The Most Respectful Justice

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The most respectful justice

The excellencies to the committee

Dear all participants in this speech contest competition

And my lovely audience

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for the committee and justice who
have given me the opportunity to deliver this English speech in front of you all today on the
theme My Dream and Passion To Create Better World. On this occasion, I desire to preach on
the title

The power of me to prevent free sex for better world.

Ladies and gentlemen

After hearing the title above, there are three great questions that make us embittered.
What are they? Do you know ladies and gentlemen ?

Well, the three of great questions will be explained in my speech namely :

1. Why do the free sex for teenagers happen ?

2. What are the effects of free sex for teenagers ?
3. What is my power and strengthen to prevent this problem for better world ?

Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone my name is Putri Az-zahra, well Talking about my dream and
passion, as a worker on health and medical concentration, I’d love to see my daughter, my
brother, siblings, the children in the road healthy and playing happy. But in other side I am so
sad to see some of child and teenager doing bad things that make them got a sick. I have a
dream to make the world be better by saving children and teenagers from bad habituation : of
course from free sex. to prevent free sex for teenagers is relate with my dream and passion.
Why I concern it ? Because health teenagers can be the world leader in the future, if the
teenager is health they can create the world to be better. Another side, if the teenager is sick,
the world will lose their future leader. As we know that now, we are being in free trade era
where the free sex more increase than before eventhought the government of all over the
world e.g. United State of America, Japan, and Indonesia itself had tried to prevent the free

Based on the data of UNICEF 2013 about 200.000 teenagers are trafficked annualy for free
sex in Indonesia and abroad. 30% of teenager in Indonesia for joining the free sex and
40.000-70.000 are victims of free sex.
The NGO (Non Government Organization) reported that, 3.000 women per year were
trafficked from East Java to Surabaya and most of them are teenagers. Oh My God ! Ho pity
the teenagers are.

Why does it happen ladies and gentlemen? Well, let me analyze the 1st great question ; the
caused of ths case are :

1. Individual Factor
If we have low education (religion education) and economic in all aspects of life,
automatically the crime and the negative influence from the environment ill happen
2. Family Factor
Family factors have an influence on offending include the level of parental
supervision, the way parents discipline a child. Parental conflict and the quality of the
parent and child relationship. Many parents work hard and don’t care about their son.
So, teenagers misconception about parents.
3. Environment Factor
If our environment free from free sex, it means that the teenagers will far from this
case. But if our environment be broke, automatically free sex for teenagers act
violently and abritrarily. Teenages who don’t have a good behaviour can easily access
bad infomation and culture that not suitable with our religion even they do the free

Ladies and gentlemen

We come to the 2nd great question ; what are the effects of free sex for teenagers?

1. Increase pregnancy and miscarriage in teenagers

When the teenagers do the free sex, they are possibility pregnancy. Many teenagers
not responsibility when pregnant after make a free sex. The girls teenagers fell shy to
take a risk son enlarge and the solution to close their shyness is take miscarriage. It
can be effect for their health and risk dead.
2. Risk mental and psychological
When the teenagers make a free sex, it means that they are in a big problem. They feel
depression and disappointed with their life and they take wrong solution, for
example : distraught and suicide.
3. Increasing many diseases
It cannot be denied that, doing free sex make a sexuality transmitted diseases. The
example of the diseases are : HIV/AIDS, bacterial vaginosis, herpes, etc.

Ladies and gentlemen

Let’s move the last (3rd) great question ; what is my power and strengthen to prevent
this problem for the better world ?
Berbicara tentang mimpi dan keahlian saya dalam mengatasi free sex for teenagers
begitu berkaitan satu sama lain. Saya memiliki mimpi untuk menjadikan dunia lebih baik lagi
dengan menjaga anak-anak dan remaja dari perbuatan free sex yang bisa membahayakan bagi
diri mereka sendiri sehingga remaja yang seharusnya bisa memajukan bangsa justru ikut
memalukan bangsanya sendiri. Remaja yang sehat menciptakan dunia lebih baik karena
remaja yang sehat adalah calon pemimpin dunia di masa depan.

Saya merupakan seorang dokter muda dari Indonesia yang punya semangat dan
mimpi dalam memajukan dunia yang dapat saya mulai dari Indonesia negara saya sendiri
hingga bisa berpengaruh dan di jadikan contoh oleh dunia. Saya sangat peduli dengan
kesehatan anak-anak dan remaja, dengan ilmu dan profesi yang saya miliki saya akan
melangkah perlahan untuk bisa andil dan berwenang dalam mengatasi free sex untuk remaja.
Setelah menjadi seorang medical doctor saya ingin bergabung ke dalam organisasi kesehatan
dunia dan ingin menjadi master kesehatan masyarakat di bidang kesehatan reproduksi remaja,
dengan begitu saya akan melangkah lebih maju kedepan untuk memberikan pedoman dan
protokol untuk kesehatan reproduksi remaja utamanya dalam mengatasi free sex untuk

Because free sex for teenagers is a greatest problem not only for Indonesia but also
for all over the world. So, it needs quickly to solve. There are several ways from me but I
need help and support by the government and all the societies as follows :

1. Membentuk wadah organisasi berisi praktisi kesehatan dan praktisi agama serta
memberi kesempatan bagi remaja sebaya yang sehat dan berprestasi untuk menjadi
volunter yang siap diberikan pelatihan khusus untuk melakukan sosialisasi kepada
para remaja dan masyarakat to increasing awareness and the quality of religion
education by giving spiritual lesson and sex education to the teenagers and societies
who practice free sex.
2. Pelatihan khusus untuk orang tua atau calon orang tua secara berkala. Dalam hal ini
saya sebagai praktisi kesehatan kelak nantinya mengumpulkan sejumlah praktisi
kesehatan yang ahli dibidang reproduksi remaja untuk membantu orang tua dengan
memberikan pelatihan parenting. Dengan begitu orang tua akan lebih terbantu dalam
mengontrol anak-anak mereka. In this case, control from the parents is very
important. Parents need to instill discipline and religious values in educating their
children, and how to limits interaction between males and females then monitoring of
parents for the children outside home.
3. Melegalkan penjualan kondom. Tak bisa dipungkiri di beberapa negara didunia sex
bebas adalah hal yang lazim di Negara mereka untuk itu saya sarankan pemerintah
menyediakan kondom untuk dijual bebas dan bisa digunakan bagi yang ingin
menggunakannya sehingga bisa menurunkan prevalensi IMS.

Ladies and gentlemen

Before ending this speech, let me stress the essential points of my speech. Free sex for
teenagers is a crucial thing for all over the world. That’s why, we have to prevent it by
involving whole the societies. So, let’s build our commitment to prevent free sex for our
teenagers and nation. Don’t forget, save our teenagers, nation, world, and then we will find
peace and prosperous environment to create better world.

That’s all my speech today, thank you for your attention.

Wasslamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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