a profitable cost. The microalgal species Aquaculture Feed Ingredient. Retrieved April 22, 2019, from http://www.aquafeed.
used for feed production may vary according to the target animal and partnership-to-produce-Nymega-DHA-Aquaculture-Feed-Ingredient/.
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