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Journal Entry Week #10

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Total Hours

Monday July 11, 7:30 11:10-11:20 4:30 7.83

Tuesday July 12, 7:30am 12:00 pm- 12:10 4:30 pm 7.83

2022 pm

Wednesday July 7:00am 11:50 pm – 4:40pm 9.5

13, 2022 12:00 pm

Thursday July 6:50am 11:55pm – 12:10 5:00pm 10.08

14, 2022 pm

Friday July 15, 6:50am No lunch 2:00 pm 7.17


Total Hours 42.41


Total Hours to 383.72


About my Week
This week was very busy at my internship site. We had a lot of people on vacation. One

of our PA’s was gone, one of the MA’s was gone, and 2 of the nurses were gone. Because of

this, everything was a little chaotic and busy.

I worked in Locust Grove on Monday and Tuesday this week. We had two surgery cases each

day that I circulated and helped prep with. In addition to the procedures, I had two new patient

visits in the afternoon both days as well. I also started doing some of the things I will be

responsible for in the weeks to come. I have learned how to run indicators in our sterilization

machines, keep logs for some of our equipment, and handle inventory. This upcoming week I

will do inventory counts to make sure what we have in our system is what we will have in stock.
On Wednesday, I was back in Macon for the rest of the week. We had one day of only

two procedures in Macon and so one of the other MA’s and I helped out on the nurse visit hall

with anything they needed since they were short two team members. This was interesting

because I got to see what kind of visits they do over there and got to pop into some post-op


I also worked on my presentation a lot this week. I have made my PowerPoint slides and

created an outline for the presentation. I have also practiced the presentation a a couple of

times but am still working on how to improve it or what else I might should add.

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